Exemplo n.º 1
def GenerateInitGlobalVarsFun(mod: wasm.Module, unit: ir.Unit,
                              addr_type: o.DK) -> ir.Fun:
    fun = unit.AddFun(ir.Fun("init_global_vars_fun", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [],
    bbl = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    epilog = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("end"))
    epilog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))

    section = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.GLOBAL)
    if not section:
        return fun
    val32 = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("val32", o.DK.U32))
    val64 = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("val64", o.DK.U64))
    for n, data in enumerate(section.items):
        kind = o.MEM_KIND.RO if data.global_type.mut is wasm.MUT.CONST else o.MEM_KIND.RW
        mem = unit.AddMem(ir.Mem(f"global_vars_{n}", 16, kind))
        ins = GetInsFromInitializerExpression(data.expr)
        var_type = data.global_type.value_type
        if ins.opcode is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_GET:
                ir.DataBytes(1, b"\0" * (4 if var_type.is_32bit() else 8)))
            src_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{int(ins.args[0])}")
            reg = val32 if var_type.is_32bit() else val64
            bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [reg, src_mem, ZERO]))
            bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [mem, ZERO, reg]))
        elif ins.opcode.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CONST:
                ir.DataBytes(1, ExtractBytesFromConstIns(ins, var_type)))
            assert False, f"unsupported init instructions {ins}"
    return fun
Exemplo n.º 2
def MaybeMakeGlobalTable(mod: wasm.Module, unit: ir.Unit, addr_type: o.DK):
    bit_width = addr_type.bitwidth()
    table_sec = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.TABLE)
    table_elements = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.ELEMENT)
    if not table_sec:
        return None

    global_table = None
    assert table_elements
    assert len(table_sec.items) == 1
    table_type: wasm.TableType = table_sec.items[0].table_type
    assert table_type.element_type == wasm.REF_TYPE.FUNCREF
    table_data = [None] * table_type.limits.max
    for elem in table_elements.items:
        ins = GetInsFromInitializerExpression(elem.expr)
        assert ins.opcode is wasm_opc.I32_CONST
        start = ins.args[0]
        for n, fun in enumerate(elem.funcidxs):
            table_data[start + n] = fun

    global_table = unit.AddMem(
        ir.Mem("global_table", bit_width // 8, o.MEM_KIND.RO))
    width = addr_type.bitwidth() // 8
    for fun in table_data:
        if fun is None:
            global_table.AddData(ir.DataBytes(width, b"\0"))
            assert isinstance(fun, wasm.FuncIdx)
            fun = unit.GetFun(mod.functions[int(fun)].name)
            global_table.AddData(ir.DataAddrFun(width, fun))
    return global_table
Exemplo n.º 3
def DirFun(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    name, kind, output_types, input_types = operands
    if len(input_types) > o.MAX_PARAMETERS or len(
            output_types) > o.MAX_PARAMETERS:
        raise ParseError(f"parameter list too long {name}")
    fun = unit.GetFun(name)
    if fun is None:
        fun = ir.Fun(name, kind, output_types, input_types)
    elif fun.forward_declared:
        unit.InitForwardDeclaredFun(fun, kind, output_types, input_types)
        raise ParseError(f"duplicate Fun {name}")
Exemplo n.º 4
def DirMem(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    name, alignment, kind = operands
    mem = unit.GetMem(name)
    if mem is None:
        unit.AddMem(ir.Mem(name, alignment, kind))
    elif kind is o.MEM_KIND.EXTERN:
    elif mem.kind is o.MEM_KIND.EXTERN:
        mem.kind = kind
        mem.alignment = alignment
        # move fun to make it current
        raise ParseError(f"Duplicate Mem symbol: {name}")
Exemplo n.º 5
def GenerateMemcpyFun(unit: ir.Unit, addr_type: o.DK) -> ir.Fun:
    fun = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("$memcpy", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [],
               [addr_type, addr_type, o.DK.U32]))
    dst = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("dst", addr_type))
    src = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("src", addr_type))
    cnt = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("cnt", o.DK.U32))
    data = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("data", o.DK.U8))

    prolog = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("prolog"))
    loop = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("loop"))
    epilog = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("epilog"))

    prolog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [dst]))
    prolog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [src]))
    prolog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [cnt]))
    prolog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BRA, [epilog]))

    loop.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SUB, [cnt, cnt, ONE]))
    loop.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [data, src, cnt]))
    loop.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST, [dst, cnt, data]))

    epilog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BLT, [ZERO, cnt, loop]))
    epilog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    return fun
Exemplo n.º 6
def _GetOperand(unit: ir.Unit, fun: ir.Fun, ok: o.OP_KIND, v: Any) -> Any:
    if ok in o.OKS_LIST:
        assert isinstance(v,
                          list) or v[0] == v[-1] == '"', f"operand {ok}: [{v}]"
        assert isinstance(v, str), f"bad operand {v} of type [{ok}]"

    if ok is o.OP_KIND.TYPE_LIST:
        out = []
        for kind_name in v:
            kind = o.SHORT_STR_TO_RK.get(kind_name)
            assert kind is not None, f"bad kind name [{kind_name}]"
        return out
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.FUN:
        return unit.GetFunOrAddForwardDeclaration(v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.BBL:
        return fun.GetBblOrAddForwardDeclaration(v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.BBL_TAB:
        return ExtractBblTable(fun, v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.MEM:
        return unit.GetMem(v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.STK:
        return fun.GetStk(v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.FUN_KIND:
        return o.SHORT_STR_TO_FK[v]
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.DATA_KIND:
        rk = o.SHORT_STR_TO_RK.get(v)
        assert rk is not None, f"bad kind name [{v}]"
        return rk
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.NAME:
        assert parse.RE_IDENTIFIER.match(v), f"bad identifier [{v}]"
        return v
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.NAME_LIST:
        for x in v:
            assert parse.RE_IDENTIFIER.match(x), f"bad identifier [{x}]"
        return v
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.MEM_KIND:
        return o.SHORT_STR_TO_MK[v]
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.VALUE:
        return v
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.BYTES:
        return ExtractBytes(v)
    elif ok is o.OP_KIND.JTB:
        return fun.GetJbl(v)
        raise ir.ParseError(f"cannot read op type: {ok}")
Exemplo n.º 7
def _InsRewriteFltImmediates(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun,
                             unit: ir.Unit) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    inss = []
    for n, op in enumerate(ins.operands):
        if isinstance(op, ir.Const) and op.kind.flavor() is o.DK_FLAVOR_F:
            mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(op)
            tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(op.kind, "flt_const", True)
            inss.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [tmp, mem, _ZERO_OFFSET]))
            ins.operands[n] = tmp
    if inss:
        return inss + [ins]
    return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def GenerateStartup(unit: ir.Unit, global_argc, global_argv, main: ir.Fun,
                    init_global: ir.Fun, init_data: ir.Fun,
                    initial_heap_size_pages: int, addr_type: o.DK) -> ir.Fun:
    bit_width = addr_type.bitwidth()

    global_mem_base = unit.AddMem(ir.Mem("__memory_base", 0,

    fun = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("main", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [o.DK.U32], [o.DK.U32, addr_type]))
    argc = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("argc", o.DK.U32))
    argv = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("argv", addr_type))

    bbl = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [argc]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [argv]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [global_argc, ZERO, argc]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [global_argv, ZERO, argv]))

    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__wasi_init")]))
    if initial_heap_size_pages:
            ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.S32, initial_heap_size_pages)]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("dummy", o.DK.S32))]))

    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [mem_base, global_mem_base, ZERO]))

    if init_global:
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [init_global]))
    if init_data:
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [mem_base]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [init_data]))

    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [mem_base]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [main]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    return fun
Exemplo n.º 9
def GenerateInitDataFun(mod: wasm.Module, unit: ir.Unit, memcpy: ir.Fun,
                        addr_type: o.DK) -> typing.Optional[ir.Fun]:
    fun = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("init_data_fun", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [], [addr_type]))
    bbl = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    epilog = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("end"))
    epilog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    section = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.DATA)

    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [mem_base]))
    if not section:
        return None

    offset = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("offset", o.DK.S32))
    src = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("src", addr_type))
    dst = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("dst", addr_type))

    for n, data in enumerate(section.items):
        assert data.memory_index == 0
        assert isinstance(data.offset, wasm.Expression)
        ins = GetInsFromInitializerExpression(data.offset)
        init = unit.AddMem(ir.Mem(f"global_init_mem_{n}", 16, o.MEM_KIND.RO))
        init.AddData(ir.DataBytes(1, data.init))
        if ins.opcode is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_GET:
            src_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{int(ins.args[0])}")
            bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [offset, src_mem, ZERO]))
        elif ins.opcode is wasm_opc.I32_CONST:
                              [offset, ir.Const(o.DK.S32, ins.args[0])]))
            assert False, f"unsupported init instructions {ins}"
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA, [dst, mem_base, offset]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [src, init, ZERO]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.U32, len(data.init))]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [src]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [dst]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [memcpy]))
    return fun
Exemplo n.º 10
def _InsMoveImmediatesToMemory(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, unit: ir.Unit,
                               kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    inss = []
    for n, op in enumerate(ins.operands):
        if isinstance(op, ir.Const) and op.kind is kind:
            mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(op)
            tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(kind, "mem_const", True)
            # TODO: pass the offset kind as a parameter
            inss.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [tmp, mem, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
            ins.operands[n] = tmp
    if inss:
        return inss + [ins]
    return None
Exemplo n.º 11
def DirFun(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    name, kind, output_types, input_types = operands
    if len(input_types) > o.MAX_PARAMETERS or len(
            output_types) > o.MAX_PARAMETERS:
        raise ParseError(f"parameter list too long {name}")
    fun = unit.GetFun(name)
    if fun is None:
        fun = ir.Fun(name, kind, output_types, input_types)
    elif fun.kind is o.FUN_KIND.INVALID:  # forward_declared
        unit.InitForwardDeclaredFun(fun, kind, output_types, input_types)
    elif fun.kind is o.FUN_KIND.EXTERN or kind is o.FUN_KIND.EXTERN:
        assert output_types == fun.output_types
        assert input_types == fun.input_types
        if kind is o.FUN_KIND.EXTERN:
            # we already have a proper function
        # definition of a formerly extern functions
        fun.kind = kind
        # move fun to make it current
        raise ParseError(f"duplicate Fun {name}")
Exemplo n.º 12
def InsEliminateImmediateViaMem(ins: ir.Ins, pos: int, fun: ir.Fun,
                                unit: ir.Unit, addr_kind: o.DK,
                                offset_kind: o.DK) -> List[ir.Ins]:
    """Rewrite instruction with an immediate as load of the immediate

    This is useful if the target architecture does not support immediate
    for that instruction, or the immediate is too large.

    This optimization is run rather late and may already see machine registers.
    # support of PUSHARG would require additional work because they need to stay consecutive
    assert ins.opcode is not o.PUSHARG
    const = ins.operands[pos]
    mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(const)
    tmp_addr = fun.GetScratchReg(addr_kind, "mem_const_addr", True)
    lea_ins = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [tmp_addr, mem, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(const.kind, "mem_const", True)
    ld_ins = ir.Ins(o.LD, [tmp, tmp_addr, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    ins.operands[pos] = tmp
    return [lea_ins, ld_ins]
Exemplo n.º 13
def DirData(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    count, data = operands
    unit.AddData(ir.DataBytes(count, data))
Exemplo n.º 14
def GenerateFun(unit: ir.Unit, mod: wasm.Module, wasm_fun: wasm.Function,
                fun: ir.Fun, global_table, addr_type):
    # op_stack contains regs produced by GetOpReg (it may only occur a the position encoding in its name
    op_stack: typing.List[typing.Union[ir.Reg, ir.Const]] = []
    block_stack: typing.List[Block] = []
    bbls: typing.List[ir.Bbl] = []
    bbl_count = 0
    jtb_count = 0


    loc_index = 0
    assert fun.input_types[0] is addr_type
    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [mem_base]))
    for dk in fun.input_types[1:]:
        reg = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg(f"$loc_{loc_index}", dk))
        loc_index += 1
        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [reg]))

    for locals in wasm_fun.impl.locals_list:
        for i in range(locals.count):
            reg = fun.AddReg(
            loc_index += 1
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, ir.Const(reg.kind, 0)]))

    DEBUG = False
    if DEBUG:
            f"# {fun.name} #ins:{len(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions)} in:{fun.input_types} out:{fun.output_types}"

    opc = None
    last_opc = None
    for n, wasm_ins in enumerate(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions):
        last_opc = opc
        opc = wasm_ins.opcode
        args = wasm_ins.args
        op_stack_size_before = len(op_stack)
        if DEBUG:
            print(f"#@@ {opc.name}", args, len(op_stack))
        if opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CONST:
            # breaks for floats
            # breaks for floats
            kind = OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type]
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [dst, ir.Const(kind, args[0])]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.NOP:
        elif opc is wasm_opc.DROP:
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_GET:
            loc = GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0]))
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, loc.kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [dst, loc]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_SET:
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                                   [GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0])), op]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_TEE:
            op = op_stack[-1]  # no pop!
                                   [GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0])), op]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_GET:
            var_index = int(args[0])
            var: wasm.Glob = mod.sections.get(
            dst = GetOpReg(fun,
            var_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{var_index}")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [dst, var_mem, ZERO]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_SET:
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            var_index = int(args[0])
            var_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{var_index}")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [var_mem, ZERO, op]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.ALU:
            if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNARY in opc.flags:
                opcode, arg_factory = WASM_ALU1_TO_CWERG[opc.basename]
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, op.kind, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(opcode, [dst] + arg_factory(op)))
                op2 = op_stack.pop(-1)
                op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, op1.kind, len(op_stack))
                alu = WASM_ALU_TO_CWERG[opc.basename]
                if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNSIGNED in opc.flags:
                    tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 1)
                    tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 2)
                    tmp3 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 3)
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                    if isinstance(alu, o.Opcode):
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(alu, [tmp3, tmp1, tmp2]))
                        alu(tmp3, tmp1, tmp2, bbls[-1])
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [dst, tmp3]))
                    if isinstance(alu, o.Opcode):
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(alu, [dst, op1, op2]))
                        alu(dst, op1, op2, bbls[-1])
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CONV:
            conv, dst_unsigned, src_unsigned = WASM_CONV_TO_CWERG[opc.name]
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            if src_unsigned:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op.kind),
                               op_stack_size_before + 1)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, op]))
                op = tmp
            if dst_unsigned:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(dst.kind),
                               op_stack_size_before + 1)
                dst, tmp = tmp, dst
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(conv, [dst, op]))
            if dst_unsigned:
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, dst]))
                dst = tmp
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.BITCAST:
            assert opc.name in SUPPORTED_BITCAST
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BITCAST, [dst, op]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CMP:
            # this always works because of the sentinel: "end"
            succ = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n + 1]
            if succ.opcode not in {
                    wasm_opc.IF, wasm_opc.BR_IF, wasm_opc.SELECT
                cmp, res1, res2, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeCompare(
                    opc, op_stack)
                if unsigned:
                    tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 1)
                    tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 2)
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                    op1 = tmp1
                    op2 = tmp2
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, o.DK.S32, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(cmp, [dst, res1, res2, op1, op2]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOOP or opc is wasm_opc.BLOCK:
                MakeBlock(bbl_count, opc, args, fun, op_stack, mod))
            bbl_count += 1
        elif opc is wasm_opc.IF:
            # note we do set the new bbl right away because we add some instructions to the old one
            # this always works because the stack cannot be empty at this point
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, True)
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
                MakeBlock(bbl_count, opc, args, fun, op_stack, mod))
            # assert len(block_stack[-1].param_types) == 0
            bbl_count += 1
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, block_stack[-1].else_bbl]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.ELSE:
            block = block_stack[-1]
            assert block.opcode is wasm_opc.IF
            block.FinalizeIf(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun, last_opc
                             in {wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR})
            if DEBUG:
                print(f"#@@ AFTER STACK RESTORE", len(op_stack))
            op_stack = op_stack[0:block.stack_start]
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BRA, [block.end_bbl]))
            assert block.else_bbl is not None
            block.else_bbl = None
        elif opc is wasm_opc.END:
            if block_stack:
                block = block_stack.pop(-1)
                    op_stack, bbls[-1], fun, last_opc
                    in {wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR})
                if block.else_bbl:
                # end of function
                assert n + 1 == len(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions)
                pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
                if pred not in {
                        wasm_opc.RETURN, wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR
                    for x in reversed(fun.output_types):
                        op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                        assert op.kind == x, f"outputs: {fun.output_types} mismatch {op.kind} vs {x}"
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))

        elif opc is wasm_opc.CALL:
            wasm_callee = mod.functions[int(wasm_ins.args[0])]
            callee = unit.GetFun(wasm_callee.name)
            assert callee, f"unknown fun: {wasm_callee.name}"
            EmitCall(fun, bbls[-1], ir.Ins(o.BSR, [callee]), op_stack,
                     mem_base, callee)
        elif opc is wasm_opc.CALL_INDIRECT:
            assert isinstance(args[1], wasm.TableIdx), f"{type(args[1])}"
            assert int(args[1]) == 0, f"only one table supported"
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.TypeIdx), f"{type(args[0])}"
            type_sec = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.TYPE)
            func_type: wasm.FunctionType = type_sec.items[int(args[0])]
            arguments = [addr_type] + TranslateTypeList(func_type.args)
            returns = TranslateTypeList(func_type.rets)
            # print (f"# @@@@ CALL INDIRECT {returns} <- {arguments}  [{int(args[0])}] {func_type}")
            signature = FindFunWithSignature(unit, arguments, returns)
            table_reg = GetOpReg(fun, addr_type, len(op_stack))
            code_type = o.DK.C32 if addr_type is o.DK.A32 else o.DK.C64
            fun_reg = GetOpReg(fun, code_type, len(op_stack) + 1)
            index = op_stack.pop(-1)
            assert index.kind is o.DK.S32

                ir.Ins(o.MUL, [
                    index, index,
                             code_type.bitwidth() // 8)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [table_reg, global_table, ZERO]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [fun_reg, table_reg, index]))
            EmitCall(fun, bbls[-1], ir.Ins(o.JSR, [fun_reg, signature]),
                     op_stack, mem_base, signature)
        elif opc is wasm_opc.RETURN:
            for x in reversed(fun.output_types):
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                assert op.kind == x, f"outputs: {fun.output_types} mismatch {op.kind} vs {x}"
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR:
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.LabelIdx)
            block = GetTargetBlock(block_stack, args[0])
            target = block.start_bbl
            if block.opcode is not wasm_opc.LOOP:
                target = block.end_bbl
                block.FinalizeResultsCopy(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BRA, [target]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR_IF:
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.LabelIdx)
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, False)
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
            block = GetTargetBlock(block_stack, args[0])
            target = block.start_bbl
            if block.opcode is not wasm_opc.LOOP:
                target = block.end_bbl
                block.FinalizeResultsCopy(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, target]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.SELECT:
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, False)
            val_f = op_stack.pop(-1)
            val_t = op_stack.pop(-1)
            assert val_f.kind == val_t.kind
            reg = GetOpReg(fun, val_f.kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, val_t]))
            bbl_count += 1
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
            bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, bbls[-1]]))
            bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, val_f]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.STORE:
            val = op_stack.pop(-1)
            offset = op_stack.pop(-1)
            if args[1] != 0:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, offset.kind, len(op_stack))
                           [tmp, offset,
                            ir.Const(offset.kind, args[1])]))
                offset = tmp
            dk_tmp = STORE_TO_CWERG_TYPE.get(opc.name)
            if dk_tmp is not None:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, dk_tmp, len(op_stack) + 1)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, val]))
                val = tmp
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST, [mem_base, offset, val]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.LOAD:
            offset = op_stack.pop(-1)
            if args[1] != 0:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, offset.kind, len(op_stack))
                           [tmp, offset,
                            ir.Const(offset.kind, args[1])]))
                offset = tmp
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            dk_tmp = LOAD_TO_CWERG_TYPE.get(opc.basename)
            if dk_tmp:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, dk_tmp, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [tmp, mem_base, offset]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [dst, tmp]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [dst, mem_base, offset]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR_TABLE:
            bbl_tab = {
                n: GetTargetBbl(block_stack, x)
                for n, x in enumerate(args[0])
            bbl_def = GetTargetBbl(block_stack, args[1])
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            tab_size = ir.Const(ToUnsigned(op.kind), len(bbl_tab))
            jtb_count += 1
            jtb = fun.AddJtb(
                ir.Jtb(f"jtb_{jtb_count}", bbl_def, bbl_tab, tab_size.value))
            reg_unsigned = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op.kind), len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [reg_unsigned, op]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BLE, [tab_size, reg_unsigned, bbl_def]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SWITCH, [reg_unsigned, jtb]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE:
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.TRAP, []))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_GROW or opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_SIZE:
            op = ZERO_S
            if opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_GROW:
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
            assert unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")]))
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, o.DK.S32, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [dst]))
            assert False, f"unsupported opcode [{opc.name}]"
    assert not op_stack, f"op_stack not empty in {fun.name}: {op_stack}"
    assert not block_stack, f"block_stack not empty in {fun.name}: {block_stack}"
    assert len(bbls) == len(fun.bbls)
    fun.bbls = bbls
Exemplo n.º 15
def DirAddrMem(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
Exemplo n.º 16
def DirData(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
Exemplo n.º 17
def DirMem(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
Exemplo n.º 18
def DirAddrMem(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    size, mem, offset = operands
    unit.AddData(ir.DataAddrMem(size, mem, offset))
Exemplo n.º 19
def DirAddrFun(unit: ir.Unit, operands: List):
    size, fun = operands
    unit.AddData(ir.DataAddrFun(size, fun))