Exemplo n.º 1
def build_xcpl_nml(argv, compclass):

    caseroot = parse_input(argv)

    compname = "x" + compclass

    caseroot = parse_input(argv)

    case = Case(caseroot)

    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    ninst  = case.get_value("NINST_%s" % compclass.upper())
    nx     = case.get_value("%s_NX" % compclass.upper())
    ny     = case.get_value("%s_NY" % compclass.upper())

    extras = []
    dtype = 1
    npes = 0
    length = 0

    if compname == "xatm":
        if ny == 1:
            dtype = 2
        extras = [["24",
                   "ncpl  number of communications w/coupler per dat"],
                   "simul time proxy (secs): time between cpl comms"]]
    elif compname == "xglc" or compname == "xice":
        dtype = 2
    elif compname == "xlnd":
        dtype = 11
    elif compname == "xocn":
        dtype = 4
    elif compname == "xrof":
        dtype = 11
        flood_mode = Case('XROF_FLOOD_MODE')
        if flood_mode == "ACTIVE":
            extras = [[".true.", "flood flag"]]
            extras = [[".false.", "flood flag"]]

    for i in range(1, ninst + 1):
        # If only 1 file, name is 'compclass_in'
        # otherwise files are 'compclass_in0001', 'compclass_in0002', etc
        if ninst == 1:
            filename = os.path.join(rundir, "%s_in" % compname)
            filename = os.path.join(rundir, "%s_in%4.4d" % (compname, i))

        with open(filename, 'w') as infile:
            infile.write("%-20d ! i-direction global dimension\n" % nx)
            infile.write("%-20d ! j-direction global dimension\n" % ny)
            infile.write("%-20d ! decomp_type  1=1d-by-lat, 2=1d-by-lon,"
                         " 3=2d, 4=2d evensquare, 11=segmented\n" % dtype)
            infile.write("%-20d ! num of pes for i (type 3 only)\n" % npes)
            infile.write("%-20d ! length of segments (type 4 only)\n"
                         % length)
            for extra in extras:
                infile.write("%-20s ! %s\n" % (extra[0], extra[1]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_data_lib(argv, compclass):

    caseroot, libroot, bldroot = parse_input(argv)

    case = Case(caseroot)

    cimeroot  = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")

    # Write directory list (Filepath)
    compname = "d" + compclass
    with open('Filepath', 'w') as out:
        out.write(os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src.%s" %compname) + "\n")
        out.write(os.path.join(cimeroot, "components", "data_comps", compname) + "\n")

    # Build the component
    run_gmake(case, compclass, libroot)
Exemplo n.º 3
def preview_namelists(dryrun=False, case=None, casedir=None):
    if (case is None):
        if (casedir is None):
            case = Case()
            case = Case(case_root=casedir)

    # Get data from XML
    exeroot = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    libroot = case.get_value("LIBROOT")
    incroot = case.get_value("INCROOT")
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    casebuild = case.get_value("CASEBUILD")
    testcase = case.get_value("TESTCASE")
    compiler = case.get_value("COMPILER")
    mach = case.get_value("MACH")
    debug = case.get_value("DEBUG")
    mpilib = case.get_value("MPILIB")

    logging.debug("LID is: '%s'" % os.getenv("LID", ""))
    logging.debug("caseroot is: '%s'" % caseroot)

    dryrun = True if (testcase == "SBN") else dryrun

    models = ["atm", "lnd", "ice", "ocn", "glc", "wav", "rof", "cpl"]
    docdir = os.path.join(caseroot, "CaseDocs")

    if (dryrun):
        # Only create rundir
        except OSError:
            logging.warning("Not able to create $RUNDIR, trying a subdirectory of $CASEROOT")
            rundir = os.path.join(caseroot, rundir)
                logging.info("Success! Setting RUNDIR=%s" % rundir)
                case.set_value("RUNDIR", rundir)
            except OSError:
                expect(False, "Could not create rundir")


        # Load modules
        env_module = EnvModule(mach, compiler, cimeroot, caseroot, mpilib, debug)

        # Make necessary directories
        dirs_to_make = [os.path.join(exeroot, model, "obj") for model in models]
        dirs_to_make.extend([exeroot, libroot, incroot, rundir, docdir])

        for dir_to_make in dirs_to_make:
            if (not os.path.isdir(dir_to_make)):
                    logging.debug("Making dir '%s'" % dir_to_make)
                except OSError as e:
                    expect(False, "Could not make directory '%s', error: %s" % (dir_to_make, e))

    # Create namelists
    for model in models:
        model_str = "drv" if model == "cpl" else model
        config_file = case.get_value("CONFIG_%s_FILE" % model_str.upper())
        config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_file)
        cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildnml")

        if (logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG):
            run_cmd("PREVIEW_NML=1 %s %s" % (cmd, caseroot))
            run_cmd("%s %s" % (cmd, caseroot))

    # Save namelists to docdir
    if (not os.path.isdir(docdir)):
            with open(os.path.join(docdir, "README"), "w") as fd:
                fd.write(" CESM Resolved Namelist Files\n   For documentation only DO NOT MODIFY\n")
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            expect(False, "Failed to write %s/README: %s" % (docdir, e))

    for cpglob in ["*_in_[0-9]*", "*modelio*", "*_in",
                   "*streams*txt*", "*stxt", "*maps.rc", "*cism.config*"]:
        for file_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, cpglob)):
            logging.debug("Copy file from '%s' to '%s'" % (file_to_copy, docdir))
            shutil.copy2(file_to_copy, docdir)

    # Copy over chemistry mechanism docs if they exist
    if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(casebuild, "camconf"))):
        for file_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(casebuild, "camconf", "*chem_mech*")):
            shutil.copy2(file_to_copy, docdir)
Exemplo n.º 4
def case_build(caseroot, case=None, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False):

    t1 = time.time()

    expect(not (sharedlib_only and model_only),
           "Contradiction: both sharedlib_only and model_only")

    logger.info("sharedlib_only is %s" % sharedlib_only)
    logger.info("model_only is %s" % model_only)

    expect(os.path.isdir(caseroot), "'%s' is not a valid directory" % caseroot)

           "ERROR: must invoke case.setup script before calling build script ")

    case = Case() if case is None else case
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")

    comp_classes = case.get_value("COMP_CLASSES").split(',')

    if not sharedlib_only:

    run_cmd("./Tools/check_lockedfiles --caseroot %s" % caseroot)

    # Retrieve relevant case data
    # This environment variable gets set for cesm Make and
    # needs to be unset before building again.
    if "MODEL" in os.environ.keys():
        del os.environ["MODEL"]
    build_threaded      = case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED")
    casetools           = case.get_value("CASETOOLS")
    exeroot             = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    incroot             = case.get_value("INCROOT")
    libroot             = case.get_value("LIBROOT")
    sharedlibroot       = case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")

    complist = []
    for comp_class in comp_classes:
        if comp_class == "DRV":
            comp_class = "CPL"
            ninst = 1
            config_dir = None
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST_%s"%comp_class)
            config_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_%s_FILE"%comp_class))

        comp = case.get_value("COMP_%s"%comp_class)
        thrds =  case.get_value("NTHRDS_%s"%comp_class)
        complist.append((comp_class.lower(), comp, thrds, ninst, config_dir ))
        os.environ["COMP_%s"%comp_class] = comp
    machines_file       = case.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
    ocn_submodel        = case.get_value("OCN_SUBMODEL")
    profile_papi_enable = case.get_value("PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE")
    compiler            = case.get_value("COMPILER")
    comp_interface      = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    mpilib              = case.get_value("MPILIB")
    use_esmf_lib        = case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB")
    debug               = case.get_value("DEBUG")
    ninst_build         = case.get_value("NINST_BUILD")
    smp_value           = case.get_value("SMP_VALUE")
    clm_use_petsc       = case.get_value("CLM_USE_PETSC")
    cism_use_trilinos   = case.get_value("CISM_USE_TRILINOS")
    mpasli_use_albany   = case.get_value("MPASLI_USE_ALBANY")
    clm_config_opts     = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    cam_config_opts     = case.get_value("CAM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    pio_config_opts     = case.get_value("PIO_CONFIG_OPTS")
    ninst_value         = case.get_value("NINST_VALUE")
    mach                = case.get_value("MACH")
    os_                 = case.get_value("OS")
    # Load some params into env
    os.environ["CIMEROOT"]             = cimeroot
    os.environ["CASETOOLS"]            = casetools
    os.environ["EXEROOT"]              = exeroot
    os.environ["INCROOT"]              = incroot
    os.environ["LIBROOT"]              = libroot
    os.environ["SHAREDLIBROOT"]        = sharedlibroot
    os.environ["CASEROOT"]             = caseroot
    os.environ["COMPILER"]             = compiler
    os.environ["COMP_INTERFACE"]       = comp_interface
    os.environ["NINST_VALUE"]          = str(ninst_value)
    os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"]       = stringify_bool(build_threaded)
    os.environ["MACH"]                 = mach
    os.environ["USE_ESMF_LIB"]         = stringify_bool(use_esmf_lib)
    os.environ["MPILIB"]               = mpilib
    os.environ["DEBUG"]                = stringify_bool(debug)
    os.environ["OS"]                   = os_
    os.environ["CLM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = clm_config_opts     if clm_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["CAM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = cam_config_opts     if cam_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["PIO_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = pio_config_opts     if pio_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["OCN_SUBMODEL"]         = ocn_submodel        if ocn_submodel        is not None else ""
    os.environ["PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE"]  = stringify_bool(profile_papi_enable) if profile_papi_enable is not None else ""
    os.environ["CLM_USE_PETSC"]        = stringify_bool(clm_use_petsc)       if clm_use_petsc       is not None else ""
    os.environ["CISM_USE_TRILINOS"]    = stringify_bool(cism_use_trilinos)   if cism_use_trilinos   is not None else ""
    os.environ["MPASLI_USE_ALBANY"]    = stringify_bool(mpasli_use_albany)   if mpasli_use_albany   is not None else ""

    # This is a timestamp for the build , not the same as the testid,
    # and this case may not be a test anyway. For a production
    # experiment there may be many builds of the same case.
    lid               = run_cmd("date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    os.environ["LID"] = lid

    # Set the overall USE_PETSC variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_PETSC variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CLM_USE_PETSC variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_PETSC will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_petsc = clm_use_petsc
    case.set_value("USE_PETSC", use_petsc)
    os.environ["USE_PETSC"] = stringify_bool(use_petsc)

    # Set the overall USE_TRILINOS variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_TRILINOS variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CISM_USE_TRILINOS variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_TRILINOS will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_trilinos = False if cism_use_trilinos is None else cism_use_trilinos
    case.set_value("USE_TRILINOS", use_trilinos)
    os.environ["USE_TRILINOS"] = stringify_bool(use_trilinos)

    # Set the overall USE_ALBANY variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_ALBANY variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one MPASLI_USE_ALBANY variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_ALBANY will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_albany = mpasli_use_albany
    case.set_value("USE_ALBANY", use_albany)
    os.environ["USE_ALBANY"] = stringify_bool(use_albany)

    # Load modules
    env_module = case._get_env("mach_specific")

    # Need to flush case xml to disk before calling preview_namelists

    if not sharedlib_only:

    build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, use_esmf_lib, debug, compiler, mpilib,
                 sharedlibroot, complist, ninst_build, smp_value)

    t2 = time.time()
    logs = []

    if not model_only:
        logs = build_libraries(case, exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid,

    if not sharedlib_only:
        logs.extend(build_model(case, build_threaded, exeroot, clm_config_opts, incroot, complist,
                                lid, caseroot, cimeroot, use_esmf_lib, comp_interface))

    if not sharedlib_only:
        post_build(case, logs)

    t3 = time.time()

    logger.info("Time spent not building: %f sec" % (t2 - t1))
    logger.info("Time spent building: %f sec" % (t3 - t2))
Exemplo n.º 5
def case_build(caseroot, case=None, testmode=False, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False):
    t1 = time.time()

    expect(not (sharedlib_only and model_only),
           "Contradiction: both sharedlib_only and model_only")

    logger.info("sharedlib_only is %s" % sharedlib_only)
    logger.info("model_only is %s" % model_only)

    expect(os.path.isdir(caseroot), "'%s' is not a valid directory" % caseroot)

           "ERROR: must invoke case.setup script before calling build script ")

    case = Case() if case is None else case
    testcase = case.get_value("TESTCASE")
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    expect(not (testcase is not None and
                os.path.exists("%s/scripts/Testing/Testcases/%s_build.csh" %
                               (cimeroot, testcase)) and not testmode),
           "%s build must be invoked via case.testbuild script" % testcase)

    if not sharedlib_only:

    run_cmd("./Tools/check_lockedfiles --caseroot %s" % caseroot)

    # Retrieve relevant case data
    build_threaded      = case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED")
    casetools           = case.get_value("CASETOOLS")
    exeroot             = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    incroot             = case.get_value("INCROOT")
    libroot             = case.get_value("LIBROOT")
    sharedlibroot       = case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")
    comp_atm            = case.get_value("COMP_ATM")
    comp_lnd            = case.get_value("COMP_LND")
    comp_ice            = case.get_value("COMP_ICE")
    comp_ocn            = case.get_value("COMP_OCN")
    comp_glc            = case.get_value("COMP_GLC")
    comp_wav            = case.get_value("COMP_WAV")
    comp_rof            = case.get_value("COMP_ROF")
    compiler            = case.get_value("COMPILER")
    comp_interface      = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    mpilib              = case.get_value("MPILIB")
    use_esmf_lib        = case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB")
    debug               = case.get_value("DEBUG")
    ninst_build         = case.get_value("NINST_BUILD")
    smp_value           = case.get_value("SMP_VALUE")
    clm_use_petsc       = case.get_value("CLM_USE_PETSC")
    cism_use_trilinos   = case.get_value("CISM_USE_TRILINOS")
    mpasli_use_albany   = case.get_value("MPASLI_USE_ALBANY")
    clm_config_opts     = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    cam_config_opts     = case.get_value("CAM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    pio_config_opts     = case.get_value("PIO_CONFIG_OPTS")
    ninst_value         = case.get_value("NINST_VALUE")
    mach                = case.get_value("MACH")
    os_                 = case.get_value("OS")
    comp_cpl            = case.get_value("COMP_CPL")
    machines_file       = case.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
    ocn_submodel        = case.get_value("OCN_SUBMODEL")
    profile_papi_enable = case.get_value("PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE")
    nthrds_cpl          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_CPL"))
    nthrds_atm          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ATM"))
    nthrds_lnd          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_LND"))
    nthrds_ice          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ICE"))
    nthrds_ocn          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_OCN"))
    nthrds_glc          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_GLC"))
    nthrds_wav          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_WAV"))
    nthrds_rof          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ROF"))

    # Load some params into env
    os.environ["CIMEROOT"]             = cimeroot
    os.environ["CASETOOLS"]            = casetools
    os.environ["EXEROOT"]              = exeroot
    os.environ["INCROOT"]              = incroot
    os.environ["LIBROOT"]              = libroot
    os.environ["SHAREDLIBROOT"]        = sharedlibroot
    os.environ["CASEROOT"]             = caseroot
    os.environ["COMPILER"]             = compiler
    os.environ["COMP_INTERFACE"]       = comp_interface
    os.environ["NINST_VALUE"]          = ninst_value
    os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"]       = build_threaded
    os.environ["MACH"]                 = mach
    os.environ["USE_ESMF_LIB"]         = use_esmf_lib
    os.environ["MPILIB"]               = mpilib
    os.environ["DEBUG"]                = debug
    os.environ["OS"]                   = os_
    os.environ["COMP_CPL"]             = comp_cpl
    os.environ["COMP_ATM"]             = comp_atm
    os.environ["COMP_LND"]             = comp_lnd
    os.environ["COMP_ICE"]             = comp_ice
    os.environ["COMP_OCN"]             = comp_ocn
    os.environ["COMP_GLC"]             = comp_glc
    os.environ["COMP_WAV"]             = comp_wav
    os.environ["COMP_ROF"]             = comp_rof
    os.environ["CLM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = clm_config_opts     if clm_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["CAM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = cam_config_opts     if cam_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["PIO_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = pio_config_opts     if pio_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["OCN_SUBMODEL"]         = ocn_submodel        if ocn_submodel        is not None else ""
    os.environ["PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE"]  = profile_papi_enable if profile_papi_enable is not None else ""
    os.environ["CLM_USE_PETSC"]        = clm_use_petsc       if clm_use_petsc       is not None else ""
    os.environ["CISM_USE_TRILINOS"]    = cism_use_trilinos   if cism_use_trilinos   is not None else ""
    os.environ["MPASLI_USE_ALBANY"]    = mpasli_use_albany   if mpasli_use_albany   is not None else ""

    # This is a timestamp for the build , not the same as the testid,
    # and this case may not be a test anyway. For a production
    # experiment there may be many builds of the same case.
    lid               = run_cmd("date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    os.environ["LID"] = lid

    # Set the overall USE_PETSC variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_PETSC variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CLM_USE_PETSC variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_PETSC will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_petsc = "TRUE" if clm_use_petsc == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_PETSC", use_petsc)
    os.environ["USE_PETSC"] = use_petsc

    # Set the overall USE_TRILINOS variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_TRILINOS variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CISM_USE_TRILINOS variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_TRILINOS will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_trilinos = "TRUE" if cism_use_trilinos == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_TRILINOS", use_trilinos)
    os.environ["USE_TRILINOS"] = use_trilinos

    # Set the overall USE_ALBANY variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_ALBANY variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one MPASLI_USE_ALBANY variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_ALBANY will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_albany = "TRUE" if mpasli_use_albany == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_ALBANY", use_albany)
    os.environ["USE_ALBANY"] = use_albany

    # Load modules
    env_module = EnvModule(mach, compiler, cimeroot, caseroot, mpilib, debug)

    # Need to flush case xml to disk before calling preview_namelists

    if not sharedlib_only:

    build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, use_esmf_lib, debug, compiler, mpilib, 
                 sharedlibroot, nthrds_cpl, nthrds_atm, nthrds_lnd, nthrds_ice, nthrds_ocn, 
                 nthrds_glc, nthrds_wav, nthrds_rof, ninst_build, smp_value)

    t2 = time.time()
    logs = []

    if not model_only:
        logs = build_libraries(exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid, machines_file)
        if sharedlib_only and comp_lnd == "clm" and not "clm4_0" in clm_config_opts:
            logging.info("         - Building clm4_5/clm5_0 Library ")
            esmfdir = "esmf" if use_esmf_lib == "TRUE" else "noesmf"
            sharedpath = os.environ["SHAREDPATH"]
            bldroot = os.path.join(sharedpath, comp_interface, esmfdir)
            objdir = os.path.join(bldroot, "lnd", "obj")
            libdir = os.path.join(bldroot, "lib")
            file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "lnd.bldlog.%s" %  lid)
            config_lnd_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_LND_FILE"))
            results = []
            for ndir in [bldroot, objdir, libdir]:
                if(not os.path.isdir(ndir)):

            _build_model_thread(config_lnd_dir, caseroot, bldroot, "clm", file_build,
                                exeroot, "lnd", "clm", objdir, incroot, results)

    if not sharedlib_only:
        logs.extend(build_model(case, build_threaded, exeroot, clm_config_opts, incroot,
                                comp_atm,   comp_lnd,   comp_ice,   comp_ocn,   comp_glc,   comp_wav,   comp_rof,
                                nthrds_atm, nthrds_lnd, nthrds_ice, nthrds_ocn, nthrds_glc, nthrds_wav, nthrds_rof,
                                lid, caseroot, cimeroot, use_esmf_lib, comp_interface))

    if not sharedlib_only:
        post_build(case, logs)

    t3 = time.time()

    logger.info("Time spent not building: %f sec" % (t2 - t1))
    logger.info("Time spent building: %f sec" % (t3 - t2))
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_input_data(case=None, svn_loc=None, input_data_root=None, data_list_dir="Buildconf", download=False):
    Return True if no files missing
    # Fill in defaults as needed
    case = Case() if case is None else case
    svn_loc = SVN_LOCS[get_model()] if svn_loc is None else svn_loc
    input_data_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT") if input_data_root is None else input_data_root

    expect(os.path.isdir(input_data_root), "Invalid input_data_root directory: '%s'" % input_data_root)
    expect(os.path.isdir(data_list_dir), "Invalid data_list_dir directory: '%s'" % data_list_dir)

    data_list_files = find_files(data_list_dir, "*.input_data_list")
    expect(data_list_files, "No .input_data_list files found in dir '%s'" % data_list_dir)

    no_files_missing = True

    for data_list_file in data_list_files:
        logging.info("Loading input file: '%s'" % data_list_file)
        with open(data_list_file, "r") as fd:
            lines = fd.readlines()

        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if (line and not line.startswith("#")):
                tokens = line.split('=')
                description, full_path = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1].strip()
                    # expand xml variables
                    full_path = case.get_resolved_value(full_path)
                    rel_path  = full_path.replace(input_data_root, "")

                    # There are some special values of rel_path that
                    # we need to ignore - some of the component models
                    # set things like 'NULL' or 'same_as_TS' -
                    # basically if rel_path does not contain '/' (a
                    # directory tree) you can assume it's a special
                    # value and ignore it (perhaps with a warning)
                    if ("/" in rel_path and not os.path.exists(full_path)):
                        model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]
                        logging.warning("Model %s missing file %s = '%s'" % (model,description,full_path))

                        if (download):
                            success = download_if_in_repo(svn_loc, input_data_root, rel_path)
                            if (not success):
                                # If ACME, try CESM repo as backup
                                if (get_model() == "acme" and svn_loc != SVN_LOCS["cesm"]):
                                    success = download_if_in_repo(SVN_LOCS["cesm"], input_data_root, rel_path)
                                    if (not success):
                                        no_files_missing = False
                                    no_files_missing = False
                                no_files_missing = False
                            logging.info("Already had input file: '%s'" % full_path)
                    model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]
                    logging.warning("Model %s no file specified for %s"%(model,description))

    return no_files_missing
Exemplo n.º 7
def build_data_nml(argv, compclass):

    caseroot = parse_input(argv)

    case = Case(caseroot)

    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    rundir   = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    ninst    = case.get_value("NINST_%s" % compclass.upper())

    compname = "d" + compclass

    confdir = os.path.join(caseroot,"Buildconf",compname + "conf")
    if not os.path.isdir(confdir):

    inst_string = ""
    inst_counter = 1
    while (inst_counter <= ninst):

        # determine instance string
        inst_string = ""
        if ninst > 1:
            inst_string = '_' + '%04d' % inst_counter

            # If multi-instance case does not have restart file, use
            # single-case restart for each instance
            rpointer = "rpointer." + compname
            if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rundir,rpointer)) and
                (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rundir,rpointer+inst_string)))):

        # create namelist output infile using user_nl_file as input
        user_nl_file = os.path.join(caseroot, "user_nl_" + compname + inst_string)
               "Missing required user_nl_file %s " %(user_nl_file))
        namelist_infile = os.path.join(confdir, "cesm_namelist")
        create_namelist_infile(case, user_nl_file, namelist_infile)

        # call build-namelist
        user_xml_dir = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname)
        inst_string_label = inst_string
        if not inst_string_label:
            inst_string_label = "\"\""
        bldnamelist = os.path.join(cimeroot, "components", "data_comps", compname, "bld", "build-namelist")

        cmd = "%s -caseroot %s -cimeroot %s -inst_string %s -infile %s -user_xml_dir %s" \
            % (bldnamelist, caseroot, cimeroot, inst_string_label, namelist_infile, user_xml_dir)

        rc, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=confdir, ok_to_fail=True)
        expect(rc==0,"Command %s failed rc=%d\nout=%s\nerr=%s"%(cmd,rc,out,err))

        # copy namelist files and stream text files, to rundir
        if os.path.isdir(rundir):
            filename = compname + "_in"
            file_src  = os.path.join(confdir, filename)
            file_dest = os.path.join(rundir, filename)
            if inst_string:
                file_dest += inst_string

            filename = compname + "_" + compclass + "_in"
            file_src  = os.path.join(confdir, filename)
            file_dest = os.path.join(rundir, filename)
            if inst_string:
                file_dest += inst_string

            for txtfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(confdir, "*txt*")):
                shutil.copy(txtfile, rundir)

        # increment instance counter
        inst_counter = inst_counter + 1