Exemplo n.º 1
    def _on_expose(self, drawing, event):
        # just mark lock as callbacks are already inside gtk thread
        with self._gooey.lock_marker:

            # get a new cairo context from the drawing area
            context = self._drawing_area.window.cairo_create()

            # set a clip region for the expose event
            context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y,
                              event.area.width, event.area.height)
            # zoom and scroll
            context.scale(self.zoom, self.zoom)
            # call draw handler to draw contents of canvas to cairo context
            self.handle_draw(Brush(context, self.size))

            return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def draw(self, p0, p1):
        Brush.draw(self, p0, p1)
        #self.probFg(x1-20, x1+20, y1-20, y1+20)
        """color = self.colorTri[self.type]

        #self.argsScore[5] = np.int32(self.nComponentsFg)

        #seed = []
        hasSeeds = False
        redoBg = False

        minX = sys.maxint
        maxX = -sys.maxint
        minY = sys.maxint
        maxY = -sys.maxint

        for point in self.points[0:nPoints]:
            #if self.hTriFlat[point] != color:
                self.hTriFlat[point] = color
                #seed += point
                hasSeeds = True

                minX = min(minX, point%self.width)

                maxX = max(maxX, point%self.width)
                minY = min(minY, point/self.width)
                maxY = max(maxY, point/self.width)

                #if (point[1]*self.width + point[0]) in self.randIdx:

                #	redoBg = True
        #if redoBg:
        #	self.probBg(0)

        #if len(seed) == 0:
        if not hasSeeds:

        minX = max(0, minX-DILATE)
        maxX = min(self.width-1, maxX + DILATE)
        minY = max(0, minY-DILATE)
        maxY = min(self.height-1, maxY + DILATE)

        args = [
            cl.Sampler(self.context, False, cl.addressing_mode.NONE,

        gWorksize = roundUp((self.n_points, ), (256, ))

        self.kern_get_samples(self.queue, gWorksize, (256,), *args).wait()

        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.hSampleFg, self.dSampleFg)
#        print self.hSampleFg.view(np.uint8).reshape(10240, 4)[0:self.n_points, :]

#        print self.n_points
        self.gmmFg.fit(self.dSampleFg, self.n_points)
#        print w
#        print m
#        print c

        self.gmmFg.score(self.d_img, self.dScoreFg)

        #        self.argsSampleBg = [
        #            self.d_labels,
        #            np.int32(self.label),
        #            cl.Sampler(self.context, False, cl.addressing_mode.NONE,
        #                cl.filter_mode.NEAREST),
        #            self.d_img,
        #            self.dSampleFg
        #        ]
        #        gWorksize = roundUp(self.dim, (16, 16))
        #        self.kernSampleBg(self.queue, gWorksize, (16, 16),
        #            *(self.argsSampleBg)).wait()
        #        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.hSampleBg, self.dSampleBg).wait()

Exemplo n.º 3
import time

import pyopencl as cl
from clutil import Buffer2D
import numpy as np

platforms = cl.get_platforms()

devices = platforms[0].get_devices()
devices = [devices[1]]
context = cl.Context(devices)

cm = cl.mem_flags

dim = (800, 608)

dStrokes = Buffer2D(context, cm.READ_WRITE, dim, dtype=np.uint8)

from Brush import Brush

brush = Brush(context, devices, dStrokes)

iterations = 10

t0 = time.clock()
for i in range(iterations):
    brush.draw((0, 0), (100, 100))
dt = (time.clock() - t0) / iterations * 1000

print "%.2f milliseconds per iteration (mean)" % dt
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, context, devices, d_img, d_labels):
        Brush.__init__(self, context, devices, d_labels)

        self.context = context
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context,

        nComponentsFg = 4
        nComponentsBg = 4
        self.nDim = 3

        self.dim = d_img.dim

        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'quick.cl')
        program = createProgram(context, context.devices, [], filename)
        #        self.kernSampleBg = cl.Kernel(program, 'sampleBg')
        self.kern_get_samples = cl.Kernel(program, 'get_samples')

        self.lWorksize = (16, 16)
        self.gWorksize = roundUp(self.dim, self.lWorksize)

        nSamples = 4 * (self.gWorksize[0] / self.lWorksize[0]) * (
            self.gWorksize[1] / self.lWorksize[1])

        #		self.gmmFg_cpu = mixture.GMM(4)

        self.gmmFg = GMM(context, 65, nComponentsFg, 10240)
        self.gmmBg = GMM(context, 65, nComponentsBg, nSamples)

        self.hScore = np.empty(self.dim, np.float32)
        self.hSampleFg = np.empty((10240, ), np.uint32)
        self.hSampleBg = np.empty((12000, ), np.uint32)
        self.hA = np.empty((max(nComponentsFg, nComponentsBg), 8), np.float32)

        self.d_img = d_img

        cm = cl.mem_flags
        self.dSampleFg = cl.Buffer(context, cm.READ_WRITE, size=4 * 10240)
        self.dSampleBg = cl.Buffer(context, cm.READ_WRITE, size=4 * 12000)
        self.dA = cl.Buffer(context, cm.READ_ONLY | cm.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.hA)
        self.dScoreFg = Buffer2D(context, cm.READ_WRITE, self.dim, np.float32)
        self.dScoreBg = Buffer2D(context, cm.READ_WRITE, self.dim, np.float32)

        #self.points = Set()

        self.capPoints = 200 * 200 * 300 #brush radius 200, stroke length 300
        self.points = np.empty((self.capPoints), np.uint32)

        #		self.colorize = Colorize.Colorize(clContext, clContext.devices)

        #        self.hTriFlat = self.hTri.reshape(-1)

        #        self.probBg(1200)

        self.h_img = np.empty(self.dim, np.uint32)
        self.h_img = self.h_img.ravel()
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.h_img, self.d_img, origin=(0, 0), region=self.dim).wait()

        self.samples_bg_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.dim[0] * self.dim[1], 12000)
        self.hSampleBg = self.h_img[self.samples_bg_idx]

        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.dSampleBg, self.hSampleBg).wait()

        w,m,c = self.gmmBg.fit(self.dSampleBg, 300, retParams=True)

        print w
        print m
        print c

        self.gmmBg.score(self.d_img, self.dScoreBg)

Exemplo n.º 5
    hImg = padArray2D(np.array(img).view(np.uint32).squeeze(), shape, 'edge')

    dImgGC = cl.Image(context,
        cl.ImageFormat(cl.channel_order.RGBA, cl.channel_type.UNSIGNED_INT8),
    cl.enqueue_copy(queue, dImgGC, hImg, origin=(0,0), region=dim)

    dImg = Buffer2D(context, cm.READ_WRITE | cm.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=hImg)

    dStrokes = Buffer2D(context, cm.READ_WRITE, dim, dtype=np.uint8)

    growCut = GrowCut(context, devices, dImgGC, GrowCut.NEIGHBOURHOOD.VON_NEUMANN, GrowCut.WEIGHT_POW2)

    brush = Brush(context, devices, growCut.dLabelsIn)

    iteration = 0
    refresh = 100

    def next():
        global iteration

        sm.processTrimap(dStrokes, growCut.dLabelsOut, growCut.dStrengthIn, 0.95)

        if growCut.isComplete: