Exemplo n.º 1
    def computeGrid(self):
	cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(self.options['cgo prefix'] + self.options['grid cgo name'])
	cgo.setColor(self.options['grid color'])
	spacing = self.options['grid spacing'];

	cube = copy.deepcopy(self.bb)
	for i in (self.X, self.Y, self.Z):
	    cube[i][self.MIN] = int(cube[i][self.MIN] - 1.0)
	    cube[i][self.MAX] = int(cube[i][self.MAX] + 1.0)

	for x in range(self.xmin(cube), self.xmax(cube), spacing):
	    if x < self.xmin() or x > self.xmax(): continue
	    for y in range(self.ymin(cube), self.ymax(cube), spacing):
		if y < self.ymin() or y > self.ymax(): continue
		cgo.addLine((x, y, self.zmin()), (x, y, self.zmax()))

	    for z in range(self.zmin(cube), self.zmax(cube), spacing):
		if z < self.zmin() or z > self.zmax(): continue
		cgo.addLine((x, self.ymin(), z), (x, self.ymax(), z))

	for z in range(self.zmin(cube), self.zmax(cube), spacing):
	    if z < self.zmin() or z > self.zmax(): continue
	    for y in range(self.ymin(cube), self.ymax(cube), spacing):
		if y < self.ymin() or y > self.ymax(): continue
		cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), y, z), (self.xmax(), y, z))

	return cgo
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, titer, cgoName, color, lineWidth, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, log=True):
	cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(cgoName) 

	if log:
	    titer = log2(titer)

	for x in frange(xMin, xMax):
	    cgo.addLine((x, yMin, titer), (x, yMax, titer))
	for y in frange(yMin, yMax):
	    cgo.addLine((xMin, y, titer), (xMax, y, titer))

	self._cgo = cgo
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, options):
        cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['base grid cgo name'])
        cgo.setColor(options['base grid color'])
        cgo.setLineWidth(options['base grid line width'])

        xmin = options['base grid x min']
        xmax = options['base grid x max']
        ymin = options['base grid y min']
        ymax = options['base grid y max']

        for x in frange(xmin, xmax):
            cgo.addLine((x, ymin, 0.0), (x, ymax, 0.0))
        for y in frange(ymin, ymax):
            cgo.addLine((xmin, y, 0.0), (xmax, y, 0.0))

        if options['base grid hidden']:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def computeBoundingBox(self):
	cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(self.options['cgo prefix'] + self.options['bounding box cgo name'])
	cgo.setColor(self.options['bounding box color'])

	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmin()), (self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmin())) # Bottom back
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmin()), (self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmax())) # Bottom left
	cgo.addLine((self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmin()), (self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmax())) # Bottom right
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmax()), (self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmax())) # Bottom front
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmin()), (self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmin())) # Top back
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmin()), (self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmax())) # Top left
	cgo.addLine((self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmin()), (self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmax())) # Top right
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmax()), (self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmax())) # Top front
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmin()), (self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmin())) # Left back
	cgo.addLine((self.xmin(), self.ymin(), self.zmax()), (self.xmin(), self.ymax(), self.zmax())) # Left front
	cgo.addLine((self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmin()), (self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmin())) # Right back
	cgo.addLine((self.xmax(), self.ymin(), self.zmax()), (self.xmax(), self.ymax(), self.zmax())) # Right front

	return cgo
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, options):
        cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['axes cgo name'])
        cgo.setColor(options['axes color'])
        cgo.setLineWidth(options['axes line width'])
        length = options['axes length']

        cgo.addLine((-length, 0.0, 0.0), (length, 0.0, 0.0))
        cgo.addLine((0.0, -length, 0.0), (0.0, length, 0.0))
        cgo.addLine((0.0, 0.0, -length), (0.0, 0.0, length))

        if options['axes label']:
            offset = options['axes label offset']
            color = options['axes label color']
            cgo.addWiretext('X', (length + offset, 0.0, 0.0), color)
            cgo.addWiretext('Y', (0.0, length + offset, 0.0), color)
            cgo.addWiretext('Z', (0.0, 0.0, length + offset), color)

        if options['axes hidden']:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def computeDots(self):
	cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup(self.options['cgo prefix'] + self.options['dots cgo name'])
	cgo.setColor(self.options['dots color'])
	radius = self.options['dots radius'];
	spacing = self.options['dots spacing'];

	cube = copy.deepcopy(self.bb)
	for i in (self.X, self.Y, self.Z):
	    cube[i][self.MIN] = int(cube[i][self.MIN] - 1.0)
	    cube[i][self.MAX] = int(cube[i][self.MAX] + 1.0)

	for x in range(self.xmin(cube), self.xmax(cube), spacing):
	    if x < self.xmin() or x > self.xmax(): continue
	    for y in range(self.ymin(cube), self.ymax(cube), spacing):
		if y < self.ymin() or y > self.ymax(): continue
		for z in range(self.zmin(cube), self.zmax(cube), spacing):
		    if z < self.zmin() or z > self.zmax(): continue
		    cgo.addSphere((x, y, z), radius)

	return cgo
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, file, options):

        if not hasattr(self, 'map_data'):
            raise MdsError.ExecError, "After loading map data from '%s' no map_data has been defined." % file

        print "Read %d points from '%s'" % (len(self.map_data.keys()), file)

        self.file = file
        self.options = options

        # Under some circumstances we need to maintain a bounding box
        if options['bounding box compute'] or options['grid compute'] or options['notches compute'] or options['dots compute']:
            self.bb = BoundingBox(options)
            self.bb = None
        cgoData = {} # A collection of independent CGO groups.
        types = [] # The point types we have seen (usually this will just be 'strains' and 'antisera').
        titerCoords = [] # A list of xyz-tuples, being the coords that will be used to make the titer surface (if one is being made).

        pointsOrder = self.map_data.keys()
        pointsOrder.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(self.map_data[a]['transparency'], self.map_data[b]['transparency']))
        for pointName in pointsOrder:
            point = self.map_data[pointName]
            type = point['type']

            # Get the defaults for this point type (i.e., strain, serum).
            for option in ('color', 'shape'):
                if option not in point:
                    point[option] = options[type + ' ' + option]
            pointCoords = Coord(point['coords'])
            pointColor = point['color']
            pointRadius = point.get('radius', options[type + ' radius'])
            pointAlpha = point.get('transparency', None)
            if pointAlpha is not None:
                pointAlpha = 1.0 - pointAlpha # convert transparency to Alpha
            # Show the point (strain or serum) shape.
            if options[type + ' compute']:
                if type not in types:
                if type not in cgoData:
                    cgoData[type] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options[type + ' cgo name'])

                if pointAlpha is not None:
                if point['shape'] == 'sphere':
                    cgoData[type].addSphere(pointCoords, pointRadius)
                    if self.bb:
                        self.bb.add(pointCoords, pointRadius)
                elif point['shape'] == 'cube':
                    sideLength = point.get('side length', options[type + ' side length'])
                    cgoData[type].addCube(pointCoords, sideLength)
                    if self.bb:
                        self.bb.add(pointCoords, sideLength / 2.0)
                    raise MdsError.PointError, "Point '%s' in file '%s' has an unrecognized shape option (%s)." % (pointName, file, point['shape'])
            # cgoData[type].addAlpha(1.0) # reset transparency

            # Show the point (strain or serum) name.
            if options[type + ' names compute']:
                cgoKey = type + ' names'
                if cgoKey not in types:
                if cgoKey not in cgoData:
                    cgoData[cgoKey] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options[cgoKey + ' cgo name'])
                pointNameCoords = pointCoords + options[cgoKey + ' offset']
                cgoData[cgoKey].addWiretext(pointName, pointNameCoords, options[cgoKey + ' color'], options[cgoKey + ' text width'])
                if self.bb:
                    # TODO: this is broken - we don't know the extent of the name.

            # Add the titer line.
            pointTiter = point.get('titer')
            if pointTiter is not None:
                # The titer coords (which we compute in any case, as we may use them later in surface computations)
                # are this point's coords, with the titer added to the Z coord.
                titerEndCoords = pointCoords + [0, 0, pointTiter]
                if options['titer compute']:
                    if 'titer' not in cgoData:
                        cgoData['titer'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['titer cgo name'])
                    cgoData['titer'].setLineWidth(options['titer line width'])
                    cgoData['titer'].addLine(pointCoords, titerEndCoords)
                    if self.bb:

            # Add the Procrustes name, sphere and line, if any
            pointProcrustesCoords = point.get('procrustes coords')
            if pointProcrustesCoords is not None:
                if options['procrustes names compute']:
                    if 'procrustes name' in point:
                        pointProcrustesName = point['procrustes names']
                        pointProcrustesName = pointName
                    if 'procrustes names' not in cgoData:
                        cgoData['procrustes names'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['procrustes names cgo name'])
                    procrustesNameCoords = pointProcrustesCoords + options['procrustes names offset']
                    cgoData['procrustes names'].addWiretext(pointProcrustesName, procrustesNameCoords,
                                                            options['procrustes names color'], options['procrustes names text width'])
                    if self.bb:
                        # TODO: this is broken - we don't know the extent of the name.

                if options['procrustes spheres compute']:
                    if 'procrustes spheres' not in cgoData:
                        cgoData['procrustes spheres'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['procrustes spheres cgo name'])
                    cgoData['procrustes spheres'].setColor(options['procrustes spheres color'])
                    cgoData['procrustes spheres'].addSphere(pointProcrustesCoords, options['procrustes spheres radius'])
                    if self.bb:
                        self.bb.add(pointProcrustesCoords, options['procrustes spheres radius'])

                if options['procrustes lines compute']:
                    if 'procrustes lines' not in cgoData:
                        cgoData['procrustes lines'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['procrustes lines cgo name'])
                    cgoData['procrustes lines'].setColor(options['procrustes lines color'])
                    cgoData['procrustes lines'].setLineWidth(options['procrustes lines width'])
                    cgoData['procrustes lines'].addLine(pointCoords, pointProcrustesCoords)
                    if self.bb:

            # Add the blobs around the point.
            blobs = point.get('blobs')
            if blobs is not None:
                cgoKey = type + ' blobs'
                if options[cgoKey + ' compute']:
                    if cgoKey not in cgoData:
                        cgoData[cgoKey] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options[cgoKey + ' cgo name'])
                    blobStyle = options[cgoKey + ' style']
                    blobZ = 0.0 # How much to add to the z component of each blob
                    blobZInc = options[cgoKey + ' z inc']
                    for blob in blobs:
                        blobZ += blobZInc
                        if blobStyle == 'triangleFan':
                            # The first blob vertex is at the center (i.e., where the strain/serum is).
                            alpha = blob.get('transparency', None)
                            if alpha is not None:
                            coords = Coord(pointCoords)
                            coords += (0.0, 0.0, blobZ)
                            for vertex in blob['points']:
                                coords = Coord(vertex['coord'])
                                coords += (0.0, 0.0, blobZ)
                            # Add the first point in the fan again (in order to close it).
                            vertex = blob['points'][0]
                            coords = Coord(vertex['coord'])
                            coords += (0.0, 0.0, blobZ)
                            # Finish the fan.
                        elif blobStyle == 'contours':
                            cgoData[cgoKey].setLineWidth(options[cgoKey + ' contours line width'])
                            alpha = blob.get('transparency', None)
                            if alpha is not None:
                            for vertex in blob['points']:
                                coords = Coord(vertex['coord'])
                                coords += (0.0, 0.0, blobZ)
                            # Finish the loop.
                        elif blobStyle == 'dots':
                            alpha = blob.get('transparency', None)
                            radius = options[cgoKey + ' dots radius']
                            if alpha is not None:
                            for vertex in blob['points']:
                                coords = Coord(vertex['coord'])
                                coords += (0.0, 0.0, blobZ)
                                cgoData[cgoKey].addSphere(coords, radius)
                            raise Exception, "Unrecognized %s blob style (%s)." % (type, blobStyle)

            # Do error lines, prediction lines, connection lines, etc.
            for lineType in ('error lines', 'prediction lines', 'connection lines'):
                lines = point.get(lineType)

                if lines and options[lineType + ' compute']:
                    if lineType not in cgoData:
                        cgoData[lineType] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options[lineType + ' cgo name'])
                    for errorSpec in lines:
                        cgoData[lineType].setLineWidth(options['error lines width'])
                        cgoData[lineType].addLine(pointCoords, errorSpec['coord'])

        # All points have now been seen.
        if options['surface compute']:
            gridData = None
            if options['surface method'] == 'precomputed':
                gridData = options['surface precomputed data']
            elif titerCoords:
                if options['surface method'] == 'gnuplot':
                    from Gnuplot import grid
                    # Use a bounding box to get the limits on the titer data.
                    bb = BoundingBox(options)
                    for point in titerCoords:
                    rows, cols = bb.computeGridRowsCols(options['surface gnuplot density'])
                    gridData = grid(options['surface raw data'], rows, cols, options['surface gnuplot norm'])
                    # print "coords: %s\nrows %s\ncols %s" % (str(titerCoords), rows, cols)
                elif options['surface method'] == 'r':
                    from R import rGrid
                    # Use R to generate a surface.
                    rows, cols = options['surface rows'], options['surface cols']
                    if options['surface vaccine'] and options['surface vaccine'] in self.map_data:
                        focus = self.map_data[options['surface vaccine']]['coords'][0:2]
                        # We weren't give an vaccine, just use the coords from the
                        # first of the titer values and issue a warning.
                        print >>sys.stderr, "Surface vaccine not specified (or not found)! Using coords of first point with a titer for the R fitting focal position. Pass a 'surface vaccine' option to change this."
                        focus = titerCoords[0][0:2]
                    gridData = rGrid(titerCoords, options['surface r fit'], focus, rows, cols)
                    raise MdsError.NoSuchMethod, "Unknown surface method option: '%s'." % options['surface method']
            # print "rows, cols = %d, %d" % (rows, cols)
            # print "gridded data is: %s" % str(gridData)

            # The points come back from gnuplot with Y changing first (increasing)
            # and then X changing (decreasing).
            # So if you think of the typical X,Y plane, the order of points from gnuplot
            # is start at the bottom right, go up to max y, then step left & return to
            # bottom, and continue until you reach x min, and move up to the top left point.
            # Data that is given to us in options['surface gridded data'] is expected to
            # follow the same format.
            # With that understanding, we know how to get triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.

            if gridData:
                # Add surface spheres.
                if options['surface spheres compute']:
                    radius = options['surface spheres radius']
                    cgoData['surface spheres'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['surface spheres cgo name'])
                    cgoData['surface spheres'].setColor(options['surface spheres color'])
                    for point in gridData:
                        # print "grid point = %s" % str(point)
                        cgoData['surface spheres'].addSphere(point, radius)
                        if self.bb:
                            self.bb.add(point, radius)

                # Add the triangle mesh.
                if options['surface triangles compute']:
                    cgoData['surface triangles'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['surface triangles cgo name'])
                    cgoData['surface triangles'].setColor(options['surface triangles color'])
                    for col in xrange(cols - 1):
                        cgoData['surface triangles'].startTriangleStrip()
                        # Add the bottom right and bottom left vertices of the initial triangle.
                        cgoData['surface triangles'].addVertex(gridData[col * rows])
                        cgoData['surface triangles'].addVertex(gridData[(col + 1) * rows])

                        for row in xrange(1, rows):
                            # Add the right and left vertices of the next row up.
                            cgoData['surface triangles'].addVertex(gridData[col * rows + row])
                            cgoData['surface triangles'].addVertex(gridData[(col + 1) * rows + row])

                        cgoData['surface triangles'].endStrip()

                # Add the quadrilateral mesh.
                if options['surface quads compute']:
                    cgoData['surface quads'] = independentPymolCgoGroup(options['cgo prefix'] + options['surface quads cgo name'])
                    cgoData['surface quads'].setColor(options['surface quads color'])
                    for col in xrange(cols):
                        cgoData['surface quads'].startLineStrip()
                        for row in xrange(rows):
                            cgoData['surface quads'].addVertex(gridData[col * rows + row])
                        cgoData['surface quads'].endStrip()
                    for row in xrange(rows):
                        cgoData['surface quads'].startLineStrip()
                        for col in xrange(cols):
                            cgoData['surface quads'].addVertex(gridData[col * rows + row])
                        cgoData['surface quads'].endStrip()

                # Add the titer plane (note that this only happens if we're computing a surface & there's surface data).
                if options['titer plane compute']:
                    cgoData['titer plane'] = TiterPlane(options['titer plane titer'],
                                                        options['cgo prefix'] + options['titer plane cgo name'],
                                                        options['titer plane color'],
                                                        options['titer plane line width'],
                                                        options['titer plane x min'],
                                                        options['titer plane x max'],
                                                        options['titer plane y min'],
                                                        options['titer plane y max'],
                                                        options['titer plane titer']).cgo()

        # Deal with bounding box related options.
        if self.bb:
            for what, func in (('bounding box', self.bb.computeBoundingBox),
                               ('grid', self.bb.computeGrid),
                               ('notches', self.bb.computeNotches),
                               ('dots', self.bb.computeDots)):
                if options[what + ' compute']:
                    cgoData[what] = func()

        # Load all the cgo sets (sorted by cgo name, so they appear alphabetically down the GUI rhs).
        def cgoCmp(a, b):
            return cmp(cgoData[a].name(), cgoData[b].name())
        cgoSets = cgoData.keys()
        for cgo in cgoSets:

        # Set transparency.
        for cgo in cgoData:
            if cgo + ' transparency' in options:
                cgoData[cgo].setTransparency(options[cgo + ' transparency'])

        # Hide those that should be initially hidden.

        # TODO: make sure we really need to do this in two phases now that the type names
        #       have had the extra space removed from their cgoData keys.

        # 1) the types we found (e.g., strains, antisera), and their names.
        # NOTE: we remove these cgo sets from cgoData at this point. We're done with them,
        # and it makes the subsequent CGO group hiding code a little simpler.
        for type in types:
            if options[type + ' hidden']:

        # 2) the other cgo sets created above.
        for cgo in cgoData:
            if options[cgo + ' compute'] and options[cgo + ' hidden']:
Exemplo n.º 8
def triangle_debug(app):
    cgo = independentPymolCgoGroup('triangle')