Exemplo n.º 1
  def getTestResult( self, elementName, vo, jobID, submissionTime ):
      download output sandbox and judge the test status from the log file.

    isFinish = False

    res = self.__getJobOutput( jobID, vo )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      return res
    output = res[ 'Value' ]
    status = res[ 'Status' ]

    resDict = { 'CompletionTime' : None, 'Status' : None, 'Log' : None, 'ApplicationTime' : None }
    utcNow = datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    if output:
      isFinish = True
      resDict[ 'CompletionTime' ] = utcNow
      log = output[ 'Log' ]
      if not output[ 'Download' ]:
        resDict[ 'Status' ] = 'Unknown'
        resDict[ 'Log' ] = 'Fail to download log file for job %s: %s' % ( jobID, log )
        resDict[ 'Log' ] = log
        resDict[ 'Status' ] = self._judge( log )
        resDict[ 'AppliactionTime' ] = self.__getAppRunningTime( log )

      if utcNow - submissionTime >= timedelta( seconds = self.timeout ):
        isFinish = True
        if elementName.split( '.' )[ 0 ] == 'CLOUD':
          site = elementName
          site = BESUtils.getSiteForCE( elementName )
        jobCount = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteSummaryWeb( { 'Site' : site }, [], 0, 0 )
        if not jobCount[ 'OK' ]:
          return jobCount
        params = jobCount[ 'Value' ][ 'ParameterNames' ]
        records = jobCount[ 'Value' ][ 'Records' ][ 0 ]
        run = records[ params.index( 'Running' ) ]
        done = records[ params.index( 'Done' ) ]
        if status == 'Waiting' and run == 0 and done == 0:
          resDict[ 'Status' ] = 'Bad'
          resDict[ 'Log' ] = 'The test job is waiting for %d seconds, but no running and done jobs at this site.' % self.timeout
          if run != 0:
            resDict[ 'Status' ] = 'Busy'
            resDict[ 'Log' ] = 'Site %s is too busy to execute this test job, job status is %s' % ( site, status )
            resDict[ 'Status' ] = 'Unknown'
            resDict[ 'Log' ] = 'Test did not complete within the timeout of %d seconds, job status is %s' % ( self.timeout, status )
        self.dirac.kill( jobID )

    if not isFinish:
      return S_OK()
      return S_OK( resDict )