def shot_handler(self, board: PoolBoard) -> Shot: time.sleep(1) shot = Shot(random_float(0, 360), random_float(100, 150)) if board.cue_ball.pocketed: x = -1.0 y = -1.0 while True: x = random_float(Constants.BALL_RADIUS + 0.5, Constants.TABLE_WIDTH - Constants.BALL_RADIUS - 0.5) y = random_float(Constants.BALL_RADIUS + 0.5, Constants.TABLE_HEIGHT - Constants.BALL_RADIUS - 0.5) if Shot.test_cue_ball_position(b2Vec2(x, y), board.balls): break shot.cue_ball_position = b2Vec2(x, y) return shot
def LaunchRandomBomb(self): """Creëer een nieuwe bom en lanceer deze op het testbed. """ p = b2Vec2(b2Random(-15.0, 15.0), 30.0) v = -5.0 * p self.LaunchBomb(p, v)
def __createTile(self): tl = b2Vec2(-self.TILE_SIZE/2, -self.TILE_SIZE/2) tr = b2Vec2(self.TILE_SIZE/2, -self.TILE_SIZE/2) br = b2Vec2(self.TILE_SIZE/2, self.TILE_SIZE/2) bl = b2Vec2(-self.TILE_SIZE/2, self.TILE_SIZE/2) shape = b2ChainShape() shape.vertices = (bl, br, tr, tl) fd = b2FixtureDef() fd.categoryBits = Filter.CATEGORY_WALLS fd.maskBits = Filter.MASK_WALLS fd.bullet = False fd.shape = shape self.mBody = self.mWorld.CreateStaticBody(position = self.mPosition) self.mBody.CreateFixture(fd) self.mBody.userData = self
def reset(self, initState=None): self.time = 0 self.episode += 1 if initState is None: for a in self.bodies: a.resetState(, b2Vec2(0.1, 0)) for _ in range( 4 ): # make a few steps to bring joints to valid states (apply constraints) * 2, 3, 6) else: for a in self.bodies: a.resetToState(initState) return self._getStates()
def launchProjectile(level, position, range, missile=False): player = level.player if player is None: return position = b2Vec2(position[0], position[1]) distance = (player.body.transform.position - position).Normalize() dir = (player.body.transform.position + player.body.linearVelocity*0.5) - position if dir.Normalize() < range: position = position + dir * 3 if missile: obj = Missile.launch(, target=player, position=position, velocity=dir * 50, agility=random.uniform(0.2, 2)) level.objects.append(obj) else: obj = Missile.launch(, target=None, position=position, velocity=dir * 50) level.objects.append(obj)
def compute_best_shots(self, board : PoolBoard, magnitudes=[75.0, 100.0, 125.0], angles=range(0, 360), length=10) -> List[ComparableShot]: position = None if board.cue_ball.pocketed: while True: x = random_float(Constants.BALL_RADIUS + 0.5, Constants.TABLE_WIDTH - Constants.BALL_RADIUS - 0.5) y = random_float(Constants.BALL_RADIUS + 0.5, Constants.TABLE_HEIGHT - Constants.BALL_RADIUS - 0.5) position = b2Vec2(x, y) if Shot.test_cue_ball_position(position, board.balls): break queue : List[ComparableShot] = [] for angle in angles: for magnitude in magnitudes: if len(queue) % 50 == 0: print(f"Shots generated: {len(queue)}") shot = Shot(angle, magnitude, position) heapq.heappush(queue, self.compute_shot_heuristic(shot, board)) shots = [] for _ in range(length): shots.append(heapq.heappop(queue)) return shots
def __init__(self, world, position, tiletype): self.mWorld = world self.mPosition = b2Vec2(position.x + self.TILE_SIZE/2, position.y + self.TILE_SIZE/2) self.mTiletype = tiletype