def Initialize(N, Pickle='None', L=3, Center=0, Sun=False):
    This function creates the bodies.
    In Args:
         - N:           Number of Bodies to be simulated.
         - Pickle:      (Optional) Recieves a pickle path to initialize the simulation from it.
         - L:           "Size" of the initial distribution on the position of the bodies. Default is 3 AU.
         - Center:       Center of the initial distribution of the bodies positions. Default is 0.
         - Sun:         (Optional) If 'True' adds a Sun-Like object at the center of the distribution. Default is False.
    Out Args:
        - Bodies:      Array containing the bodies to be simulated. 
    ** Note that if initialized using a pickle, the number of bodies initialized will be the same as the 
    bodies in the pickle **
    if Pickle == 'None':

        Bodies = np.zeros(
            (N, ),
            dtype=object)  #Define an array that will contain the Bodies.

        r = 2 * L

        # Here we iterate to create each particle with a specific velocity and position.

        for i in range(N):

            # We choose this sigma considering that 3 sigma will represent the 99% of our distribution,
            # then, when the majority of the particles wil be within the "scale" of the system.

            x = np.random.normal(Center, r / 3.)
            y = np.random.normal(Center, r / 3.)
            z = np.random.normal(
                0.01)  # This is to give the distribution a Disk-like form.

            pos = np.array([x, y, z])

            mass = np.random.uniform(0.001, 1.)

            vx = np.random.uniform(-3, 3)
            vy = np.random.uniform(-3, 3)
            vz = np.random.uniform(
                -0.2, 0.2)  #This is to give the distribution a Disk-like form.

            vel = np.array([vx, vy, vz])

            Bodies[i] = Body(pos, vel, mass,
                             name='Particle_{}'.format(i))  #Create each body.

            if Sun == True:  #Add a Main body in our system at the center. (Like a Sun)

                if i == N - 1:

                    pos = np.array([Center, Center, Center])

                    mass = 5

                    vel = np.array([0, 0, 0])

                    Bodies[i] = Body(pos, vel, mass, name='Sun')

        #Here we compute the initial acceleration for the bodies.

        for i in range(N):

            Bodies[i].acceleration_i_1 = Bodies[i].Compute_acceleration(Bodies)

            Bodies[i].acceleration_i = Bodies[i].acceleration_i_1

        print('System initialized with %d bodies' % (N))

        return Bodies

    else:  # If we initialize from a pickle file.

        Imported_Pickle = pickle.load(open(Pickle, 'rb'))

        Bodies = Imported_Pickle

        print('System initialized with %d bodies from a Pickle file.' %

        return Bodies