def OnInit(self): self.SettingsFile = "props.pickle" self.Properties = PropertySet() self.Name = "app choices" self.leftUp = True self.rightUp = False self.Properties.append( ChoiceProperty("left tube up", self.SetLeftTube, self.GetLeftTube)) self.Properties.append( ChoiceProperty("right tube up", self.SetRightTube, self.GetRightTube)) 'Create the main window and insert the custom frame' domain = [-0, 10, .1] backdrop = Backdrop(((0, cmath.asinh(-10).real, 0), (10, 4, 10))) self.twist = ParametricSurface(domain, LeftUp, RightDown) if self.leftUp: upTube = LineTube(LeftUp, domain) else: upTube = LineTube(LeftDown, domain) if self.rightUp: downTube = LineTube(RightUp, domain) else: downTube = LineTube(RightDown, domain) self.twist.Name = "twist surface" upTube.Name = "left tube" downTube.Name = "right tube" backdrop.Name = "backdrop" self.pipelines = [self.twist, upTube, downTube, backdrop, self] window = VTKFrame() appMenu = AppMenu(window, self, self.pipelines) window.AddActor(self.twist.GetActor()) window.AddActor(upTube.GetActor()) window.AddActor(downTube.GetActor()) backActors = backdrop.GetActor() self.window = window window.AddActor(backActors[0]) window.AddActor(backActors[1]) self.LoadProperties() #frame.Show(True) return True
def OnInit(self): 'Create the main window and insert the custom frame' domain = [-5, 5, .1] backdrop = Backdrop(((-6, -4, -2), (6, 4, 2))) self.twist = ParametricSurface(domain, ParametricUp, ParametricDown) upTube = LineTube(ParametricUp, domain) downTube = LineTube(ParametricDown, domain) self.twist.Name = "twist surface" upTube.Name = "up tube" downTube.Name = "down tube" self.pipelines = [self.twist, upTube, downTube] self.LoadProperties() window = VTKFrame() appMenu = AppMenu(window, self, self.pipelines) window.AddActor(self.twist.GetActor()) window.AddActor(upTube.GetActor()) window.AddActor(downTube.GetActor()) backActors = backdrop.GetActor() self.window = window #window.AddActor(backActors[0]) #window.AddActor(backActors[1]) #frame.Show(True) return True
from DisplayWindow import DisplayWindow from Backdrop import Backdrop from ParametricSurface import ParametricSurface from LineTube import LineTube def ParametricUp(t): return [t, cmath.asinh(t).real, 2] def ParametricDown(t): return [t, cmath.asinh(-t).real, -2] # HERE is MAIN() if __name__ == "__main__": domain = [-5, 5, .1] backdrop = Backdrop(((-6, -4, -2), (6, 4, 2))) twist = ParametricSurface(domain, ParametricUp, ParametricDown) upTube = LineTube(ParametricUp, domain) downTube = LineTube(ParametricDown, domain) window = DisplayWindow() window.AddActor(twist.GetActor()) window.AddActor(upTube.GetActor()) window.AddActor(downTube.GetActor()) backActors = backdrop.GetActor() #window.AddActor(backActors[0]) #window.AddActor(backActors[1]) window.Start()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.phase = START self.current_index = 0 self.timer = 0 self.time_limit = 40 self.color_index = 0 self.total_colors = 4 self.total_score = 0 self.color_list = [] self.get_color_list(self.total_colors) self.difficulty = None self.play_time_limit = 4 * FPS self.play_timer = self.play_time_limit self.red_box = ColorBox(RED) self.yellow_box = ColorBox(YELLOW) self.blue_box = ColorBox(BLUE) self.green_box = ColorBox(GREEN) self.easy_level = Button(EASY_BUTTON) self.easy_level.set_pos(350, 250) self.hard_level = Button(HARD_BUTTON) self.hard_level.set_pos(350, 325) self.back_button = Button(BACK_BUTTON) self.back_button.set_pos(10, 10) self.quit_button = Button(QUIT_BUTTON) self.quit_button.set_pos(10, 10) self.replay_button = Button(REPLAY_BUTTON) self.replay_button.set_pos(340, 350) self.rules_button = Button(RULES_BUTTON) self.rules_button.set_pos(340, 400) self.failed_buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() self.failed_buttons.add(self.replay_button) self.start_buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() self.start_buttons.add(self.easy_level) self.start_buttons.add(self.hard_level) self.start_buttons.add(self.rules_button) self.rules_buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() self.rules_buttons.add(self.back_button) self.game_buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() self.game_buttons.add(self.quit_button) self.font_name = pygame.font.match_font('arial') self.total_score_font = pygame.font.Font(self.font_name, 72) self.other_font = pygame.font.Font(self.font_name, 30) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.running = True self.displaying_color = True self.backdrop1 = Backdrop("start_game") self.backdrop2 = Backdrop("rules") self.backdrop3 = Backdrop("game_page") self.backdrop4 = Backdrop("failed_page") self.failed_backdrop = pygame.sprite.Group() self.failed_backdrop.add(self.backdrop4) self.game_backdrop = pygame.sprite.Group() self.game_backdrop.add(self.backdrop3) self.rules_backdrop = pygame.sprite.Group() self.rules_backdrop.add(self.backdrop2) self.start_backdrop = pygame.sprite.Group() self.start_backdrop.add(self.backdrop1) self.boxes = pygame.sprite.Group() self.boxes.add(self.green_box) self.boxes.add(self.yellow_box) self.boxes.add(self.blue_box) self.boxes.add(self.red_box)
def __init__(self): # self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT),FULLSCREEN) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), DOUBLEBUF) self.width = SCREEN_WIDTH self.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT self.dimensions = (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.playing = True self.paused = True = GameAudio() self.total_game_time = 0 self.pointFont = pygame.font.Font(POINT_FONT, 96) self.game_objects = [] self.level = 1 self.score = 0 self.needs_sorting = True self.cursor_image = pygame.image.load(CURSOR_SPRITE).convert_alpha() self.cursor_dimensions = (50, 50) self.cursor_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.cursor_image, self.cursor_dimensions) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # Camera self.world_x = 0 self.world_y = 0 # Background self.backdrop = Backdrop(self) # Particle system self.particle_system = ParticleSystem(self) # Player self.player = None # gotta pass it a reference to the Game class self.player_gender = 1 self.bear = None # self.game_objects.append(self.player) self.weapon = Weapon(self) # Level self.level_generator = LevelGenerator(self) self.bomb_generator = BombGenerator(self) floating_text = FloatingText.New(self, (255, 255, 255), "Use WASD or Arrow keys", SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.6, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.2, line2="to run around", life=6) # floating_text = FloatingText.FloatingText(self) floating_text.x = -20 floating_text.y = -200 self.AddObject(floating_text) for i in range(15): tree = Tree(self) tree.x = SCREEN_WIDTH * random.random() tree.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * random.random() self.game_objects.append(tree) # Enemies self.enemy_generator = EnemyGenerator(self) # Coin Generator self.coin_generator = CoinGenerator(self) self.again_button_style = ButtonStyle('sprites/blue_button00.png', (100, 100, 100), 'sprites/blue_button01.png', (150, 150, 150), POINT_FONT, vert_align=ALIGN_CENTER, hor_align=ALIGN_CENTER, border_perc=0.25, font_up_color=WHITE, font_down_color=BLACK, font_disabled_color=DARK_GREY) self.again_button = Button(self.screen, 'again', self.width * 0.7, self.height * 0.7, self.width * 0.2, self.height * 0.15, self.again_button_style) self.title_image = pygame.image.load(TITLE_SPRITE).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_image.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.9) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_image = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_image, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) self.boy_button = Button(self.screen, '', self.width * 0.05, self.height * 0.25, self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.7, self.again_button_style) self.girl_button = Button(self.screen, '', self.width * 0.5 + self.width * 0.05, self.height * 0.25, self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.7, self.again_button_style) self.title_cowboy = pygame.image.load(TITLE_COWBOY).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_cowboy.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.3) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_cowboy = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_cowboy, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) self.title_cowgirl = pygame.image.load(TITLE_COWGIRL).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_cowgirl.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.3) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_cowgirl = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_cowgirl, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) # Running measurements self.last_time = time.time() self.delta_time = 0 self.mouse_x = 0 self.mouse_y = 0 self.score = 0 # layers for collision detection self.collision_layers = {}
class Game(object): def __init__(self): # self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT),FULLSCREEN) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), DOUBLEBUF) self.width = SCREEN_WIDTH self.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT self.dimensions = (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.playing = True self.paused = True = GameAudio() self.total_game_time = 0 self.pointFont = pygame.font.Font(POINT_FONT, 96) self.game_objects = [] self.level = 1 self.score = 0 self.needs_sorting = True self.cursor_image = pygame.image.load(CURSOR_SPRITE).convert_alpha() self.cursor_dimensions = (50, 50) self.cursor_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.cursor_image, self.cursor_dimensions) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # Camera self.world_x = 0 self.world_y = 0 # Background self.backdrop = Backdrop(self) # Particle system self.particle_system = ParticleSystem(self) # Player self.player = None # gotta pass it a reference to the Game class self.player_gender = 1 self.bear = None # self.game_objects.append(self.player) self.weapon = Weapon(self) # Level self.level_generator = LevelGenerator(self) self.bomb_generator = BombGenerator(self) floating_text = FloatingText.New(self, (255, 255, 255), "Use WASD or Arrow keys", SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.6, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.2, line2="to run around", life=6) # floating_text = FloatingText.FloatingText(self) floating_text.x = -20 floating_text.y = -200 self.AddObject(floating_text) for i in range(15): tree = Tree(self) tree.x = SCREEN_WIDTH * random.random() tree.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * random.random() self.game_objects.append(tree) # Enemies self.enemy_generator = EnemyGenerator(self) # Coin Generator self.coin_generator = CoinGenerator(self) self.again_button_style = ButtonStyle('sprites/blue_button00.png', (100, 100, 100), 'sprites/blue_button01.png', (150, 150, 150), POINT_FONT, vert_align=ALIGN_CENTER, hor_align=ALIGN_CENTER, border_perc=0.25, font_up_color=WHITE, font_down_color=BLACK, font_disabled_color=DARK_GREY) self.again_button = Button(self.screen, 'again', self.width * 0.7, self.height * 0.7, self.width * 0.2, self.height * 0.15, self.again_button_style) self.title_image = pygame.image.load(TITLE_SPRITE).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_image.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.9) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_image = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_image, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) self.boy_button = Button(self.screen, '', self.width * 0.05, self.height * 0.25, self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.7, self.again_button_style) self.girl_button = Button(self.screen, '', self.width * 0.5 + self.width * 0.05, self.height * 0.25, self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.7, self.again_button_style) self.title_cowboy = pygame.image.load(TITLE_COWBOY).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_cowboy.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.3) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_cowboy = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_cowboy, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) self.title_cowgirl = pygame.image.load(TITLE_COWGIRL).convert_alpha() tit_width, tit_height = self.title_cowgirl.get_size() new_tit_width = int(self.width * 0.3) new_tit_height = int(new_tit_width * (tit_height / tit_width)) self.title_cowgirl = pygame.transform.scale( self.title_cowgirl, (new_tit_width, new_tit_height)) # Running measurements self.last_time = time.time() self.delta_time = 0 self.mouse_x = 0 self.mouse_y = 0 self.score = 0 # layers for collision detection self.collision_layers = {} def StartNewGame(self): if self.bear is not None: self.ExplodeObject(self.bear) self.DestroyObject(self.bear) self.bear = None self.total_game_time = 0 self.playing = True self.score = 0 self.level = 1 self.CreatePlayer() self.enemy_generator.Reset() self.coin_generator.Reset() self.weapon.Reset() self.bomb_generator.Reset() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) def CreatePlayer(self): if self.player is not None and not self.player.dead: self.DestroyObject(self.player) self.player = Player.Player(self, self.player_gender) self.AddObject(self.player) # self.player.x = 0 # self.player.y = 0 self.player.x = -(self.world_x - SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.5) self.player.y = -(self.world_y - SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.5) def AddObject(self, game_object): self.game_objects.append(game_object) self.needs_sorting = True def DestroyObject(self, game_object): game_object.dead = True try: self.game_objects.remove(game_object) except ValueError: print(self.__class__.__name__, 'was trying to destroy itself but failed') self.needs_sorting = True def DisplayPoints(self): pointText = pointFont.render('$' + str(self.score), True, POINTS_COLOR, None) TX, TY = pointText.get_size() textWidth = int(POINTS_HEIGHT * (TX / TY)) pointText = pygame.transform.scale(pointText, (textWidth, POINTS_HEIGHT)) x = int(SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.95 - textWidth) y = int(SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.97 - POINTS_HEIGHT) self.screen.blit(pointText, (x, y)) def AddPoints(self, value): self.score += value if self.score >= self.weapon.next_upgrade: self.weapon.UpgradeWeapon() def ExplodeObject(self, game_object): if game_object.IsEnemy(): self.particle_system.EnemyExplode(game_object.x, game_object.y, game_object.radius) elif game_object.IsBomb(): self.particle_system.BombExplode(game_object.x, game_object.y) else: self.particle_system.TreeExplode(game_object) def NextLevel(self): self.level += 1 self.bomb_generator.Reset() def Play(self): while self.playing: # lets keep track of how much time has passed between the last frame and this one current_time = time.time() self.delta_time = current_time - self.last_time #should be in seconds # if are game is running faster than our target FPS then pause for a tick if self.delta_time < 1 / TARGET_FPS: continue self.total_game_time += self.delta_time ######### # Handle events for event in pygame.event.get(): # if the app is quit then break and close if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.playing = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() # if the player is holding the left mouse button then fire some bullets if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button is 1: if self.player is not None and not self.player.dead: self.weapon.firing = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button is 1: self.weapon.firing = False if event.type == pygame.ACTIVEEVENT: print('Active event', event.state, event.gain) if event.state == 6 or event.state == 2: self.paused = True if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if not self.paused: self.paused = True elif self.player is not None: self.paused = False # pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() # if pressed[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: # if not self.paused: # self.paused = True # elif self.player is not None: # self.paused = False # # self.playing = False # # pygame.quit() # # sys.exit() # store the mouse pos for easy getting self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if not self.paused: if self.player is not None and not self.player.dead: if self.mouse_x < 30: self.mouse_x = 30 if self.mouse_x > SCREEN_WIDTH - 30: self.mouse_x = SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 if self.mouse_y < 30: self.mouse_y = 30 if self.mouse_y > SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30: self.mouse_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30 pygame.mouse.set_pos(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) # if pygame.mouse.get_focused() == 0: # print( 'Mouse left the screen' ) # Check for key presses and update the player's velocity ########### # Update game objects # update the weapon (fire bullets) self.weapon.Update() # update the level self.level_generator.Update() # spawn more enemies sometimes self.enemy_generator.Update() self.coin_generator.Update() self.bomb_generator.Update() # self.bomb_generator.Update() # clear the collision layers # (we really only need to do this if objects have been added or removed since the last time) if self.needs_sorting: for flag in GameObject.COL_FLAGS: self.collision_layers[flag] = [] # iterate through all our game objects and add them to any layers they apply to for game_object in self.game_objects: # go through each (if any) collision flags there are for this item for key, value in game_object.collision_flags.items(): # the key will be the collision flag # the value will be a bool for if it applies to this layer if value: # add it to the collision layer self.collision_layers[key].append(game_object) self.needs_sorting = False # we'll copy the game object list and iterate through the copy so that # we can remove dead elements from the original without getting tripped up object_list = self.game_objects.copy() for game_object in object_list: # we'll let each game object handle their own update # mostly they'll just check whether or not they're dead but sometimes they'll do collision detection game_object.Update() if self.player is not None: # since the camera follows the player just set the world origin to the player's position dif_x = -self.world_x + (-self.player.x + SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.5) dif_y = -self.world_y + (-self.player.y + SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.5) self.world_x += dif_x * 0.4 self.world_y += dif_y * 0.4 ######### # draw # clear the screen self.screen.fill((220, 220, 200)) # draw the ground layer self.backdrop.Draw() # sort the objects object_sort_tree = TreeList() # just by putting them into the TreeList one by one we'll get them in ascending order for game_object in self.game_objects: # sorted by they're y position # that way when we draw them from highest on the screen to the lowest on the screen # the ones below (and in front) will be drawn on top object_sort_tree.Put( game_object.y + game_object.radius * 0.5 + game_object.z, game_object) # draw the game objects for game_object in object_sort_tree.ToList(): game_object.Draw() self.DisplayPoints() cx = int(self.mouse_x - self.cursor_dimensions[0] * 0.5) cy = int(self.mouse_y - self.cursor_dimensions[1] * 0.5) self.screen.blit(self.cursor_image, (cx, cy)) if self.player is not None and self.player.dead and not self.weapon.firing: self.again_button.Draw() if self.again_button.pressed: self.StartNewGame() self.again_button.pressed = False if self.paused: # draw the main menu: self.boy_button.Draw() self.girl_button.Draw() self.screen.blit( self.title_image, (int(self.width * 0.05), int(self.height * 0.03))) self.screen.blit( self.title_cowboy, (int(self.width * 0.1), int(self.height * 0.25))) self.screen.blit(self.title_cowgirl, (int(self.width * 0.5 + self.width * 0.1), int(self.height * 0.25))) if self.boy_button.pressed: self.player_gender = 1 if self.girl_button.pressed: self.player_gender = 2 if self.girl_button.pressed or self.boy_button.pressed: self.girl_button.pressed = False self.boy_button.pressed = False if self.player is None or self.player.dead: self.StartNewGame() else: self.CreatePlayer() self.paused = False # display what we've drawn to the screen pygame.display.flip() ######### # finalize # save the current time as our last time self.last_time = current_time def ShowMenu(self): pass