Exemplo n.º 1
    def drawBoard(
        stdscr: Optional[curses.window] = None,  # type: ignore
        return_as_str: bool = False,
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        return_str: Optional[str] = None

        for y, row_data in enumerate(self.getBoard()):
            for x, entities in enumerate(row_data):
                if len(entities) > 1:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Got to draw step without clearing out multi-entity cells. Should have been cleared by collision handlers"
                entity = entities[0] if len(entities) == 1 else None
                if entity is not None:
                    if return_as_str:
                        if return_str is None:
                            return_str = ""
                        return_str += entity.symbol
                    elif stdscr is not None:  # Redundant but type checking purposes
                        stdscr.addch(y, x, entity.symbol,
                    if return_as_str:
                        if return_str is None:
                            return_str = ""
                        return_str += " "
                    elif stdscr is not None:
                        stdscr.addch(y, x, " ")
            if return_str is not None:
                return_str += "\n"

        return return_str