Exemplo n.º 1
 def __valid_address(self, data: Data):
     This function checks if the URL, port and IP are valid
     @param data: The data object of the program.
     @type data: Data
     @return: None
     port: int = data.port
     url: str = data.url
     ip: str = data.ip
     scheme: str = "http"
     path: str = "/"
     query: str = ""
     if url:
         # Start by checking the URL.
         if not url.startswith(scheme):
             # Does not start with http or https.
             raise Exception(
                 "The URL is not in the right format of 'scheme://domain:port/path'.",
         parse = urlparse(url=data.url)  # Parsing the URL.
             port = parse.port if parse.port else port  # Select a port to use (from a url or from data).
             scheme = parse.scheme  # Must have a scheme (http or https).
             path = parse.path  # Must have a path (even "/" counts).
             query = "?" + parse.query if parse.query else query
         except Exception:
                 f" The port which was specified in the URL is invalid.{COLOR_MANAGER.ENDC}"
             ip = socket.gethostbyname(parse.hostname)
         except Exception:
     if ip:
         # Found IP in the URL or was already specified in data.
         if ip.count(".") != 3 or not all(
                 field.isnumeric() and 0 <= int(field) <= 255
                 for field in ip.split(".")):
             # If the number of fields is not 4 or any of them are not in range of 0-255.
             raise Exception(
                 f"The IP is not in the right of format of [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255].",
         # The IP is not specified and the URL was not found.
         raise Exception("No IP was specified or found through the URL.",
     if port:
         # A port was specified in the user's input.
         if self.__MAXIMUM_PORT <= port or port <= 0:
             # Port out of range.
             raise Exception(
                 f"Port is out of range ('{port}' is not between 0-{self.__MAXIMUM_PORT})",
     elif data.port == 0:
         # -P was specified.
         port = 0
         # No port specified and -P was not specified.
             f"Using default port 80.{COLOR_MANAGER.ENDC}")
         port = 80
     # Setting address into the data object.
     data.url = f"{scheme}://{ip}:{port}{path}{query}"
     data.port = port
     data.ip = ip
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __get_final_args(self, data: Data, args: argparse.Namespace):
        This function gets the arguments from the argparse namespace and inserts
        them into a Data object which is returned to the main program.
        @param data: The data object of the program.
        @type data: Data
        @param args: All the command line arguments.
        @type args: argparse.Namespace
        @return: The returned data object, will be processed furthermore in the Main Core.
        @rtype: Data
        # Set the `Username and Password`.
        if type(args.login) is not None:
            if len(args.login) == 2:
                data.username = self.__char_arr_to_string(args.login[0])
                data.password = self.__char_arr_to_string(args.login[1])

        # Set the `cookies`.
        data.cookies = args.cookies

        # Set the `Host IP` Address.
        data.ip = args.ip

        # Set the `Website URL`.
        data.url = args.url

        # Check if `all_ports` flag is set.
        if args.all_ports:
            data.port = 0
            # Set the `Host Port`.
            data.port = args.port

        # Set the `maximum number of pages`.
        if args.number_of_pages and args.number_of_pages <= 0:
            # If the given number is invalid.
                "Invalid number of pages! Running with unlimited pages.")
            data.max_pages = None
            # If the number wasn't specified or it was specified and is valid.
            data.max_pages = args.number_of_pages

        # Set the `output file` name and path.
        data.output = args.output

        # Set `blacklist` file path.
        if args.blacklist is not None:
            if args.blacklist.endswith(".txt"):
                data.blacklist = args.blacklist
                data.blacklist = args.blacklist + ".txt"
            data.blacklist = args.blacklist

        # Set `whitelist` file path.
        if args.whitelist is not None:
            if args.whitelist.endswith(".txt"):
                data.whitelist = args.whitelist
                data.whitelist = args.whitelist + ".txt"
            data.whitelist = args.whitelist

        # Set `recursive` flag.
        data.recursive = args.recursive

        # Set `verbose` flag.
        data.verbose = args.verbose
        if args.verbose:
            # Print startup logo and current time.
                f"{COLOR_MANAGER.GREEN}Started on: {datetime.datetime.now()}{COLOR_MANAGER.ENDC}"

        # Set `aggressive` flag.
        data.aggressive = args.aggressive