Exemplo n.º 1
def _prep_query(query):
    '''Prepare query for Wikipedia. Queries must capitalize (most)
    words, must be in unicode, and must not contain characters with
    accents (ü). For example, the query http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Kurylenko works, 
    but the query http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/olga_kurylenko does not.

        query (str) : Original query
        Wikipedia-formatted query

    # Ensure unicode
    query = UnicodeDammit(query).unicode

    # Replace accents (ü -> u)
    query = geotools.strip_accents(query)
    # Split and capitalize query terms
    terms = map(
        lambda s: s.capitalize() if s not in _no_cap else s,
        query.lower().split(' ')
    # Join query terms
    query = ' '.join(terms)

    # Return completed query
    return query