Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, comport='/dev/ttyUSB0', ref=5.0, res=1024):
        """ This constructor initializes this class. Mainly, it opens up a serial 
    port for the communication to happen. If for some reasons, the port could 
    not be opened then this class will rise an IOError """
            self.comm = BoardSerialComm(comport)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Could not open serial port %s " % comport

        # now lets have the flags defined
        self.START_FLAG = 'S'  # this flag has been set as start of frame
        self.PIN_OP = 'P'  # pin operations flag
        self.ANA_OP = 'A'  # analog out flag
        self.ANA_IP = 'I'  # analog read flag
        self.PIN_IP = 'R'  # read a digital pin
        self.REF_VLTG = ref  # reference voltage
        self.RES = res  # resolution

        # String messages that can be possibly returned by the board
        self.exceptions = {
            "ERROR": (IOError, "Unknown error occured "),
            "Invalid pin": (ControllerExceptions.InvalidPinException,
                            "The pin number specified was invalid "),
            "Invalid arguments":
             "Invalid argument was passed ")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, comport='/dev/ttyUSB0', ref=5.0, res=1024):
   """ This constructor initializes this class. Mainly, it opens up a serial 
   port for the communication to happen. If for some reasons, the port could 
   not be opened then this class will rise an IOError """
     self.comm = BoardSerialComm(comport)
   except IOError:
     raise IOError, "Could not open serial port %s " %comport
   # now lets have the flags defined
   self.START_FLAG = 'S'             # this flag has been set as start of frame
   self.PIN_OP     = 'P'             # pin operations flag
   self.ANA_OP     = 'A'             # analog out flag
   self.ANA_IP     = 'I'             # analog read flag
   self.PIN_IP     = 'R'             # read a digital pin
   self.REF_VLTG   =  ref            # reference voltage
   self.RES        =  res            # resolution
   # String messages that can be possibly returned by the board 
   self.exceptions = {"ERROR": (IOError, "Unknown error occured "), 
                   "Invalid pin" : (ControllerExceptions.InvalidPinException, "The pin number specified was invalid "),
                   "Invalid arguments" : (ControllerExceptions.InvalidParameterException, "Invalid argument was passed ")
Exemplo n.º 3
class TransLayer:
  """ This class implements the transfer layer for usage with the Ardiuno board
  this class contains methods which frame and send the dat to the arduino """
  def __init__(self, comport='/dev/ttyUSB0', ref=5.0, res=1024):
    """ This constructor initializes this class. Mainly, it opens up a serial 
    port for the communication to happen. If for some reasons, the port could 
    not be opened then this class will rise an IOError """
      self.comm = BoardSerialComm(comport)
    except IOError:
      raise IOError, "Could not open serial port %s " %comport
    # now lets have the flags defined
    self.START_FLAG = 'S'             # this flag has been set as start of frame
    self.PIN_OP     = 'P'             # pin operations flag
    self.ANA_OP     = 'A'             # analog out flag
    self.ANA_IP     = 'I'             # analog read flag
    self.PIN_IP     = 'R'             # read a digital pin
    self.REF_VLTG   =  ref            # reference voltage
    self.RES        =  res            # resolution
    # String messages that can be possibly returned by the board 
    self.exceptions = {"ERROR": (IOError, "Unknown error occured "), 
                    "Invalid pin" : (ControllerExceptions.InvalidPinException, "The pin number specified was invalid "),
                    "Invalid arguments" : (ControllerExceptions.InvalidParameterException, "Invalid argument was passed ")
  def __make_sense_of_the_data__(self, data):
      """ Just a helper that accepts the string returned from the board
      and checks the string and if the operation was succeessful and
      if there were any argument returned by the board, it is returned
      if no argument was received, empty string is returned.
      On the other hand if there were any errors, appropriate 
      exceptions are raised.
      retVal=""     # will hold value returned by the board, if any.
      if data.find("\n") > 0:
          # If we are here then it means that we need to extract the 
          # value returned from the board 
          retVal = data.split("\n")[0]
          data = data.split("\n")[1]
      if data.find("SUCCESS") >= 0:
          return retVal
      if self.exceptions.has_key(data):
          # else, this is got to be some exception
          raise self.exceptions[data][0], self.exceptions[data][1]
          raise IOError, "The data received seems to be invalid "

  def SetPinData(self, pin, state):
    """ This function sets or clears a given pin. 
    pin   pin to be set or cleared
    state boolean True-set False-reset """
    if type(pin) != type(1) :
      raise TypeError, "TransLayer.SendPinData requires pin to be integer but \
        %s was passed" %(type(pin))
    if type(state) != type(1) :
      raise TypeError, "TransLayer.SendPinData requires state to be int "
    # let's construct the packet
    if state == 0:
      on = 0
    else :
      on = 1
    packet = self.START_FLAG + self.PIN_OP + str(pin) + str(on)
    print "The packet we are sending out is %s " %packet
    # send the packet over the serial port
    readTup = self.comm.read()
    print readTup
    if readTup[1] == True:
        return (self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0]))
        raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

  def SetAnalogVal(self, pin, val):
    """ Function to ask Arduino to output analog volatges(PWM) """
    if (type(pin) != type(1)) :
      raise TypeError, "SetAnalogValue requires pin number to be integer"
    if (type(val) != type(1)) :
      raise TypeError, "SetAnalogValue requires value to be of integer type "
    temp = (val << 8)| pin ;
    packet =self.START_FLAG + self.ANA_OP + str(temp)
    print "The packet we are sending out is %s " %packet
    readTup = self.comm.read()
    print readTup
    if readTup[1] == True:
        return (self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0]))
        raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "
  def ReadAnalogVal(self, pin):
    """ This fucntion raeds the analog volatge at the given pin.
    This method returns a tuple whose first element is True if the transaction 
    was successfull and the second value is actual read value. If transaction
    was not successfull then this method returns False as first tuple element 
    if (type(pin) != type(1)):
      raise TypeError, "Read analog value was expecting integer type argument"
    packet = self.START_FLAG + self.ANA_IP+str(pin)
    print "The packet we are sending out is %s " %packet
    val = self.comm.read()
    print val
    if val[1] == True:
      digi_val = self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(val[0])
      if (digi_val == ""):
          raise IOError, "No value received from the board "
        ana_val = float(self.REF_VLTG/(self.RES-1))* int(digi_val)
        raise IOError, "The board did not respond with an integer number "
      ana_val = str(ana_val)
      return ana_val
    else :
      raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "
  def ReadPin(self, pin):
    """ This method reads digital value at a given pin.
    This method returns a tuple whose first element indicates if the transaction
    was successfull. If successful the first element would be True else False.
    If the first element is true then the second element would be the value read
    if (type(pin) != type(1)):
      raise TypeError, "This method(ReadPin) expects pin to be of integer type "
    packet = self.START_FLAG + self.PIN_IP+str(pin)
    print "The packet we are sending out is %s " %packet
    readTup = self.comm.read()    
    print readTup 
    if readTup[1] == True:
        digiVal = self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0])
        if (digiVal == ""):
            raise IOError, "The board did not respond with the message in expected format "
        # Check if this is a numerical value 
            val = int(digiVal)
            raise IOError, "The board did not respond with an integer number "
        return digiVal
        raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

  def Stop(self): 
Exemplo n.º 4
class TransLayer:
    """ This class implements the transfer layer for usage with the Ardiuno board
  this class contains methods which frame and send the dat to the arduino """
    def __init__(self, comport='/dev/ttyUSB0', ref=5.0, res=1024):
        """ This constructor initializes this class. Mainly, it opens up a serial 
    port for the communication to happen. If for some reasons, the port could 
    not be opened then this class will rise an IOError """
            self.comm = BoardSerialComm(comport)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError, "Could not open serial port %s " % comport

        # now lets have the flags defined
        self.START_FLAG = 'S'  # this flag has been set as start of frame
        self.PIN_OP = 'P'  # pin operations flag
        self.ANA_OP = 'A'  # analog out flag
        self.ANA_IP = 'I'  # analog read flag
        self.PIN_IP = 'R'  # read a digital pin
        self.REF_VLTG = ref  # reference voltage
        self.RES = res  # resolution

        # String messages that can be possibly returned by the board
        self.exceptions = {
            "ERROR": (IOError, "Unknown error occured "),
            "Invalid pin": (ControllerExceptions.InvalidPinException,
                            "The pin number specified was invalid "),
            "Invalid arguments":
             "Invalid argument was passed ")

    def __make_sense_of_the_data__(self, data):
        """ Just a helper that accepts the string returned from the board
      and checks the string and if the operation was succeessful and
      if there were any argument returned by the board, it is returned
      if no argument was received, empty string is returned.
      On the other hand if there were any errors, appropriate 
      exceptions are raised.
        retVal = ""  # will hold value returned by the board, if any.
        if data.find("\n") > 0:
            # If we are here then it means that we need to extract the
            # value returned from the board
            retVal = data.split("\n")[0]
            data = data.split("\n")[1]

        if data.find("SUCCESS") >= 0:
            return retVal

        if self.exceptions.has_key(data):
            # else, this is got to be some exception
            raise self.exceptions[data][0], self.exceptions[data][1]
            raise IOError, "The data received seems to be invalid "

    def SetPinData(self, pin, state):
        """ This function sets or clears a given pin. 
    pin   pin to be set or cleared
    state boolean True-set False-reset """

        if type(pin) != type(1):
            raise TypeError, "TransLayer.SendPinData requires pin to be integer but \
        %s was passed" % (type(pin))

        if type(state) != type(1):
            raise TypeError, "TransLayer.SendPinData requires state to be int "

        # let's construct the packet
        if state == 0:
            on = 0
            on = 1

        packet = self.START_FLAG + self.PIN_OP + str(pin) + str(on)
        print "The packet we are sending out is %s " % packet

        # send the packet over the serial port
        readTup = self.comm.read()
        print readTup
        if readTup[1] == True:
            return (self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0]))
            raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

    def SetAnalogVal(self, pin, val):
        """ Function to ask Arduino to output analog volatges(PWM) """

        if (type(pin) != type(1)):
            raise TypeError, "SetAnalogValue requires pin number to be integer"
        if (type(val) != type(1)):
            raise TypeError, "SetAnalogValue requires value to be of integer type "

        temp = (val << 8) | pin

        packet = self.START_FLAG + self.ANA_OP + str(temp)

        print "The packet we are sending out is %s " % packet
        readTup = self.comm.read()
        print readTup
        if readTup[1] == True:
            return (self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0]))
            raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

    def ReadAnalogVal(self, pin):
        """ This fucntion raeds the analog volatge at the given pin.
    This method returns a tuple whose first element is True if the transaction 
    was successfull and the second value is actual read value. If transaction
    was not successfull then this method returns False as first tuple element 

        if (type(pin) != type(1)):
            raise TypeError, "Read analog value was expecting integer type argument"

        packet = self.START_FLAG + self.ANA_IP + str(pin)
        print "The packet we are sending out is %s " % packet
        val = self.comm.read()
        print val
        if val[1] == True:
            digi_val = self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(val[0])
            if (digi_val == ""):
                raise IOError, "No value received from the board "
                ana_val = float(self.REF_VLTG / (self.RES - 1)) * int(digi_val)
                raise IOError, "The board did not respond with an integer number "
            ana_val = str(ana_val)
            return ana_val
            raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

    def ReadPin(self, pin):
        """ This method reads digital value at a given pin.
    This method returns a tuple whose first element indicates if the transaction
    was successfull. If successful the first element would be True else False.
    If the first element is true then the second element would be the value read

        if (type(pin) != type(1)):
            raise TypeError, "This method(ReadPin) expects pin to be of integer type "
        packet = self.START_FLAG + self.PIN_IP + str(pin)

        print "The packet we are sending out is %s " % packet
        readTup = self.comm.read()
        print readTup
        if readTup[1] == True:
            digiVal = self.__make_sense_of_the_data__(readTup[0])
            if (digiVal == ""):
                raise IOError, "The board did not respond with the message in expected format "
            # Check if this is a numerical value
                val = int(digiVal)
                raise IOError, "The board did not respond with an integer number "
            return digiVal
            raise ControllerExceptions.ResponseTimedOutException, "The board did not respond, we timed out "

    def Stop(self):