Exemplo n.º 1
 def _apply_rotation(self, rot):
     b_q = mathutils.Quaternion((rot[3], rot[0], rot[1],
     r = 1.0
     b_q = mathutils.Quaternion((b_q.w, b_q.x, b_q.y, b_q.z))
     euler = b_q.to_euler()
     return (euler[0]*r, euler[1]*r, (euler[2])*r)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _apply_rotation(self, rot):
     b_q = mathutils.Quaternion(rot[3], rot[0], rot[1],
     #b_q1 = b_q.cross(Blender.Mathutils.Quaternion([0,-1,0]))
     #b_q2 = b_q1.cross(Blender.Mathutils.Quaternion([-1,0,0]))
     #b_q3 = b_q2.cross(Blender.Mathutils.Quaternion([0,0,-1]))
     r = math.pi/180.0;
     if b_q:
         b_q = mathutils.Quaternion(b_q.w, b_q.x, b_q.y, b_q.z)
         euler = b_q.toEuler()
         return (euler[0]*r, euler[1]*r, (euler[2])*r)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def bone_transform(self, bone_name="Root"):
     """ Return 4x4 transform matrix giving bone's chage. """
     frames = self.action.getFrameNumbers()
     (first, last) = (frames[0], frames[-1])
     ipo = self.action.getChannelIpo(bone_name)
     position_first = Mathutils.Vector( \
       list(ipo[key][first] for key in act_position_keys))
     position_last = Mathutils.Vector( \
       list(ipo[key][last] for key in act_position_keys))
     rotation_first = Mathutils.Quaternion( \
       list(ipo[key][first] for key in act_rotation_keys))
     rotation_last = Mathutils.Quaternion( \
       list(ipo[key][last] for key in act_rotation_keys))
     delta_position = position_last - position_first
     delta_rotation = Mathutils.DifferenceQuats(rotation_last, rotation_first)
     return offset_and_rotation_to_matrix(delta_position, delta_rotation)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _get_local_rot(self, rot, parent):
     return rot
     parent_imatrix = parent.matrix_world.copy().invert()
     euler = mathutils.Quaternion((rot[3], rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]))
     r_mat = euler.to_matrix().to_4x4()
     l_rmat = r_mat*parent_imatrix
         rot = l_rmat.to_quaternion()
         # blender 2.56
         rot = l_rmat.to_quat()
     return (rot.w, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def run_tests(self):
     """ The unit tests. """
     self.tests_run = 0
     self.tests_ok = 0
     print "=== Starting tests. ==="
     # --- start of tests --------------------------------------------------
     # ... ok infrastructure
     self.ok(1==1, "ok itself")
     # ... get()
     self.ok(get("mannequin").name=="mannequin", "get('mannequin')")
     self.ok(get("default action").name=="default action",
             "  get('default action')")
     act1 = bpy.data.actions['step forward L to R']
     self.ok(get(act1).name=='step forward L to R', '  get(action)')
     s1 = Step('step forward L to R')
     self.ok(get(s1).name=='step forward L to R', '  get(Step())')
     get_blank = True
         get_blank = False
     self.ok(not get_blank, "  get('') raises exception.")
     # ... blender_frame() ...
     Blender.Set('curframe', 1)
     self.ok(1 == blender_frame(), 'frame()')
     self.ok(2 == blender_frame(), '  frame(2)')
     # ... max_matrix() ...
     self.ok(max_matrix([[1,2,3],[-4,3,2]])==4, 'max_matrix()')
     # ... Step().bone_transform ...
     action_name = 'step back L to R'
     position = Mathutils.Vector(0.0, 4.91, 0.0)
     rotation = Mathutils.Quaternion(1,0,0,0) # no rotation
     transform = offset_and_rotation_to_matrix(position, rotation)
     motion = Step(action_name).bone_transform()
     # print " transform = '%s' " % str(transform)
     # print " motion = '%s' " % str(motion)
     max_diff = max_matrix(motion - transform)
     allowed_diff = 1.0e-3
     self.ok( max_diff < allowed_diff, "Step('%s').bone_transform()" % action_name)
     step1 = Step('forward')
     self.ok(step1.action.name=='step forward L to R', "  Step('forward')")
     step2 = Step('forward', 'L', mirror=True)
     self.ok(step2.action.name=='step back R to L', "  step mirrored")
     self.ok(Step.flip('forward')=='back', "  Step.flip()")
     # ... model ...
     man = Model("man")
     self.ok(man != None, "Model('man')")
     self.ok(len(man.model.actionStrips)==1, "  reset() actionstrips")
     self.ok(len(man.model.ipo.curves[0].bezierPoints)==1, "  reset() ipo")
     frames = 12
     action_name = 'step forward L to R'
     man.add_motion(action_name, frames)
     ## print "  step   : '%s'" % str(step_L_to_R)
     ## print "   name  : '%s'" % step_L_to_R.action.name
     ## print "  strip1 : '%s'" % str(man.model.actionStrips[1])
     ## print "   name  : '%s'" % str(man.model.actionStrips[1].action.name)
     # actionstrip objects are different ... that surprized me.
     # but name is OK; I guess it makes a copy somewhere.
     # self.ok(man.model.actionStrips[1] == step_L_to_R, "  add_motion()")
     step_L_to_R = man.model.actionStrips[-1]
     self.ok(step_L_to_R.action.name == action_name, "  add_motion()")
     actual_frames = step_L_to_R.stripEnd - step_L_to_R.stripStart
     self.ok(actual_frames == frames, "    frame length")
     end0 = man.model.actionStrips[0].stripEnd
     self.ok(end0 == start_frame + frames, "  housekeeping() strip0")
     action_name_2 = 'step side R to L'
     man.add_motion(action_name_2, frames)
     self.ok(abs(man.model.LocY - (-1.007)) < 0.01, '  add_location moves obj')
     ## ...
     #  woman walking backwards ... used for manual testing
     if (False):
         woman = Model('woman')
         #    woman makes 3 steps; let's see if object follows backward motion
         #    ... looking at blender window, appears to work,
         #    but RotZ jumps between +180 and -180,
         #    and ipo points are left selected.
         steps = ('step back L to R', 'step shift R to L', 'step back L to R')
         for s in steps:
             woman.add_motion(s, frames)
     # ...
     # couple walk sequence
     woman = Model('woman')
     seq = ['forward', 'side', 'shift', 'back', 'side', 'shift']
     man.walk_sequence('L', seq, woman)
Exemplo n.º 6
def toBlenderQuat(q):
    #print "\nq = ", q
    return bMath.Quaternion(q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2])
Exemplo n.º 7
 def toBlenderQuat(self, q):
     q = q.inverse().normalize()
     return bMath.Quaternion(q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2])