def transformedValue_(self, priority):
     if priority is None:
         return NSColor.blackColor()
     elif priority > 4:
         return NSColor.redColor()
     elif priority > 3:
         return NSColor.orangeColor()
     elif priority > 2:
         return NSColor.blueColor()
     elif priority > 1:
         return NSColor.greenColor()
     elif priority > 0:
         return NSColor.brownColor()
         return NSColor.blackColor()
        # Get and store details of selected font
        # Note: use fontName, not displayName.  The font name identifies the font to
        # the system, we use a value transformer to show the user the display name
        fontSize = panelFont.pointSize()

        defaults = NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController().values()
        defaults.setValue_forKey_(panelFont.fontName(), "FontName")
        defaults.setValue_forKey_(fontSize, "FontSize")

# Set up initial values for defaults:
# Create dictionary with keys and values for WordOfTheDay, FontName,
# FontSize, and FavoriteColor.  Mostly straightforward, but:
# Store the fontName of the font as the default; the textfield displays
# the font's displayName using a value transformer.
# The color must be archived -- you can't store NSColors directly in NSUserDefaults.
dictionary = {}
dictionary['WordOfTheDay'] = 'Today'
systemFont = NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(NSFont.systemFontSize())
dictionary["FontName"] = systemFont.fontName()
dictionary["FontSize"] = systemFont.pointSize()
archivedColor = NSArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(NSColor.greenColor())
dictionary['FavoriteColor'] = archivedColor

# Create and register font name value transformer
transformer = FontNameToDisplayNameTransformer.alloc().init()
NSValueTransformer.setValueTransformer_forName_(transformer, 'FontNameToDisplayNameTransformer')
Exemplo n.º 3
import rumps
import speedtest as st
from AppKit import NSAttributedString
from PyObjCTools.Conversion import propertyListFromPythonCollection
from Cocoa import (NSFont, NSFontAttributeName, NSColor,

font = NSFont.fontWithName_size_("Monaco", 11.0)
red = NSColor.redColor()
yellow = NSColor.yellowColor()
green = NSColor.greenColor()

class SpeedTestApp(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = {
            "app_name": "SpeedTest",
            "start": "Check Speed",
            "interval": 1500
        } = rumps.App(self.config["app_name"])
        self.timer = rumps.Timer(self.on_tick, 60)
        self.interval = self.config["interval"]
        self.update_button = rumps.MenuItem(title=self.config["start"],
                                            callback=self.check_speed) = [self.update_button]

    def set_up_menu(self):
        self.timer.count = 0
        fontSize = panelFont.pointSize()

        defaults = NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController(
        defaults.setValue_forKey_(panelFont.fontName(), "FontName")
        defaults.setValue_forKey_(fontSize, "FontSize")

# Set up initial values for defaults:
# Create dictionary with keys and values for WordOfTheDay, FontName,
# FontSize, and FavoriteColor.  Mostly straightforward, but:
# Store the fontName of the font as the default; the textfield displays
# the font's displayName using a value transformer.
# The color must be archived -- you can't store NSColors directly in NSUserDefaults.
dictionary = {}
dictionary["WordOfTheDay"] = "Today"
systemFont = NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(NSFont.systemFontSize())
dictionary["FontName"] = systemFont.fontName()
dictionary["FontSize"] = systemFont.pointSize()
archivedColor = NSArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(NSColor.greenColor())
dictionary["FavoriteColor"] = archivedColor

# Create and register font name value transformer
transformer = FontNameToDisplayNameTransformer.alloc().init()
    transformer, "FontNameToDisplayNameTransformer")
Exemplo n.º 5
import subprocess

from AppKit import NSAttributedString
from PyObjCTools.Conversion import propertyListFromPythonCollection
from Cocoa import (NSFont, NSFontAttributeName, NSColor,
from launchd.cmd import launchctl

ICON_PATH = "../assets/[email protected]"
USER_AGENTS = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/LaunchAgents')

FONT = NSFont.fontWithName_size_("Hack Nerd Font", 14.0)
color = {
    "red": NSColor.redColor(),
    "blue": NSColor.blueColor(),
    "green": NSColor.greenColor()
r_attr = propertyListFromPythonCollection(
        # NSFontAttributeName: FONT,
        NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color['red']
    conversionHelper=lambda x: x)
g_attr = propertyListFromPythonCollection(
        # NSFontAttributeName: FONT,
        NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color['green']
    conversionHelper=lambda x: x)
b_attr = propertyListFromPythonCollection(
 def init(self):
     self = super(ApplicationDelegate, self).init()
     self.colors = [NSColor.blackColor(), NSColor.redColor(), NSColor.greenColor()]
     return self