Exemplo n.º 1
    syncntuple = False
    pick_events = False

# Define extra modules
tauIsoCalc = cfg.Analyzer(TauIsolationCalculator,
                          getter=lambda event: [event.leg2])

muonIsoCalc = cfg.Analyzer(MuonIsolationCalculator,
                           getter=lambda event: [event.leg1])

fileCleaner = cfg.Analyzer(FileCleaner, name='FileCleaner')

if computeSVfit:
    sequence.insert(sequence.index(muonWeighter), svfitProducer)

sequence.insert(sequence.index(treeProducer), muonIsoCalc)
sequence.insert(sequence.index(treeProducer), tauIsoCalc)

# treeProducer.addIsoInfo = True
# treeProducer.addTauTrackInfo = True
# treeProducer.addMoreJetInfo = True

treeProducer.skimFunction = 'event.leptonAccept and event.thirdLeptonVeto and event.otherLeptonVeto and event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstMuonTight3")>0.5 and event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronVLooseMVA6")>0.5'
svfitProducer.skimFunction = 'event.leptonAccept and event.thirdLeptonVeto and event.otherLeptonVeto and event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstMuonTight3")>0.5 and event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronVLooseMVA6")>0.5'

if cmssw:
    tauMuAna.from_single_objects = False

# Minimal list of samples
Exemplo n.º 2
    mc.puFileMC = puFileMC

###             SET COMPONENTS BY HAND          ###
selectedComponents = samples + data_list
selectedComponents = data_list
# selectedComponents = samples

###             CHERRY PICK EVENTS              ###

if pick_events:
    eventSelector.toSelect = [308041, 191584, 240060, 73996]
    sequence.insert(0, eventSelector)

if not syncntuple:
    module = [
        s for s in sequence if s.name == 'H2TauTauSyncTreeProducerTauMu'

###            SET BATCH OR LOCAL               ###
if not production:
    cache = True
    # comp = my_connect.mc_dict['HiggsSUSYGG160']
    # selectedComponents = [comp]
    # comp = selectedComponents[0]
cmssw = False
singleObjects = True
computeSVfit = False

# Define extra modules
tauIsoCalc = cfg.Analyzer(TauIsolationCalculator,
                          getter=lambda event: [event.leg2])

muonIsoCalc = cfg.Analyzer(MuonIsolationCalculator,
                           getter=lambda event: [event.leg1])

fileCleaner = cfg.Analyzer(FileCleaner, name='FileCleaner')

sequence.insert(sequence.index(treeProducer), muonIsoCalc)
sequence.insert(sequence.index(treeProducer), tauIsoCalc)

treeProducer.addIsoInfo = True

# Minimal list of samples
samples = backgrounds_mu + sm_signals + mssm_signals + sync_list

split_factor = 1e5

for sample in samples:
    #     sample.triggers = mc_triggers # RIC: override if necessary with the trigger used for Tagging the event, e.g. sample.triggers = ['HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v2']
    sample.triggers = [
        'HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v2'
    ]  # RIC: override if necessary with the trigger used for Tagging the event, e.g. sample.triggers = ['HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu17_eta2p1_v2']
    sample.triggerobjects = mc_triggerfilters
Exemplo n.º 4
###             SET COMPONENTS BY HAND          ###
selectedComponents = samples + data_list
selectedComponents = data_list
# selectedComponents = samples

###             CHERRY PICK EVENTS              ###

if pick_events:
    eventSelector.toSelect = [308041,191584,240060,73996]
    sequence.insert(0, eventSelector)

if not syncntuple:
    module = [s for s in sequence if s.name == 'H2TauTauSyncTreeProducerTauMu'][0]

###            SET BATCH OR LOCAL               ###
if not production:
    cache = True
    # comp = my_connect.mc_dict['HiggsSUSYGG160']
    # selectedComponents = [comp]
    # comp = selectedComponents[0]
    # comp = data_list[0]
    comp = QCD_Mu15