Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_vecsum(structure,metalName,valenceDictionary):
	# print(valenceDictionary.keys())
	metals = ["FE", "CO", "MN", "CU", "NI", "MO","W", "V"]
	atoms = list(structure.get_atoms())
	metalRow = get_metalRow(list(structure.get_atoms()),metalName)
	metalAtom = atoms[metalRow]
	numAtoms = len(atoms)

	vecsum = 0
	fij = PDB.Vector(x=0,y=0,z=0)
	for idx in range(0,numAtoms):
		if idx != metalRow:
			# print('blah')
			atomNames = metalName+"_"+atoms[idx].get_name().upper()
			ligandAtom = atoms[idx]
			distance = abs(ligandAtom - metalAtom)
			vec = (ligandAtom.get_vector() - metalAtom.get_vector())
			rij = vec.__truediv__(distance)
			ligOcc = ligandAtom.get_occupancy()
			# print('ligOCC: ',ligOcc)
			# print('valence: ',valenceDictionary[atomNames]['Valence'])
			oxInd = valenceDictionary[atomNames]['Ox'].index(valenceDictionary['oxNum'])
			bondValence = float(valenceDictionary[atomNames]['Valence'][oxInd])
			# print('blha: ' + str(bondValence))
			sij = float(ligOcc) * bondValence
			# print('sij',sij)
			# raise TypeError('somethingHappend ' + str(ij))
			fij = fij.__add__(np.multiply(rij.get_array(),sij))
			# print('fij: ',fij)
	vecsum =  math.sqrt(fij.__mul__(fij)) / float(valenceDictionary['Valency'])
	# print('vecsum: ',vecsum)
	return vecsum
Exemplo n.º 2
def calc_vecsum(metVal, ox):
    # print(valenceDictionary.keys())
    # The borderline and outlier thresholds are >0.10 and >0.23, respectively, for nVECSUM,
    # >10% and >25%, respectively, for the vacancy parameter, which is the percentage of all expected coordination sites left vacant (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 2). For example, ions with all coordination sites occupied by ligands (vacancy = 0) are classi- fied as acceptable. For geometry with an expected coordination number greater than four, metals with one vacant coordina- tion site (vacancy ≤ 25%) are borderline, and metals with two or more vacant coordination sites (vacancy > 25%)
    vecsum = 0
    fij = PDB.Vector(x=0, y=0, z=0)
    bonds = [
        key for key in metVal[ox].keys() if key not in ['coordNum', 'valence']
    for bond in bonds:
        distance = metVal[ox][bond]['dist']
        metVec = metVal[ox][bond]['metVec']
        ligVec = metVal[ox][bond]['ligVec']
        # print('metVec',metVec)
        # print('ligVec',ligVec)
        vec = (ligVec - metVec)
        rij = vec.__truediv__(distance)
        ligOcc = metVal[ox][bond]['ligOcc']
        bondValence = metVal[ox][bond]['bond_val']
        # print('blha: ' + str(bondValence))
        sij = float(ligOcc) * bondValence
        # print('sij',sij)
        # raise TypeError('somethingHappend ' + str(ij))
        fij = fij.__add__(np.multiply(rij.get_array(), sij))
        # print('fij: ',fij)
    vecsum = math.sqrt(fij.__mul__(fij)) / metVal[ox]['valence']
    # print('vecsum: ',vecsum)
    return vecsum
Exemplo n.º 3
def pick_single_FPpoint(atoms, distance=20, bead_name=atom_name):
    """ Return the coordinates of a point distance units away from the first
    atom in atoms with name bead_name along a line through the COG """
    cog = PDB.Vector(*centre_of_geometry(atoms))
    first_bead = PDB.Vector(0, 0, 0)
    # Pick the first bead_name atom in atoms and read coords
    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.get_name() == bead_name:
            first_bead = atom.get_vector()
    # Find a unit vector pointing along the line from cog to first_bead
    unit_vector = first_bead - cog
    # Scale the unit vector to the correct distance
    scaled_vector = unit_vector**distance
    # Add the scaled vector to the first bead to get coordinates for a
    # fluorophore
    new_vector = scaled_vector + first_bead
    # Convert vector to tuple
    coords_out = (new_vector[0], new_vector[1], new_vector[2])
    return coords_out
Exemplo n.º 4
def calc_protein_vecsum(metVal, ID, ox):
    # print(metVal)
    # {'4RT5.NI_201_1655_A.hvp.pdb': {'env': 'NI1C1N2O4', 'Valence': 0, 'Ox': 0,
    # 'NI_NE2': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'N', 'Ox': [2, 3], 'bond-valence': [0.24315593231842803, 0.2644062425923594]},
    # 'NI_NE2_43': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'N', 'Ox': [2, 3], 'bond-valence': [0.41219316064853856, 0.44821626924826263]},
    # 'NI_OE2': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'O', 'Ox': [2, 3, 4], 'bond-valence': [0.22138086502773974, 0.28696034883432053, 0.3111966818850807]},
    # 'NI_C2': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'C', 'Ox': [], 'bond-valence': []},
    # 'NI_O2': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'O', 'Ox': [2, 3, 4], 'bond-valence': [0.310535384208486, 0.402525042833765, 0.43652183381558524]},
    # 'NI_O3': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'O', 'Ox': [2, 3, 4], 'bond-valence': [0.10584098720469944, 0.1371941816444871, 0.14878144062458418]},
    # 'NI_O': {'mElem': 'NI', 'lElem': 'O', 'Ox': [2, 3, 4], 'bond-valence': [0.08400752496077941, 0.10889300963040541, 0.1180899849582612]}}}
    # print(valenceDictionary.keys())
    # The borderline and outlier thresholds are >0.10 and >0.23, respectively, for nVECSUM,
    # >10% and >25%, respectively, for the vacancy parameter, which is the percentage of all expected coordination sites left vacant (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 2). For example, ions with all coordination sites occupied by ligands (vacancy = 0) are classi- fied as acceptable. For geometry with an expected coordination number greater than four, metals with one vacant coordina- tion site (vacancy ≤ 25%) are borderline, and metals with two or more vacant coordination sites (vacancy > 25%)
    vecsum = 0
    fij = PDB.Vector(x=0, y=0, z=0)
    # print(metVal[ID].keys())
    bonds = [
        key for key in metVal[ID].keys()
        if key not in ['env', 'Valence', 'Ox', 'coordNum']
    # print(bonds)
    # oxInd = metVal[ID]['Ox'].index(ox)
    for bond in bonds:
        # print(ox)
        oxInd = metVal[ID][bond]['Ox'].index(ox)
        # print(oxInd)
        distance = metVal[ID][bond]['dist']
        # print(distance)
        metVec = metVal[ID][bond]['metVec']
        # print(metVec)
        ligVec = metVal[ID][bond]['ligVec']
        # print(ligVec)
        vec = (ligVec - metVec)
        # print(vec)
        rij = vec.__truediv__(distance)
        # print(rij)
        ligOcc = metVal[ID][bond]['ligOcc']
        # print(ligOcc)
        bondValence = metVal[ID][bond]['bond-valence'][oxInd]
        # print(bondValence)

        # print(bondValence)
        # print('blha: ' + str(bondValence))
        sij = float(ligOcc) * bondValence
        # print(sij)
        # print('sij',sij)
        # raise TypeError('somethingHappend ' + str(ij))
        fij = fij.__add__(np.multiply(rij.get_array(), sij))

        # print('fij: ',fij)
    vecsum = math.sqrt(fij.__mul__(fij)) / metVal[ID]['Valence']
    # print('vecsum: ',vecsum)
    return vecsum
Exemplo n.º 5
def rotate_throught_bond(bond, angle, rotated_atoms, atoms_fixed):
    # Obtain the axis that we want to use as reference for the rotation
    vector = bond.getCoords()[0] - bond.getCoords()[1]
    vector = bio.Vector(vector)
    # Obtain the rotation matrix for the vector (axis) and the angle (theta)
    rot_mat = bio.rotaxis(angle, vector)
    new_coords = []
    for coords in rotated_atoms.getCoords():
        new_coord = np.dot(coords, rot_mat)
    structure_result = atoms_fixed + rotated_atoms
    return structure_result
Exemplo n.º 6
def perturbPolygonalChain(CaChain,
                          residueNrRange=range(0, 5),
                          perturbation=[(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), (0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
                                        (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), (0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
                                        (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)]):
    '''Perturbs the input chain: perturbs the residues with numbers in the 
    provided range, residueNrRange, added to the number of the first residue
    in the chain; the perturbation amounts is given in 3d coords (x,y,z) in units
    of Å. 
    Obs: only residues in the chain having with indices in the residueNrRange will be
    perturbed; in particular, if no such indices exist the chain will not be perturbed.
    Input: as output from getPolygonalChain.
    Output: perturbed chain of CAs, corresponding polygonal chain.'''

    perChain = {}
    perPolyCaChain = {}
    segNrRange = {}
    for chain in CaChain.keys():
        resNr = 0
        perNr = 0
        perChain[chain] = []
        for c in CaChain[chain]:
            if resNr in residueNrRange:
                perC = PDB.Vector.__add__(c, PDB.Vector(perturbation[perNr]))
                perNr += 1
            resNr += 1
        #derive the corresponding polygonal chain:
        perPolyCaChain[chain] = []
        CaCnt = 0
        for c in perChain[chain]:
            Ca = c
            if CaCnt > 0:
                perPolyCaChain[chain].append([prevCa, Ca])
            prevCa = Ca
            CaCnt += 1
        #comes in handy later to have readily available the polychain segment numbers for
        #which the segment is perturbed:
        segNr = 0
        segNrRange[chain] = []
        print chain
        for s in polyCaChain[chain]:
            if perPolyCaChain[chain][segNr] <> s:
                #print segNr
            segNr += 1
    return perChain, perPolyCaChain, segNrRange
    def calc_coord(self):
        """Return coord of base pair

        exclude sugar and posphate and hydrogens"""
        centroid = PDB.Vector(0, 0, 0)
        counter = 0.0
        #exclude = ["O5'","C5'", "C4'", "O4'", "C3'", "O3'", "C2'", "O2'", "P", "OP2", "OP1", "OP3","C1'"] #
        exclude = []
        for atom in self.a:
            if atom.name not in exclude:
                if not atom.name.startswith('H'):
                    centroid = centroid + atom.get_vector()
                    counter += 1
        for atom in self.b:
            if atom.name not in exclude:
                if not atom.name.startswith('H'):
                    centroid = centroid + atom.get_vector()
                    counter += 1

        centroid = centroid / counter
        self.coord = numpy.array((tuple(centroid)), 'f')
        return self.coord
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_pose_constraints(Pose,
    '''  '''
    # AlexsSasaCalculator is from Alex's interface_fragment_matching
    # thanks Alex!
    # This is used to give buried polar contacts more weight. Thanks Alex Ford!
        from interface_fragment_matching.utility.analysis import AtomicSasaCalculator
        # make instace of Alex's sasa calculator
        AlexsSasaCalculator = AtomicSasaCalculator(probe_radius=SasaRadius)
        ResidueAtomSasa = AlexsSasaCalculator.calculate_per_atom_sasa(Pose)
    except ImportError:
        ' Error: SASA weighting of contacts requires interface_fragment_matching from Alex Ford '

    # for making full atom kd tree
    ResAtmCoordLists = []
    # for translating from kd tree index to ( residue, atom ) coord
    ResAtmRecordLists = []

    # loop through all residue numbers
    for Res in range(1, Pose.n_residue() + 1):
        # remade for each residue
        AtmRecordList = []
        AtmCoordList = []
        # loop through residue's atom numbers
        for Atm in range(1, Pose.residue(Res).natoms() + 1):
            # add (residue, atom) coord to residue's list
            AtmRecordList.append((Res, Atm))
            # add atom xyz coord to residue's list

        # add residue's lists to respective global lists

    ResidueAtomArray = np.array(ResAtmCoordLists)
    ResidueAtomKDTree = spatial.KDTree(ResidueAtomArray)

    ResidueAtomNeighbors = ResidueAtomKDTree.query_ball_point(
        ResidueAtomArray, MaxDist)
    # ResidueAtomNearNeighbors = ResidueAtomKDTree.query_ball_point( ResidueAtomArray, 2.0 )
    ResidueAtomHydrogens = ResidueAtomKDTree.query_ball_point(
        ResidueAtomArray, 1.1)

    # holds constraints before printing
    AllConstraints = []
    # holds sorted cst
    AllBackboneBackboneCst = []
    AllBackboneSidechainCst = []
    AllSidechainSidechainCst = []

    # All contacts are from upstream to downstream residues to avoid double counting
    Upstream = []
    for UpIndex, UpXyzCoords in enumerate(ResAtmCoordLists):
        UpRes, UpAtm = ResAtmRecordLists[UpIndex]

        # # loop through residues storing info on oxygens
        # for UpRes in range( 1, Pose.n_residue() + 1 ):
        #   # loop through atoms
        #   for UpAtm in range( 1, Pose.residue(UpRes).natoms() + 1 ):
        UpName = Pose.residue(UpRes).atom_name(UpAtm).replace(' ', '')

        # skip virtual residues
        if Pose.residue(UpRes).is_virtual(UpAtm):

        #                                this guy
        #                                 /
        # checks upstream name           V
        if re.match(UpstreamGrep, UpName):
            # print '\n'*2
            # print 'UpRes, UpName', UpRes, UpName

            # get neighbors of upstream residues
            NeighborsOfUpstream = ResidueAtomNeighbors[UpIndex]

            # prep for loop
            Downstreams = []

            Constraints = []
            BackboneBackboneCst = []
            BackboneSidechainCst = []
            SidechainSidechainCst = []

            # ArbitrayOrderOfAtomNames = {}
            for DownIndex in NeighborsOfUpstream:
                # name presumes downstream, checks with if imediately below
                DownRes, DownAtm = ResAtmRecordLists[DownIndex]

                # checks that downstream residue is dowstream of upstream and passes min primary sequence spacing
                if DownRes - UpRes >= MinPositionSeperation:
                    DownName = Pose.residue(DownRes).atom_name(
                        DownAtm).replace(' ', '')

                    # skip if same atom
                    if UpRes == DownRes:
                        if UpName == DownName:

                    # skip virtual residues
                    if Pose.residue(DownRes).is_virtual(DownAtm):

                    # checks downstream name
                    if re.match(DownstreamGrep, DownName):
                        # print 'DownRes, DownName', DownRes, DownName

                        PotentialUpstreamHydrogens = ResidueAtomHydrogens[
                        UpstreamHydrogens = []
                        # print 'PotentialUpstreamHydrogens', PotentialUpstreamHydrogens
                        for UpH_I in PotentialUpstreamHydrogens:
                            UpH_Res, UpH_Atm = ResAtmRecordLists[UpH_I]
                            UpH_Name = Pose.residue(UpH_Res).atom_name(
                                UpH_Atm).replace(' ', '')
                            # print 'UpH_Name', UpH_Name
                            if 'H' in UpH_Name:
                                    (UpH_Res, UpH_Atm, UpH_Name))
                            # print 'UpstreamHydrogens', UpstreamHydrogens

                        PotentialDownstreamHydrogens = ResidueAtomHydrogens[
                        DownstreamHydrogens = []
                        # print 'PotentialDownstreamHydrogens', PotentialDownstreamHydrogens
                        for DownH_I in PotentialDownstreamHydrogens:
                            DownH_Res, DownH_Atm = ResAtmRecordLists[DownH_I]
                            DownH_Name = Pose.residue(DownH_Res).atom_name(
                                DownH_Atm).replace(' ', '')
                            # print 'DownH_Name', DownH_Name
                            if 'H' in DownH_Name:
                                    (DownH_Res, DownH_Atm, DownH_Name))
                            # print 'DownstreamHydrogens', DownstreamHydrogens

                        # check their is at least one hydrogen in system before adding constraint
                        if len(UpstreamHydrogens) or len(
                                DownstreamHydrogens) or NeedHydrogen == False:

                            # these trys / excepts seperate
                            # backbone-backbone from
                            # backbone-sidechain from
                            # sidechain-sidechain interactions
                            # in future maybe sort into seperate lists, shouldn't rely on ResidueAtomSasa to know what is in backbone
                                UpstreamSasa = ResidueAtomSasa[UpRes][UpName]
                                DownstreamSasa = ResidueAtomSasa[DownRes][
                                AverageSasa = np.mean(
                                    [UpstreamSasa, DownstreamSasa])
                                BBBB = 1
                                BBSC = SCSC = 0
                            except KeyError:
                                # These lines handle backbone to sidechain interactions
                                # set weight equal to the most buried
                                    UpstreamSasa = ResidueAtomSasa[UpRes][
                                    AverageSasa = SasaScale.FloorSasa
                                    BBSC = 1
                                    BBBB = SCSC = 0
                                except KeyError:
                                        DownstreamSasa = ResidueAtomSasa[
                                        AverageSasa = SasaScale.FloorSasa
                                        BBSC = 1
                                        BBBB = SCSC = 0

                                    # set weight of side chain side chain equal to the most buried
                                    except KeyError:
                                        AverageSasa = SasaScale.CeilingSasa
                                        SCSC = 1
                                        BBSC = BBBB = 0

                            # use instance of sasa_scale to calculate weight based on avg sasa of N and O
                            SasaBasedWeight = SasaScale.weigh(AverageSasa)
                            # print
                            # print 'AverageSasa', AverageSasa
                            # print 'SasaBasedWeight', SasaBasedWeight

                            # print 'found downstream neighbor %s'%DownName
                            DownXyzCoords = np.array(
                            # print 'DownRes, DownName', DownRes, DownName
                            # print 'DownXyzCoords', DownXyzCoords

                            # ## Get neighbors for angles and torsions to use with AtomPairs

                            SelectUpNeighbors = []
                            # iterates through upstream atom neighbors for references for angle
                            for UpNeighborIndex in NeighborsOfUpstream:
                                UpNeighborRes, UpNeighborAtm = ResAtmRecordLists[
                                UpNeighborName = Pose.residue(
                                        UpNeighborAtm).replace(' ', '')

                                # keep looking if neighbor is hyrdogen
                                if 'H' in UpNeighborName:

                                # skip virtual residues
                                if Pose.residue(UpNeighborRes).is_virtual(

                                # keep looking if neighbor is self
                                if UpNeighborName == UpName and UpNeighborRes == UpRes:
                                # keep looking if neighbor is downstream residue again
                                if UpNeighborName == DownName and UpNeighborRes == DownRes:
                                UpNeighborCoords = ResAtmCoordLists[
                                DistanceToNeighbor = solenoid_tools.vector_magnitude(
                                    UpXyzCoords - UpNeighborCoords)
                                    (DistanceToNeighbor, UpNeighborName,
                                     UpNeighborRes, UpNeighborCoords))

                            # sort by distance to atom, nearest first
                            UpNeighbor1Tuple = SelectUpNeighbors[0]
                            UpNeighbor2Tuple = SelectUpNeighbors[1]
                            # print '\n'*2
                            # print 'UpRes, UpName', UpRes, UpName
                            # print 'UpstreamHydrogens', UpstreamHydrogens
                            # print 'SelectUpNeighbors', SelectUpNeighbors

                            # get neighbors of upstream residues
                            NeighborsOfDownstream = ResidueAtomNeighbors[
                            SelectDownNeighbors = []
                            # iterates through upstream atom neighbors for references for angle
                            for DownNeighborIndex in NeighborsOfDownstream:
                                DownNeighborRes, DownNeighborAtm = ResAtmRecordLists[
                                DownNeighborName = Pose.residue(
                                        DownNeighborAtm).replace(' ', '')

                                # keep looking if neighbor is hyrdogen
                                if 'H' in DownNeighborName:

                                # skip virtual residues
                                if Pose.residue(DownNeighborRes).is_virtual(

                                # keep looking if neighbor is self
                                if DownNeighborName == DownName and DownNeighborRes == DownRes:
                                # keep looking if neighbor is upstream residue
                                if DownNeighborName == UpName and DownNeighborRes == UpRes:

                                DownNeighborCoords = ResAtmCoordLists[
                                DistanceToNeighbor = solenoid_tools.vector_magnitude(
                                    DownXyzCoords - DownNeighborCoords)
                                    (DistanceToNeighbor, DownNeighborName,
                                     DownNeighborRes, DownNeighborCoords))

                            # sort by distance to atom, nearest first
                            DownNeighbor1Tuple = SelectDownNeighbors[0]
                            DownNeighbor2Tuple = SelectDownNeighbors[1]
                            # print 'DownRes, DownName', DownRes, DownName
                            # print 'DownstreamHydrogens', DownstreamHydrogens
                            # print 'SelectDownNeighbors', SelectDownNeighbors

                            Distance = solenoid_tools.vector_magnitude(
                                DownXyzCoords - UpXyzCoords)

                            DistanceCst = 'AtomPair %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f HARMONIC %.2f 1.0' % (
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                SasaBasedWeight, Distance)

                            # Use Biopython for angle and dihedral calculations
                            # here 'Vec' means PDB.Vector of atom's xyz coord
                            UpstreamVec = PDB.Vector(UpXyzCoords)
                            DownstreamVec = PDB.Vector(DownXyzCoords)

                            UpNeighbor1Vec = PDB.Vector(UpNeighbor1Tuple[3])
                            UpNeighbor2Vec = PDB.Vector(UpNeighbor2Tuple[3])
                            DownNeighbor1Vec = PDB.Vector(
                            DownNeighbor2Vec = PDB.Vector(

                            Angle1 = PDB.calc_angle(UpNeighbor1Vec,
                                                    UpstreamVec, DownstreamVec)
                            AngleCst1 = 'Angle %s %d %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f CIRCULARHARMONIC %.2f 0.5' % (
                                UpNeighbor1Tuple[1], UpNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                SasaBasedWeight, Angle1)
                            Angle2 = PDB.calc_angle(UpstreamVec, DownstreamVec,
                            AngleCst2 = 'Angle %s %d %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f CIRCULARHARMONIC %.2f 0.5' % (
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                DownNeighbor1Tuple[1], DownNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                SasaBasedWeight, Angle2)

                            Torsion1 = PDB.calc_dihedral(
                                UpNeighbor2Vec, UpNeighbor1Vec, UpstreamVec,
                            TorsionCst1 = 'Dihedral %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f CIRCULARHARMONIC %.2f 0.5' % (
                                UpNeighbor2Tuple[1], UpNeighbor2Tuple[2],
                                UpNeighbor1Tuple[1], UpNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                SasaBasedWeight, Torsion1)
                            Torsion2 = PDB.calc_dihedral(
                                UpNeighbor1Vec, UpstreamVec, DownstreamVec,
                            TorsionCst2 = 'Dihedral %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f CIRCULARHARMONIC %.2f 0.5' % (
                                UpNeighbor1Tuple[1], UpNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                DownNeighbor1Tuple[1], DownNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                SasaBasedWeight, Torsion2)
                            Torsion3 = PDB.calc_dihedral(
                                UpstreamVec, DownstreamVec, DownNeighbor1Vec,
                            TorsionCst3 = 'Dihedral %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d SCALARWEIGHTEDFUNC %f CIRCULARHARMONIC %.2f 0.5' % (
                                UpName, UpRes, DownName, DownRes,
                                DownNeighbor1Tuple[1], DownNeighbor1Tuple[2],
                                DownNeighbor2Tuple[1], DownNeighbor2Tuple[2],
                                SasaBasedWeight, Torsion3)

                            # adds constraint to running lists of constraints
                                DistanceCst, AngleCst1, AngleCst2, TorsionCst1,
                                TorsionCst2, TorsionCst3
                            if BBBB:
                                    DistanceCst, AngleCst1, AngleCst2,
                                    TorsionCst1, TorsionCst2, TorsionCst3
                            if BBSC:
                                    DistanceCst, AngleCst1, AngleCst2,
                                    TorsionCst1, TorsionCst2, TorsionCst3
                            if SCSC:
                                    DistanceCst, AngleCst1, AngleCst2,
                                    TorsionCst1, TorsionCst2, TorsionCst3

                        # else:
                        #   print 'No hydrogen!'
                        #   sys.exit()


    SortedConstraints = (AllBackboneBackboneCst, AllBackboneSidechainCst,

    return AllConstraints, SortedConstraints
numAngles = int(names.size / 4)
caDistance = []
phi = []
psi = []
for i in range(0, numAngles - 2):
    #	nIndex  = 4*i;
    precaIndex = 4 * i + 1
    cpIndex = 4 * i + 2
    #	oIndex  = 4*i+3
    nIndex = 4 * i + 4
    caIndex = 4 * i + 5
    cp2Index = 4 * i + 6
    #       o2Index =4*i+7;
    n2Index = 4 * i + 8

    vcp = pdb.Vector(coordinates[cpIndex, 0:3])
    vn = pdb.Vector(coordinates[nIndex, 0:3])
    vca = pdb.Vector(coordinates[caIndex, 0:3])
    vcp2 = pdb.Vector(coordinates[cp2Index, 0:3])
    vn2 = pdb.Vector(coordinates[n2Index, 0:3])

    alpha1 = coordinates[precaIndex, 0:3]
    alpha2 = coordinates[caIndex, 0:3]

    currentDistance = np.linalg.norm(alpha1 - alpha2)

    currentPhi = pdb.calc_dihedral(vcp, vn, vca, vcp2)
    currentPsi = pdb.calc_dihedral(vn, vca, vcp2, vn2)