Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(ttHLepAnalyzerSusy, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
         if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [
                 "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"
             raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
         rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
         sync = ("sync" in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
         self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
         if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections"
                    ) and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
             raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
         self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
     if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
         self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
         self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
     if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
         self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            tag = "Summer12_DR53X_HCP2012" if cfg_comp.isMC else "Moriond2013"
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronEnergyCalibrator(
                tag,  ## dataset  
                True,  # isAOD
                cfg_comp.isMC,  # isMC
                True,  # updateEnergyError,
                999,  # applyCorrections (999 = correct and/or smear for SC-based energy estimation)
                0.607,  # smearing ratio
                False,  #verbose, sync
            )  # random number generator

        if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                                  'relaxId') else False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            tag = "Summer12_DR53X_HCP2012" if cfg_comp.isMC else "Moriond2013";
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronEnergyCalibrator(
                                                tag,   ## dataset  
                                                True, # isAOD
                                                cfg_comp.isMC, # isMC
                                                True, # updateEnergyError,
                                                999,  # applyCorrections (999 = correct and/or smear for SC-based energy estimation)
                                                0.607, # smearing ratio
                                                False, False, #verbose, sync
                                                TRandom3(0),) # random number generator

        if hasattr(cfg_comp,'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency= EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,'relaxId') else  False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [ "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync" ]:
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync   = ("sync"       in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections") and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp,'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency= EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,'relaxId') else  False
Exemplo n.º 5
class ttHLepAnalyzerBase(Analyzer):
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [
                    "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync = ("sync" in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections"
                       ) and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                                  'relaxId') else False


    def declareHandles(self):

        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,

        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle(('cmgPhotonSel', ''),

        ## dEdX
        #self.handles['dEdX'] = AutoHandle( ('dedxHarmonic2','','RECO'), 'edm::ValueMap<reco::DeDxData>' )
    def beginLoop(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).beginLoop()
        count = self.counters.counter('events')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('vetoed events')
        count.register('accepted events')


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc)
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):

        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []
        event.inclusiveLeptons = []

        allmuons = map(Muon, self.handles['muons'].product())

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, mu,

        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
        elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run)

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean(
            newmu = []
            for i, mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if (mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches() > 0
                ) and mu.pt() > 5 and abs(mu.eta()) < 2.4 and abs(
                    mu.dxy()) < 0.5 and abs(mu.dz()) < 1.:
                #pid = mu.sourcePtr().originalObject().track().id()
                #key = mu.sourcePtr().originalObject().track().key()
                #mu.dEdX = self.handles['dEdX'].product().get(pid,key)
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5 and mu.sip3D(
                ) < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCut and mu.relIso(
                        dBetaFactor=0.5) < self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5 and mu.sip3D(
                ) < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCutVeryLoose:

        allelectrons = map(Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product())

        ## duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in 5_3_12+)
        allelenodup = []
        for e in allelectrons:
            dup = False
            for e2 in allelenodup:
                if abs(e.pt() - e2.pt()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.eta() - e2.eta(
                )) < 1e-6 and abs(e.phi() - e2.phi()) < 1e-6 and e.charge(
                ) == e2.charge():
                    dup = True
            if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
        allelectrons = allelenodup

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, ele,

        # fill EA for rho-corrected isolation
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
            SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.130
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.137
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.067
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.089
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.107
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.110
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4): ele.EffectiveArea = 0.138

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (
                        or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## apply selection
            if ele.pt() > 7 and abs(ele.eta()) < 2.5 and abs(
                    ele.dxy()) < 0.5 and abs(
                        ele.dz()) < 1. and ele.numberOfHits() <= 1:
                ## fill tightId:
                if (ele.pt() > 20):
                    SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
                    if SCEta < 0.8:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.00)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.10)
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.62)
                elif (ele.pt() > 10):
                    if SCEta < 0.8:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.94)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.85)
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.92)
                    ele.tightIdResult = False
                if (self.relaxId or ele.mvaIDZZ() and
                        ele.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCut) and ele.relIso(
                            dBetaFactor=0.5) < self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:
                if (self.relaxId or ele.mvaIDZZ()
                    ) and ele.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCutVeryLoose:

        event.looseLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self, 'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map(Photon, self.handles['photons'].product())
        event.allphotons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events')

        eventNumber = iEvent.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        #print 'Event ',eventNumber

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minInclusiveLeptons') and len(
                event.inclusiveLeptons) < self.cfg_ana.minInclusiveLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(
                event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('accepted events')
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 6
class ttHLepAnalyzerBase( Analyzer ):

    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            tag = "Summer12_DR53X_HCP2012" if cfg_comp.isMC else "Moriond2013";
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronEnergyCalibrator(
                                                tag,   ## dataset  
                                                True, # isAOD
                                                cfg_comp.isMC, # isMC
                                                True, # updateEnergyError,
                                                999,  # applyCorrections (999 = correct and/or smear for SC-based energy estimation)
                                                0.607, # smearing ratio
                                                False, False, #verbose, sync
                                                TRandom3(0),) # random number generator

        if hasattr(cfg_comp,'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency= EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,'relaxId') else  False

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,"std::vector<cmg::Muon>")            
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,"std::vector<cmg::Electron>")            
        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle( ('cmgPhotonSel',''),'std::vector<cmg::Photon>')

    def beginLoop(self):


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc) 
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):
        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []

        allmuons = map( Muon, self.handles['muons'].product() )

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, mu, mu.__class__)

        if self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run) 
                mu.setP4( corp4 )

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean( self.handles['muons'].product() )
            newmu = []
            for i,mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if (mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches()>0) and mu.pt()>5 and abs(mu.eta())<2.4 and abs(mu.dxy())<0.5 and abs(mu.dz())<1.:
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5 and (self.relaxId or mu.sip3D()<10) and mu.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5)<self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:

        allelectrons = map( Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product() )

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, ele, ele.__class__)

        for ele in allelectrons:
          ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
          SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.130;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.137;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.067;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.089;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.107;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.110;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.138;

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                calibratedPatEle = ele.sourcePtr().get()
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correctLite(calibratedPatEle, calibratedPatEle.r9(), event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (mu.isGlobal() or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## apply selection
            if ele.pt()>7 and abs(ele.eta())<2.5 and abs(ele.dxy())<0.5 and abs(ele.dz())<1. and ele.numberOfHits()<=1:
                 if (self.relaxId or ele.mvaIDZZ() and ele.sip3D()<10) and ele.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5)<self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:
        event.looseLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self,'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map( Photon, self.handles['photons'].product() )
        event.allphotons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.readCollections( iEvent )

        eventNumber = iEvent.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        #print 'Event ',eventNumber
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            ret = False
        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
class ttHLepAnalyzerFR( Analyzer ):

    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [ "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync" ]:
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync   = ("sync"       in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections") and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp,'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency= EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,'relaxId') else  False

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerFR, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,"std::vector<cmg::Muon>")            
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,"std::vector<cmg::Electron>")            
        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle( ('cmgPhotonSel',''),'std::vector<cmg::Photon>')

        ## dEdX
        #self.handles['dEdX'] = AutoHandle( ('dedxHarmonic2','','RECO'), 'edm::ValueMap<reco::DeDxData>' )
    def beginLoop(self):
        count = self.counters.counter('events')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('vetoed events')
        count.register('accepted events')


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc) 
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):
        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []
        event.inclusiveLeptons = []


        allmuons = map( Muon, self.handles['muons'].product() )
        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, mu, mu.__class__)

        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
        elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run) 
                mu.setP4( corp4 )

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean( self.handles['muons'].product() )
            newmu = []
            for i,mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            mu.relIso03= (mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt + max( mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt +  mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt -  mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPUPt/2,0.0))/mu.pt()
            mu.looseFakeId = ((mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches()>0) and mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5 and mu.pt()>10 and abs(mu.eta())<2.4 and mu.tightId()>0.5 and abs(mu.dxy())<0.2 and abs(mu.dz())<0.2 and mu.relIso03<1.0)
            mu.tightFakeId = ((mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches()>0) and mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5 and mu.pt()>10 and abs(mu.eta())<2.4 and mu.tightId()>0.5 and abs(mu.dxy())<0.01 and abs(mu.dz())<0.2 and mu.relIso03<0.1)

            if mu.pt()>5 and abs(mu.eta())<2.4:
                if mu.looseFakeId:

        allelectrons = map( Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product() )

        ## duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in 5_3_12+)
        allelenodup = []
        for e in allelectrons:
            dup = False
            for e2 in allelenodup:
                if abs(e.pt()-e2.pt()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.eta()-e2.eta()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.phi()-e2.phi()) < 1e-6 and e.charge() == e2.charge():
                    dup = True
            if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
        allelectrons = allelenodup

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, ele, ele.__class__)

        # fill EA for rho-corrected isolation
        for ele in allelectrons:
          ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
          SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0   and abs(SCEta) < 1.0   ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.13 # 0.130;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0   and abs(SCEta) < 1.479 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14 # 0.137;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0   ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.07 # 0.067;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0   and abs(SCEta) < 2.2   ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.09 # 0.089;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2   and abs(SCEta) < 2.3   ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11 # 0.107;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3   and abs(SCEta) < 2.4   ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11 # 0.110;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4)                           : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14 # 0.138;

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (mu.isGlobal() or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## fill POG MVA tight Id
            ele.tightIdResult = False
            if ele.pt()>7 and abs(ele.eta())<2.5 and abs(ele.dxy())<0.5 and abs(ele.dz())<1. and ele.numberOfHits()<=1:
                 ## fill tightId:
                 if (ele.pt() > 20):
                    SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
                    if   SCEta < 0.8:   ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.00)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.10)
                    else:               ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.62)
                 elif (ele.pt() > 10):
                    if   SCEta < 0.8:   ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.94)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.85)
                    else:               ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.92)
            # Compute isolation
            ele.relIso03 = (ele.chargedHadronIso(0.3) + max(ele.neutralHadronIso(0.3)+ele.photonIso(0.3)-ele.rho*ele.EffectiveArea,0))/ele.pt()
            # Compute electron id
            dEtaIn = abs(ele.sourcePtr().deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx());
            dPhiIn = abs(ele.sourcePtr().deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx());
            sigmaIEtaIEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().sigmaIetaIeta());
            hoe = abs(ele.sourcePtr().hadronicOverEm());
            ooemoop = abs(1.0/ele.sourcePtr().ecalEnergy() - ele.sourcePtr().eSuperClusterOverP()/ele.sourcePtr().ecalEnergy());
            vtxFitConversion = ele.passConversionVeto();
            mHits = ele.numberOfHits();
            # Set tight and loose flags
            if abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta()) < 1.479:
                ele.looseFakeId = dEtaIn < 0.004 and dPhiIn < 0.06 and sigmaIEtaIEta < 0.01 and hoe < 0.12 and ooemoop < 0.05
                ele.looseFakeId = dEtaIn < 0.007 and dPhiIn < 0.03 and sigmaIEtaIEta < 0.03 and hoe < 0.10 and ooemoop < 0.05
            ele.looseFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and vtxFitConversion and mHits <= 1 and abs(ele.dz()) < 0.1 and ele.relIso03 < 0.6
            ele.looseFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and mHits <= 1 and ele.sourcePtr().isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent()
            ele.tightFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and abs(ele.dxy()) < 0.02 and ele.relIso03 < 0.15
            #print "ele pt = %.3f  eta = %.3f sceta = %.3f detaIn = %.4f dphiIn = %.4f  sieie = %.4f  h/e = %.4f  1/e-1/p = %.4f  dxy = %.4f  dz = %.4f  losthits = %d conveto = %d relIso = %.4f     loose id = %d   tight id = %d" % ( ele.pt(),ele.eta(),ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta(),dEtaIn,dPhiIn,sigmaIEtaIEta,hoe,ooemoop,abs(ele.dxy()),abs(ele.dz()),mHits,vtxFitConversion,ele.relIso03, ele.looseFakeId, ele.tightFakeId)
            # add to the list if needed
            if ele.pt()>7 and abs(ele.eta())<2.5:
                if ele.looseFakeId:
        event.looseLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)
        event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self,'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map( Photon, self.handles['photons'].product() )
        event.allphotons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.readCollections( iEvent )
        self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events')

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minInclusiveLeptons') and len(event.inclusiveLeptons) < self.cfg_ana.minInclusiveLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('accepted events')
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
class ttHLepAnalyzerBase(Analyzer):
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            tag = "Summer12_DR53X_HCP2012" if cfg_comp.isMC else "Moriond2013"
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronEnergyCalibrator(
                tag,  ## dataset  
                True,  # isAOD
                cfg_comp.isMC,  # isMC
                True,  # updateEnergyError,
                999,  # applyCorrections (999 = correct and/or smear for SC-based energy estimation)
                0.607,  # smearing ratio
                False,  #verbose, sync
            )  # random number generator

        if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                                  'relaxId') else False


    def declareHandles(self):

        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,

        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle(('cmgPhotonSel', ''),

    def beginLoop(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).beginLoop()


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc)
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):

        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []

        allmuons = map(Muon, self.handles['muons'].product())

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, mu,

        if self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run)

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean(
            newmu = []
            for i, mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if (mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches() > 0
                ) and mu.pt() > 5 and abs(mu.eta()) < 2.4 and abs(
                    mu.dxy()) < 0.5 and abs(mu.dz()) < 1.:
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5 and (
                        self.relaxId or mu.sip3D() < 10) and mu.relIso(
                            dBetaFactor=0.5) < self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:

        allelectrons = map(Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product())

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, ele,

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
            SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.130
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.137
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.067
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.089
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.107
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.110
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4): ele.EffectiveArea = 0.138

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                calibratedPatEle = ele.sourcePtr().get()
                    calibratedPatEle, calibratedPatEle.r9(), event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (
                        or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## apply selection
            if ele.pt() > 7 and abs(ele.eta()) < 2.5 and abs(
                    ele.dxy()) < 0.5 and abs(
                        ele.dz()) < 1. and ele.numberOfHits() <= 1:
                if (self.relaxId
                        or ele.mvaIDZZ() and ele.sip3D() < 10) and ele.relIso(
                            dBetaFactor=0.5) < self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:

        event.looseLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self, 'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map(Photon, self.handles['photons'].product())
        event.allphotons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):

        eventNumber = iEvent.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        #print 'Event ',eventNumber

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(
                event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            ret = False
        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 9
class ttHLepAnalyzerFR(Analyzer):
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerFR, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [
                    "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync = ("sync" in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections"
                       ) and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                                  'relaxId') else False


    def declareHandles(self):

        super(ttHLepAnalyzerFR, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,

        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle(('cmgPhotonSel', ''),

        ## dEdX
        #self.handles['dEdX'] = AutoHandle( ('dedxHarmonic2','','RECO'), 'edm::ValueMap<reco::DeDxData>' )
    def beginLoop(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerFR, self).beginLoop()
        count = self.counters.counter('events')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('vetoed events')
        count.register('accepted events')


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc)
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):

        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []
        event.inclusiveLeptons = []

        allmuons = map(Muon, self.handles['muons'].product())

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, mu,

        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
        elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run)

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean(
            newmu = []
            for i, mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            mu.relIso03 = (
                mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt + max(
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt +
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt -
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPUPt / 2,
                    0.0)) / mu.pt()

            mu.looseFakeId = ((mu.isGlobal()
                               or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches() > 0)
                              and mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5
                              and mu.pt() > 10 and abs(mu.eta()) < 2.4
                              and mu.tightId() > 0.5 and abs(mu.dxy()) < 0.2
                              and abs(mu.dz()) < 0.2 and mu.relIso03 < 1.0)
            mu.tightFakeId = ((mu.isGlobal()
                               or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches() > 0)
                              and mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5
                              and mu.pt() > 10 and abs(mu.eta()) < 2.4
                              and mu.tightId() > 0.5 and abs(mu.dxy()) < 0.01
                              and abs(mu.dz()) < 0.2 and mu.relIso03 < 0.1)

            if mu.pt() > 5 and abs(mu.eta()) < 2.4:
                if mu.looseFakeId:

        allelectrons = map(Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product())

        ## duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in 5_3_12+)
        allelenodup = []
        for e in allelectrons:
            dup = False
            for e2 in allelenodup:
                if abs(e.pt() - e2.pt()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.eta() - e2.eta(
                )) < 1e-6 and abs(e.phi() - e2.phi()) < 1e-6 and e.charge(
                ) == e2.charge():
                    dup = True
            if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
        allelectrons = allelenodup

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D = types.MethodType(lambda self: self._sip3d, ele,

        # fill EA for rho-corrected isolation
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
            SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.13  # 0.130;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14  # 0.137;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.07  # 0.067;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.09  # 0.089;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11  # 0.107;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11  # 0.110;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4): ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14  # 0.138;

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (
                        or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon") > 0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## fill POG MVA tight Id
            ele.tightIdResult = False
            if ele.pt() > 7 and abs(ele.eta()) < 2.5 and abs(
                    ele.dxy()) < 0.5 and abs(
                        ele.dz()) < 1. and ele.numberOfHits() <= 1:
                ## fill tightId:
                if (ele.pt() > 20):
                    SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
                    if SCEta < 0.8:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.00)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.10)
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.62)
                elif (ele.pt() > 10):
                    if SCEta < 0.8:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.94)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479:
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.85)
                        ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.92)
            # Compute isolation
            ele.relIso03 = (ele.chargedHadronIso(0.3) + max(
                ele.neutralHadronIso(0.3) + ele.photonIso(0.3) -
                ele.rho * ele.EffectiveArea, 0)) / ele.pt()
            # Compute electron id
            dEtaIn = abs(ele.sourcePtr().deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx())
            dPhiIn = abs(ele.sourcePtr().deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx())
            sigmaIEtaIEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().sigmaIetaIeta())
            hoe = abs(ele.sourcePtr().hadronicOverEm())
            ooemoop = abs(1.0 / ele.sourcePtr().ecalEnergy() -
                          ele.sourcePtr().eSuperClusterOverP() /
            vtxFitConversion = ele.passConversionVeto()
            mHits = ele.numberOfHits()
            # Set tight and loose flags
            if abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta()) < 1.479:
                ele.looseFakeId = dEtaIn < 0.004 and dPhiIn < 0.06 and sigmaIEtaIEta < 0.01 and hoe < 0.12 and ooemoop < 0.05
                ele.looseFakeId = dEtaIn < 0.007 and dPhiIn < 0.03 and sigmaIEtaIEta < 0.03 and hoe < 0.10 and ooemoop < 0.05
            ele.looseFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and vtxFitConversion and mHits <= 1 and abs(
                ele.dz()) < 0.1 and ele.relIso03 < 0.6
            ele.looseFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and mHits <= 1 and ele.sourcePtr(
            ele.tightFakeId = ele.looseFakeId and abs(
                ele.dxy()) < 0.02 and ele.relIso03 < 0.15
            #print "ele pt = %.3f  eta = %.3f sceta = %.3f detaIn = %.4f dphiIn = %.4f  sieie = %.4f  h/e = %.4f  1/e-1/p = %.4f  dxy = %.4f  dz = %.4f  losthits = %d conveto = %d relIso = %.4f     loose id = %d   tight id = %d" % ( ele.pt(),ele.eta(),ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta(),dEtaIn,dPhiIn,sigmaIEtaIEta,hoe,ooemoop,abs(ele.dxy()),abs(ele.dz()),mHits,vtxFitConversion,ele.relIso03, ele.looseFakeId, ele.tightFakeId)
            # add to the list if needed
            if ele.pt() > 7 and abs(ele.eta()) < 2.5:
                if ele.looseFakeId:

        event.looseLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self, 'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map(Photon, self.handles['photons'].product())
        event.allphotons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events')

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minInclusiveLeptons') and len(
                event.inclusiveLeptons) < self.cfg_ana.minInclusiveLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(
                event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False

        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('accepted events')
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 10
class ttHLepAnalyzerSusy(Analyzer):
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerSusy, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [
                    "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync = ("sync" in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections"
                       ) and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp, 'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency = EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)


    def declareHandles(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerSusy, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,

        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle((self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.photons,

    def beginLoop(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerSusy, self).beginLoop()
        count = self.counters.counter('events')
        count.register('all events')


    def makeLeptons(self, event):
        ### inclusive leptons = all leptons that could be considered somewhere in the analysis, with minimal requirements (used e.g. to match to MC)
        event.inclusiveLeptons = []
        ### selected leptons = subset of inclusive leptons passing some basic id definition and pt requirement
        ### other    leptons = subset of inclusive leptons failing some basic id definition and pt requirement
        event.selectedLeptons = []
        event.selectedMuons = []
        event.selectedElectrons = []
        event.otherLeptons = []

        allmuons = self.makeAllMuons(event)

        for mu in allmuons:
            # inclusive, very loose, selection
            if (mu.sourcePtr().track().isNonnull()
                    and mu.muonID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_id)
                    and mu.pt() > self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_pt
                    and abs(mu.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_eta
                    and abs(mu.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_dxy
                    and abs(mu.dz()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_dz):
                # basic selection
                if (mu.muonID(self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_id)
                        and mu.pt() > self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_pt
                        and abs(mu.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_eta
                        and abs(mu.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_dxy
                        and abs(mu.dz()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_dz
                        and mu.relIso03 < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_relIso
                        and mu.absIso03 <
                    (self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_absIso if hasattr(
                        self.cfg_ana, 'loose_muon_absIso') else 9e99)):
                    mu.looseIdSusy = True
                    mu.looseIdSusy = False

        allelectrons = self.makeAllElectrons(event)

        looseMuons = event.selectedLeptons[:]
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            ## apply selection
            if (ele.electronID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_id)
                    and ele.pt() > self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_pt
                    and abs(ele.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_eta
                    and abs(ele.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_dxy
                    and abs(ele.dz()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_dz
                    and ele.numberOfHits() <=
                # basic selection
                if (ele.electronID(self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_id)
                        and ele.pt() > self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_pt
                        and abs(ele.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_eta
                        and abs(ele.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_dxy
                        and abs(ele.dz()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_dz
                        and ele.relIso03 <= self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_relIso
                        and ele.absIso03 <
                    (self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_absIso if hasattr(
                        self.cfg_ana, 'loose_electron_absIso') else 9e99)
                        and ele.numberOfHits() <=
                        and bestMatch(ele, looseMuons)[1] >
                    ele.looseIdSusy = True
                    ele.looseIdSusy = False

        event.otherLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedMuons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.selectedElectrons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)
        event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self, 'efficiency'):

    def makePhotons(self, event):
        event.allphotons = map(Photon, self.handles['photons'].product())
        event.allphotons.sort(key=lambda l: l.pt(), reverse=True)

    def makeAllMuons(self, event):
               make a list of all muons, and apply basic corrections to them
        # Start from all muons
        allmuons = map(Muon, self.handles['muons'].product())

        # Muon scale and resolution corrections (if enabled)
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
        elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run)

        # Clean up dulicate muons (note: has no effect unless the muon id is removed)
        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean(
            newmu = []
            for i, mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        # Attach the vertex to them, for dxy/dz calculation
        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]

        # Compute relIso in 0.3 and 0.4 cones
        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.absIso03 = (
                mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt + max(
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt +
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt -
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR03().sumPUPt / 2, 0.0))
            mu.absIso04 = (
                mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt + max(
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt +
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt -
                    mu.sourcePtr().pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt / 2, 0.0))
            mu.relIso03 = mu.absIso03 / mu.pt()
            mu.relIso04 = mu.absIso04 / mu.pt()

        return allmuons

    def makeAllElectrons(self, event):
               make a list of all electrons, and apply basic corrections to them
        allelectrons = map(Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product())

        ## Duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in latest greatest 5.3.X releases)
        allelenodup = []
        for e in allelectrons:
            dup = False
            for e2 in allelenodup:
                if abs(e.pt() - e2.pt()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.eta() - e2.eta(
                )) < 1e-6 and abs(e.phi() - e2.phi()) < 1e-6 and e.charge(
                ) == e2.charge():
                    dup = True
            if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
        allelectrons = allelenodup

        # fill EA for rho-corrected isolation
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
            SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.13  # 0.130;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14  # 0.137;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.07  # 0.067;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.09  # 0.089;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11  # 0.107;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4):
                ele.EffectiveArea = 0.11  # 0.110;
            if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4): ele.EffectiveArea = 0.14  # 0.138;

        # Electron scale calibrations
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)

        # Attach the vertex
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]

        # Compute relIso with R=0.3 and R=0.4 cones
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.absIso03 = (ele.chargedHadronIso(0.3) + max(
                ele.neutralHadronIso(0.3) + ele.photonIso(0.3) -
                ele.rho * ele.EffectiveArea, 0))
            ele.absIso04 = (ele.chargedHadronIso(0.4) + max(
                ele.neutralHadronIso(0.4) + ele.photonIso(0.4) -
                ele.rho * ele.EffectiveArea, 0))
            ele.relIso03 = ele.absIso03 / ele.pt()
            ele.relIso04 = ele.absIso04 / ele.pt()

        # Set tight MVA id
        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.tightIdResult = ele.electronID("POG_MVA_ID_Trig")

        return allelectrons

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events')

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
class ttHLepAnalyzerBase( Analyzer ):

    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections != "none":
            if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections not in [ "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync" ]:
                raise RuntimeError, 'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
            rereco = ("prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            sync   = ("sync"       in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
            self.muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "doRochesterCorrections") and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
                raise RuntimeError, "You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
            self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections = False
        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections == "embedded":
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
            self.electronEnergyCalibrator = ElectronCalibrator(cfg_comp.isMC)
        if hasattr(cfg_comp,'efficiency'):
            self.efficiency= EfficiencyCorrector(cfg_comp.efficiency)

        self.relaxId = cfg_ana.relaxId if hasattr(cfg_ana,'relaxId') else  False

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(ttHLepAnalyzerBase, self).declareHandles()

        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,"std::vector<cmg::Muon>")            
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,"std::vector<cmg::Electron>")            
        #rho for muons
        self.handles['rhoMu'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon, 'rho'),
        #rho for electrons
        self.handles['rhoEle'] = AutoHandle( (self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron, 'rho'),

        #photons (a la hzz4l definition)
        self.handles['photons'] = AutoHandle( ('cmgPhotonSel',''),'std::vector<cmg::Photon>')

        ## dEdX
        #self.handles['dEdX'] = AutoHandle( ('dedxHarmonic2','','RECO'), 'edm::ValueMap<reco::DeDxData>' )
    def beginLoop(self):
        count = self.counters.counter('events')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('vetoed events')
        count.register('accepted events')


    # the muons are already corrected with Rochester corrections, are already cleaned with the ghost cleaning
    # the electrons have already the electron energy regression and calibration applied
    # the V5_10_0 cmgTuple, have been corrected with Mike's patch for the SIP computation -> cmgMuons have been remade ->
    # (cvs up -r michalis_sipPatchBranch  CMGTools/Common/src/MuonFactory.cc) 
    # nb: the event vertex needs to be defined first -> using the vertex analyzer
    # nb: in the following dxy and dz are computed with respect to the PV good vertex, sip with respect to the PV

    def makeLeptons(self, event):
        event.looseLeptons = []
        event.selectedLeptons = []
        event.inclusiveLeptons = []

        allmuons = map( Muon, self.handles['muons'].product() )

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for mu in allmuons:
                if mu.sourcePtr().innerTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    mu._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(mu, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    mu.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, mu, mu.__class__)

        if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
        elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
            for mu in allmuons:
                corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run) 
                mu.setP4( corp4 )

        if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
            isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean( self.handles['muons'].product() )
            newmu = []
            for i,mu in enumerate(allmuons):
                if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
            allmuons = newmu

        for mu in allmuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if (mu.isGlobal() or mu.isTracker() and mu.numberOfMatches()>0) and mu.pt()>5 and abs(mu.eta())<2.4 and abs(mu.dxy())<0.5 and abs(mu.dz())<1.:
                #pid = mu.sourcePtr().originalObject().track().id()
                #key = mu.sourcePtr().originalObject().track().key()
                #mu.dEdX = self.handles['dEdX'].product().get(pid,key)
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5 and mu.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCut and mu.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5)<self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:
                if mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5 and mu.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCutVeryLoose:

        allelectrons = map( Electron, self.handles['electrons'].product() )

        ## duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in 5_3_12+)
        allelenodup = []
        for e in allelectrons:
            dup = False
            for e2 in allelenodup:
                if abs(e.pt()-e2.pt()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.eta()-e2.eta()) < 1e-6 and abs(e.phi()-e2.phi()) < 1e-6 and e.charge() == e2.charge():
                    dup = True
            if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
        allelectrons = allelenodup

        if self.cfg_ana.doRecomputeSIP3D:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                if ele.sourcePtr().gsfTrack().isNonnull():
                    ## compute the variable and set it
                    ele._sip3d = abs(signedSip3D(ele, event.goodVertices[0]))
                    ## attach it to the object redefining the sip3D() method
                    ele.sip3D  = types.MethodType(lambda self : self._sip3d, ele, ele.__class__)

        # fill EA for rho-corrected isolation
        for ele in allelectrons:
          ele.rho = float(self.handles['rhoEle'].product()[0])
          SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 0.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.0 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.130;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.0 and abs(SCEta) < 1.479 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.137;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 1.479 and abs(SCEta) < 2.0 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.067;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.0 and abs(SCEta) < 2.2 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.089;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.2 and abs(SCEta) < 2.3 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.107;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.3 and abs(SCEta) < 2.4 ) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.110;
          if (abs(SCEta) >= 2.4) : ele.EffectiveArea = 0.138;

        if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
            for ele in allelectrons:
                self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)

        muForEleCrossCleaning = []
        if self.cfg_ana.doEleMuCrossCleaning:
            for mu in event.selectedLeptons + event.looseLeptons:
                if abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13 and (mu.isGlobal() or mu.sourcePtr().userFloat("isPFMuon")>0.5):

        for ele in allelectrons:
            ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            ## remove muons if muForEleCrossCleaning is not empty
            if bestMatch(ele, muForEleCrossCleaning)[1] < 0.02: continue
            ## apply selection
            if ele.pt()>7 and abs(ele.eta())<2.5 and abs(ele.dxy())<0.5 and abs(ele.dz())<1. and ele.numberOfHits()<=1:
                 ## fill tightId:
                 if (ele.pt() > 20):
                    SCEta = abs(ele.sourcePtr().superCluster().eta())
                    if   SCEta < 0.8:   ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.00)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.10)
                    else:               ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.62)
                 elif (ele.pt() > 10):
                    if   SCEta < 0.8:   ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.94)
                    elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.85)
                    else:               ele.tightIdResult = (ele.mvaTrigV0() > 0.92)
                    ele.tightIdResult = False
                 if (self.relaxId or ele.mvaIDZZ() and ele.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCut) and ele.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5)<self.cfg_ana.isolationCut:
                 if (self.relaxId or ele.mvaIDZZ()) and ele.sip3D() < self.cfg_ana.sip3dCutVeryLoose:
        event.looseLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)
        event.selectedLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)
        event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

        for lepton in event.selectedLeptons:
            if hasattr(self,'efficiency'):

        #print "Found ",len(event.looseLeptons)," loose leptons"
        #print "Found ",len(event.selectedLeptons)," good leptons"

    def makePhotons(self, event):

        event.allphotons = map( Photon, self.handles['photons'].product() )
        event.allphotons.sort(key = lambda l : l.pt(), reverse = True)

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        self.readCollections( iEvent )
        self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events')

        eventNumber = iEvent.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        #print 'Event ',eventNumber
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #call the leptons/photons functions

        ret = False
        if len(event.selectedLeptons) >= self.cfg_ana.minGoodLeptons:
            ret = True
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minInclusiveLeptons') and len(event.inclusiveLeptons) < self.cfg_ana.minInclusiveLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'maxGoodLeptons') and len(event.selectedLeptons) > self.cfg_ana.maxGoodLeptons:
            if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('vetoed events')
            ret = False
        #if self.cfg_ana.doSSLeptons and len(event.selectedLeptons) >= 2:
        #    if event.selectedLeptons[0].charge() == event.selectedLeptons[1].charge():
        #        ret = True

        if ret: self.counters.counter('events').inc('accepted events')
        return ret