def applyImpulses(self):
     for b in self.orbitingBodies:
         collidedThisFrame = False
         for other in self.orbitingBodies:
             imp = Collision.getCollisionImpulse(b, other, self.elasticity)
             if (imp.x != 0 or imp.y != 0 or imp.z != 0): collidedThisFrame = True
             elif (imp.x == 123.4 and imp.y == 123.4 and imp.z == 123.4): collidedThisFrame = True
             else: b.addImpulse(imp)
         for other in self.playerBodies:
             if other != "empty":
                 imp = Collision.getCollisionImpulse(b, other, self.elasticity)
                 if (imp.x != 0 or imp.y != 0 or imp.z != 0): collidedThisFrame = True
                 elif (imp.x == 123.4 and imp.y == 123.4 and imp.z == 123.4): collidedThisFrame = True
                 else: b.addImpulse(imp)
         # Don't want to apply impulses multiple times
         if collidedThisFrame: b.colliding = True;
         else: b.colliding = False