Exemplo n.º 1
    'project_id': [
        'projectID', 'Project ID',
        ('The project ID, normally on the form pXX, '
         'where XX goes from 01 to 32678')
    'project_name': [
        'projectname', 'Project name',
        'Short, unique name of the project, around 6 digits'
    ['longname', "Project's full name", 'The full, long name of the project'],
    'project_shortname': [
        'shortname', "Project's short name",
        'The short, descriptive name of the project'
    'project_start_date': [
        'startdate', "Project's start date",
        'The day the project should be activated'
    'project_end_date': [
        'enddate', "Project's end date",
        'The day the project should be ended and frozen'
    ['filter', 'Filter on project status', 'Not implemented yet'],
    ['price', "Project's price", "Price, e.g. UIO, UH or OTHER"],
    'project_institution': [
        'institution', "Project's institution",
        "Institution, e.g. UIO, HSØ, HIOA, UIT, NTNU or OTHER"
    'project_hpc': ['hpc', "Project's HPC flag", 'If project uses HPC'],
    'project_metadata': [
        'metadata', "User defined metadata field",
        'User defined meta data field for project'
    'vlan': [
        'vlan', 'VLAN number',
        'A number between 0-4094, or a blank value, which defaults to the '
        'first available VLAN'
    'entity_type': [
        'entity_type', 'Entity type',
        'Possible values:\n - group\n - account\n - project\n - host'
    'person_search_type': [
        'search_type', 'Enter person search type', """Possible values:
  - 'fnr'
  - 'name'
  - 'date' of birth, on format YYYY-MM-DD
  - 'stedkode' - Use project-ID"""
    'subnet_search_type': [
        'search_type', 'Enter subnet search type', """Possible values:
  - 'subnet'
  - 'vlan'
  - 'project'
  - 'description'"""
    'fnmatch_pattern': [
        'pattern', 'Enter wildcard pattern',
        """Case-sensitive. Use Unix shell-style wildcards:
  - *      matches everything
  - ?      matches any single character
  - [seq]  matches any character in seq
  - [!seq] matches any character not in seq"""
    'otp_type': [
        'otp_type', 'OTP type',
        'The OTP type, e.g. totp, hotp or smartphone_yes'
    'vm_type': [
        "vm_type", "VM type",
        "The type of OS for the project's hosts.\nPossible values are:\n" +
        "".join([" - %s\n" % x for x in cereconf.TSD_VM_TYPES])
Exemplo n.º 2
        ['projectID', 'Project ID',
         ('The project ID, normally on the form pXX, '
          'where XX goes from 01 to 32678')],
        ['projectname', 'Project name',
         'Short, unique name of the project, around 6 digits'],
        ['longname', "Project's full name",
         'The full, long name of the project'],
        ['shortname', "Project's short name",
         'The short, descriptive name of the project'],
        ['startdate', "Project's start date",
         'The day the project should be activated'],
        ['enddate', "Project's end date",
         'The day the project should be ended and frozen'],
        ['filter', 'Filter on project status',
                   'Not implemented yet'],
        ['vlan', 'VLAN number',
         'A number between 0-4094, or a blank value, which defaults to the '
         'first available VLAN'],
        ['entity_type', 'Entity type',
         'Possible values:\n - group\n - account\n - project\n - host'],
        ['search_type', 'Enter person search type',
         """Possible values:
  - 'fnr'
  - 'name'
  - 'date' of birth, on format YYYY-MM-DD
  - 'stedkode' - Use project-ID"""],
        ['search_type', 'Enter subnet search type',
        """Possible values:
  - 'subnet'
  - 'vlan'
  - 'project'
  - 'description'"""],
        ['pattern', 'Enter wildcard pattern',
        """Case-sensitive. Use Unix shell-style wildcards:
  - *      matches everything
  - ?      matches any single character
  - [seq]  matches any character in seq
  - [!seq] matches any character not in seq"""],
        ['otp_type', 'OTP type',
         'The OTP type, e.g. totp, hotp or smartphone_yes'],
        ["vm_type", "VM type",
         "The type of OS for the project's hosts.\nPossible values are:\n" +
         "".join([" - %s\n" % x for x in cereconf.TSD_VM_TYPES])]
Exemplo n.º 3
# Cerebrum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Cerebrum; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

from Cerebrum.modules.bofhd.bofhd_core_help import group_help
from Cerebrum.modules.bofhd.bofhd_core_help import command_help
from Cerebrum.modules.bofhd.bofhd_core_help import arg_help

# The texts in command_help are automatically line-wrapped, and should
# not contain \n

command_help['misc']["misc_checkpassw"] = "Test the quality of a given password"
command_help['misc']["misc_user_passwd"] = ("Check whether an account has a "
                                            "given password")
        ['addresses', 'Enter comma separated list of administrators for '+
         'the Mailman list'],
        ['address', 'Enter address for Mailman list'],
        ['address', 'Enter address of existing Mailman list'],