Exemplo n.º 1
    def gui(self):  # the function to draw the screen
        BGL.glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)
        BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)

        BGL.glRasterPos2i(20, 200)
        Draw.Text("Select the object to export:", "normal")
        self.objMenu = Draw.Menu(self.sObjSelection, 1, 20, 170, 200, 20,
                                 self.objSel, "Select the animated object.")

        BGL.glRasterPos2i(20, 150)
        Draw.Text("Select the armature to export:", "normal")
        self.armMenu = Draw.Menu(self.sArmSelection, 2, 20, 120, 200, 20,
                                 self.armSel, "Select the matching armature.")

        BGL.glRasterPos2i(20, 100)
        Draw.Text("Select the root bone of the armature:", "normal")
        self.boneMenu = Draw.Menu(self.sBoneSelection, 3, 20, 70, 200, 20,
                                  "Select the Root Bone of the armature.")

        Draw.PushButton("Export", 4, 250, 150, 50, 20, "Export File")
        Draw.PushButton("Cancel", 5, 250, 110, 50, 20, "Cancel")

        BGL.glRasterPos2i(72, 16)
        string = "Selections: " + ("%s" % self.objSel) + " / " + (
            "%s" % self.armSel) + " / " + ("%s" % self.boneSel)

        Draw.Text(string, "small")
Exemplo n.º 2
def drawmanipulator(manipulators, indices, eventbase, boneno, x, y):

    # See Blender Python Docs
    # http://www.blender.org/documentation/248PythonDoc/Draw-module.html

    manipulator = manipulators[boneno]
    cursor = cursors[boneno]
    valid = True

    Draw.Menu('|'.join(manipulatorList), DONTCARE + eventbase, x + 4, y,
              CONTROLSIZE, CONTROLSIZE, -1, 'Pick the manipulator from a list',
    Draw.String('', DATAREF_B + eventbase, x + 4 + CONTROLSIZE, y,
                manipulator, 100,
                'Full name of the manipulator used to control this animation')
    y -= 30
    event_id = 1000
    sub_dict = sorted(manipulator_dict[manipulator].keys())

    for field_id in sub_dict:
        field_name = field_id.split('@')[1]
        field_val = manipulator_dict[manipulator][field_id]

        if field_name == 'cursor':
            Draw.Label("Cursor Type:", x, y, 100, CONTROLSIZE)
            Draw.Menu('|'.join(cursorList), DONTCARE + eventbase, x + 4, y,
                      CONTROLSIZE, CONTROLSIZE, -1,
                      'Pick the cursor type from a list', cursormenucallback)
                '', DATAREF_B + eventbase, x + 4 + CONTROLSIZE, y,
                cursor, 100,
                'Full name of the manipulator used to control this animation')
            y -= 30
            event_id += 1
        elif field_name != 'NULL':
            Draw.Label(field_name + ':', x, y, 120, CONTROLSIZE)

            if type(field_val).__name__ == 'str':
                Draw.String('', event_id, x + 100, y, 180, CONTROLSIZE,
                            field_val, 100, '', manipulatordatacallback)

            if type(field_val).__name__ == 'float':
                Draw.Number('', event_id, x + 100, y, 80, CONTROLSIZE,
                            field_val, -50000.0, 50000.0, '',

            if type(field_val).__name__ == 'int':
                Draw.Number('', event_id, x + 100, y, 80, CONTROLSIZE,
                            int(field_val), -50000, 50000, '',

            y -= 20
            event_id += 1

    return valid
Exemplo n.º 3
def drawAA():
    global EXP_ANIM
    ##  aa settings
    col = 10
    line = 200
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(col, line)
    col = 100
    MINAA = Draw.Number("Min AA ", 2, col, line, 120, 18, MINAA.val, -4, 5)
    col = 230
    MAXAA = Draw.Number("Max AA  ", 2, col, line, 120, 18, MAXAA.val, -4, 5)
    col = 360
    AASAMPLES = Draw.Number("Samples", 2, col, line, 120, 18, AASAMPLES.val, 0,
    col = 10
    line = 175
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(col, line)
    Draw.Text("Image Filter:")
    col = 100
    line = 173
    IMGFILTER = Draw.Menu(
        "%tImage Filter|box|gaussian|mitchell|triangle|catmull-rom|blackman-harris|sinc|lanczos",
        FILTER_EVENT, col, line, 120, 18, IMGFILTER.val)
    col = 10
    line = 120
    EXP_ANIM = Draw.Toggle("Export As Animation", 2, col, line, 140, 18,
Exemplo n.º 4
def drawdataref(datarefs, indices, eventbase, boneno, x, y):

    dataref = datarefs[boneno]
    valid = True

    mbutton = Draw.Menu('sim/%t|' + '/...|'.join(firstlevel) + '/...',
                        DONTCARE + eventbase, x + 4, y, CONTROLSIZE,
                        CONTROLSIZE, -1, 'Pick the dataref from a list',
    bbutton = Draw.String(
        '', DATAREF_B + eventbase, x + 4 + CONTROLSIZE, y,
        'Full name of the dataref used to animate this object')

    ibutton = None
    tbutton = None
    ref = dataref.split('/')
    if len(ref) <= 1 or ref[0] == 'sim':
        if len(ref) == 1 and ref[0] in lookup and not lookup[ref[0]]:
            BGL.glRasterPos2d(x + 4, y - 21)
            Draw.Text('This dataref name is ambiguous')
            valid = False
                thing = hierarchy
                for i in range(len(ref)):
                    thing = thing[ref[i]]
                n = thing + 0  # check is a leaf - ie numeric
                if not n:
                    BGL.glRasterPos2d(x + 4, y - 21)
                    Draw.Text("This dataref can't be used for animation")
                    valid = False
                elif n == 1:
                    indices[boneno] = None
                    if indices[boneno] == None or indices[boneno] >= n:
                        indices[boneno] = 0
                    Draw.Label("Part number:", x, y - 26, 120, CONTROLSIZE)
                    ibutton = Draw.Number('', INDICES_B + eventbase, x + 108,
                                          y - 26, 50, CONTROLSIZE,
                                          indices[boneno], 0, n - 1,
                                          'The part number / array index')
                BGL.glRasterPos2d(x + 4, y - 21)
                Draw.Text("This is not a valid dataref")
                valid = False
        if indices[boneno] != None:
            val = 1
            val = 0
        tbutton = Draw.Toggle('Part number', INDICES_T + eventbase, x + 4,
                              y - 26, 104, CONTROLSIZE, val,
                              'Whether this is an array dataref')
        if val:
            ibutton = Draw.Number('', INDICES_B + eventbase, x + 108, y - 26,
                                  50, CONTROLSIZE, indices[boneno], 0, 729,
                                  'The part number / array index')

    return (valid, mbutton, bbutton, ibutton, tbutton)
Exemplo n.º 5
def draw():
    global as_package_name
    global fileButton, expFileName
    global engine_menu, engine_name
    global export_all
    expFileName = ""
    ########## Titles
    glRasterPos2i(40, 240)

    logoImage = Image.Load(Get('scriptsdir') + sys.sep + 'AS3Export.png')
    Draw.Image(logoImage, 40, 155)

    as_package_name = Draw.String("Package name: ", EVENT_NOEVENT, 40, 130,
                                  250, 20, as_package_name.val, 300)
    engine_name = "Away3D%x1|Away3D 2.1.0%x5|Away3D 2.2.0%x6|Papervision3D%x2|Papervision3D 2.0%x3|Sandy 3.0%x4"
    engine_menu = Draw.Menu(engine_name, EVENT_NOEVENT, 40, 100, 200, 20,
                            engine_menu.val, "Choose your engine")

    fileButton = Draw.String('File location: ', EVENT_NOEVENT, 40, 70, 250, 20,
                             fileButton.val, 255)
    Draw.PushButton('...', EVENT_BROWSEFILE, 300, 70, 30, 20, 'browse file')
    export_all = Draw.Toggle('Export ALL scene objects', EVENT_NOEVENT, 40, 45,
                             200, 20, 0)
    ######### Draw and Exit Buttons
    Draw.Button("Export", EVENT_EXPORT, 40, 20, 80, 18)
    Draw.Button("Exit", EVENT_EXIT, 140, 20, 80, 18)
Exemplo n.º 6
    """ Create the mesh setup box. """
    Create_Tab(3, Y_POS, CONTROL_WIDTH, Y_POS - CONTROL_HEIGHT, "Mesh setup", 0)
    menuItems = "Mesh %t|Male %x1|Female %x2"
    global MESH_menu
    MESH_menu = Draw.Menu(menuItems, MESHMENU, 9, (Y_POS - 41), 130, 18, MESH_menu.val, 'Select mesh (.obj)')
    global OUTERJOINTS_toggle
    OUTERJOINTS_toggle = Draw.Toggle('Ignore outer joints', OUTERJOINTSBUTTON, ((CONTROL_WIDTH / 2) + 3), (Y_POS - 41), (CONTROL_WIDTH / 2) - 9, 18, OUTERJOINTS_toggle.val, 'Ignores the outer joints of the animation (fingers and toes)')
Exemplo n.º 7
def draw_gui():
        global host,port,Shapepreset,Geompreset,mesh,molname,stringName
	tmp="Mols %t|"
	for i in range(len(mols)) :
	name = tmp[:-1]
	#print name
	#Draw.Toggle("Armature", EV_TG_ARMATURE, 5, line[1], 60, 25,ARMATURE, "Armature")
	Draw.Toggle("Join geometry", EV_TG_JOIN, 5, line[7], 60, 25,JOIN, "Join")

	Draw.PushButton("Delete Mol", EV_TG_DEL, 5, line[6], 90, 25, "DeleteMol")
	Shapepreset=Draw.Menu(name,EV_ME_MOL, 100, line[6], 90, 25, Shapepreset.val,'ON')

	Draw.PushButton("Add Armature", EV_TG_ARMATURE, 5, line[5], 90, 25, "Armature")
	Shapepreset=Draw.Menu(name,EV_ME_MOL, 100, line[5], 90, 25, Shapepreset.val,'ON')

	#gname = "Geoms %t|none %x1|MSMS-MOL %x2	|cpk %x3|sticks %x4|secstruc %x5|coarseSurf %x6"
	#Geompreset=Draw.Menu(gname,EV_ME_GEO, 195, line[5], 90, 25, Geompreset.val,'ON')

	stringName = Draw.String("sel:", EV_ST_PDBNAME, 220, line[5], 235, 25,stringName.val, 100,"selection level")

	Draw.Text("Send Mesh to Server:")
	mesh = Draw.String("Mesh: ", EV_TX_SEND1, 5, line[3], 90, 25,mesh.val, 32, "Mesh")
	#molname= Draw.String("Mol: ", EV_TX_SEND2, 100, line[3], 90, 25,molname.val, 32, "Mol")
	Shapepreset=Draw.Menu(name,EV_ME_MOL, 100, line[3], 90, 25, Shapepreset.val,'ON')
	Draw.PushButton("SendToServer", EV_BT_SEND, 195, line[3], 90, 25, "SendGeom")

	host = Draw.String("Host: ", EV_BT_HOST1, 5, line[1], 90, 25,host.val, 32, "Name")
	port = Draw.String("Port: ", EV_BT_HOST2, 100, line[1], 90, 25,port.val, 32, "Portid")

	Draw.PushButton("StartCom", EV_BT_OK, 5, line[0], 90, 25, "StartThread")
	Draw.PushButton("StopCom", EV_BT_CANCEL, 100, line[0], 90, 25, "StopThread")
	Draw.PushButton("Refresh", EV_BT_REFRESH, 195, line[0], 90, 25, "Refresh")
Exemplo n.º 8
def gui():
    global dataref_m, dataref_b, indices_b, indices_t, vals_b, clear_b, loops_b
    global hideshow_m, from_b, to_b, up_b, down_b, delete_b, addhs_b
    global cancel_b, apply_b
    global manipulator_m, manipulator_b, cursor_m, cursor_b

    dataref_m = []
    dataref_b = []
    indices_b = []
    indices_t = []
    vals_b = []
    clear_b = None
    loops_b = []
    hideshow_m = []
    from_b = []
    to_b = []
    up_b = []
    down_b = []
    delete_b = []
    addhs_b = None
    cancel_b = None
    apply_b = None

    # Default theme
    text = [0, 0, 0, 255]
    text_hi = [255, 255, 255, 255]
    header = [165, 165, 165, 255]
    panel = [255, 255, 255, 40]
    back = [180, 180, 180, 255]
    error = [255, 80, 80, 255]  # where's the theme value for this?

    # Actual theme
    if Blender.Get('version') >= 235:
        theme = Blender.Window.Theme.Get()
        if theme:
            theme = theme[0]
            space = theme.get('buts')
            text = theme.get('ui').text
            text_hi = space.text_hi
            header = space.header
            header = [
                max(header[0] - 30, 0),  # 30 appears to be hard coded
                max(header[1] - 30, 0),
                max(header[2] - 30, 0),
            panel = space.panel
            back = space.back

    size = BGL.Buffer(BGL.GL_FLOAT, 4)
    BGL.glGetFloatv(BGL.GL_SCISSOR_BOX, size)
    size = size.list
    x = int(size[2])
    y = int(size[3])

        float(back[0]) / 255,
        float(back[1]) / 255,
        float(back[2]) / 255, 1)

    yoff = y - offset[1]
    if vertical:
        xoff = PANELPAD + PANELINDENT - offset[0]

    for boneno in range(bonecount):
        eventbase = boneno * EVENTMAX
        framecount = len(vals[boneno])
        if not vertical:
            xoff = PANELPAD + boneno * (PANELWIDTH +
                                        PANELPAD) + PANELINDENT - offset[0]
        BGL.glRectd(xoff - PANELINDENT, yoff - PANELTOP,
                    xoff - PANELINDENT + PANELWIDTH,
                    yoff - PANELTOP - PANELHEAD)
        BGL.glRectd(xoff - PANELINDENT, yoff - PANELTOP - PANELHEAD,
                    xoff - PANELINDENT + PANELWIDTH,
                    yoff - 170 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * framecount)

        txt = 'parent bone'
        if boneno: txt = 'grand' + txt
        txt = 'great-' * (boneno - 1) + txt
        txt = txt[0].upper() + txt[1:]
        BGL.glRasterPos2d(xoff, yoff - 23)

        Draw.Label("Dataref:", xoff - 4, yoff - 54, 100, CONTROLSIZE)
        BGL.glColor4ub(*error)  # For errors
        (valid, mbutton, bbutton, ibutton,
         tbutton) = drawdataref(datarefs, indices, eventbase, boneno, xoff - 4,
                                yoff - 80)

        if valid:
            # is a valid or custom dataref
            Draw.Label("Dataref values:", xoff - 4, yoff - 132, 150,
            for i in range(framecount):
                Draw.Label("Frame #%d:" % (i + 1), xoff - 4 + CONTROLSIZE,
                           yoff - 152 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * i, 100,
                if i > 1:
                    v9 = 'v9: '
                    v9 = ''
                        '', i + VALS_B + eventbase, xoff + 104,
                        yoff - 152 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * i, 80, CONTROLSIZE,
                        vals[boneno][i], -NUMBERMAX, NUMBERMAX, v9 +
                        'The dataref value that corresponds to the pose in frame %d'
                        % (i + 1)))
            if framecount > 2:
                clear_b = Draw.Button(
                    'Delete', DELETE_B + eventbase, xoff + 208,
                    yoff - 152 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * (framecount - 1), 80,
                    CONTROLSIZE, 'Clear animation keys from this frame')
            Draw.Label("Loop:", xoff - 4 + CONTROLSIZE,
                       yoff - 160 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * framecount, 100,
                    '', LOOPS_B + eventbase, xoff + 104,
                    yoff - 160 - (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * framecount, 80,
                    CONTROLSIZE, loops[boneno], -NUMBERMAX, NUMBERMAX,
                    'v9: The animation will loop back to frame 1 when the dataref value exceeds this number. Enter 0 for no loop.'

        if vertical:
            yoff -= (170 + (CONTROLSIZE - 1) * framecount)

        #Draw Manipulator GUI
        #This is broken
        #if valid:
        #    Draw.Label("Manipulator:", xoff-4, yoff-220-(CONTROLSIZE-1)*i, 100, CONTROLSIZE)
        #    drawmanipulator(manipulators, indices, eventbase, boneno, xoff-4, yoff-250-(CONTROLSIZE-1)*i)

    if not vertical:
        xoff = PANELPAD + bonecount * (PANELWIDTH +
                                       PANELPAD) + PANELINDENT - offset[0]
    BGL.glRectd(xoff - PANELINDENT, yoff - PANELTOP,
                xoff - PANELINDENT + PANELWIDTH, yoff - PANELTOP - PANELHEAD)
    BGL.glRectd(xoff - PANELINDENT, yoff - PANELTOP - PANELHEAD,
                xoff - PANELINDENT + PANELWIDTH,
                yoff - 64 - len(hideshow) * 82)

    BGL.glRasterPos2d(xoff, yoff - 23)
    Draw.Text("Hide/Show for all children of %s" % armature.name)

    for hs in range(len(hideshow)):
        eventbase = (bonecount + hs) * EVENTMAX
        BGL.glRectd(xoff - 4, yoff - PANELTOP - PANELHEAD - 4 - hs * 82,
                    xoff - 13 + PANELWIDTH, yoff - PANELTOP - 101 - hs * 82)
        BGL.glColor4ub(*error)  # For errors
        (valid, mbutton, bbutton, ibutton,
         tbutton) = drawdataref(hideshow, hideshowindices, eventbase, hs,
                                xoff - 4, yoff - 54 - hs * 82)
        if hs:
                Draw.Button('^', UP_B + eventbase, xoff + 217,
                            yoff - 80 - hs * 82, CONTROLSIZE, CONTROLSIZE,
                            'Move this entry up'))
        if hs != len(hideshow) - 1:
                Draw.Button('v', DOWN_B + eventbase, xoff + 237,
                            yoff - 80 - hs * 82, CONTROLSIZE, CONTROLSIZE,
                            'Move this entry down'))
            Draw.Button('X', DELETE_B + eventbase, xoff + 267,
                        yoff - 80 - hs * 82, CONTROLSIZE, CONTROLSIZE,
                        'Delete this entry'))
        if valid:
            # is a valid or custom dataref
                Draw.Menu('Hide%x0|Show%x1', HIDEORSHOW_M + eventbase, xoff,
                          yoff - 106 - hs * 82, 62, CONTROLSIZE,
                          hideorshow[hs], 'Choose Hide or Show'))
            Draw.Label("when", xoff + 63, yoff - 106 - hs * 82, 60,
                    '', FROM_B + eventbase, xoff + 104, yoff - 106 - hs * 82,
                    80, CONTROLSIZE, hideshowfrom[hs], -NUMBERMAX, NUMBERMAX,
                    'The dataref value above which the animation will be hidden or shown'
            Draw.Label("to", xoff + 187, yoff - 106 - hs * 82, 60, CONTROLSIZE)
                    '', TO_B + eventbase, xoff + 207, yoff - 106 - hs * 82, 80,
                    CONTROLSIZE, hideshowto[hs], -NUMBERMAX, NUMBERMAX,
                    'The dataref value below which the animation will be hidden or shown'
    addhs_b = Draw.Button('Add New', ADD_B + bonecount * EVENTMAX, xoff + 217,
                          yoff - 54 - len(hideshow) * 82, 70, CONTROLSIZE,
                          'Add a new Hide or Show entry')

    if vertical:
        xoff = PANELPAD - offset[0]
        yoff -= (64 + len(hideshow) * 82)
        xoff = PANELPAD + (bonecount + 1) * (PANELWIDTH + PANELPAD) - offset[0]
    apply_b = Draw.Button('Apply', APPLY_B + bonecount * EVENTMAX, xoff,
                          yoff - PANELTOP - CONTROLSIZE * 2, 80,
                          CONTROLSIZE * 2, 'Apply these settings', doapply)
    if vertical:
        cancel_b = Draw.Button('Cancel', CANCEL_B + bonecount * EVENTMAX,
                               xoff + 80 + PANELPAD,
                               yoff - PANELTOP - CONTROLSIZE * 2, 80,
                               CONTROLSIZE * 2, 'Retain existing settings')
        cancel_b = Draw.Button('Cancel', CANCEL_B + bonecount * EVENTMAX, xoff,
                               yoff - PANELTOP - CONTROLSIZE * 4 - PANELPAD,
                               80, CONTROLSIZE * 2, 'Retain existing settings')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def render(self):
     Draw.Menu(self.label, self.event, self.x, self.y, self.width,
               self.height, self.value, self.tooltip, self.update_value)
Exemplo n.º 10
def gui():  # drawing the screen

    global SCRIPT_INFO, AllGroups, GROUP_MENUS

    theme = Theme.Get()[0]
    tui = theme.get('ui')
    ttxt = theme.get('text')

    COL_BG = float_colors(ttxt.back)
    COL_TXT = ttxt.text
    COL_TXTHI = ttxt.text_hi

    BGL.glClearColor(COL_BG[0], COL_BG[1], COL_BG[2], COL_BG[3])
    BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0], COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2])

    resize = screen_was_resized()
    if resize: fit_on_screen()

        x = PADDING
        bw = 85
        bh = 25
        hincr = 50

        butcolumns = (WIN_W - 2 * x) / bw
        if butcolumns < 2: butcolumns = 2
        elif butcolumns > 7: butcolumns = 7

        len_gm = len(GROUP_MENUS)
        butlines = len_gm / butcolumns
        if len_gm % butcolumns: butlines += 1

        h = hincr * butlines + 20
        y = h + bh

        BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0], COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2])
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
        Draw.Text('Scripts Help Browser')

        y -= bh

        BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0], COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2])

        i = 0
        j = 0
        for group_menu in GROUP_MENUS:
            BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
            Draw.Text(group_menu[0] + ':')
            BUT_GMENU[j] = Draw.Menu(
                group_menu[1], BEVT_GMENU[j], x, y - bh - 5, bw, bh, 0,
                'Choose a script to read its help information')
            if i == butcolumns - 1:
                x = PADDING
                i = 0
                y -= hincr
                i += 1
                x += bw + 3
            j += 1

        x = PADDING
        y = 10
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
        Draw.Text('Select script for its help.  Press Q or ESC to leave.')

        if SCRIPT_INFO:

            if resize:
                SCROLL_DOWN = 0

            h = 18 * SCRIPT_INFO.len_content + 12 * SCRIPT_INFO.spaces
            x = PADDING
            y = WIN_H
            bw = 38
            bh = 16

            BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0], COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2])
            for line in SCRIPT_INFO.header:
                y -= 18
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
                size = Draw.Text(line)

            for line in text_wrap('Tooltip: %s' % SCRIPT_INFO.script.tip):
                y -= 18
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
                size = Draw.Text(line)

            i = 0
            y -= 28
            for data in SCRIPT_INFO.d['__url__']:
                Draw.PushButton('link %d' % (i + 1), BEVT_LINK[i], x + i * bw,
                                y, bw, bh, data[0])
                i += 1
            y -= bh + 1

            i = 0
            for data in SCRIPT_INFO.d['__email__']:
                Draw.PushButton('email', BEVT_EMAIL[i], x + i * bw, y, bw, bh,
                i += 1
            y -= 18

            y0 = y
            BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0], COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2])
            for line in SCRIPT_INFO.content[SCROLL_DOWN:]:
                if line:
                    line = line.replace('<br>', '')
                    BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
                    y -= 18
                    y -= 12
                if y < PADDING + 20:  # reached end, either stop or go to 2nd column
                    if COLUMNS == 1: break
                    elif x == PADDING:  # make sure we're still in column 1
                        x = 6 * TEXT_WRAP + PADDING / 2
                        y = y0

            x = PADDING
                'source', BEVT_VIEWSOURCE, x, 17, 45, bh,
                'View this script\'s source code in the Text Editor (hotkey: S)'
            Draw.PushButton('exit', BEVT_EXIT, x + 45, 17, 45, bh,
                            'Exit from Scripts Help Browser (hotkey: Q)')
            if not FMODE:
                    'back', BEVT_BACK, x + 2 * 45, 17, 45, bh,
                    'Back to scripts selection screen (hotkey: ESC)')
                Draw.PushButton('run script', BEVT_EXEC, x + 3 * 45, 17, 60,
                                bh, 'Run this script')

            BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0], COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2])
            BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, 5)
            Draw.Text('use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll text',
Exemplo n.º 11
def GUI():
	BGL.glClearColor(*(ScreenColor + [1.0]))
	minx = 5
	maxx = 500
	miny = 5
	maxy = 450
	lineheight = 24
	buPad = 5 # Generic Button Padding, most buttons should have 24-19 (or 5) px space around them
	lP = 5 # Left Padding
	rP = 5 # Right Padding
	# Draw Background Box
	BGL.glRecti(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
	# Draw Title
	BGL.glRecti(minx, maxy - (lineheight), maxx, maxy)
	title = "2D Cutout Image Importer v" + VERSIONSTRING
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy - 15)
	Draw.Text(title, 'large')
	Draw.PushButton('Exit', EXIT, maxx-50-rP, maxy - lineheight + 2, 50, 19, "Exit Script")
	# Path Buttons
	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val == '':
		Draw.PushButton('Single Image', SINGLE_IMG, minx + lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Single Image to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Directory', DIRECTORY_IMG, minx + lP + 150, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Directory of Images to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Clear', CLR_PATH, minx+lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 50, 19, "Clear Path and Change Import Options")

	GUIPARAMS['Path'] = Draw.String('Path: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (3*lineheight), (maxx-minx-lP-rP), 19, GUIPARAMS['Path'].val, 399, 'Path to Import From')
	if PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'] = Draw.String('Image Ext: ', CHG_EXT, minx + lP, maxy - (4*lineheight), 110, 19,  GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val, 6, 'Image extension for batch directory importing (case insensitive)')
	GUIPARAMS['PackImage'] = Draw.Toggle('Pack', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 50, maxy - (4*lineheight), 50, 19, GUIPARAMS['PackImage'].val, 'Pack Image(s) into .Blend File')
	# Geometry and Viewport Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (5*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (5*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(5*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Geometry and Display Options', 'small')
	GUIPARAMS['PPU'] = Draw.Slider('Pixels Per Unit: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 19, GUIPARAMS['PPU'].val, 1, 5000, 0, 'Set the Number of Pixels Per Blender Unit to preserve Image Size Relations') 
	GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('Viewport Transparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (8*lineheight),  (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 2*lineheight - buPad, GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'].val, 'Display Alpha Transparency in the Viewport')

	GUIPARAMS['XOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs X: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['XOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the X-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['YOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Y: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (7*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['YOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Y-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['ZOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Z: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (8*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Z-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')

	# Material and Texture Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (9*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (9*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(9*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Material and Texture Options', 'small')
	half = (maxx-minx-lP-rP)/2
	GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'] = Draw.Toggle('Copy Existing Material', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy-(10*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val, 'Copy an Existing Material')
	if GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val:
		menStr = compileMaterialList()
		GUIPARAMS['MatId'] = Draw.Menu(menStr, NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (11*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['MatId'].val, 'Material to Copy Settings From') 
		GUIPARAMS['MatCol'] = Draw.ColorPicker(NO_EVT, minx+lP, maxy - (13*lineheight), 40, (3*lineheight) - buPad, GUIPARAMS['MatCol'].val, 'Color of Newly Created Material')
		GUIPARAMS['Ref'] = Draw.Slider('Ref: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (11*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Ref'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Ref Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Spec'] = Draw.Slider('Spec: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (12*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Spec'].val, 0.0, 2.0, 0, 'Set the Spec Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Hard'] = Draw.Slider('Hard: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Hard'].val, 1, 500, 0, 'Set the Hardness Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Alpha'] = Draw.Slider('A: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP, maxy - (14*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Alpha'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Alpha Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('ZTransparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (15*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'].val, 'Enable ZTransparency')
		GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'] = Draw.Toggle('Shadeless', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (16*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'].val, 'Enable Shadeless')

	GUIPARAMS['TexChan'] = Draw.Number('Texture Channel: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP+ half + buPad, maxy - (10*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['TexChan'].val, 1, 10, 'Texture Channel for Image Texture')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'] = Draw.Toggle('Color', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'].val, 'Map To Color Channel')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + int((1.5)*half) + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'].val, 'Map To Alpha Channel')
	third = int((maxx-minx-lP-rP)/6)
	GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Use Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'].val, "Use the Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Calc Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + third + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'].val, "Calculate Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'] = Draw.Toggle('Extend', NO_EVT, minx+lP+half+third+third+buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third-3, 19, GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'].val, "Use Extend texture mode. If deselected, Repeat is used")
	GUIPARAMS['Seq'] = Draw.Toggle('Sequence', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val, 'Set the Image(s) to use a Sequence instead of a Still')
	if GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and not PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'] = Draw.Toggle('Auto Refresh', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'].val, 'Use Auto Refresh')
		GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'] = Draw.Toggle('Cyclic', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'].val, 'Repeat Frames Cyclically`')

		GUIPARAMS['Frames'] = Draw.Number('Frames: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (15*lineheight), half - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Frames'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Number of Images of a Movie to Use')
		GUIPARAMS['Offs'] = Draw.Number('Offs: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['Offs'].val, -30000, 30000, 'Offsets the Number of the Frame to use in the Animation')
		GUIPARAMS['StartFr'] = Draw.Number('StartFr: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['StartFr'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Global Starting Frame of the Movie')
	elif GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP + half + buPad + 7, maxy-(14 * lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('Sequence only available for Single Image Import', 'small')
	# Import Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (17*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (17*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(17*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Import', 'small')

	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val or GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == SINGLE:
		Draw.PushButton('Import', DO_SCRIPT, minx + lP, maxy - (18*lineheight), 75, 19, "Import Image(s)")
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx+lP, maxy - (18*lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('A path and image type must be specified to import images')
	GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'] = Draw.Toggle('Redraw During Import', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 150, maxy - (18*lineheight), 150, 19, GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'].val, 'Redraw the View as Images Import')
Exemplo n.º 12
def gui():  # drawing the screen


    WIDTH, HEIGHT = Window.GetAreaSize()

    theme = Theme.Get()[0]
    tui = theme.get('ui')
    ttxt = theme.get('text')

    COL_BG = float_colors(ttxt.back)
    COL_TXT = ttxt.text
    COL_TXTHI = ttxt.text_hi

    BGL.glClearColor(COL_BG[0], COL_BG[1], COL_BG[2], COL_BG[3])
    BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0], COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2])

        x = 10
        y = 10
        h = 20
        w = 90
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
            'Select a configuration key to access it.  Press Q or ESC to leave.'
        km_len = len(KEYMENUS)
        km_columns = (WIDTH - x) / w
        if km_columns == 0: km_rows = km_len
            km_rows = km_len / km_columns
            if (km_len % km_columns): km_rows += 1
        if km_rows == 0: km_rows = 1
        ystart = y + 2 * h * km_rows
        if ystart > (HEIGHT - 70): ystart = HEIGHT - 70
        y = ystart
        column = 1
        for i, km in enumerate(KEYMENUS):
            column += 1
            BGL.glRasterPos2i(x + 2, y + h + 5)
            BUT_KEYMENU[i] = Draw.Menu(
                km, BEVT_KEYMENU[i], x, y, w - 10, h, 0,
                'Choose a key to access its configuration data')
            if column > km_columns:
                column = 1
                y -= 2 * h
                if y < 35: break
                x = 10
                x += w
        x = 10
        y = 50 + ystart
        BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0], COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2])
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
        Draw.Text('Scripts Configuration Editor')
        Draw.PushButton('help', BEVT_HELP, x, 22, 45, 16,
                        'View help information about this script (hotkey: H)')

        x = y = 10
        h = 18
        data = CFGKEY.sorteddata
        tips = CFGKEY.tips
        fromdisk = CFGKEY.fromdisk
        limits = CFGKEY.limits
        VARS_NUM = 0
        for k in data.keys():
            VARS_NUM += len(data[k])
        lines = VARS_NUM + 5  # to account for header and footer
        y = lines * h
        if y > HEIGHT - 20: y = HEIGHT - 20
        BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXTHI[0], COL_TXTHI[1], COL_TXTHI[2])
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
        Draw.Text('Scripts Configuration Editor')
        y -= 20
        BGL.glColor3ub(COL_TXT[0], COL_TXT[1], COL_TXT[2])
        txtsize = 10
        if HEIGHT < lines * h:
            BGL.glRasterPos2i(10, 5)
            txtsize += Draw.Text('Arrow keys or mouse wheel to scroll, ')
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(txtsize, 5)
        Draw.Text('Q or ESC to return.')
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(x, y)
        Draw.Text('Key: "%s"' % CFGKEY.name)
        bh = 16
        bw = 45
        by = 16
        i = -1
        if CFGKEY.scriptname:
            i = 0
                'help', BEVT_HELP, x, by, bw, bh,
                'Show documentation for the script that owns this key (hotkey: H)'
        Draw.PushButton('back', BEVT_BACK, x + (1 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                        'Back to config keys selection screen (hotkey: ESC)')
        Draw.PushButton('exit', BEVT_EXIT, x + (2 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                        'Exit from Scripts Config Editor (hotkey: Q)')
        Draw.PushButton('revert', BEVT_CANCEL, x + (3 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                        'Revert data to original values (hotkey: U)')
        Draw.PushButton('apply', BEVT_APPLY, x + (4 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                        'Apply changes, if any (hotkey: ENTER)')
        delmsg = 'Delete this data key from memory'
        if fromdisk: delmsg = "%s and from disk" % delmsg
        Draw.PushButton('delete', BEVT_DEL, x + (5 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                        '%s (hotkey: DELETE)' % delmsg)
        if fromdisk:
                "file", BEVT_DISK, x + 3 + (6 + i) * bw, by, bw, bh,
                'Update also the file where this config key is stored')
        i = -1
        top = -1
        y -= 20
        yend = 30
        if data.has_key(bool) and y > 0:
            lst = data[bool]
            for l in lst:
                top += 1
                i += 1
                if top < SCROLL_DOWN: continue
                y -= h
                if y < yend: break
                w = 20
                tog = data[bool][i][1]
                if tips and tips.has_key(l[0]): tooltip = tips[l[0]]
                else: tooltip = "click to toggle"
                BUT_TYPES[bool][i] = Draw.Toggle("", BEVT_BOOL + i, x, y, w, h,
                                                 tog, tooltip)
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(x + w + 3, y + 5)
                Draw.Text(l[0].lower().replace('_', ' '))
            i = -1
            y -= 5
        if data.has_key(int) and y > 0:
            lst = data[int]
            for l in lst:
                w = 70
                top += 1
                i += 1
                if top < SCROLL_DOWN: continue
                y -= h
                if y < yend: break
                val = data[int][i][1]
                if limits: min, max = limits[l[0]]
                else: min, max = 0, 10
                if tips and tips.has_key(l[0]): tooltip = tips[l[0]]
                else: tooltip = "click / drag to change"
                BUT_TYPES[int][i] = Draw.Number("", BEVT_INT + i, x, y, w, h,
                                                val, min, max, tooltip)
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(x + w + 3, y + 3)
                Draw.Text(l[0].lower().replace('_', ' '))
            i = -1
            y -= 5
        if data.has_key(float) and y > 0:
            lst = data[float]
            for l in lst:
                w = 70
                top += 1
                i += 1
                if top < SCROLL_DOWN: continue
                y -= h
                if y < yend: break
                val = data[float][i][1]
                if limits: min, max = limits[l[0]]
                else: min, max = 0.0, 1.0
                if tips and tips.has_key(l[0]): tooltip = tips[l[0]]
                else: tooltip = "click and drag to change"
                BUT_TYPES[float][i] = Draw.Number("", BEVT_FLOAT + i, x, y, w,
                                                  h, val, min, max, tooltip)
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(x + w + 3, y + 3)
                Draw.Text(l[0].lower().replace('_', ' '))
            i = -1
            y -= 5
        if data.has_key(str) and y > 0:
            lst = data[str]
            for l in lst:
                top += 1
                i += 1
                if top < SCROLL_DOWN: continue
                y -= h
                if y < yend: break
                name = l[0].lower()
                is_dir = is_file = False
                if name.find('_dir', -4) > 0: is_dir = True
                elif name.find('_file', -5) > 0: is_file = True
                w = WIDTH - 20
                wbrowse = 50
                if is_dir and w > wbrowse: w -= wbrowse
                if tips and tips.has_key(l[0]): tooltip = tips[l[0]]
                else: tooltip = "click to write a new string"
                name = name.replace('_', ' ') + ': '
                if len(l[1]) > MAX_STR_LEN:
                    l[1] = l[1][:MAX_STR_LEN]
                BUT_TYPES[str][i] = Draw.String(name, BEVT_STR + i, x, y, w, h,
                                                l[1], MAX_STR_LEN, tooltip)
                if is_dir:
                        'browse', BEVT_BROWSEDIR + i, x + w + 1, y, wbrowse, h,
                        'click to open a file selector (pick any file in the desired dir)'
                elif is_file:
                    Draw.PushButton('browse', BEVT_BROWSEFILE + i, x + w + 1,
                                    y, 50, h, 'click to open a file selector')
Exemplo n.º 13
def draw():
    global mnu_persist_servers, mnu_mesh_formats, mnu_width, mnu_height, mnu_fullscreen, mnu_renderpath, mnu_group, mnu_filename, mnu_aa

    win_size = Window.GetAreaSize()
    left = 0
    top = win_size[1]

    button_width = 130
    button_height = 20
    label_width = 105
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = win_size[1] - (button_height + padding)

    # Draw Label
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    text_width = Draw.Text('Persist Server')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5

    # Draw Persist Server Menu
    mnu_persist_servers = Draw.Menu(buildMenu(persist_servers),
                                    PERSIST_SERVER_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                                    button_width, button_height,
                                    persist_server, "Persist Server to use")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    button_width = 180
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    Draw.Text('Mesh Format')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 80

    # Draw Mesh Format Menu
    mnu_mesh_formats = Draw.Menu(buildMenu(mesh_formats), MESH_FORMAT_CHANGED,
                                 pen_x, pen_y, button_width, button_height,
                                 "Mesh Format to use(ASCII/Binary)")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    button_width = 180
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    text_width = Draw.Text('Preview Window')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 100

    mnu_width = Draw.Number("Width", WIDTH_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                            button_height, window_width, 32, 2048,
                            "Preview Window Width")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + button_width + padding

    mnu_height = Draw.Number("Height", HEIGHT_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                             button_width, button_height, window_height, 32,
                             2048, "Preview Window Height")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    text_width = Draw.Text('Preview Fullscreen')
    button_width = 20

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5

    mnu_fullscreen = Draw.Toggle("X", FULLSCREEN_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                                 button_width, button_height, fullscreen,
                                 "Preview Fullscreen")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + button_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y + 5
    button_width = 180
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    Draw.Text('Antialias Samples')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 40

    # Draw Mesh Format Menu
    mnu_aa = Draw.Menu(buildMenu(aasamples), AA_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                       button_width, button_height, aa, "Antialias Samples")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    button_width = 180
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    text_width = Draw.Text('Export Group / filename')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 80

    mnu_group = Draw.String("", GROUP_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                            button_height, group, 255, "Export Group")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + button_width + padding

    mnu_filename = Draw.String("", FILENAME_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                               button_width, button_height, filename, 255,
                               "Export Filename")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 100

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
    Draw.Text('Preview Renderpath')

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - 5
    button_width = 60

    mnu_renderpath = Draw.Menu(buildMenu(renderpaths), RENDERPATH_CHANGED,
                               pen_x, pen_y, button_width, button_height,
                               renderpath, "Renderpath to use for preview")

    # Move Pen Point
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
    button_width = 80

    Draw.PushButton("Close", CANCEL_CLICKED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, "Close Exporter")

    pen_x = pen_x + button_width + padding
    Draw.PushButton("Export", OK_CLICKED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, "Export Scene")
Exemplo n.º 14
def draw():
    global n2mat, bl_mats_menu, n2_shader_menu, shader_params_menu, texture_param_list

    win_size = Window.GetAreaSize()
    left = 0
    top = win_size[1]

    button_width = 100
    button_height = 17
    pen_x = left + padding
    pen_y = win_size[1] - (button_height + padding)

    # TODO: get material for selected object if any

    if (n2mat):
        # Draw Label
        BGL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
        text_width = Draw.Text('Blender Material')

        # Move Pen Point
        pen_x = pen_x + text_width + padding
        pen_y = pen_y - 5
        menu = buildMenu(bl_mats)
        bl_mats_menu = Draw.Menu(menu, BL_MAT_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                                 button_width, button_height, bl_mat_index,
                                 'Blender Material')

        # Move Pen Point
        pen_x = pen_x + button_width + (padding * 2)
        pen_y = pen_y + 5
        BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)

        # Draw Label
        text_width = Draw.Text('Nebula Shader')

        # Move Pen Point
        pen_x = pen_x + text_width + (padding)
        pen_y = pen_y - 5
        button_width = 180
        menu = buildMenu(n2_shaders)
        n2_shader_menu = Draw.Menu(menu, NEBULA_SHADER_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y,
                                   button_width, button_height,
                                   n2_shader_index, 'Nebula Shader')

        # Draw Params for current nebula shader
        shader = n2mat.GetShader()
        # Move Pen
        params_start_y = pen_y
        pen_x = left + padding
        params = shader.m_params
        label_width = 130
        label_max_chars = 25
        button_width_max = 80
        name_max_chars = 10
        column_size = label_width + (padding * 2) + button_width_max
        # Get Mesh object holding the shaders name and params
        texture_param_list = []
        button_width = 120
        #params = []
        for key in params:
            param = params[key]
            if (not n2exporter.texture_param_types.has_key(param.m_type)):
                if ((pen_y - button_height - padding) < button_height):
                    pen_x = pen_x + column_size  #(win_size[0] / 2)
                    pen_y = params_start_y
                pen_y = pen_y - button_height - padding
                BGL.glRasterPos2i(pen_x, pen_y)
                label = param.m_label
                name = param.m_name
                stored_value = n2mat.GetParamValue(param.m_name)
                if (len(label) > label_max_chars):
                    label = label[0:label_max_chars]
                if (len(name) > name_max_chars):
                    name = name[0:name_max_chars]
            if (param.m_type == "Int"):
                button_width = 50
                pen_x = pen_x + label_width + padding
                pen_y = pen_y - 5
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, int(stored_value), int(param.m_min),
                    int(param.m_max), str(param.m_label))
                pen_x = pen_x - label_width - padding
                pen_y = pen_y + 5
            elif (param.m_type == "Bool"):
                button_width = 55
                pen_x = pen_x + label_width + padding
                pen_y = pen_y - 5
                menu = buildMenu(["False", "True"])
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name] = Draw.Menu(
                    menu, SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, int(stored_value), str(param.m_label))
                pen_x = pen_x - label_width - padding
                pen_y = pen_y + 5
            elif (param.m_type == "Float"):
                button_width = 60
                pen_x = pen_x + label_width + padding
                pen_y = pen_y - 5
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, float(stored_value), float(param.m_min),
                    float(param.m_max), str(param.m_label))
                pen_x = pen_x - label_width - padding
                pen_y = pen_y + 5
            elif (param.m_type == "Enum"):
                button_width = 80
                pen_x = pen_x + label_width + padding
                pen_y = pen_y - 5
                menu = buildMenu(param.m_enum, param.m_default_enum)
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name] = Draw.Menu(
                    menu, SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, int(stored_value), str(param.m_label))
                pen_x = pen_x - label_width - padding
                pen_y = pen_y + 5
            elif (param.m_type == "Vector"):
                button_width = 50
                pen_y = pen_y - button_height - 5
                v = n2exporter.StringToVector(stored_value)
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name + "_x"] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, v.x, 0.0, 100.0, "x Component")
                pen_x = pen_x + button_width
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name + "_y"] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, v.y, 0.0, 100.0, "y Component")
                pen_x = pen_x + button_width
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name + "_z"] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, v.z, 0.0, 100.0, "z Component")
                pen_x = pen_x + button_width
                shader_params_menu[param.m_name + "_w"] = Draw.Number(
                    "", SHADER_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                    button_height, v.w, 0.0, 100.0, "w Component")
                pen_x = pen_x - ((button_width) * 3)
            elif (n2exporter.texture_param_types.has_key(param.m_type)):
        # Build textures menu
        if (len(texture_param_list) > 0):
            if ((pen_y - button_height - padding) < button_height):
                pen_x = pen_x = pen_x + column_size
                pen_y = params_start_y
            button_width = 80
            pen_y = pen_y - button_height - padding - 5
            texture_param_name = texture_param_list[texture_param_index]
            menu = buildMenu(texture_param_list)
            shader_params_menu["TextureParams"] = Draw.Menu(
                menu, TEXTURE_PARAM_CHANGED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                button_height, texture_param_index, "Shader Textures")
            # Move Pen
            pen_x = pen_x + button_width + padding
            button_width = 160
            default = n2mat.GetParamValue(texture_param_name)
            shader_params_menu[texture_param_name] = Draw.String(
                "", TEXTURE_PARAM_CLICKED, pen_x, pen_y, button_width,
                button_height, default, 255, "Texture Params")
            #Draw Browse button
            pen_x = pen_x + button_width
            button_width = 20
            Draw.PushButton("...", TEXTURE_SELECT_CLICKED, pen_x, pen_y,
                            button_width, button_height, "Select Texture")
        Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|You must have a blender material in the scene")
Exemplo n.º 15
def draw_gui():

	global str_gmdc_filename, str_cres_filename, str_resource_name, btn_name_suffix, \
		btn_export_tangents, btn_export_rigging, btn_export_bmesh, btn_save_log, \
		menu_export_morphs, btn_use_obj_props, str_bmesh_name

	pos_y = 340 ; MAX_PATH = 200

	# frame

	Blender.BGL.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
	Blender.BGL.glRecti(10, 10, 430, pos_y)

	pos_y-= 30

	# plugin's header

	s = "GMDC Exporter (TS2)"
	Blender.BGL.glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
	Blender.BGL.glRecti(10, pos_y, 430, pos_y+30)
	Draw.Label(s, 20, pos_y, 400, 30)

	pos_y-= 30

	# GMDC file selector

	Draw.Label("GMDC file (output)", 20, pos_y, 200, 20)
	pos_y-= 20
	str_gmdc_filename = Draw.String("", 0x10, 20, pos_y, 300, 20, str_gmdc_filename.val, MAX_PATH, "Path to GMDC file")
	Draw.PushButton("Select file", 0x11, 320, pos_y, 100, 20, "Open file browser")

	pos_y-= 35

	# geometry name

	Blender.BGL.glColor3f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
	Blender.BGL.glRecti(20, pos_y-60, 420, pos_y+20)

	Draw.Label("SGResource name (optional)", 25, pos_y, 400, 20) ; pos_y-= 20
	Draw.Label("If not provided then GMDC filename is used", 25, pos_y, 400, 20) ; pos_y-= 30
	str_resource_name = Draw.String("", 0x50, 70, pos_y, 180, 20, str_resource_name.val, 50, "SGResource name of this geometry")
	btn_name_suffix = Draw.Toggle("_tslocator_gmdc", 0x51, 250, pos_y, 120, 20, btn_name_suffix.val, "Add default suffix")

	pos_y-= 45

	# options

	btn_export_rigging = Draw.Toggle("Rigging", 0x31, 20, pos_y, 100, 20, btn_export_rigging.val, "Export rigging data (bone indices, weights)")
	btn_export_tangents = Draw.Toggle("Tangents", 0x32, 120, pos_y, 100, 20, btn_export_tangents.val, "Export tangents (required for bump mapping)")
	btn_export_bmesh = Draw.Toggle("Bound. mesh", 0x33, 220, pos_y, 100, 20, btn_export_bmesh.val, "Export bounding geometry")
	btn_save_log = Draw.Toggle("Save log", 0x34, 320, pos_y, 100, 20, btn_save_log.val, "Write script's log data into file *.export_log.txt")

	pos_y-= 30

	menu_export_morphs = Draw.Menu("Export morphs %t|Do not export morphs %x0|Diff. in v.coords only %x1|Diff. in v.coords and normals %x2", 0x35, 20, pos_y, 200, 20, menu_export_morphs.val)
	btn_use_obj_props = Draw.Toggle("Use object properties", 0x36, 220, pos_y, 200, 20, btn_use_obj_props.val, "Properties can be assigned in logic panel")

	pos_y-= 30

	# bounding mesh name

	Draw.Label("Bounding mesh:", 20, pos_y, 100, 20)
	str_bmesh_name = Draw.String("", 0x40, 120, pos_y, 200, 20, str_bmesh_name.val, 50, "Name of mesh object that will be exported as bounding mesh")

	pos_y-= 50

	# buttons

	Draw.PushButton("Export", 1, 120, pos_y, 100, 30, "Export geometry (Ctrl + Enter)")
	Draw.PushButton("Exit", 0, 220, pos_y, 100, 30, "Terminate the script (Esc)")