Exemplo n.º 1
def VICkeystream(keys):
    # Agent identifier
    aInd = [ int(i) for i in keys[0] ]
    # Random number
    rInd = [ int(i) for i in keys[1] ]
    # Keyphrase
    S = keys[2]
    # Start the key stream
    kstr = subLists(aInd,rInd)
    # Use uniqueRank to turn the keyphrase into two lists of 10 numbers
    n1 = uniqueRank(S[:10])
    n2 = uniqueRank(S[10:])

    # Add the first list of numbers to the keystream
    kstr = addLists(n1,kstr)

    # Used the second list of numbers to encode the keystream
    nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
    kstr = [n2[nums.index(i)] for i in kstr]
    return kstr
Exemplo n.º 2
def AMSCOExample():

    print("Example of the AMSCO Cipher")

    key = "BIRTH"
    rank = uniqueRank(key)

    al = alternating(ptext)

    print("\nThe Key Is {}\n".format(key))

    print("Each letter of the key is ranked to get")

        "\nNow the text is read into the grid by rows as alternating letters and bigrams. The key is placed above.\n"

    print("   ".join([str(i) for i in rank]))
    printColumns(al, 5, W=4)

        "\nFinally the grid is read off in accordance with column numbers starting with zero, then one, and so on.\n"

    ctext, dtext = example(AMSCO, ptext, key)
def columnarTransportExample():

    print("Example of the columnar transport cipher")

    key = "BIRTHDAY"
    rank = uniqueRank(key)

    print("\nThe Key Is {}".format(key))

    print("Each letter of the key is ranked to get")

    print("\nThe plaintext is\n{}".format(ptext))

        "\nNow the text is read into the grid by rows. The key is placed above.\n"

    print(" ".join([str(i) for i in rank]))
    for i in groups(ptext, 8):
        print(" ".join([e for e in i]))

        "\nFinally the grid is read off in accordance with column numbers starting with zero, then one, and so on.\n"

    ctext, dtext = example(columnarTransport, ptext, key, complete=False)
def columnarTransport(text,key,decode=False,complete=False):
    k = uniqueRank(key)
    # Determine how many columns
    numcol = len(k)
    numrow,rem = divmod(len(text),numcol)
    longCols = k[:rem]

    # If complete is selected nulls are added so that the ciphertext fits
    # perfectly into the grid.
    if complete == True:
        if rem > 0:
            text = addNulls(text,total_len=numcol*(numrow+1))
            text = addNulls(text,total_len=numcol*numrow)
    if decode == False:
        # Read the text into the rows
        L = groups(text,len(k))

        # Read down each column
        out = []
        for col in argsort(k):
            for row in L:
                if len(row) > col:
        return "".join(out)
    if decode == True:

        ctr = 0
        L = []
        for i in range(numcol):
            if i in longCols:
                ctr += (numrow+1)
                ctr += numrow

        out = []
        for row in range(numrow+1):
            for col in k:
                if len(L[col]) > row:
                    out.append( L[col][row] )

        return "".join(out)
def disruptedTranspositionExample():

    key = "BIRTHDAYS"
    rank = uniqueRank(key)
    print("Example of Completed Disrupted Transposition\n")

    print("The Key is: {}".format(key))

    print("\nThe plaintext is\n{}".format(ptext))
    #ptext = addNulls(ptext,len(key)**2)
    print("\nWe extend it with nulls to be\n{}".format(ptext))

    G = ["" for i in key]

    # Here we copy some code from the cipher to make a nice graphic
    text = ptext
    for num in range(len(rank)):
        L = rank.index(num) + 1
        G[num], text = text[:L], text[L:]

    print("The first half of the text is read into columns like this\n")

    print(" ".join([str(i) for i in rank]))
    for row in G:
        print(" ".join([i for i in row]))

    for num in range(len(rank)):
        rm = len(key) - len(G[num])
        s, text = text[:rm], text[rm:]
        G[num] += s.lower()

        "\nThe remaining text then fills in the remaining spaces. Shown here in lowercase for ease of reading.\n"
    print(" ".join([str(i) for i in rank]))
    for row in G:
        print(" ".join([i for i in row]))

        "Then it is read off by columns starting with the one marked zero, then one, and so on.\n"

    print("The completed cipher:")
    ctext, dtext = example(disruptedTransposition, ptext, key)
Exemplo n.º 6
def VICtranskeys(kstr,num):
    # Turn the first ten outputs into a unique list of integers
    transKey = uniqueRank(kstr[:10])
    # Break the rest of the keystream into ten rows
    G = groups(kstr[10:],10)
    transLens = [num+kstr[-2], num+kstr[-1]]
    out = []
    for col in range(10):
        for row in G:
            out.append( row[transKey.index(col)] )
            if len(out) == sum(transLens):
                return out[:transLens[0]], out[transLens[0]:]
    return out[:transLens[0]], out[transLens[0]:]   
Exemplo n.º 7
def VICRank(S):
    L = uniqueRank(S)
    return [ (i+1) % 10 for i in L]
def disruptedTransposition(text, key, decode=False, complete=False):

    if len(text) > len(key)**2:
        raise Exception(
            "{} characters cannot fit in transposition with grid size {}".

    rank = uniqueRank(key)

    if decode == False:

        # Create a blank grid
        G = ["" for i in key]

        # Insert nulls if using the completed version cipher
        if complete == True:
            text = addNulls(text, len(key)**2)
            text = addNulls(text, len(key)**2, sep="", alphabet=" ")

        # Fill each row of the grid until we reach the position of that that row
        # index in the key.
        for num in range(len(rank)):
            L = rank.index(num) + 1
            G[num], text = text[:L], text[L:]

        # Use the remaining letters to fill in the rest of the grid
        for num in range(len(rank)):
            rm = len(key) - len(G[num])
            s, text = text[:rm], text[rm:]
            G[num] += s  #.lower()

        # Read off the grid by rows
        out = ""
        for x in argsort(rank):
            for y in range(len(key)):
                out += G[y][x]
        out = out.replace(" ", "")

        return out

    if decode == True:

        # We need to know what the grid looks like so we will fill it in as if
        # we were decrypting it. This is just used to get the row lengths
        # Should find a better way to do this
        G = ["" for i in key]
        text1 = text[:]
        for num in range(len(rank)):
            L = rank.index(num) + 1
            G[num], text1 = text1[:L], text1[L:]
        for num in range(len(rank)):
            rm = len(key) - len(G[num])
            s, text1 = text1[:rm], text1[rm:]
            G[num] += s

        rowlens = [len(r) for r in G]

        # Make a grid of blank spaces
        Gt = [[" " for i in key] for i in key]
        # Convert the text to a list for easy manipulation
        text = list(text)
        # Read down each column placing a letter only if that position in the
        # row is valid.
        for col in argsort(rank):
            for row in range(len(key)):

                if col < rowlens[row]:
                    Gt[row][col] = text.pop(0)

        # Merge the rows of the grid
        X = []
        for i in Gt:

        # Reach the left and right sides of each row
        out1 = ""
        out2 = ""
        for num in range(len(rank)):
            L = rank.index(num) + 1

            out1 += X[num][:L]

            out2 += X[num][L:]

        out = out1 + out2
        return out.replace(" ", "")