Exemplo n.º 1
 def r(list_flops):
    result = []
    res = Resource("res_0")
    for flop, i in zip(list_flops, range(len(list_flops))):
        node = Node(res.name + "_node_" + str(i), res, [SoftItem.ANY_SOFT])
        node.flops = flop
    res.nodes = result
    return [res]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def generate_resources(list_flops):
    result = []
    for nodes_list, j in zip(list_flops, range(len(list_flops))):
        blade = []
        res = Resource("res_" + str(j))
        for flop, i in zip(nodes_list, range(len(nodes_list))):
            node = Node(res.name + "_node_" + str(i), res, [SoftItem.ANY_SOFT])
            node.flops = flop
        res.nodes = blade
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
        def as_schedule(dct):
            if '__cls__' in dct and dct['__cls__'] == 'Node':
                res = dct['resource']
                node = Node(dct['name'], res, dct['soft'])
                node.flops = dct['flops']
                return node
            if '__cls__' in dct and dct['__cls__'] == 'ScheduleItem':
                task = task_dict[dct['job']]
                scItem = ScheduleItem(task, dct['start_time'], dct['end_time'])
                scItem.state = dct['state']
                return scItem
            if '__cls__' in dct and dct['__cls__'] == 'Schedule':
                mapping = {node_values['node']: node_values['value'] for node_values in dct['mapping']}
                schedule = Schedule(mapping)
                return schedule
            if '__cls__' in dct and dct['__cls__'] == 'Resource':
                res = Resource(dct['name'])
                res.nodes = dct['nodes']
                return res
            if '__cls__' in dct and dct['__cls__'] == 'SaveBundle':

                all_nodes = set()
                for res in dct['dedicated_resources']:
                    for node in res.nodes:
                        node.resource = res

                all_nodes = {node.name: node for node in all_nodes}

                dct['ga_schedule'].mapping = {all_nodes[node_name]: values for (node_name, values) in

                bundle = SaveBundle(dct['name'],
                return bundle
            return dct
Exemplo n.º 4
     def generate(self):
         random = Random()
         resCount = self.rand(random, self.min_res_count, self.max_res_count)
         resources = list()
         for i in range(0,resCount):
             res = Resource("res_" + str(i))
             nodeCount = self.rand(random, self.min_node_count, self.max_node_count)
             for j in range(0, nodeCount):
                 node = Node(res.name + "_node_" + str(j), res, [SoftItem.ANY_SOFT])
                 ##TODO: repair it later
                 node.flops = self.rand(random, self.min_flops, self.max_flops)

                 #if j == 0:
                 #     node.flops = 10
                 #if j == 1:
                 #     node.flops = 15
                 #if j == 2:
                 #     node.flops = 25
                 #if j == 3:
                 #     node.flops = 30

         return resources
Exemplo n.º 5
     def generate_public_resources(self):
        ## TODO: remake it later
        #(public_resources, generate_reliability, generate_probability_law_for_(task,node)_pair) = generate public_resource
        resCount = 3
        resources = list()
        for i in range(0, resCount):
            res = Resource("public_res_" + str(i))
            nodeCount = None
            if i == 0:
                nodeCount = 15
            elif i == 1:
                nodeCount = 12
            elif i == 2:
                nodeCount = 9

            for j in range(0, nodeCount):
                node = Node(res.name + "_node_" + str(j), res, [SoftItem.ANY_SOFT])
                # if j == 0:
                #      node.flops = 10 + 5
                # if j == 1:
                #      node.flops = 15 + 10#10*3
                # if j == 2:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 3:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 4:
                #      node.flops = 30 + 10#30*3
                # if j == 5:
                #      node.flops = 10 + 5
                # if j == 6:
                #      node.flops = 15 + 10#10*3
                # if j == 7:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 8:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 9:
                #      node.flops = 30 + 10#30*3
                # if j == 10:
                #      node.flops = 10 + 5
                # if j == 11:
                #      node.flops = 15 + 10#10*3
                # if j == 12:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 13:
                #      node.flops = 25 + 10#25*3
                # if j == 14:
                #      node.flops = 30 + 10#30*3

                if j == 0:
                     node.flops = 10
                if j == 1:
                     node.flops = 15#10*3
                if j == 2:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 3:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 4:
                     node.flops = 30#30*3
                if j == 5:
                     node.flops = 10
                if j == 6:
                     node.flops = 15#10*3
                if j == 7:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 8:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 9:
                     node.flops = 30#30*3
                if j == 10:
                     node.flops = 10
                if j == 11:
                     node.flops = 15#10*3
                if j == 12:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 13:
                     node.flops = 25#25*3
                if j == 14:
                     node.flops = 30#30*3


        nodes = HeftHelper.to_nodes(resources)
        reliability_map = {node.name: 0.9 for node in nodes}

        def probability_estimator(dt, comp_estimation, transfer_estimation):
            M = comp_estimation + transfer_estimation
            sigma = 0.1 * M
            result = 0.5 *(1 + math.erf((dt - M)/sigma))
            return result
        return (resources, reliability_map, probability_estimator)