Exemplo n.º 1
def _InsLimitShiftAmounts(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun,
                          width: int) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Stk operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a memory access is a stack access.

     Note, a stack address already implies a `sp+offset` addressing mode and risk
     ISAs do no usually support  `sp+offset+reg` addressing mode.
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if (opc is not o.SHL
            and opc is not o.SHR) or ops[0].kind.bitwidth() != width:
        return None
    amount = ops[2]
    if isinstance(amount, ir.Const):
        if 0 <= amount.value < width:
            return None
            ops[2] = ir.Const(amount.kind, amount.value % width)
            return ins
        tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(amount.kind, "shift", False)
        mask = ir.Ins(o.AND, [tmp, amount, ir.Const(amount.kind, width - 1)])
        ins.Init(opc, [ops[0], ops[1], tmp])
        return [mask, ins]
Exemplo n.º 2
def _InsPropagateConsts(ins: ir.Ins, _fun: ir.Fun):
    changes = 0
    for n, d in enumerate(ins.operand_defs):
        if d is ir.INS_INVALID or not isinstance(d,
                                                 ir.Ins) or d.opcode != o.MOV:
        value = d.operands[1]
        if not isinstance(value, ir.Const):
        ins.operands[n] = value
        ins.operand_defs[n] = ir.INS_INVALID
        changes += 1
    if changes == 0:
        return None
        return [ins]
Exemplo n.º 3
def _InsEliminateMemLoadStore(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, base_kind: o.DK,
                              offset_kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Mem operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a ld/st is from a static location.

     Note: this function may add local registers which does not affect liveness or use-def chains

     st.mem ->  lea.mem + st   # st offset will be zero or register which should be iselectable
     ld.mem -> lea.mem + ld    # ld offset will be zero or register which should be iselectable
     lea.mem (with reg offset) -> lea.mem (zero offset) + lea
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if opc is o.ST_MEM:
        st_offset = ops[1]
        lea_offset = ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)
        if isinstance(st_offset, ir.Const):
            st_offset, lea_offset = lea_offset, st_offset
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [scratch_reg, ops[0], lea_offset])
        ins.Init(o.ST, [scratch_reg, st_offset, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LD_MEM:
        ld_offset = ops[2]
        lea_offset = ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)
        if isinstance(ld_offset, ir.Const):
            ld_offset, lea_offset = lea_offset, ld_offset
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        # TODO: should the Zero Offset stay with the ld op?
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [scratch_reg, ops[1], lea_offset])
        ins.Init(o.LD, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ld_offset])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LEA_MEM and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        # TODO: maybe reverse the order so that we can tell that ops[0] holds a mem location
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[1],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.LEA, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def InsMaybeReplaceDefReg(ins: ir.Ins, reg_old: ir.Reg,
                          reg_new: ir.Reg) -> int:
    """If the ins writes reg_old, replace it with reg_new """
    if ins.opcode.def_ops_count() == 0:
        return 0
    assert ins.opcode.def_ops_count() == 1
    op = ins.operands[0]
    if op == reg_old:
        ins.operands[0] = reg_new
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def _InsTryLoadStoreSimplify(ins: ir.Ins, defs: ir.REG_DEF_MAP) -> int:
    if ins.opcode not in {o.ST, o.LD, o.LEA}:
        return 0
    # do we have a suitable ins defining the base of the ld/st?
    base_pos = 0 if ins.opcode is o.ST else 1
    ins_base = ins.operand_defs[base_pos]

    if ins_base is ir.INS_INVALID or not isinstance(ins_base, ir.Ins):
        return 0

    new_opc = _LOAD_STORE_BASE_REWRITE.get((ins_base.opcode, ins.opcode))
    if new_opc is None:
        return 0
    # print ("")
    # print("#", serialize.InsRenderToAsm(ins))
    # print("#", serialize.InsRenderToAsm(ins_base))

    # is the original base still available at the ld/st
    base = ins_base.operands[1]
    base_def = ins_base.operand_defs[1]
    if not _DefAvailable(base, base_def, defs):
        # print ("#base not avail ", base, base_def)
        return 0

    # can the new offset be determined and is it available
    offset, offset_def = _CombinedOffset(ins, ins_base)
    if offset is None or not _DefAvailable(offset, offset_def, defs):
        return 0

    if base_pos == 0:  # store
        defs = [base_def, offset_def, ins.operand_defs[2]]
        ins.Init(new_opc, [base, offset, ins.operands[2]])
        ins.operand_defs = defs
        defs = [ins.operand_defs[0], base_def, offset_def]
        assert base_pos == 1
        ins.Init(new_opc, [ins.operands[0], base, offset])
        ins.operand_defs = defs
    # print("#>>>> ", serialize.InsRenderToAsm(ins))

    return 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def _InsRewriteFltImmediates(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun,
                             unit: ir.Unit) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    inss = []
    for n, op in enumerate(ins.operands):
        if isinstance(op, ir.Const) and op.kind.flavor() is o.DK_FLAVOR_F:
            mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(op)
            tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(op.kind, "flt_const", True)
            inss.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [tmp, mem, _ZERO_OFFSET]))
            ins.operands[n] = tmp
    if inss:
        return inss + [ins]
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def InsSpillRegs(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, zero_const, reg_to_stk) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    before: List[ir.Ins] = []
    after: List[ir.Ins] = []
    num_defs = ins.opcode.def_ops_count()
    for n, reg in reversed(list(enumerate(ins.operands))):
        if not isinstance(reg, ir.Reg):
        stk = reg_to_stk.get(reg)
        if stk is None:
        if n < num_defs:
            scratch = fun.GetScratchReg(reg.kind, "stspill", False)
            ins.operands[n] = scratch
            after.append(ir.Ins(o.ST_STK, [stk, zero_const, scratch]))
            scratch = fun.GetScratchReg(reg.kind, "ldspill", False)
            ins.operands[n] = scratch
            before.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_STK, [scratch, stk, zero_const]))
    if before or after:
        return before + [ins] + after
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def _InsMoveImmediatesToMemory(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, unit: ir.Unit,
                               kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    inss = []
    for n, op in enumerate(ins.operands):
        if isinstance(op, ir.Const) and op.kind is kind:
            mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(op)
            tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(kind, "mem_const", True)
            # TODO: pass the offset kind as a parameter
            inss.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [tmp, mem, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
            ins.operands[n] = tmp
    if inss:
        return inss + [ins]
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def InsMaybeReplaceUseReg(ins: ir.Ins, reg_old: ir.Reg,
                          reg_new: ir.Reg) -> int:
    """If the ins reads reg_old, replace it with reg_new """
    it = enumerate(ins.operands)
    # skip register writing operands
    for _ in range(ins.opcode.def_ops_count()):
    count = 0
    for n, op in it:
        if op == reg_old:
            ins.operands[n] = reg_new
            count += 1
    return count
Exemplo n.º 10
def _InsEliminateStkLoadStoreWithRegOffset(
        ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, base_kind: o.DK,
        offset_kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Stk operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a memory access is a stack access.

     Note, a stack address already implies a `sp+offset` addressing mode and risk
     ISAs do no usually support  `sp+offset+reg` addressing mode.
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if opc is o.ST_STK and isinstance(ops[1], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[0],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.ST, [scratch_reg, ops[1], ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LD_STK and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[1],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.LD, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LEA_STK and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        # TODO: maybe reverse the order so that we can tell that ops[0] holds a stack
        # location
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[1],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.LEA, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
        return None
Exemplo n.º 11
def _InsRewriteOutOfBoundsOffsetsStk(ins: ir.Ins,
                                     fun: ir.Fun) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    # Note, we can handle any LEA_STK as long as it is adding a constant
    if ins.opcode not in {o.LD_STK, o.ST_STK}:
        return None
    mismatches = isel_tab.FindtImmediateMismatchesInBestMatchPattern(ins)
    assert mismatches != isel_tab.MATCH_IMPOSSIBLE, f"could not match opcode {ins} {ins.operands}"

    if mismatches == 0:
        return None

    inss = []
    tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(o.DK.A32, "imm_stk", False)
    if ins.opcode is o.ST_STK:
        # note we do not have to worry about ins.operands[2] being Const
        # because those were dealt with by FunEliminateImmediateStores
        assert mismatches == (1 << 1)
        if isinstance(ins.operands[1], ir.Const):
                ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK, [tmp, ins.operands[0], ins.operands[1]]))
            ins.Init(o.ST, [tmp, _ZERO_OFFSET, ins.operands[2]])
                               [tmp, ins.operands[0], _ZERO_OFFSET]))
            ins.Init(o.ST, [tmp, ins.operands[1], ins.operands[2]])
        assert ins.opcode is o.LD_STK
        assert mismatches & (1 << 2)
        if isinstance(ins.operands[2], ir.Const):
                ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK, [tmp, ins.operands[1], ins.operands[2]]))
            ins.Init(o.LD, [ins.operands[0], tmp, _ZERO_OFFSET])
                               [tmp, ins.operands[1], _ZERO_OFFSET]))
            ins.Init(o.LD, [ins.operands[0], tmp, ins.operands[2]])
    return inss
Exemplo n.º 12
def InsEliminateImmediate(ins: ir.Ins, pos: int, fun: ir.Fun) -> ir.Ins:
    """Rewrite instruction with an immediate as load of the immediate
    followed by a pure register version of that instruction, e.g.

    mul z = a 666
    mov scratch = 666
    mul z = a scratch

    This is useful if the target architecture does not support immediate
    for that instruction, or the immediate is too large.

    This optimization is run rather late and may already see machine
    registers like the sp.
    Hence we are careful to use and update ins.orig_operand
    const = ins.operands[pos]
    assert isinstance(const, ir.Const)
    reg = fun.GetScratchReg(const.kind, "imm", True)
    ins.operands[pos] = reg
    return ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, const])
Exemplo n.º 13
def InsEliminateImmediateViaMem(ins: ir.Ins, pos: int, fun: ir.Fun,
                                unit: ir.Unit, addr_kind: o.DK,
                                offset_kind: o.DK) -> List[ir.Ins]:
    """Rewrite instruction with an immediate as load of the immediate

    This is useful if the target architecture does not support immediate
    for that instruction, or the immediate is too large.

    This optimization is run rather late and may already see machine registers.
    # support of PUSHARG would require additional work because they need to stay consecutive
    assert ins.opcode is not o.PUSHARG
    const = ins.operands[pos]
    mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(const)
    tmp_addr = fun.GetScratchReg(addr_kind, "mem_const_addr", True)
    lea_ins = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [tmp_addr, mem, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(const.kind, "mem_const", True)
    ld_ins = ir.Ins(o.LD, [tmp, tmp_addr, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    ins.operands[pos] = tmp
    return [lea_ins, ld_ins]
Exemplo n.º 14
def InsEliminateImmediateViaMov(ins: ir.Ins, pos: int, fun: ir.Fun) -> ir.Ins:
    """Rewrite instruction with an immediate as mov of the immediate

    mul z = a 666
    mov scratch = 666
    mul z = a scratch

    This is useful if the target architecture does not support immediate
    for that instruction, or the immediate is too large.

    This optimization is run rather late and may already see machine registers.
    Ideally, the generated mov instruction hould be iselectable by the target architecture or
    else another pass may be necessary.
    # support of PUSHARG would require additional work because they need to stay consecutive
    assert ins.opcode is not o.PUSHARG
    const = ins.operands[pos]
    assert isinstance(const, ir.Const)
    reg = fun.GetScratchReg(const.kind, "imm", True)
    ins.operands[pos] = reg
    return ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, const])
Exemplo n.º 15
def _InsConstantFold(ins: ir.Ins, bbl: ir.Bbl, _fun: ir.Fun,
                     allow_conv_conversion: bool) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    Try combining the constant from ins_def with the instruction in ins

    Return 1 iff a change was made

    Note: None of the transformations must change the def register - otherwise
    the reaching_defs will be stale

    ops = ins.operands
    kind = ins.opcode.kind
    if kind is o.OPC_KIND.COND_BRA:
        if not isinstance(ops[0], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        branch_taken = eval.EvaluatateCondBra(ins.opcode, ops[0], ops[1])
        target = ops[2]
        assert len(bbl.edge_out) == 2
        if branch_taken:
            succ_to_drop = bbl.edge_out[1] if bbl.edge_out[0] == target else \
            succ_to_drop = target
        return []
    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.CMP:
        if not isinstance(ops[3], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[4], ir.Const):
            return None
        cmp_true = eval.EvaluatateCondBra(
            o.BEQ if ins.opcode is o.CMPEQ else o.BLT, ops[3], ops[4])
        if cmp_true:
            ins.Init(o.MOV, [ops[0], ops[1]])
            ins.Init(o.MOV, [ops[0], ops[2]])
    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU1:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        new_op = eval.EvaluatateALU1(ins.opcode, ops[1])
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [ops[0], new_op])
        return [ins]
    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[2], ir.Const):
            return None
        new_op = eval.EvaluatateALU(ins.opcode, ops[1], ops[2])
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [ops[0], new_op])
        return [ins]
    elif ins.opcode is o.CONV:
        # TODO: this needs some  more thought generally but in
        # particular when we apply register widening
        # transformations, conv instructions end up being the only
        # ones with narrow width regs which simplifies
        # code generation. By allowing this to be converted into a
        # mov instruction we may leak the narrow register.
        if not allow_conv_conversion or not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        dst: ir.Reg = ops[0]
        src = ops[1]
        if not o.RegIsAddrInt(src.kind) or not o.RegIsAddrInt(dst.kind):
            return None
        new_val = eval.ConvertIntValue(dst.kind, src)
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [dst, new_val])
        return [ins]
        return None
Exemplo n.º 16
def InsFlipCondBra(ins: ir.Ins, old_target: ir.Bbl, new_target: ir.Bbl):
    assert ins.operands[2] == old_target
    ins.operands[2] = new_target
    ins.opcode, must_flip = _OPCODE_BRANCH_INVERSION[ins.opcode]
    if must_flip:
        ir.InsSwapOps(ins, 0, 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
def _InsConstantFold(ins: ir.Ins, bbl: ir.Bbl, _fun: ir.Fun,
                     allow_conv_conversion: bool) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    Try combining the constant from ins_def with the instruction in ins

    Return 1 iff a change was made

    Note: None of the transformations must change the def register - otherwise
    the reaching_defs will be stale

    ops = ins.operands
    kind = ins.opcode.kind
    if kind is o.OPC_KIND.COND_BRA:
        if not isinstance(ops[0], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        # TODO: implement this, needs access to BBL for CFG changes
        evaluator = _EVALUATORS_COND_BRA.get(ins.opcode)
        assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {ins} {ins.operands}"
        branch_taken = evaluator(ops[0].value, ops[1].value)
        target = ops[2]
        assert len(bbl.edge_out) == 2
        if branch_taken:
            succ_to_drop = bbl.edge_out[1] if bbl.edge_out[0] == target else \
            succ_to_drop = target
        return []
    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU1:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        assert False, f"Evaluator NYI for ALU1: {ins} {ins.operands}"

    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[2], ir.Const):
            return None
        evaluator = _EVALUATORS_ALU.get(ins.opcode)
        assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {ins} {ins.operands}"
        val = ir.Const(ops[1].kind, evaluator(ops[1].value, ops[2].value))
        ins.opcode = o.MOV
        ins.operands[1] = val
        ins.operand_defs[1] = ir.INS_INVALID
        return [ins]
    elif ins.opcode is o.CONV:
        # TODO: this needs some  more thought generally but in
        # particular when we apply register widening
        # transformations, conv instructions end up being the only
        # ones with narrow width regs which simplifies
        # code generation. By allowing this to be converted into a
        # mov instruction we may leak the narrow register.
        if not allow_conv_conversion or not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        dst: ir.Reg = ops[0]
        src = ops[1]
        if not o.RegIsAddrInt(src.kind) or not o.RegIsAddrInt(dst.kind):
            return None
        new_val = ConvertIntValue(dst.kind, src)
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [dst, new_val])
        return [ins]
        return None