Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.status = "PAR"
     attack = Attack()
     attack.type = ""
     self.delegate = ApplyStatusDelegate(attack, self.status, 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.status = "PAR"
     attack = Attack()
     attack.type = ""
     self.delegate = ApplyStatusDelegate(attack, self.status, 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Attack for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]

        self.attack.preconditionsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.announcementStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.removePPStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.hitStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.damageStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.effectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleContactStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def loadFromPokemonFile(file):
     """ Load an attack as saved within a Pokemon instance in a file """
     attack = Attack()
     attackdex = AttackFactory.getAttackdexTree()
     attack.name = file.readline().strip()
     temp = ""
     while (temp.find(attack.name) == -1):
         """ Read the file until you find the species we need """
         temp = attackdex.readline().strip()
     attack.type = attackdex.readline().strip()
     #Load delegates
     attack.hitDelegate = HitDelegateFactory.loadFromAttackDex(attackdex, attack)
     attack.damageDelegate = DamageDelegateFactory.loadFromAttackDex(attackdex, attack)
     attack.effectDelegate = EffectDelegateFactory.loadFromAttackDex(attackdex)
     # Get currPP and PP from file
     values = file.readline().strip().split(" ")
     attack.powerPoints = int(values[0])
     attack.currPowerPoints = int(values[1])
     return attack
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.attack.name = "Test Attack"
        self.step = AnnouncementStep(self.attack)

        self.header = "Header"
        self.calledGetHeader = False
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.attack.damageDelegate = self
        self.step = DamageStep(self.attack)

        self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]
        self.calledDoDamage = False
Exemplo n.º 7
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.attack.hitDelegate = self
        self.step = HitStep(self.attack)

        self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]
        self.calledHit = False
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.step = PreconditionStep(self.attack)
        self.preconditionMessages = ["My Precondition Messages"]
        self.attackMessages = ["My Attack Messages"]

        self.calledCheckPreConditions = False
Exemplo n.º 9
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Step for the test """
     self.attack = Attack()
     self.originalPowerPointsValue = 10
     self.attack.currPowerPoints = self.originalPowerPointsValue
     self.step = RemovePPStep(self.attack)
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.target.getAbility().powerPointsPressure = self.powerPointsPressure
     self.pressure = 2
     self.usedAbility = False
Exemplo n.º 10
class isStatus(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of isStatus """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Attack and Damage Delegate for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.nullDamageDelegate = NullDamageDelegate()
        self.normalDamageDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, None, None)

    def hasNullDamageDelegate(self):
        """ Test that when the damage delegate is the null damage delegate the attack is a status attack """
        self.attack.damageDelegate = self.nullDamageDelegate

        isStausAttack = self.attack.isStatus()
        self.assertTrue(isStausAttack, "The Attack should be a status attack")

    def hasNormalDamageDelegate(self):
        """ Test that when the damage delegate is normal the attack is not a status attack """
        self.attack.damageDelegate = self.normalDamageDelegate

        isStausAttack = self.attack.isStatus()
                         "The Attack should not be a status attack")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Attack for the test """
     self.attack = Attack()
     self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]
     self.attack.preconditionsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.announcementStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.removePPStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.hitStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.damageStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.effectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.handleContactStep = MockStep(self.messages)
     self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
Exemplo n.º 12
class isStatus(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of isStatus """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Attack and Damage Delegate for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.nullDamageDelegate = NullDamageDelegate()
        self.normalDamageDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, None, None)
    def hasNullDamageDelegate(self):
        """ Test that when the damage delegate is the null damage delegate the attack is a status attack """
        self.attack.damageDelegate = self.nullDamageDelegate
        isStausAttack = self.attack.isStatus()
        self.assertTrue(isStausAttack, "The Attack should be a status attack")
    def hasNormalDamageDelegate(self):
        """ Test that when the damage delegate is normal the attack is not a status attack """
        self.attack.damageDelegate = self.normalDamageDelegate
        isStausAttack = self.attack.isStatus()
        self.assertFalse(isStausAttack, "The Attack should not be a status attack")
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.step = HandleContactStep(self.attack)

        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        self.user.getAbility().onContact = self.onContact
        self.target.getAbility().onContact = self.onContact

        self.hitPkmn = None
        self.calledOnContact = 0
        self.messages = ["My Test Message"]
Exemplo n.º 14
 def buildAttackFromXML(tree):
     """ Build an Attack from XML tree """
     attack = Attack()
     attack.name = tree.find(Tags.nameTag).text
     attack.type = tree.find(Tags.typeTag).text
     attack.makes_contact = Tags.contactAttribute in tree.attrib
     # Delegates
     for delegateCategory in AttackFactory.factories.keys():
         delegate = AttackFactory.getDelegate(tree, delegateCategory, attack)
         attack.addDelegate(delegateCategory, delegate)
     effects = tree.find(Tags.effectDelegatesTag)
     if effects is not None:
         for effect in effects.getchildren():
             delegate = EffectDelegateFactory.loadFromXML(effect, attack)
             attack.addDelegate(Tags.effectDelegateTag, delegate)
     return attack
Exemplo n.º 15
 def buildAttackFromDB(cursor, name):
     """ Build an Attack from a Database connection """
     attack = Attack()
     cursor.execute("SELECT Type.name from Attack, Type where Attack.name = ? and Attack.type_id = Type.id", (name,))
     type = cursor.fetchone()[0]
     attack.name = name
     attack.type = type
     # Delegates
     for delegateCategory in AttackFactory.factories.keys():
         delegate = AttackFactory.getDelegateDB(cursor, delegateCategory, attack)
         attack.addDelegate(delegateCategory, delegate)
     attack.effectDelegates = EffectDelegateFactory.loadAllEffectsFromDB(cursor, attack)
     return attack
Exemplo n.º 16
 def getConfusionAttack():
     """  Builds and returns the DamageDelegate used for Confusion """
     attack = Attack()
     attack.type = ""
     return DamageDelegate(attack, 40, 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Attack and Damage Delegate for the test """
     self.attack = Attack()
     self.nullDamageDelegate = NullDamageDelegate()
     self.normalDamageDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, None, None)
Exemplo n.º 18
class use(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of use """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Attack for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]
        self.attack.preconditionsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.announcementStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.removePPStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.hitStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.damageStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.effectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleContactStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
    def preconditions_Failing(self):
        """ Test that failing precodnitions prevents the attack from being done """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = False
        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.preconditionsStep.performed, "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.announcementStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Announcement Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.removePPStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Remove PP Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.hitStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Hit Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.damageStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Damage Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.effectsStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Effects Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.handleContactStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Handle Contact Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")
        self.assertEquals(self.messages, messages, 'Should have messages for each performed step')
    def hit_Succeeded(self):
        """ Test that passing precodnitions allows the attack to be used """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = True
        self.attack.hitStep.hit = True
        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.preconditionsStep.performed, "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.announcementStep.performed, "Should have performed the Announcement Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.removePPStep.performed, "Should have performed the Remove PP Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.hitStep.performed, "Should have performed the Hit Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.damageStep.performed, "Should have performed the Damage Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.effectsStep.performed, "Should have performed the Effects Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.handleContactStep.performed, "Should have performed the Handle Contact Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")
        self.assertEquals(self.messages*7, messages, 'Should have messages for each performed step')
    def hit_Missed(self):
        """ Test that messages from the attack are returned """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = True
        self.attack.hitStep.hit = False
        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.preconditionsStep.performed, "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.announcementStep.performed, "Should have performed the Announcement Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.removePPStep.performed, "Should have performed the Remove PP Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.hitStep.performed, "Should have performed the Hit Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.damageStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Damage Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.effectsStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Effects Step")
        self.assertFalse(self.attack.handleContactStep.performed, "Should not have performed the Handle Contact Step")
        self.assertTrue(self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep.performed, "Should have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")
        self.assertEquals(self.messages*5, messages, 'Should have messages for each performed step')
Exemplo n.º 19
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Attack and Damage Delegate for the test """
     self.attack = Attack()
     self.nullDamageDelegate = NullDamageDelegate()
     self.normalDamageDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, None, None)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def getConfusionAttack():
     """  Builds and returns the DamageDelegate used for Confusion """
     attack = Attack()
     attack.type = ""
     return DamageDelegate(attack, 40, 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
class use(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of use """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Attack for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.messages = ["My Test Messages"]

        self.attack.preconditionsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.announcementStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.removePPStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.hitStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.damageStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.effectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleContactStep = MockStep(self.messages)
        self.attack.handleMissEffectsStep = MockStep(self.messages)

    def preconditions_Failing(self):
        """ Test that failing precodnitions prevents the attack from being done """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = False

        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)

                        "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Announcement Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Remove PP Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Hit Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Damage Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Effects Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Handle Contact Step")
            "Should not have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")

        self.assertEquals(self.messages, messages,
                          'Should have messages for each performed step')

    def hit_Succeeded(self):
        """ Test that passing precodnitions allows the attack to be used """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = True
        self.attack.hitStep.hit = True

        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)

                        "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
                        "Should have performed the Announcement Step")
                        "Should have performed the Remove PP Step")
                        "Should have performed the Hit Step")
                        "Should have performed the Damage Step")
                        "Should have performed the Effects Step")
                        "Should have performed the Handle Contact Step")
            "Should not have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")

        self.assertEquals(self.messages * 7, messages,
                          'Should have messages for each performed step')

    def hit_Missed(self):
        """ Test that messages from the attack are returned """
        self.attack.preconditionsStep.passed = True
        self.attack.hitStep.hit = False

        messages = self.attack.use(None, None, None)

                        "Should have performed the Precondition Step")
                        "Should have performed the Announcement Step")
                        "Should have performed the Remove PP Step")
                        "Should have performed the Hit Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Damage Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Effects Step")
                         "Should not have performed the Handle Contact Step")
                        "Should have performed the Hanlde Miss Effects Step")

        self.assertEquals(self.messages * 5, messages,
                          'Should have messages for each performed step')
Exemplo n.º 22
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Attack and Damage Delegate """
     attack = Attack()
     attack.type ="FIRE"
     self.delegate = DamageDelegate(attack, 0, 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build side for use in test cases """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.parent = Attack()
     self.parent.type = "NORMAL"