def dou_ji(self, y1, y2, y3, y4, inum, imax_times): windowslist = [y1, y2, y3, y4] #只有一个结界类实例,不同的只是窗口句柄和窗口坐标 game = Dou_ji() yys1 = Handle() yys2 = Handle() yys3 = Handle() yys4 = Handle() yyslist = [yys1, yys2, yys3, yys4] i = 0 while i < inum: if self.set_yys(windowslist[i], game, yyslist[i]) != 0: self.add_log("沙盒窗口不完全存在,进程结束。\r\n") return codedef.NORMAL_END i = i + 1 finishlist = [False, False, False, False] waitlist = [0, 0, 0, 0] ji_shulist = [0, 0, 0, 0] ju_flag = [False, False, False, False] while 1: i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] is False: scene = game.get_scene(yyslist[i]) self.add_log(scene.__str__() + "\r\n") re = game.do_work(scene, yyslist[i]) if re == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: finishlist[i] = True self.add_log("yys" + windowslist[i] + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yyslist[i]) elif re == codedef.FIGHT_BEGIN: ju_flag[i] = True elif re == codedef.FIGHT_END and ju_flag[i] is True: ju_flag[i] = False ji_shulist[i] += 1 self.add_log(ji_shulist[i].__str__() + "\r\n") if ji_shulist[i] > imax_times: finishlist[i] = True self.time_sleep(inum) i = i + 1 i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] is False: break i = i + 1 if i == inum: break self.send_qq(r'斗技 打完,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END
def team_kun_25_one(self, captain, UP, BOSS, QingMax, Beater, BeatMax, imax_times, Chapter): game = Team_kun_25_captain(UP=UP, BOSS=BOSS, QingMax=QingMax, Beater=Beater, BeatMax=BeatMax, Chapter=Chapter, IsOne=True) yys1 = Handle() self.set_yys(captain, game, yys1) times = 0 ju_flag = False oldc_c = '' while 1: # 队长 scene = game.get_scene(yys1) if oldc_c != str(scene): oldc_c = str(scene) self.add_log(str(scene) + "\r\n") re = game.do_work(scene, yys1) if re > 0: self.add_log('队长满级数量' + str(re) + "\r\n") if re == codedef.BEGIN_DA_GUAI or re == codedef.BEGIN_DA_BOSS: ju_flag = True elif re == codedef.FIGHT_END and ju_flag is True: game.set_da_guai(True) ju_flag = False times = times + 1 self.add_log(times.__str__() + "\r\n") if times > imax_times: self.add_log("达到最大次数,进程结束\r\n") self.send_qq(r'困25 达到最大次数,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END elif re == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: self.add_log("场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yys1) return codedef.NORMAL_END elif re == codedef.TANG_GO_RIGHT: yys1.iold_scene = 0 elif re == codedef.EXIT_TANG_SUO: game.set_yao_qing(True) # 队长可邀请 elif re == codedef.YAO_QING_ZHONG: yys1.iold_scene = 0 pass
def set_windows(self, yys): if yys == "" or yys == " ": self.add_log("阴阳师 参数不对\r\n") return codedef.ERROR_END game = Game() yys1 = Handle() self.set_yys(yys, game, yys1) return codedef.NORMAL_END
def dian_guai_11(self): yys1 = self.comboBox_1.currentText() yys_handle = Handle() self.add_in_text_browser("点主怪\r\n") if Window.get_window(yys_handle, None, "[#] [yys" + yys1 + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == codedef.NORMAL_END: x = int((yys_handle.right + yys_handle.left) / 2) xishu = 0.2 y = int(( + (yys_handle.bottom - * xishu)) m = Mouse(), y)
def test_main(self): # 测试函数:截取游戏窗口temp.bmp # 再截出N卡的小块,确定准确后的百分比 handle = Handle() game = Game() arr12 = [[2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [2, 4], [2, 5], [2, 6], [2, 7], [0, 1], [0, 4], [0, 7], [1, 1], [1, 4], [1, 7]] if self.set_yys("1", game, handle) == 0: # while 1: game.get_scene(handle) # 产生temp.bmp # metrics_x = GetSystemMetrics(0) # 获取分辨率 # metrics_y = GetSystemMetrics(1) # 获取分辨率 # gou = Gouliang(metrics_x, metrics_y, handle) # gou.find_and_huang(False, False) # n 卡分块 print("kais") top = 0.25 left = 0.15 bottom = codedef.n_bottom right = codedef.n_right kuang = int(0.1 * (handle.right - handle.left)) img = Img() name = 0 j = 0 while j < 4: i = 0 while i < 8: # p = arr12[name] # i = p[1] # j = p[0] point = [ int(left * (handle.right - handle.left)) + kuang * (i + 0), int(top * (handle.bottom - + kuang * (j + 0) ] point2 = [ int(left * (handle.right - handle.left)) + kuang * (i + 1), int(top * (handle.bottom - + kuang * (j + 1) ] tag_img = img.cut_img_path('temp/temp.bmp', point, point2)"temp/t" + str(name) + ".bmp", tag_img) i += 1 name += 1 time.sleep(0.2) j += 1
def testtt(): h = Window.check_window("[#] [yys1] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") print(h) sleep_time = 1 if h != 0: game = Team_kun_25_captain(codedef.UP_C_COIN, False) yys1 = Handle() win32gui.ShowWindow(yys1.hwnd, 1) re = game.set_window(yys1, "[#] [yys1] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]", 1, True) if re != 0: return re while 1: scene = game.get_scene(yys1) captain_wait = game.do_work(scene, yys1) time.sleep(2)
def jie_jie(self, y1, y2, y3, y4, inum, maxt=False): windowslist = [y1, y2, y3, y4] #只有一个结界类实例,不同的只是窗口句柄和窗口坐标 game = Personal_jiejie() yys1 = Handle() yys2 = Handle() yys3 = Handle() yys4 = Handle() yyslist = [yys1, yys2, yys3, yys4] i = 0 while i < inum: if self.set_yys(windowslist[i], game, yyslist[i]) != 0: self.add_log("沙盒窗口不完全存在,进程结束。\r\n") return codedef.NORMAL_END i = i + 1 finishlist = [0, 0, 0, 0] waitlist = [0, 0, 0, 0] while 1: i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] != 2: if waitlist[i] == 0: scene = game.get_scene(yyslist[i]) if scene == SceneKey.TANG_SUO and finishlist[i] == 1: finishlist[i] = 2 continue self.add_log(scene.__str__() + "\r\n") if finishlist[i] == 0: print("do_work" + str(i)) re = game.do_work(scene, yyslist[i]) elif finishlist[i] == 1: print("exit" + str(i)) re = game.exit(scene, yyslist[i]) else: print("NORMAL_END" + str(i)) re = codedef.NORMAL_END if re == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: finishlist[i] = 1 self.add_log("yys" + windowslist[i] + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yyslist[i]) elif re > codedef.NORMAL_END: yyslist[i].iold_scene = 0 waitlist[i] = re self.add_log("yys" + windowslist[i] + "冷却中,场景重复次数重置\r\n") # if maxt: # finishlist[i] = 1 else: waitlist[i] = waitlist[i] - 1 if waitlist[i] < 0: waitlist[i] = 0 self.time_sleep(inum) i = i + 1 i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] != 2: break i = i + 1 if i == inum: break self.send_qq(r'结界全部 打完,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END
def team_kun_25(self, captain, teammate, UP, BOSS, QingMax, Beater, BeatMax, imax_times, Chapter): if Window.check_window("[#] [yys" + captain + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == 0 \ or Window.check_window("[#] [yys" + teammate + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == 0: self.add_log("沙盒窗口不完全存在,进程结束。\r\n") return codedef.NORMAL_END if captain == teammate: self.add_log("单人探索\r\n") self.team_kun_25_one(captain, UP, BOSS, QingMax, Beater, BeatMax, imax_times, Chapter) return codedef.NORMAL_END game = Team_kun_25_captain(UP=UP, BOSS=BOSS, QingMax=QingMax, Beater=Beater, BeatMax=BeatMax, Chapter=Chapter) yys1 = Handle() self.set_yys(captain, game, yys1) game2 = Team_kun_25_teammate(Beater=Beater, BeatMax=BeatMax) yys2 = Handle() self.set_yys(teammate, game2, yys2) times = 0 ju_flag = False oldc_c = '' while 1: # 队长 scene = game.get_scene(yys1) if oldc_c != str(scene): oldc_c = str(scene) self.add_log(str(scene) + "\r\n") re = game.do_work(scene, yys1) if re > 0: self.add_log('队长满级数量' + str(re) + "\r\n") if re == codedef.BEGIN_DA_GUAI or re == codedef.BEGIN_DA_BOSS: ju_flag = True elif re == codedef.FIGHT_END and ju_flag is True: ju_flag = False times = times + 1 self.add_log(times.__str__() + "\r\n") if times > imax_times: self.add_log("达到最大次数,进程结束\r\n") self.send_qq(r'困25 达到最大次数,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END elif re == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: self.add_log("场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yys1) return codedef.NORMAL_END elif re == codedef.TANG_GO_RIGHT: yys1.iold_scene = 0 yys2.iold_scene = 0 elif re == codedef.EXIT_TANG_SUO: game2.set_exit(True) elif re == codedef.YAO_QING_ZHONG: yys1.iold_scene = 0 yys2.iold_scene = 0 # 队员 scene = game2.get_scene(yys2) if oldc_c != str(scene): oldc_c = str(scene) self.add_log(str(scene) + "\r\n") if scene == SceneKey.TANG_SUO or scene == SceneKey.TANG_SUO_ZHANG_JIE: game.set_yao_qing(True) # 队长可邀请 re = game2.do_work(scene, yys2) if re > 0: self.add_log('队友满级数量' + str(re) + "\r\n") if re == codedef.ZAI_TANG_SUO: game.set_da_guai(True)
def xue_yue(self, y1, y2, y3, y4, inum, imax_times, mod, fengmod=None, buyyan=0, buyyu=0): windowslist = [y1, y2, y3, y4] if mod == codedef.CHOU_N_KA: game = Nka() elif mod == codedef.ZA_BAI_GUI: game = Zabaigui() elif mod == codedef.XUE_YUE: game = dashitou() elif mod == codedef.FENG_MO: game = fengmo(fengmod) elif mod == codedef.SHENG_XING: game = shengxing() elif mod == codedef.RI_LUN_YU: game = rilunzhicheng(buyyan=buyyan, buyyu=buyyu, mod=0) elif mod == codedef.RI_LUN_CENG: game = rilunzhicheng(buyyan=buyyan, buyyu=buyyu, mod=1) else: game = dashitou() yys1 = Handle() yys2 = Handle() yys3 = Handle() yys4 = Handle() yyslist = [yys1, yys2, yys3, yys4] i = 0 while i < inum: if self.set_yys(windowslist[i], game, yyslist[i]) != 0: self.add_log("沙盒窗口不完全存在,进程结束。\r\n") return codedef.NORMAL_END i = i + 1 finishlist = [False, False, False, False] waitlist = [0, 0, 0, 0] ji_shulist = [0, 0, 0, 0] ju_flag = [False, False, False, False] while 1: i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] is False: re = codedef.NORMAL_END if waitlist[i] == 0: scene = game.get_scene(yyslist[i]) self.add_log(scene.__str__() + "\r\n") re = game.do_work(scene, yyslist[i]) # self.add_log(str(re) + "\r\n") if re > codedef.NORMAL_END: waitlist[i] = re elif re == codedef.FIGHT_BEGIN: ju_flag[i] = True elif re == codedef.FIGHT_END and ju_flag[i] is True: ju_flag[i] = False ji_shulist[i] = ji_shulist[i] + 1 self.add_log("第" + ji_shulist[i].__str__() + "次" + "\r\n") if ji_shulist[i] >= imax_times: finishlist[i] = True elif re == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: finishlist[i] = True self.add_log("yys" + windowslist[i] + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yyslist[i]) else: waitlist[i] = waitlist[i] - 1 if int(waitlist[i]) < 0: waitlist[i] = 0 if re != codedef.ERROR_END: self.time_sleep(inum) i = i + 1 i = 0 while i < inum: if finishlist[i] is False: break i = i + 1 if i == inum: break self.send_qq(r'进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END
def hun_shi(self, y1, y2, y3, imax_times): if Window.check_window("[#] [yys" + y1 + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == 0 \ or Window.check_window("[#] [yys" + y2 + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == 0 \ or Window.check_window("[#] [yys" + y3 + "] 阴阳师-网易游戏 [#]") == 0: self.add_log("沙盒窗口不完全存在,进程结束。\r\n") return codedef.NORMAL_END game = Team_hun_10() yys1 = Handle() yys2 = Handle() yys3 = Handle() self.set_yys(y1, game, yys1) self.set_yys(y2, game, yys2) self.set_yys(y3, game, yys3) ju_flag = False # dian_guai_flag = 0 # dian_guai_time = 0 times = 0 # t = time.time() # print(t) # 原始时间数据 # print(int(t)) re1 = codedef.NORMAL_END re2 = codedef.NORMAL_END re3 = codedef.NORMAL_END while 1: scene = game.get_scene(yys1) # 手动阵容需点怪 # if scene == SceneKey.ZHANG_DOU_ZHONG or scene == SceneKey.NUKOWN: # if dian_guai_flag == 1: # dian_guai_flag = 2 # dian_guai_time = int(time.time()) # elif dian_guai_flag == 2 and int(time.time()) - dian_guai_time >= 11: # dian_guai_flag = 3 # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # self.add_log("yys" + y1 + "点主怪\r\n") # time.sleep(1) # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # # elif dian_guai_flag == 3 and int(time.time()) - dian_guai_time >= 27: # dian_guai_flag = 4 # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # self.add_log("yys" + y1 + "点主怪\r\n") # time.sleep(1) # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # # elif dian_guai_flag == 4 and int(time.time()) - dian_guai_time >= 27: # 34 # dian_guai_flag = 5 # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # self.add_log("yys" + y1 + "点主怪\r\n") # time.sleep(1) # game.dian_guai_11(yys1) # 手动阵容需点怪 re1 = game.do_work(scene, yys1) self.add_log(scene.__str__() + str(re1) + "\r\n") if re1 == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: self.add_log("yys" + y1 + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yys1) elif re1 == codedef.FIGHT_BEGIN and ju_flag is False: ju_flag = True # dian_guai_flag = 1 elif re1 == codedef.FIGHT_END and ju_flag is True: # dian_guai_time = 0 # dian_guai_flag = 0 ju_flag = False times += 1 self.add_log(times.__str__() + "\r\n") if times > imax_times: self.add_log("达到最大次数,进程结束\r\n") self.send_qq(r'御魂觉醒 达到最大次数,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END elif re1 == codedef.HUN_SHI_TEAMING and re2 == codedef.HUN_SHI_TEAMING and re3 == codedef.HUN_SHI_TEAMING: self.add_log("teaming\r\n") game.teaming(scene, yys1) if scene == SceneKey.GOU_MAI_TI_LI: break time.sleep(0.6) scene = game.get_scene(yys2) re2 = game.do_work(scene, yys2) if re2 == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: self.add_log("yys" + y2 + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yys2) self.add_log(scene.__str__() + "\r\n") if scene == SceneKey.GOU_MAI_TI_LI: break time.sleep(0.6) scene = game.get_scene(yys3) re3 = game.do_work(scene, yys3) if re3 == codedef.SCENCE_REPEAT_END: self.add_log("yys" + y3 + "场景重复超限\r\n") self.send_qq_jie_tu(yys3) self.add_log(scene.__str__() + "\r\n") if scene == SceneKey.GOU_MAI_TI_LI: break time.sleep(0.6) self.send_qq(r'魂十 打完,进程结束') return codedef.NORMAL_END
class SendQQ: m_handle = Handle() def __init__(self, name): class_name = None re = Window.get_window(self.m_handle, class_name, name) if re != 0: print("找不到窗口:" + name) #self.add_log("找不到窗口:" + name + str(handle.hwnd) + "\r\n") else: print("窗口:" + name) #self.add_log("窗口:" + name + str(handle.hwnd) + "\r\n") @staticmethod def get_clipboard_text(): """获取剪贴板文本""" w.OpenClipboard() d = w.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) w.CloseClipboard() return d @staticmethod def set_image(data): w.OpenClipboard() # 打开剪贴板 w.EmptyClipboard() # 先清空剪贴板 w.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_BITMAP, data) # 将图片放入剪贴板 w.CloseClipboard() return 0 @staticmethod def set_text(aString): """设置剪贴板文本""" w.OpenClipboard() w.EmptyClipboard() w.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, aString) w.CloseClipboard() return 0 def send_qq_text(self, msg): qq = self.m_handle.hwnd if qq == 0: print("句柄为0") return -1 SendQQ.set_text(msg) # 投递剪贴板消息到QQ窗体 time.sleep(0.3) win32gui.ShowWindow(qq, 1) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(qq) win32gui.SendMessage(qq, 258, 22, 2080193) win32gui.SendMessage(qq, 770, 0, 0) SendQQ.send_key() time.sleep(0.3) win32gui.ShowWindow(qq, 2) return 0 def send_qq_bmp(self, image_path): qq = self.m_handle.hwnd if qq == 0: print("句柄为0") return -1 #im ='new.jpg')'11.bmp') aString = ctypes.windll.user32.LoadImageW(0, image_path, win32con.IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE) print(aString) SendQQ.set_image(aString) time.sleep(0.3) win32gui.ShowWindow(qq, 1) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(qq) win32gui.SendMessage(qq, 258, 22, 2080193) win32gui.SendMessage(qq, 770, 0, 0) SendQQ.send_key() time.sleep(0.3) win32gui.ShowWindow(qq, 2) return 0 @staticmethod def send_key(): # pyuserinput 的 Keyboard key_board = Keyboard() # 发送消息的快捷键 key_board.alt_s() return 0 def get_text(self, name): re = Window.get_window(self.m_handle, None, name) if re != 0: print("找不到窗口:" + name) return "" else: print("窗口:" + name) win32gui.ShowWindow(self.m_handle.hwnd, 1) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(self.m_handle.hwnd) time.sleep(0.3) re = Window.get_window(self.m_handle, None, name) if re != 0: print("找不到窗口:" + name) return "" else: print("窗口:" + name) center_x = (self.m_handle.right + self.m_handle.left) / 2 center_y = (self.m_handle.bottom + / 2 mouse = Mouse(), int(center_y)) time.sleep(0.3) key_board = Keyboard() key_board.ctrl_A_C() time.sleep(0.3) win32gui.ShowWindow(self.m_handle.hwnd, 2) text = SendQQ.get_clipboard_text() cmd = SendQQ.get_last_cmd(text, name) return cmd @staticmethod def get_last_cmd(msg, name): # 按回车切割成list temp_list = msg.splitlines() list_len = len(temp_list) if list_len == 0: return "" # 如果最后一条消息是对方发的才取,否则返回空 re = temp_list[list_len - 2] if re[:len(name)] == name: re = temp_list[list_len - 1] else: re = '' return re def send_jie_tu(self, handle=None): window_img = Window.jie_tu(handle) image_path = "temp/qqjietu.bmp" self.send_qq_bmp(image_path) return 0