Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
         #This stuff is only for get the antennas of a manual array
         from Acspy.Clients.SimpleClient import PySimpleClient
         c = PySimpleClient()
         master = c.getComponent('CONTROL/MASTER')
         arrayname  =  master.getManualArrays()
         array = c.getComponent('CONTROL/'+arrayname[0])
         self.antennalist = array.getAntennas()
         self.logger = getLogger()
         del master
         del array
     except Exception, e:
         print e
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, \
                antennaName = None, \
                componentName = None, \
                stickyFlag = False):
        The constructor creates a MountVertexLLama object or a group of MountVertexLLama

        If the antennaName is defined then this constructor references
        the component running on that antenna. Alternativly the full
        componentName can be specified if desired.

        If antennaName or componentName are specified as list then a set of
        MountVertexLLama components are created.

        The MountVertexLLamaBase class is a python proxy to the MountVertexLLama
        component. The component can be running before creating this
        proxy but if it is not it will be started. The object reference
        is obtained using a call to getComponent (stickyFlag = True)
        or to getComponentNonSticky (stickyFlag = False, default).

        An exception is thrown if there is a problem creating
        this component, establishing the connection to the
        previously mentioned hardware components, or if either
        both or neither antennaName and componentName are specified.

        import CCL.MountVertexLLamaBase
        obj = CCL.MountVertexLLamaBase.MountVertexLLamaBase("DV01")


        import CCL.MountVertexLLamaBase
        obj = CCL.MountVertexLLamaBase.MountVertexLLamaBase(["DV01", "DA41"])
        CCL.MountVertex.MountVertex.__init__(self, \
            antennaName, componentName, stickyFlag)
        self.__logger = getLogger()
Exemplo n.º 3
from CCL.Global import *
from CCL.Source import *
from CCL.SquareLawConfig import *
from CCL.SpectralSpec import *
import Control
import ScanIntentMod
import SubscanIntentMod

from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
from CCL.logging import getLogger
#Set a List of planets or quasars:
logger = getLogger()

planetList =  ["Saturn","Venus","Jupiter"]
quasarList = [("12:56:11.1665","-",'3c279'),
              ("22:53:57.75","",' 3c454.3'),
              ("09:27:03.0139","",' 0923+392')]
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-a","--array", type="str", dest="arrayName",help="The name of the Array to execute this on")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if options.arrayName is None:
    logger.logCritical("You must specify an Array name use the -a option")