Exemplo n.º 1
	def _add_commands(self):
		event.commands(self.exit_console, ["exit", "quit", "e", "q"])

		event.commands(self.run_shell, ".")
		event.commands(self.debug, "$")

		event.commands(self.show_values, ["values", "ls"])

		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Main commands:")
		event.help("port", "Set the target's port.")
		event.help("threads", "Set the number of threads.")
		event.help("ip", "Set the target's IP.")
		event.help("web", "Target the ip of a domain.")
		event.help("method", "Change attack method between UPD, TCP.")
		event.help("sleep", "Set the time delay between each packet send.")
		event.help("outtxt", "Output each packets send status: enable/disable.")
		event.help("mute", "Do not output the connection reply.")
		event.help(["values", "ls"], "Show all selected options.")
		event.help("run", "Start the attack.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Set Send-text:")
		event.help("message", "Set the packt's message.")
		event.help("repeat", "Repeat the target's message specific times.")
		event.help("mb", "Send specified amount of MB packtes to server.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Stress Testing:")
		event.help("stress", "Enable the Stress-testing mode.")
		event.help("st wait", "Set the time between each stress level.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Multiple:")
		event.help("ips", "Set multple ips to target.")
		event.help("webs", "Set multple domains to target.")
		event.help("ports", "Attack multiple ports.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Automation:")
		event.help("auto start", "Set the delay before the attack should start.")
		event.help("auto step", "Set the delay between the next thread to activate.")
		event.help("auto stop", "Set the delay after the attack should stop.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _add_commands(self):
        event.commands(self.exit_console, ["exit", "quit", "e", "q"])
        event.commands(self.run_shell, ".")
        event.commands(self.debug, "$")
        event.commands(self.help, "help")
        event.parser(self.run_debug_arg, "$")
        event.parser(self.run_shell_arg, ".")
        event.help(["exit", "quit", "e", "q"], "Exit Raven-Storm.")
        event.help("help", "View all commands.")
        event.help("upgrade", "Upgrade Raven-Storm.")
        event.help(".", "Run a shell command.")
        event.help("clear", "Clear the screen.")
        event.help("record", "Save this session.")
        event.help("load", "Redo a session using a session file.")
        event.help("ddos", "Connect to a Raven-Storm server.")
        event.help("l4", "Load the layer4 module. (UDP/TCP)")
        event.help("l3", "Load the layer3 module. (ICMP)")
        event.help("l7", "Load the layer7 module. (HTTP)")
        event.help("bl", "Load the bluetooth module. (L2CAP)")
        event.help("arp", "Load the arp spoofing module. (ARP)")
        event.help("wifi", "Load the wifi module. (IEEE)")
        event.help("server", "Load the server module for DDos atacks.")
        event.help("scanner", "Load the scanner module.")

        var.modules["Layer4"] = console()
        var.modules["Layer3"] = console()
        var.modules["Layer7"] = console()
        var.modules["BL"] = console()
        var.modules["ARP"] = console()
        var.modules["Scanner"] = console()
        var.modules["Server"] = console()
        var.modules["WIFI"] = console()
Exemplo n.º 3
	def _add_commands(self):
		event.commands(self.exit_console, ["exit", "quit", "e", "q"])

		event.commands(self.run_shell, ".")
		event.commands(self.debug, "$")

		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Port scanning:")
		event.help("ports ip", "Get port of IP (get port i).")
		event.help("ports web", "Get port of web (get port w).")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Network scanning:")
		event.help("lan scan", "Get all Ips of Wifi.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Domain scanning:")
		event.help("domain ip", "Get the IP by host.")
		# event.help("post scan", "Get all post variables of a Website.")
		event.help_comment("|\n|-- Speed testing:")
		event.help("speed down", "Return the time it needs to open a website.")
		event.help("speed ping", "Return the time it needs to ping an IP.")