def read_CSV(CSV_Path): """Description: ------------ Reads Data from folder CSV_Path into Grid Grid = Instance of Netz Class Input Parameter: ---------------- CSV_Path string containing path name of data location Return Parameters: ------------------ Grid instance of class K_Netze.Netz, populated with data from CSV files""" FileList = [ 'BorderPoints', 'PipePoints', 'Compressors', 'Nodes', 'EntryPoints', 'InterConnectionPoints', 'LNGs', 'Meta_BorderPoints', 'Meta_Compressors', 'Meta_EntryPoints', 'Meta_InterConnectionPoints', 'Meta_LNGs', 'Meta_PipePoints', 'Meta_Storages', 'Storages' ] print('') print(CC.Caption + 'Load CSV-Data into Grid' + CC.End) print('--------------------------------------') Grid = K_Netze.NetComp() Grid.Processes.append(K_Netze.Processes('M_CSV.read_CSV')) for filename in os.listdir(CSV_Path): # check if Filename is used for Import for key in FileList: if 'Meta_' in key: filename = key + '.csv' else: filename = 'Gas_' + key + '.csv' CSV_File = os.path.join((CSV_Path), (filename)) Z = CSV_2_list(CSV_File) if len(Z) > 0: for entry in Z: Keys = list(entry.keys()) Vals = list(entry.values()) posId = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('id', Keys) posName = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('name', Keys) del entry['id'] del entry['name'] Grid.__dict__[key].append(K_Netze.__dict__[key]( id=Vals[posId[0]], name=Vals[posName[0]], param=entry)) else: Grid.__dict__[key] = [] return Grid
def create_stats(Graph_MD): """ Returning stats values for input **Graph_MD** of type networks. Stats are: - number of graphs, - number of unconnected graphs, - number of nodes per graph, - number of edges per graph, - number of unconnected nodes. \n.. comments: Input: Graph_MD: instance of a networkx Graph Return: StatsValues Variables of type NetzKlassen.StatsValue() with values. """ # Initializierung von Variabeln StatsValues = K_Netze.StatsValue() # Erstellugn von Variabeln tot_num_nodes = Graph_MD.number_of_nodes() num_nodes = 0 num_edges = 0 tot_length = 0 num_graphen = 0 # number of graphs num_dg = 0 num_dg_nodes = 0 countE = 0 count = 0 try: if Graph_MD.is_multigraph(): num_graphen = 2 else: num_graphen = 1 num_nodes = num_nodes + Graph_MD.number_of_nodes() # number of nodes num_edges = num_edges + Graph_MD.number_of_edges() # number of edges num_dg = num_graphen - 1 # number of disconnected graphs tot_length = tot_length + Graph_MD.size(weight='weight') countE = countE + 1 count = count + 1 num_dg_nodes = tot_num_nodes - num_nodes # total number of disconnected graphs nodes except: print('{}'.format('ERROR: M_Graph.create_stats: im ersten Segment')) raise print("num_graphen: {0}".format(num_graphen)) print("num_dg: {0}".format(num_dg)) print("num_nodes: {0}".format(num_nodes)) print("num_edges: {0}".format(num_edges)) print("num_dg_nodes: {0}".format(num_dg_nodes)) print("tot_length: {0}".format(tot_length)) StatsValues.num_Graphen = num_graphen StatsValues.num_disGraphen = num_dg StatsValues.num_Knoten = num_nodes / num_graphen StatsValues.num_Kanten = num_edges / num_graphen StatsValues.num_disKnoten = num_dg_nodes StatsValues.summe_Kanten = tot_length StatsValues.durchschnitt_KantenLaenge = tot_length / num_edges return StatsValues
def read_DB(currentDB,GridName): """ Description: ------------ Reads Grid with the Name 'Gridname' from Postgres Database and writes to empty Grid (Instance of NetzClass) Eingabe: -------- currentDB=InfoIO['SQL_3'] GridName="SciGrid" Ausgabe: -------- Netz Class Object """ conn = CreateDBConnection(currentDB) cur = conn.cursor() Grid = K_Netze.NetComp() cur.execute("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' ;") tableDump = cur.fetchall() tableNames = [] for tab in tableDump: tableNames.append(tab[0]) for tablename in Grid.CompLabels(): if GridName.lower() + "_" + tablename.lower() in tableNames: tablecommand = "SELECT * FROM " + GridName.lower() + "_" + tablename.lower() + " ;" cur.execute(tablecommand) field_names = [i[0] for i in cur.description] results = cur.fetchall() if cur.rowcount>0: my_class = my_import('Code.K_Component.' + tablename) #Grid.__setattr__(tablename,[my_class({'id':'4', 'name':'qwer'})]) Grid.__setattr__(tablename,[my_class(**dict(zip(field_names, res))) for res in results]) else: print(CC.Warning +"Warning, "+ "Could not read " + tablename + " from table: "+GridName.lower()+"_"+tablename.lower()+CC.End) # Now setting lat long to None instead of '' for ii in range(len(Grid.__dict__[tablename])): if len(Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['lat']) == 0: Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['lat'] = float('nan') Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['long'] = float('nan') else: Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['lat'] = float(Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['lat']) Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['long'] = float(Grid.__dict__[tablename][ii].__dict__['long'] ) cur.close() conn.close() return Grid
def read(NumDataSets = 1e+100, RelDirName = 'Eingabe/GasLib/', sourceName = None, RelDirNameInter = 'Eingabe/InternetDaten/'): """ Reading of GasLib data sets from XML files, with **RelDirName** indicating which directory to read data from, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: max number of data sets to be read in (Default = 100000) RelDirName: string, containing dir name where GasLib data is found (Default = 'Eingabe/GasLib/') sourceName: String of source abbreviation. (Default = None) RelDirNameInter: Not used, only included as option, as is option for other data source read functions. (Default = 'Eingabe/InternetDaten/') Return: Ret_Data: Instance of K_Netze.NetComp class, with components Nodes and Storages populated.""" # Initialization Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() # RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) RelDirName = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),RelDirName) print('Read from: ',RelDirName) # Reading Raw Data Ret_Data.Nodes = read_component('Nodes', NumDataSets = NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName, sourceName = sourceName + '.net') Ret_Data.PipeSegments = read_component('PipeSegments', NumDataSets = NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName, sourceName = sourceName + '.net', Nodes = Ret_Data.Nodes) Ret_Data.Compressors = read_component('Compressors', NumDataSets = NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName, sourceName = sourceName + '.net') Ret_Data.EntryPoints = read_component('EntryPoints', NumDataSets = NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName, sourceName = sourceName + '.net') # Adding LatLong to all components Ret_Data.add_latLong() # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames = ['PipeSegments', 'Compressors', 'EntryPoints', 'Nodes']) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding further essential attributess Ret_Data.fill_length('PipeSegments') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'lat', 'lat_mean', 'mean') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'long', 'long_mean', 'mean') # Adding SourceName Ret_Data.SourceName = ['GasLib'] return Ret_Data
def read(NumDataSets=100000, RelDirName='Eingabe/NO/'): """ Reading of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate data sets from Shapefiles, with **RelDirName** indicating which directory to read data from, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: max number of data sets to be read in (Default = 100000) RelDirName: string, containing dir name where GasLib data is found (Default = 'Eingabe/NO/') Return: Ret_Data: Instance of K_Netze.NetComp class, with Nodes and Pipesegments populated.""" # parse string RelDirPath RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) # init object which to be returned Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() # read out all pipelines from shapefile Ret_Data.PipeLines = read_component('PipeLines', NumDataSets, RelDirName=RelDirName) # read out all nodes from shapefile Ret_Data.Nodes = read_component('Nodes', NumDataSets, RelDirName=RelDirName) # Converting from PipeLines to PipeSegments Ret_Data.PipeLines2PipeSegments() Ret_Data.PipeLines = [] # merge Nodes and Pipesegments Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames=['PipeSegments', 'Nodes']) # remove unused Nodes Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding further essential attributes Ret_Data.replace_length(compName='PipeSegments') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'lat', 'lat_mean', 'mean') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'long', 'long_mean', 'mean') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['Nodes'], '', 'exact', 'const', 1) Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], '', 'is_H_gas', 'const', 1) Ret_Data.SourceName = [C_Code] return Ret_Data
def join_PipeLine_Meta(Elemente, Meta_Elemente, Meta_Namen, Meta_Typen, Method_Name): """ Function to join elements (**Elemente**) with meta data of elements **Meta_Elemente**. \n.. comments: Input: Elemente: Gas Netzwerk elements (topological information) Meta_Elemente: Information from Meta data for PipeLines Meta_Namen: Variable names of Meta_Elemente Meta_Typen: List of strings indicating the type of data Method_Name: List of strings, containing indicator if column is to be stored in Param dict Return: Elemente: Gas Netzwerk elements linked to the Meta data. """ # Initializierung von Variabeln Meta_comp_ids = M_Helfer.get_attribFromList(Meta_Elemente, 'comp_id') countEle = 0 posKeep = [] try: for ele in Elemente: dieserWert = ele.param['meta_id'] pos = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList(dieserWert, Meta_comp_ids) if len(pos) > 0: posKeep.append(countEle) for idx, metName in enumerate(Meta_Namen): if metName != 'comp_id' and metName != 'id': if len(Method_Name[idx]) > 0: Elemente[countEle].param.update({ metName: getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName) }) else: setattr(Elemente[countEle], metName, getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName)) countEle = countEle + 1 Temp = K_Netze.NetComp() Temp.Temp = Elemente Temp.select_byPos('Temp', posKeep) Elemente = Temp.Temp except: print("ERROR: M_Verknuepfe.join_Component_Meta") raise return Elemente
def leseSQL_Punkte(InfoSQL, TabellenName): """ Liest Punkte Tabellen from SQL data base Eingabe: InfoSQL Strukture von SQL DatenBank Zuganz Daten TabellenName String, von TabellenNamen, via InfoSQL[TabellenName] !! Ausgabe: Punkte Liste von Punkten von Klasse NetzKlassen.Nodes() """ Punkte = [] # Ueberpruefe das Tabelle in DataBank ist AlleTabellenNamen = getAllTableNames(InfoSQL) Name = InfoSQL['IO'][TabellenName] if len(M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList(Name, AlleTabellenNamen)): con = connect(dbname = InfoSQL['IO']["DataBAseName"], user = InfoSQL['IO']["User"], host = InfoSQL['IO']["Host"], port = int(InfoSQL['IO']["Port"]), password = InfoSQL['IO']["PassWord"]) cur = con.cursor() CurString = "SELECT * FROM " + InfoSQL['IO'][TabellenName] cur.execute(CurString) TabPunkte = cur.fetchall() cur.close() con.close() count = 0 for tab in TabPunkte: id = tab[0] name = tab[1] lat = tab[5] long = tab[6] land = tab[4] Punkte.append(K_Netze.Nodes(id = id, name = name, lat = lat, long = long, country_code = land, comment = None, param = {})) count = count + 1 return Punkte
def read(NumDataSets=1e+100, requeYear='2000', RelDirName='Eingabe/GSE/', RelDirNameInter='Eingabe/InternetDaten/'): """ Reading in GIE data sets from API, with **DirName** indicating which directory to store data to, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read, and **requeYear** for which year to get data. **RelDirName** is relative path name of where CSV files can be found. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: number of data sets (default = 100000) requeYear: string containing year [####] for which data to be retrieved (default = '2000') RelDirName: string, containing dir name where GIE meta data (default = 'Eingabe/GSE/') Return: Ret_Data: Instance of K_Netze.NetComp class, with components Nodes and Storages populated. """ Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() Nodes = [] Storages = [] RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) # Reading Raw Data Storages = read_component('Storages', NumDataSets=NumDataSets, requeYear=requeYear, RelDirName=RelDirName) # Generation of additional components Nodes = gen_component('Nodes', Storages) # check this one Ret_Data.Nodes = Nodes Ret_Data.Storages = Storages if RelDirNameInter != None: Netz_Internet = K_Netze.NetComp() RelDirNameInter = Path(RelDirNameInter) Netz_Internet.Nodes = M_Internet.read_component( "Nodes", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirNameInter) [pos_match_Netz_0, pos_add_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1, pos_add_Netz_1] = JoinNetz.match( Netz_Internet, Ret_Data, compName='Nodes', threshold=80, multiSelect=True, funcs=lambda comp_0, comp_1: M_Matching. getMatch_Names_CountryCode(comp_0, comp_1, AddInWord=100), numFuncs=1) if len(pos_add_Netz_1) > 0: print('WARNING: ' + str(len(pos_add_Netz_1)) + ' from ' + str(len(Ret_Data.Storages)) + ' locations could not be GeoReferenced.') else: print('Comment: All locations were GeoReferenced.') Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'lat', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'lat', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'long', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'long', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_ParamVals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'exact', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'exact', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) # Adding lat long to all component elements Ret_Data.add_latLong() # Unit conversion Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_pipe2store_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_workingGas_TWh', 'max_workingGas_M_m3', replace=True) # Removing attributes Ret_Data.removeAttrib( 'Nodes', ['name_short', 'operator_name', 'start_year', 'status']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Nodes', [ 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_workingGas_TWh' ]) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Storages', [ 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_workingGas_TWh' ]) # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames=['Storages', 'Nodes']) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding SourceName Ret_Data.SourceName = ['GSE'] return Ret_Data
def read_component(DataType='LNGs', NumDataSets=100000, requeYear=[2000], DirName=None): """ Reading in GIE LNGs data sets from API, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read, and **requeYear** for which year to get data. **RelDirName** is the relative path name. \n.. comments: Input: DataType: string, containing the data type to read, otions are 'LNGs' or 'Storages' NumDataSets: (Optional = 100000) number of data sets requeYear: (Optional = [2000]) list of numbers containing year [####] for which data to be retrieved RelDirName: string, containing relative dir name where GIE meta data default = 'Eingabe/GIE/' Return: ReturnComponent Instance of Component (list of single type elements) """ # dealing with private key ReturnComponent = [] pathPrivKey = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Eingabe/GIE/GIE_PrivateKey.txt') if os.path.isfile(pathPrivKey) is False: print( 'ERROR: M_GIE.read_component: you will need to get a private key from the GIE API.' ) print('Please see documentation for help.') print('No data will be loaded') return ReturnComponent PrivKey = M_Helfer.getLineFromFile(pathPrivKey) if 'LNGs' in DataType: # Initialization webCall_1 = '' eic_code = '' count = 0 filename = str(DirName / 'GIE_LNG.csv') print(' LNGs progress:') # Reading Meta data from CSV file # connecting to CSV file fid = open(filename, "r", encoding='iso-8859-15', errors='ignore') # Reading header line fid.readline() # Reading next line temp = M_Helfer.strip_accents(fid.readline()[:-1]) while (len(temp) > 0) and (count < NumDataSets): typeval = temp.split(';')[1] if 'LSO' not in typeval: country_code = temp.split(';')[0] id = temp.split(';')[2] node_id = [id] source_id = [ID_Add + str(id)] facility_code = temp.split(';')[2] name = temp.split(';')[4] name_short = temp.split(';')[5] name_short = replaceString(name_short) ReturnComponent.append( K_Component.LNGs(name=name, id=id, node_id=node_id, source_id=source_id, country_code=country_code, lat=None, long=None, param={ 'facility_code': facility_code, 'name_short': name_short, 'eic_code': eic_code })) count = count + 1 else: eic_code = temp.split(';')[2] # Reading next line temp = M_Helfer.strip_accents(fid.readline()[:-1]) # Creation of a Pool Manager http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where()) # Reading for all created storages the data off the web page #maxSets = min([len(ReturnComponent), NumDataSets]) maxSets = len(ReturnComponent) #for ii in range(96, 100): count = 0 for ii in range(maxSets): # Initialization workingLNGVolume = [] Store2PipeCap = [] # information from CSV file this_facility_code = ReturnComponent[ii].param['facility_code'] this_country_code = ReturnComponent[ii].country_code this_eic_code = ReturnComponent[ii].param['eic_code'] thisURL = webCall_1 + this_facility_code + '/' + this_country_code + '/' + this_eic_code # Get the data URLData = http.request('GET', thisURL, headers={'x-key': PrivKey}) # Convert the data into dict tables = [] try: tables = json.loads('UTF-8')) except: print('ERROR: M_GIE.read_component(LNGs): reading URL failed') return [] # checking that results coming back are ok if tables.__contains__('error'): print( 'GIE load_Storages: something wrong while getting Storage data from GIE' ) #, True) print(tables) # Data allowed to be parsed else: for tt in tables: # Disecting the input for year in requeYear: if (tt['dtmi'] != '-') and (str(year) in tt['gasDayStartedOn']): workingLNGVolume.append( float(tt['dtmi']) * 1000 ) # declared total maximum inventory 1000 m^3 LNG Store2PipeCap.append( float(tt['dtrs']) ) # declared total reference sendout GWh/d (sernd out capacity) # Remove wrong data points workingLNGVolume = M_Helfer.testData(workingLNGVolume, 'PercentAbsDiff', 4, 0) Store2PipeCap = M_Helfer.testData(Store2PipeCap, 'PercentAbsDiff', 4, 0) # Update screen with dot print('.', end='') # Deriving required values from time series ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'max_workingLNG_M_m3': M_MatLab.get_median(workingLNGVolume)[0] / 1000000 }) ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'median_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d': M_MatLab.get_median(Store2PipeCap)[0] }) ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d': M_MatLab.get_max(Store2PipeCap)[0] }) count = count + 1 if count > NumDataSets: print(' ') return ReturnComponent elif 'Storages' in DataType: # Initialization webCall_1 = '' eic_code = '' count = 0 print(' STORAGES progress:') filename = str(DirName / 'GIE_Storages.csv') # Reading Meta data from CSV file # connecting to CSV file fid = open(filename, "r", encoding="iso-8859-15", errors="surrogateescape") # Reading hearder line fid.readline() # Reading next line temp = M_Helfer.strip_accents(fid.readline()[:-1]) while (len(temp) > 0) and (count < NumDataSets): typeval = temp.split(';')[1] if 'Storage Facility' in typeval: country_code = temp.split(';')[0] id = temp.split(';')[2] node_id = [id] source_id = [ID_Add + str(id)] facility_code = temp.split(';')[2] name = temp.split(';')[4] name_short = temp.split(';')[5] name_short = replaceString(name_short) name_short = name_short.replace(' ', '') name_short = name_short.strip() if 'OudeStatenzijl' in name_short: country_code = 'NL' elif 'KinsaleSouthwest' in name_short: country_code = 'IRL' ReturnComponent.append( K_Component.Storages(name=name, id=id, node_id=node_id, lat=None, long=None, source_id=source_id, country_code=country_code, param={ 'facility_code': facility_code, 'eic_code': eic_code, 'name_short': name_short })) count = count + 1 else: eic_code = temp.split(';')[2] # Reading next line temp = M_Helfer.strip_accents(fid.readline()[:-1]) # Creation of a Pool Manager http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where()) # Reading for all created storages the data off the web page maxSets = min([len(ReturnComponent), NumDataSets]) count = 0 keepPos = [] for ii in range(maxSets): # Initialization max_workingGas_M_m3 = [] Store2PipeCap = [] Pipe2StoreCap1 = [] # information from CSV file this_facility_code = ReturnComponent[ii].param['facility_code'] this_country_code = ReturnComponent[ii].country_code this_eic_code = ReturnComponent[ii].param['eic_code'] thisURL = webCall_1 + this_facility_code + '/' + this_country_code + '/' + this_eic_code # Get the data URLData = http.request('GET', thisURL, headers={'x-key': PrivKey}) # Convert the data into dict tables = [] try: tables = json.loads('UTF-8')) # checking that results coming back are ok if tables.__contains__('error'): print( 'GIE load_Storages: something wrong while getting Storage data from GIE', True) # Data allowed to be parsed else: # print('len(tables[connectionpoints]) ' + str(len(tables['connectionpoints']))) for tt in tables: # Disecting the input for year in requeYear: if (tt['gasInStorage'] != '-') and ( str(year) in tt['gasDayStartedOn']): max_workingGas_M_m3.append( float(tt['workingGasVolume'])) Store2PipeCap.append( float(tt['injectionCapacity'])) Pipe2StoreCap1.append( float(tt['withdrawalCapacity'])) # Remove wrong data sets max_workingGas_M_m3 = M_Helfer.testData( max_workingGas_M_m3, 'PercentAbsDiff', 4, 0) Store2PipeCap = M_Helfer.testData(Store2PipeCap, 'PercentAbsDiff', 4, 0) Pipe2StoreCap = M_Helfer.testData(Pipe2StoreCap1, 'PercentAbsDiff', 4, 0) # Deriving required values from time series # wert, _ = ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'max_workingGas_M_m3': M_MatLab.get_max(max_workingGas_M_m3)[0] }) ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d': M_MatLab.get_max(Store2PipeCap)[0] }) ReturnComponent[ii].param.update({ 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d': M_MatLab.get_max(Pipe2StoreCap)[0] }) if math.isnan(ReturnComponent[ii]. param['max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d']): ReturnComponent[ii].param[ 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d'] = None if math.isnan(ReturnComponent[ii]. param['max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d']): ReturnComponent[ii].param[ 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d'] = None if math.isnan( ReturnComponent[ii].param['max_workingGas_M_m3']): ReturnComponent[ii].param['max_workingGas_M_m3'] = None # Update screen with dot print('.', end='') keepPos.append(ii) count = count + 1 if count > NumDataSets: # Dealing with bad elemebtsm that did not return any URL results tempNetz = K_Netze.NetComp() tempNetz.Storages = ReturnComponent tempNetz.select_byPos('Storages', keepPos) ReturnComponent = tempNetz.Storages print(' ') return ReturnComponent except: print( 'Warning: M_GIE.read_component(Storages): reading URL failed' ) print(' for ', thisURL) # Dealing with bad elemebtsm that did not return any URL results tempNetz = K_Netze.NetComp() tempNetz.Storages = ReturnComponent tempNetz.select_byPos('Storages', keepPos) ReturnComponent = tempNetz.Storages print(' ') return ReturnComponent
def leseSQL_Leitungen(InfoSQL): """ Liest Leitungs Tabelle from SQL data base Eingabe: InfoSQL Strukture von SQL DatenBank Zuganz Daten Ausgabe: Leitung Liste von Leitung der Klasse NetzKlassen.Leitung() """ Leitungen = [] con = connect(dbname = InfoSQL['IO']["DataBaseName"], user = InfoSQL['IO']["User"], host = InfoSQL['IO']["Host"], port = int(InfoSQL['IO']["Port"]), password = InfoSQL['IO']["PassWord"]) cur = con.cursor() CurString = "SELECT * FROM " + InfoSQL['IO']["TabName_Leitungen"] cur.execute(CurString) Leitungen = cur.fetchall() cur.close() con.close() # Initializieren von Variabeln countLeitung = 0 countLine = 0 MaxNum = len(Leitungen) Leitung = [] AlleAlleName = [] for ii in range(MaxNum): AlleAlleName.append(Leitungen[ii][2]) # while countLine < MaxNum: Leitung.append(K_Netze.Leitung()) dieserLeitungsName = Leitungen[countLine][2] # LeitungsNamen dieserPunktName = Leitungen[countLine][3] # LeitungsNamen Leitung[countLeitung].name = dieserLeitungsName Leitung[countLeitung].node_id = dieserPunktName # PunktNamen Leitung[countLeitung].param['description'] = Leitungen[countLine][6] #Leitung[countLeitung].__dict__ # dir(Leitung[countLeitung]) # Kreiert restliche list von LeitungsNamen allLeitungsNames = AlleAlleName[countLine+1:] pos = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList(dieserLeitungsName, allLeitungsNames) if len(pos) == 1: dieserPunktName = Leitungen[countLine + 1 + pos[0]][3] Leitung[countLeitung].node_id.append(dieserPunktName) elif len(pos) > 1: dieserPunktName = Leitungen[countLine + 1+ pos[len(pos) - 1]][3] pos = pos[0:len(pos)-1] for p in pos: Leitung[countLeitung].node_id.append(Leitungen[countLine + 1 + p][3]) Leitung[countLeitung].node_id.append(dieserPunktName) pos.append(0) else: print('Leitung defekt') countLeitung = countLeitung + 1 countLine = countLine + 1 + len(pos) return Leitung
def read(NumDataSets=100000, requeYear='2000', RelDirName='Eingabe/GIE/', RelDirNameInter='Eingabe/InternetDaten/'): """ Reading in GIE data sets from API, with **RelDirName** indicating which directory from where to load the data from, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read, and **requeYear** for which year to get data. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: number of data sets (default = 100000) requeYear: string containing year [####] for which data to be retrieved (default = '2000') RelDirName: string, of relative directory name where GIE meta data is loaded from RelDirNameInter: String of location of internet data so that Noders can be loaded from that and GIE stations been given letlong values from Internet data set. (default ='Eingabe/InternetDaten/') Return: Ret_Data: Instance of Netze class.""" RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() LNGs = [] Storages = [] # Reading Raw Data Storages = read_component('Storages', NumDataSets, requeYear, DirName=RelDirName) LNGs = read_component('LNGs', NumDataSets, requeYear, DirName=RelDirName) # Generation of additional components Nodes1 = gen_component('Nodes', LNGs) # check this one Nodes2 = gen_component('Nodes', Storages) # check this one Ret_Data.Nodes = Nodes1 + Nodes2 Ret_Data.LNGs = LNGs Ret_Data.Storages = Storages Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'max_workingLNG_M_m3', 'max_workingGas_M_m3') # Adding lat long if Netz_Internet supplied if RelDirNameInter != None: RelDirNameInter = Path(RelDirNameInter) Netz_Internet = K_Netze.NetComp() Netz_Internet.Nodes = M_Internet.read_component( "Nodes", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirNameInter) [pos_match_Netz_0, pos_add_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1, pos_add_Netz_1] = JoinNetz.match( Netz_Internet, Ret_Data, compName='Nodes', threshold=80, multiSelect=True, funcs=lambda comp_0, comp_1: M_Matching. getMatch_Names_CountryCode(comp_0, comp_1, AddInWord=100), numFuncs=1) if len(pos_add_Netz_1) > 0: print('WARNING: ' + str(len(pos_add_Netz_1)) + ' from ' + str(len(Ret_Data.Storages)) + ' locations could not be GeoReferenced.') Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'lat', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'lat', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'long', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'long', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_ParamVals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'exact', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'exact', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data.add_latLong() # Unit conversion Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'median_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'median_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'max_workingLNG_M_m3', 'max_workingGas_M_m3', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_pipe2store_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) # Removing attributes Ret_Data.removeAttrib('LNGs', [ 'median_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_workingLNG_M_m3' ]) Ret_Data.removeAttrib( 'Storages', ['max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d']) # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames=['LNGs', 'Storages', 'Nodes']) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding SourceName Ret_Data.SourceName = ['GIE'] return Ret_Data
def read(NumDataSets = 100000, RelDirName = 'Eingabe/LKD/'): """ Main function to load LKD data set from shape file. Relative location of data given through **RelDirName**. """ Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() Nodes = [] PipeSegments = [] Storages = [] Compressors = [] Productions = [] RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) # reading of raw data components PipeSegments = read_component('PipeSegments', NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName) # fix for Inf in PipeSegment for pp in PipeSegments: for xx in range(len( if str([xx]) == 'inf':[xx] = 52.3 pp.long[xx] = 5.4 Nodes = read_component('Nodes', NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName) Ret_Data.Nodes = Nodes # fixes for inf in data for nn in Nodes: if str( == 'inf': = 52.3 nn.long = 5.4 # Fixing country code problems Ret_Data = changeCountryCode(Ret_Data, RelDirName = 'Eingabe/LKD/LKD_CountryCodeChanges.csv') Nodes = Ret_Data.Nodes Productions = read_component('Productions', NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName) Storages = read_component('Storages', NumDataSets, RelDirName = RelDirName) # Fixing of PipeSegments and Nodes differences PipeSegments = fixPipeSegmentsNode(PipeSegments, Nodes) # Fixing some of the LKD pipe Segments Ret_Data.PipeSegments = PipeSegments Ret_Data.Nodes = Nodes PipeSegments = changePipeSegments(Ret_Data, RelDirName = 'Eingabe/LKD/LKD_NodeChanges.csv') Ret_Data.moveAttriVal(sourceCompName = 'Nodes', destinCompName = 'PipeSegments', sourceFindAttribName = 'id', destinFindAttribName = 'node_id', sourceAttribName = 'country_code', destinAttribName = 'country_code') Ret_Data.Nodes = M_Shape.reduceElement(Ret_Data.Nodes, reduceType = 'LatLong') # Generatin of other components Compressors = gen_component('Compressors', Ret_Data.Nodes) Ret_Data.Storages = Storages Ret_Data.Compressors = Compressors Ret_Data.Productions = Productions Ret_Data.PipeLines = [] # reduction of PipeSegments from 1809 --> 1261 Ret_Data.PipeSegments2PipeSegments(attribListNames = ['max_pressure_bar', 'gas_type_isH', 'diameter_mm', 'pipe_class_type'], exceptNodes = ['Haidach', 'N_805129']) # Adding lat long Ret_Data.add_latLong(CompNames = ['Storages', 'Compressors', 'Productions', 'PipeSegments']) # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames = ['Storages', 'Compressors', 'Productions', 'PipeSegments', 'Nodes']) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Unit Conversion Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_pipe2store_M_m3_per_d', replace = True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace = True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('PipeSegments', 'max_cap_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_M_m3_per_d', replace = True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Productions', 'max_production_GWh_per_d', 'max_production_M_m3_per_d', replace = True) # removing attributes Ret_Data.removeAttrib('PipeSegments', ['max_cap_GWh_per_d']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Storages', ['max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Nodes', ['compressor', 'ugs', 'production', 'comp_units']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Productions', ['max_production_GWh_per_d']) # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding further essential attributess Ret_Data.fill_length('PipeSegments') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'lat', 'lat_mean', 'mean') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'long', 'long_mean', 'mean') # Adding SourceName Ret_Data.SourceName = ['LKD'] return Ret_Data
def join_Component_Meta(Elemente, Meta_Elemente, Meta_Namen, Meta_Typen, Method_Name): """ Function to join elements (**Elemente**) with meta data of elements **Meta_Elemente**. \n.. comments: Input: Elemente: Gas Netzwerk elements (topological information) Meta_Elemente: Information of Meta data por pipelines Meta_Typen: Variable type of the different Meta_Elemente (e.g. text, real) Meta_Namen: Variabele namen of the Meta_Elemente Meta_Typen: List of strings indicating the type of data. Return: Elemente: Gas Netzwerk elements, linked with Meta daten. """ # Initializierung von Variabeln Meta_comp_ids = M_Helfer.get_attribFromList(Meta_Elemente, 'comp_id') countEle = 0 posKeep = [] posMeta = [] try: for ele in Elemente: countMet = 0 dieserWert = diserNodeID = ele.node_id pos = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList(dieserWert, Meta_comp_ids) if len(pos) > 0: posMeta.append(pos[0]) posKeep.append(countEle) for idx, metName in enumerate(Meta_Namen): if metName != 'comp_id' and metName != 'id': # Check if param if len(Method_Name[idx]) > 0: Elemente[countEle].param.update( { metName: getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName) } ) # setattr(Elemente[countEle], metName, getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName)) if getattr( Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName ) == None: # getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName) == None: Elemente[countEle].param.update( {metName: None} ) # setattr(Elemente[countEle], metName, None) # Non param else: setattr(Elemente[countEle], metName, getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName)) if getattr(Meta_Elemente[pos[0]], metName) == None: setattr(Elemente[countEle], metName, None) Elemente[countEle].node_id = diserNodeID Elemente[countEle].id = dieserWert countMet = countMet + 1 countEle = countEle + 1 Temp = K_Netze.NetComp() Temp.Temp = Elemente Temp.select_byPos('Temp', posKeep) Elemente = Temp.Temp except: print("ERROR: M_Verknuepfe.join_Component_Meta") raise return Elemente
def read(NumDataSets=100000, requeYear='', licenseType='', GasType='H', RelDirName='Eingabe/InternetDaten/'): """ Reading in Internet data sets from Internet specific CSV file, with **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read, and **requeYear** for which year to get data. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: (Optional = 100000) number of data sets requeYear: (Optional = '2010') string containing year [####] for which data is to be retrieved licenseType: (Optional = ''), string containing the kind of license that the data will be selected on GasType: (Optional = 'H') a character indicating either H or L gas. RelDirName: string, containing the relatie dir name where the Internet data can be loaded from. Return: Ret_Data: Element of K_Netze.NetComp() class, being the SciGRID_gas component data set class """ Filter = {"year": requeYear, "license": licenseType, "GasType": GasType} Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() MD = K_Component.MetaData() RelDirName = Path(RelDirName) # Reading Raw Data Ret_Data.Nodes = read_component("Nodes", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.BorderPoints = read_component("BorderPoints", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.Compressors = read_component("Compressors", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) #Ret_Data.Consumers = read_component("Consumers", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName = RelDirName) Ret_Data.EntryPoints = read_component("EntryPoints", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.InterConnectionPoints = read_component("InterConnectionPoints", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.LNGs = read_component("LNGs", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.Storages = read_component("Storages", NumDataSets, 0, RelDirName=RelDirName) Ret_Data.PipeLines = read_PipeLines(NumDataSets, RelDirName=RelDirName) # Meta Data [ MD.BorderPoints_Meta, MD.BorderPoints_Meta_Type, MD.BorderPoints_Meta_Name, MD.BorderPoints_methodName ] = read_Meta("BorderPoints", RelDirName=RelDirName) [ MD.Compressors_Meta, MD.Compressors_Meta_Type, MD.Compressors_Meta_Name, MD.Compressors_methodName ] = read_Meta("Compressors", RelDirName=RelDirName) [ MD.EntryPoints_Meta, MD.EntryPoints_Type, MD.EntryPoints_Meta_Name, MD.EntryPoints_methodName ] = read_Meta("EntryPoints", RelDirName=RelDirName) [MD.LNGs_Meta, MD.LNGs_Meta_Type, MD.LNGs_Meta_Name, MD.LNGs_methodName] = read_Meta("LNGs", RelDirName=RelDirName) [ MD.PipeLines_Meta, MD.PipeLines_Meta_Type, MD.PipeLines_Meta_Name, MD.PipePoints_methodName ] = read_Meta("PipePoints", RelDirName=RelDirName) [ MD.Storages_Meta, MD.Storages_Meta_Type, MD.Storages_Meta_Name, MD.Storages_methodName ] = read_Meta("Storages", RelDirName=RelDirName) [ MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta_Type, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta_Name, MD.InterConnectionPoints_methodName ] = read_Meta("InterConnectionPoints", RelDirName=RelDirName) # Filter of Data MD.BorderPoints_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.BorderPoints_Meta) MD.Compressors_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.Compressors_Meta) MD.EntryPoints_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.EntryPoints_Meta) MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten( Filter, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta) MD.LNGs_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.LNGs_Meta) MD.PipeLines_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.PipeLines_Meta) MD.Storages_Meta = M_Filter.filter_Daten(Filter, MD.Storages_Meta) # Part of joining elements. Ret_Data.BorderPoints = join_Component_Meta(Ret_Data.BorderPoints, MD.BorderPoints_Meta, MD.BorderPoints_Meta_Name, MD.BorderPoints_Meta_Type, MD.BorderPoints_methodName) Ret_Data.Compressors = join_Component_Meta(Ret_Data.Compressors, MD.Compressors_Meta, MD.Compressors_Meta_Name, MD.Compressors_Meta_Type, MD.Compressors_methodName) Ret_Data.EntryPoints = join_Component_Meta(Ret_Data.EntryPoints, MD.EntryPoints_Meta, MD.EntryPoints_Meta_Name, MD.EntryPoints_Type, MD.EntryPoints_methodName) Ret_Data.InterConnectionPoints = join_Component_Meta( Ret_Data.InterConnectionPoints, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta_Name, MD.InterConnectionPoints_Meta_Type, MD.InterConnectionPoints_methodName) Ret_Data.LNGs = join_Component_Meta(Ret_Data.LNGs, MD.LNGs_Meta, MD.LNGs_Meta_Name, MD.LNGs_Meta_Type, MD.LNGs_methodName) Ret_Data.Storages = join_Component_Meta(Ret_Data.Storages, MD.Storages_Meta, MD.Storages_Meta_Name, MD.Storages_Meta_Type, MD.Storages_methodName) Ret_Data.PipeLines = join_PipeLine_Meta(Ret_Data.PipeLines, MD.PipeLines_Meta, MD.PipeLines_Meta_Name, MD.PipeLines_Meta_Type, MD.PipePoints_methodName) # Creation of PipeSegments and PipePoints Ret_Data.PipeLines2PipeSegments() Ret_Data.PipeSegments2PipePoints() # Unit conversion Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'storage_LNG_Mt', 'max_workingGas_M_m3', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('LNGs', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_a', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Compressors', 'max_cap_M_m3_per_h', 'max_cap_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_pipe2store_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d', replace=True) Ret_Data.MoveUnits('Storages', 'max_workingGas_TWh', 'max_workingGas_M_m3', replace=True) # Removing attributes Ret_Data.removeAttrib('PipeSegments', ['meta_id']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('LNGs', ['storage_LNG_Mt', 'max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_a']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Compressors', ['max_cap_M_m3_per_h']) Ret_Data.removeAttrib('Storages', [ 'max_cap_pipe2store_GWh_per_d', 'max_cap_store2pipe_GWh_per_d', 'max_workingGas_TWh' ]) Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Leeres Gas Feld', 'Depleted Field') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Depleted gas field', 'Depleted Field') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Leeres ?l Feld', 'Depleted Field') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Leeres ?l/Gas Feld', 'Depleted Field') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Leeres Feld', 'Depleted Field') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Salz Kaverne', 'Salt cavern') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Stein Kaverne', 'Rock Cavern') Ret_Data.replaceAttribVal('Storages', 'store_type', 'Leeres ?l Feld mit Gas Haube', 'Depleted Field') # Adding lat long Ret_Data.add_latLong() # removing unwanted components Ret_Data.PipeLines = [] Ret_Data.PipePoints = [] # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding further essential attributess Ret_Data.fill_length('PipeSegments') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'lat', 'lat_mean', 'mean') Ret_Data.make_Attrib(['PipeSegments'], 'long', 'long_mean', 'mean') # Replacing any '' with None Ret_Data.replace_attrib(compNames=[], attribNames=[], attribValIn='', attribValOut=None) Ret_Data.replace_attrib(compNames=[], attribNames=[], attribValIn='True', attribValOut=1) Ret_Data.replace_attrib(compNames=[], attribNames=[], attribValIn='False', attribValOut=0) # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames=[ 'LNGs', 'Compressors', 'Storages', 'PipeSegments', 'EntryPoints', 'InterConnectionPoints', 'BorderPoints', 'Nodes' ]) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() Ret_Data.SourceName = ['InterNet'] return Ret_Data
def read(NumDataSets=100000, requeYear='2000', RelDirName='', RelDirNameInter='Eingabe/InternetDaten/'): """ Reading in GIE data sets from API, with **RelDirName** indicating which directory from where to load the data from, **NumDataSets** maximum number of records to read, and **requeYear** for which year to get data. \n.. comments: Input: NumDataSets: number of data sets (default = 100000) requeYear: string containing year [####] for which data to be retrieved (default = '2000') RelDirName: string, of relative directory name where GIE meta data is loaded from Return: Ret_Data: Data structure of components """ Ret_Data = K_Netze.NetComp() Storages = [] # Reading Raw Data Storages = read_component('Storages', NumDataSets, requeYear) # Generation of additional components Nodes = gen_component('Nodes', Storages) # check this one # Assigning data to output Struct Ret_Data.Nodes = Nodes Ret_Data.Storages = Storages # Adding lat long if Netz_Internet supplied if len(RelDirNameInter) > 0: RelDirNameInter = Path(RelDirNameInter) Netz_Internet = K_Netze.NetComp() Netz_Internet.Nodes = M_Internet.read_component( "Nodes", 1e+100, 0, RelDirName=RelDirNameInter) [pos_match_Netz_0, pos_add_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1, pos_add_Netz_1] = JoinNetz.match( Netz_Internet, Ret_Data, compName='Nodes', threshold=75, multiSelect=True, funcs=lambda comp_0, comp_1: M_Matching. getMatch_Names_CountryCode(comp_0, comp_1, AddInWord=100), numFuncs=1) if len(pos_add_Netz_1) > 0: print('WARNING: ' + str(len(pos_add_Netz_1)) + ' from ' + str(len(Ret_Data.Storages)) + ' locations could not be GeoReferenced.') else: print( 'Comment: All locations could were GeoReferenced.' ) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'lat', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'lat', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_Vals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'long', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'long', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data = M_Netze.copy_ParamVals(Netz_Internet, 'Nodes', 'exact', Ret_Data, 'Nodes', 'exact', pos_match_Netz_0, pos_match_Netz_1) Ret_Data.add_latLong() # Cleaning up node_id and nodes Ret_Data.merge_Nodes_Comps(compNames=['Storages', 'Nodes']) Ret_Data.remove_unUsedNodes() # Assuring that all elements of a component having same attributes, and # keeping track of origin of data Ret_Data.setup_SameAttribs([], None) # Adding SourceName Ret_Data.SourceName = ['IGU'] return Ret_Data
def read(RelDirName='Eingabe/CSV/', NumDataSets=1e+100, skiprows=[]): """Description: ------------ Reads Data from folder CSV_Path into Grid Grid = Instance of Netz Class Input Parameter: ---------------- RelDirName string containing path name of data location [default: 'Eingabe/CSV/'] NumDataSets Number of elements to be read for each component [default: 1e+100] skiprows number of rows to skip [default: []] Return Parameters: ------------------ Grid instance of class K_Netze.Netz, populated with data from CSV files """ # Dir name stuff DirName = Path.cwd() / RelDirName Grid = K_Netze.NetComp() FileList = K_Netze.NetComp().CompLabels() for key in FileList: count = 0 filename = 'Gas_' + key + '.csv' CSV_File = str(DirName / filename) # Z set to zero if file does not exist Z = CSV_2_list(CSV_File, skiprows=skiprows) if len(Z) > 0: for entry in Z: Keys = list(entry.keys()) Vals = list(entry.values()) for ii in range(len(Vals)): if Vals[ii] == 'None': Vals[ii] = None elif type(Vals[ii]) is float: if math.isnan(Vals[ii]): Vals[ii] = None else: try: Vals[ii] = float(Vals[ii]) except: pass pos_Id = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('id', Keys) pos_Name = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('name', Keys) pos_SId = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('source_id', Keys) pos_Node = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('node_id', Keys) pos_CC = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('country_code', Keys) pos_lat = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('lat', Keys) pos_long = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('long', Keys) pos_comm = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('comment', Keys) pos_para = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('param', Keys) pos_meth = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('method', Keys) pos_unce = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('uncertainty', Keys) pos_tags = M_FindPos.find_pos_StringInList('tags', Keys) del entry['id'] del entry['name'] del entry['source_id'] del entry['node_id'] del entry['country_code'] del entry['lat'] del entry['long'] del entry['comment'] del entry['param'] del entry['method'] del entry['uncertainty'] del entry['tags'] id = Vals[pos_Id[0]] name = Vals[pos_Name[0]] source_id = makeList(Vals[pos_SId[0]]) node_id = makeList(Vals[pos_Node[0]]) country_code = makeList(Vals[pos_CC[0]]) lat = Vals[pos_lat[0]] if isinstance(lat, str): lat = eval(lat) long = Vals[pos_long[0]] if isinstance(long, str): long = eval(long) comment = Vals[pos_comm[0]] param = eval(Vals[pos_para[0]].replace(': nan,', ': float(\'nan\'),')) method = eval(Vals[pos_meth[0]].replace( ': nan,', ': float(\'nan\'),')) uncertainty = eval(Vals[pos_unce[0]].replace( ': nan,', ': float(\'nan\'),')) tags = eval(Vals[pos_tags[0]].replace(': nan,', ': float(\'nan\'),')) Grid.__dict__[key].append(K_Component.__dict__[key]( id=id, name=name, source_id=source_id, node_id=node_id, country_code=country_code, param=param, lat=lat, long=long, method=method, uncertainty=uncertainty, tags=tags, comment=comment)) count = count + 1 if count >= NumDataSets: break else: Grid.__dict__[key] = [] return Grid
def Graph2Netz(G_Set_Sum): """ Creation of a Netz from a networkx network \n.. comments: Input: G_Set_Sum Network of type networkx Return: G_Netz Netz of type K_Netze.NetComp """ G_Netz = K_Netze.NetComp() Pipe = [] Nodes = [] for node in G_Set_Sum.nodes(): id = G_Set_Sum.node[node]['id'][0] lat = G_Set_Sum.node[node]['pos'][1] long = G_Set_Sum.node[node]['pos'][0] country_code = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum.node[node], 'country_code') param = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum.node[node], 'param', 'param') source_id = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum.node[node], 'source_id', id) node_id = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum.node[node], 'node_id', id) name = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum.node[node], 'name', id) Nodes.append( K_Component.Nodes(id=id, name=name, source_id=source_id, node_id=node_id, long=long, lat=lat, country_code=country_code, param=param)) G_Netz.Nodes = Nodes for edge in G_Set_Sum.edges(): for xx in range(len(G_Set_Sum[edge[0]][edge[1]])): id = G_Set_Sum[edge[0]][edge[1]][xx]['id'][0] latS = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[0]]['pos'][1] longS = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[0]]['pos'][0] latE = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[1]]['pos'][1] longE = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[1]]['pos'][0] country_codeS = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[0]]['country_code'] country_codeE = G_Set_Sum.node[edge[1]]['country_code'] param = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum[edge[0]][edge[1]][xx], 'param', 'param') source_id = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum[edge[0]][edge[1]][xx], 'source_id', id) node_id = [str(edge[0]), str(edge[1])] name = getAttrib(G_Set_Sum[edge[0]][edge[1]][xx], 'name', id) Pipe.append( K_Component.PipeSegments( id=id, name=name, source_id=source_id, node_id=node_id, long=[longS, longE], lat=[latS, latE], country_code=[country_codeS, country_codeE])) G_Netz.PipeSegments = Pipe return G_Netz