def launchFit(sensorName, cmdPath, workingDirectory, outDirectory, outGridPath, outputGrid_tileNameField, outPixRes, outputProjection, interpolator, inputGrid_tileNameField, inputGRID, arboMask, masksInitValues, masksPatterns, arboRaster, rasterInitValue, rasterPatterns, TileFolder): createOutGrid(TileFolder, rasterPatterns[0], outputProjection, outputGrid_tileNameField, outGridPath) intersections = getIntersections(inputGRID, outGridPath, inputGrid_tileNameField, outputGrid_tileNameField) allCmd = [] for refTile, tiles in intersections: outFolder_tile = outDirectory + "/" + refTile if not os.path.exists(outFolder_tile): os.mkdir(outFolder_tile) minX_ref, maxX_ref, minY_ref, maxY_ref = getTileEnvelope( inputGRID, inputGrid_tileNameField, refTile) for currentTile in tiles: datas, dates = getAllDatasByDate(currentTile, rasterPatterns, masksPatterns, arboRaster, arboMask, TileFolder, rasterInitValue, masksInitValues) for currentDatas, currentDate in zip(datas, dates): outFolderDate = outFolder_tile + "/" + sensorName + "_" + refTile + "_" + currentDate + "_" + currentTile outFolderDateMask = outFolderDate + "/MASKS" if not os.path.exists(outFolderDate): os.mkdir(outFolderDate) os.mkdir(outFolderDateMask) for currentRaster in currentDatas: folder = outFolderDate print currentRaster if checkMaskFromRaster(currentRaster[0], masksPatterns): folder = outFolderDateMask outFolder = folder if workingDirectory: folder = workingDirectory + "/" outName = currentRaster[0].split("/")[-1].replace( currentTile, refTile).replace(".tif", "_" + currentTile + ".tif") out = folder + "/" + outName cmd = "gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:" + outputProjection + " -wo INIT_DEST=" + currentRaster[ 1] + " -te " + str(minX_ref) + " " + str( minY_ref ) + " " + str(maxX_ref) + " " + str( maxY_ref ) + " -tr " + outPixRes + " -" + outPixRes + " -r " + interpolator + " " + currentRaster[ 0] + " " + out if not os.path.exists(outFolder + "/" + outName): allCmd.append(cmd) run(cmd) if workingDirectory: shutil.copy(out, outFolder + "/" + outName) os.remove(out) fu.writeCmds(cmdPath, allCmd)
def createRegionsByTiles(shapeRegion, field_Region, pathToEnv, pathOut, pathWd, logger_=logger): """ create a shapeFile into tile's envelope for each regions in shapeRegion and for each tiles IN : - shapeRegion : the shape which contains all regions - field_Region : the field into the region's shape which describes each tile belong to which model - pathToEnv : path to the tile's envelope with priority - pathOut : path to store all resulting shapeFile - pathWd : path to working directory (not mandatory, due to cluster's architecture default = None) """ pathName = pathWd if pathWd == None: #sequential case pathName = pathOut #getAllTiles AllTiles = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathToEnv, True, ".shp") regionList = fu.getFieldElement(shapeRegion, "ESRI Shapefile", field_Region, "unique") shpRegionList = splitVectorLayer(shapeRegion, field_Region, "int", regionList, pathName) AllClip = [] for shp in shpRegionList: for tile in AllTiles:"Extract %s in %s", shp, tile) pathToClip = fu.ClipVectorData(shp, tile, pathName) AllClip.append(pathToClip) if pathWd: for clip in AllClip: cmd = "cp " + clip.replace(".shp", "*") + " " + pathOut run(cmd) else: for shp in shpRegionList: path = shp.replace(".shp", "") os.remove(path + ".shp") os.remove(path + ".shx") os.remove(path + ".dbf") os.remove(path + ".prj") return AllClip
def splitVectorLayer(shp_in, attribute, attribute_type, field_vals, pathOut): """ Split a vector layer in function of its attribute ARGs: INPUT: - shp_in: input shapefile - attribute: attribute to look for - attribute_type: attribute type which could be "string" or "int" OUTPUT - shp_out_list: list of shapefile names """ short_shp_in = shp_in.split('.') shp_out_list = [] name = shp_in.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] if attribute_type == "string": for val in field_vals: if val != "None": shp_out = pathOut + "/" + name + "_region_" + str(val) + ".shp" if (not os.path.isfile(shp_out)): cmd = "ogr2ogr " cmd += "-where '" + attribute + ' = "' + val + '"' + "' " cmd += shp_out + " " cmd += shp_in + " " run(cmd) shp_out_list.append(shp_out) elif attribute_type == "int": for val in field_vals: shp_out = pathOut + "/" + name + "_region_" + str(val) + ".shp" if (not os.path.isfile(shp_out)): cmd = "ogr2ogr " cmd += "-where '" + attribute + " = " + str(val) + "' " cmd += shp_out + " " cmd += shp_in + " " run(cmd) shp_out_list.append(shp_out) else: raise Exception("Error for attribute_type ", attribute_type, '! Should be "string" or "int"') return shp_out_list
def generateRaster(raster_path, features_path, driver, field, valField, output, epsg): """ """ driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver) features = driver.Open(features_path, 0) if features is None: raise Exception("Could not open " + features_path) lyr = features.GetLayer() allGeom = getAllGeom(lyr, field, valField) minX, maxX, minY, maxY = getBBox(raster_path, allGeom) layerName = features_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] fieldType = getFieldType(lyr, field) sep = "" if not isinstance(fieldType, int): sep = "'" valField = [ "(" + field + "=" + sep + currentValToKeep + sep + ")" for currentValToKeep in valField ] csql = " OR ".join(valField) sizeX, sizeY = getRasterResolution(raster_path) cmd = "gdalwarp -overwrite -t_srs EPSG:" + str(epsg) + " -tr " + str( sizeX ) + " " + str( sizeX ) + " -of GTiff -cl " + layerName + " -csql \"SELECT * FROM " + layerName + " WHERE (" + csql + ")\" -ot Byte -te " + str( minX ) + " " + str(minY) + " " + str(maxX) + " " + str( maxY ) + " -cutline " + features_path + " -crop_to_cutline " + raster_path + " " + output run(cmd) ds = gdal.Open(output, GA_Update) proj = ds.GetProjection() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() gt2 = (minX, sizeX, gt[2], maxY, gt[4], sizeY) ds.SetGeoTransform(gt2)
def launchFit(noDataM, noDataR, tileFolder, currentTile, sensorName, S2Folder, S2Bands, masks): S2Bands = S2Bands+masks noDataM = dict(list(zip(masks, noDataM))) try: workingDirectory = os.environ["TMPDIR"] except: workingDirectory = None content = os.listdir(tileFolder) AllCmd = [] if os.path.isdir(tileFolder+"/"+currentTile): folder = tileFolder+"/"+currentTile sameDateFolder = getTileSameDate(folder) for currentSameDate in sameDateFolder: buf = [] cpt = 0 for currentBand in S2Bands: print("Current Band : "+currentBand) buf.append([]) AllTiles = [] for currentFolder in currentSameDate: print(currentFolder) path = FileSearch_fast(currentFolder, True, currentBand, ".tif") tile = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].replace(".tif", "") X, Y, inEPSG = getTileOrigin(tile, S2Folder) X_conv, Y_conv = converCoord((X, Y), inEPSG, 2154) buf[cpt].append((path, X_conv, Y_conv)) t = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].replace(".tif", "")# -> origin tile name in raster to fit currentDate = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split("-")[0]#-> current date in raster to fit currentDestTile = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[3]#destination tile Name in raster name if t not in AllTiles: AllTiles.append(t) outFolder = tileFolder+"/"+currentDestTile+"/"+sensorName+"_"+currentDestTile+"_"+currentDate+"_"+"_".join(AllTiles) initVal = noDataR if currentBand in masks: outFolder = outFolder+"/MASKS" initVal = noDataM[currentBand] outName = "_".join(buf[cpt][0][0].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0:-1])+"_"+"_".join(AllTiles)+".tif" #case 2 acquisitions same day -> remove hours information tmp = [] tmpList = outName.split("_") for i in range(len(tmpList)): if i != rasterPosDate: tmp.append(tmpList[i]) else: tmp.append(currentDate) outName = "_".join(tmp) ############################# if not os.path.exists(outFolder): os.mkdir(outFolder) priorityPaths = " ".join([currentPath for currentPath, X, Y in sortTiles(buf[cpt])]) if not os.path.exists(outFolder+"/"+outName): workingFolder = outFolder if workingDirectory: workingFolder = workingDirectory cmd = " -init "+str(initVal)+" -n "+str(initVal)+" -o "+workingFolder+"/"+outName+" "+priorityPaths cmd2 = " -init "+str(initVal)+" -n "+str(initVal)+" -o "+workingFolder+"/"+outName+" "+priorityPaths+" | "+outFolder+"/"+outName AllCmd.append(cmd) addLineToFile(cmdPath, cmd2) run(cmd) if workingDirectory: shutil.copy(workingFolder+"/"+outName, outFolder+"/"+outName) os.remove(workingFolder+"/"+outName) cpt += 1
def mosaicFromShape(rasters, shape, rasterOut, workingDir=None): """ usage : from a shape clip rasters and mosaic them (upper left priority). IN rasters [list of string] : path to rasters shape [string] : vector pathg rasterOut [string] : output path workingDir [string] OUT """ #sort input raster by origin (upperLeft) rasters_p = sorted([(raster, fut.getRasterExtent(raster)) for raster in rasters], key=upperLeft)[::-1] outputDirectory = os.path.split(rasterOut)[0] wDir = outputDirectory tmp_files_vec = [] tmp_files_raster = [] if workingDir: wDir = workingDir for raster, coordinates in rasters_p: rasterName = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(raster)[-1])[0] raster_footPrint = os.path.join(wDir, rasterName + ".shp") if os.path.exists(raster_footPrint): while os.path.exists(raster_footPrint): raster_footPrint = raster_footPrint.replace( ".shp", "_" + str(random.randint(1, 1000)) + ".shp") #raster footPrint genRasterEnvelope(raster, raster_footPrint) tmp_files_vec.append(raster_footPrint) clip = raster_footPrint.replace(".shp", "_Clip.shp") clip_raster = raster_footPrint.replace(".shp", "_Clip.tif") inter = genIntersectionShape(raster_footPrint, shape, clip) cmd = "gdalwarp -crop_to_cutline -cutline " + clip + " " + raster + " " + clip_raster run(cmd) tmp_files_raster.append(clip_raster) tmp_files_vec.append(clip) #mosaic using, the last image will be copied over earlier ones rasters_clip = " ".join(tmp_files_raster[::-1]) cmd = " -o " + rasterOut + " -n 0 " + rasters_clip run(cmd) #clean tmp files for vec in tmp_files_vec: fut.removeShape(vec.replace(".shp", ""), [".prj", ".shp", ".dbf", ".shx"]) for img in tmp_files_raster: os.remove(img) if workingDir: shutil.copy(rasterOut, outputDirectory)