Exemplo n.º 1

# Set the width and height of the screen [width, height]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

pygame.display.set_caption("My Game")

#Shapes Being Tested
square = Square()
tetromino = Tetromino()
shape = Pshape()

background = Background(size)

grid = TGrid()

#set position of squares
square.base_x = grid.x
square.base_y = grid.y

shape.setBase([grid.x, grid.y])
#shape.base_x = grid.x
#shape.base_y = grid.y

# Loop until the user clicks the close button.
def random_face(times):
    count = 0

    for value in range(times):

        face_dict = face_parts_preload()
        background = Background()

        face_w_c = random.uniform(0.7, 2.0)

        forehead_h_c = random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)
        front_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        chin_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3)

        nose_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        nose_w_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.5)
        nose_front_gap_c = 0.1

        left_eye_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.6)
        left_eye_w_c = random.uniform(0.5, 1.2)
        left_eye_angle = random.uniform(0, 18)
        left_eye_front_gap_c = 0.1
        right_eye_h_c = left_eye_h_c
        right_eye_w_c = left_eye_w_c
        right_eye_angle = -left_eye_angle
        right_eye_front_gap_c = 0.1
        eye_distance_front_c = random.uniform(0.3, 0.6)

        right_eyebow_w_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.9)
        right_eyebow_h_c = random.uniform(0.4, 1.3)
        right_eyebow_angle = random.uniform(0, 25)
        right_eyebow_eye_distance_c = random.uniform(0.9, 1.8)
        left_eyebow_w_c = right_eyebow_w_c
        left_eyebow_h_c = right_eyebow_h_c
        left_eyebow_angle = -right_eyebow_angle
        left_eyebow_eye_distance_c = right_eyebow_eye_distance_c

        left_eyelip_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.5)
        left_eyelip_eye_gap = random.uniform(0.5, 0.9)
        right_eyelip_h_c = left_eyelip_h_c
        right_eyelip_eye_gap = left_eyelip_eye_gap

        up_lip_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3)
        up_lip_w_c = random.uniform(0.3, 1.3)
        down_lip_h_c = up_lip_h_c
        down_lip_w_c = up_lip_w_c
        lips_chin_gap = 1
        lips_gap = 0.1

        left_ear_w_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.6)
        left_ear_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        left_ear_attach_c = 1
        left_ear_front_c = 0.1
        right_ear_w_c = left_ear_w_c
        right_ear_h_c = left_ear_h_c
        right_ear_attach_c = 1
        right_ear_front_c = 0.1

        def assembly(background, face_dict, list_of_pasted):
            Собирает лицо, изменяя части в соотвествии с коэффициентами
            gap = 50
            for part in list_of_pasted:
                if part.name == 'forehead':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c),
                                int(part.h * forehead_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0], gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'front':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c),
                                int(part.h * front_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                              face_dict['forehead'].h + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'chin':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c), int(part.h * chin_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                              face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h +
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'nose':
                    #Проверка чтобы нос не вышел за границы лица, можно потом улучшить коэффициенты
                    if part.h * nose_h_c > face_dict[
                            'front'].h * front_h_c * 0.8:
                        this_part_h = face_dict['front'].h * front_h_c * 0.8

                        this_part_h = part.h * nose_h_c

                    part.resize(int(part.w * nose_w_c), int(this_part_h))
                     y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                           face_dict['forehead'].h +
                           int(face_dict['front'].h * nose_front_gap_c) + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eye':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eye_w_c),
                                int(part.h * left_eye_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] -
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c) + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eye':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eye_w_c),
                                int(part.h * right_eye_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] +
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c) +
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eyebow':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eyebow_w_c),
                                int(part.h * left_eyebow_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] -
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c) +
                        gap - int(face_dict['left_eye'].h *
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eyebow':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eyebow_w_c),
                                int(part.h * right_eyebow_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] +
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c) +
                        gap - int(face_dict['right_eye'].h *
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eyelip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eye_w_c),
                                int(part.h * left_eyelip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] -
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c) +
                        gap +
                        int(face_dict['left_eye'].h * left_eyelip_eye_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eyelip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eye_w_c),
                                int(part.h * right_eyelip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (
                        background.center[0] - part.center[0] +
                        int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c / 2),
                        face_dict['forehead'].h +
                        int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c) +
                        gap +
                        int(face_dict['right_eye'].h * right_eyelip_eye_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'up_lip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * up_lip_w_c),
                                int(part.h * up_lip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                              face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h +
                              face_dict['chin'].h -
                              int(face_dict['chin'].h * lips_chin_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'down_lip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * down_lip_w_c),
                                int(part.h * down_lip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                              face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h +
                              face_dict['chin'].h -
                              int(face_dict['chin'].h * lips_chin_gap -
                                  face_dict['up_lip'].h * lips_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_ear':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_ear_w_c),
                                int(part.h * left_ear_h_c))
                     y) = (background.center[0] -
                           int(part.center[0] * left_ear_attach_c) -
                           face_dict['front'].w / 2, face_dict['forehead'].h +
                           int(face_dict['front'].h * left_ear_front_c) + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_ear':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_ear_w_c),
                                int(part.h * right_ear_h_c))
                     y) = (background.center[0] -
                           int(part.center[0] * right_ear_attach_c) +
                           face_dict['front'].w / 2, face_dict['forehead'].h +
                           int(face_dict['front'].h * right_ear_front_c) + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

        assembly(background, face_dict, [
            face_dict['forehead'], face_dict['front'], face_dict['chin'],
            face_dict['nose'], face_dict['left_eye'], face_dict['right_eye'],
            face_dict['left_eyebow'], face_dict['right_eyebow'],
            face_dict['left_eyelip'], face_dict['right_eyelip'],
            face_dict['up_lip'], face_dict['down_lip'], face_dict['left_ear'],

        fname = 'face_ ' + str(count) + '_test.png'
        count += 1
        del face_dict, background
def random_face(times):
    count = 0

    for value in range(times):

        face_dict = face_parts_preload()
        background = Background()

        face_w_c = random.uniform(0.7, 2.0)

        forehead_h_c = random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)
        front_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        chin_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3)

        nose_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        nose_w_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.5)
        nose_front_gap_c = 0.1

        left_eye_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.6)
        left_eye_w_c = random.uniform(0.5, 1.2)
        left_eye_angle= random.uniform(0,18)
        left_eye_front_gap_c = 0.1
        right_eye_h_c = left_eye_h_c
        right_eye_w_c = left_eye_w_c
        right_eye_angle = - left_eye_angle
        right_eye_front_gap_c = 0.1
        eye_distance_front_c = random.uniform(0.3, 0.6)

        right_eyebow_w_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.9)
        right_eyebow_h_c = random.uniform(0.4, 1.3)
        right_eyebow_angle = random.uniform(0, 25)
        right_eyebow_eye_distance_c = random.uniform(0.9, 1.8)
        left_eyebow_w_c = right_eyebow_w_c
        left_eyebow_h_c = right_eyebow_h_c
        left_eyebow_angle = - right_eyebow_angle
        left_eyebow_eye_distance_c = right_eyebow_eye_distance_c

        left_eyelip_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.5)
        left_eyelip_eye_gap = random.uniform(0.5, 0.9)
        right_eyelip_h_c = left_eyelip_h_c
        right_eyelip_eye_gap = left_eyelip_eye_gap

        up_lip_h_c = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3)
        up_lip_w_c = random.uniform(0.3, 1.3)
        down_lip_h_c = up_lip_h_c
        down_lip_w_c = up_lip_w_c
        lips_chin_gap = 1
        lips_gap = 0.1

        left_ear_w_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.6)
        left_ear_h_c = random.uniform(0.8, 1.3)
        left_ear_attach_c = 1
        left_ear_front_c = 0.1
        right_ear_w_c = left_ear_w_c
        right_ear_h_c = left_ear_h_c
        right_ear_attach_c = 1
        right_ear_front_c = 0.1

        def assembly(background, face_dict, list_of_pasted):
            Собирает лицо, изменяя части в соотвествии с коэффициентами
            gap = 50
            for part in list_of_pasted:
                if part.name == 'forehead':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c), int(part.h * forehead_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0], gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'front':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c), int(part.h * front_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0], face_dict['forehead'].h + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'chin':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * face_w_c), int(part.h * chin_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'nose':
                    #Проверка чтобы нос не вышел за границы лица, можно потом улучшить коэффициенты
                    if part.h * nose_h_c > face_dict['front'].h * front_h_c * 0.8:
                        this_part_h = face_dict['front'].h * front_h_c * 0.8

                        this_part_h = part.h * nose_h_c

                    part.resize(int(part.w * nose_w_c), int(this_part_h))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * nose_front_gap_c)  + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eye':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eye_w_c), int(part.h * left_eye_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] - int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c )  + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eye':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eye_w_c), int(part.h * right_eye_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] + int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c )  + gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eyebow':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eyebow_w_c), int(part.h * left_eyebow_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] - int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                            face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c)  + gap
                            - int(face_dict['left_eye'].h * left_eyebow_eye_distance_c))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eyebow':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eyebow_w_c), int(part.h * right_eyebow_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] + int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                            face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c)  + gap
                            - int(face_dict['right_eye'].h * right_eyebow_eye_distance_c))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_eyelip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_eye_w_c), int(part.h * left_eyelip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] - int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                            face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * left_eye_front_gap_c)  + gap
                            + int(face_dict['left_eye'].h * left_eyelip_eye_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_eyelip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_eye_w_c), int(part.h * right_eyelip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0] + int(face_dict['front'].w * eye_distance_front_c/2),
                            face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * right_eye_front_gap_c)  + gap
                            + int(face_dict['right_eye'].h * right_eyelip_eye_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'up_lip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * up_lip_w_c), int(part.h * up_lip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h + face_dict['chin'].h
                                - int(face_dict['chin'].h * lips_chin_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'down_lip':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * down_lip_w_c), int(part.h * down_lip_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - part.center[0],
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + face_dict['front'].h + face_dict['chin'].h
                                - int(face_dict['chin'].h * lips_chin_gap - face_dict['up_lip'].h * lips_gap))
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'left_ear':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * left_ear_w_c), int(part.h * left_ear_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - int(part.center[0] * left_ear_attach_c) - face_dict['front'].w/2 ,
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * left_ear_front_c)+ gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

                if part.name == 'right_ear':
                    part.resize(int(part.w * right_ear_w_c), int(part.h * right_ear_h_c))
                    (x, y) = (background.center[0] - int(part.center[0] * right_ear_attach_c) + face_dict['front'].w/2 ,
                                face_dict['forehead'].h + int(face_dict['front'].h * right_ear_front_c)+ gap)
                    background.paste(part, (x, y))

        assembly(background, face_dict,

        fname = 'face_ ' + str(count) + '_test.png'
        count += 1
        del face_dict, background
Exemplo n.º 4

from functions import face_parts_preload, assembly
from test_functions import random_face
from Classes import Background

face_dict = face_parts_preload()
background = Background()

##assembly(background, face_dict,
##                    [face_dict['forehead'],
##                    face_dict['front'],
##                    face_dict['chin'],
##                    face_dict['nose'],
##                    face_dict['left_eye'],
##                    face_dict['right_eye'],
##                    face_dict['left_eyebow'],
##                    face_dict['right_eyebow'],
##                    face_dict['left_eyelip'],
##                    face_dict['right_eyelip'],
##                    face_dict['up_lip'],
##                    face_dict['down_lip'],
##                    face_dict['left_ear'],
##                    face_dict['right_ear']])
