def mot_motion_model_generation(Trk=None,

    if 'Forward' == type_:
        Y = lists2array(Trk.state, 4)
        X = np.array([0] * 4)
        X = X[:, np.newaxis]
        X[0, :] = Y[0, 0]
        X[2, :] = Y[1, 0]
        Y = np.delete(Y, [2, 3], 0)
        Yr = Y
        if 'Backward' == type_:
            Y = lists2array(Trk.state, 4)
            X = np.array([0] * 4)
            X = X[:, np.newaxis]
            X[0, :] = Y[0, -1]
            X[2, :] = Y[1, -1]
            Y = np.delete(Y, [2, 3], 0)
            Yr = Y[:, ::-1]

    XX, PP = km_state_est(X, Yr, param)

    return XX, PP
Exemplo n.º 2
def mot_motion_model_generation_for_search(head1_state, head2_state, param):

    FMotion = F_Motion()
    FMotion_wh = F_Motion()
    states = []
    Y = lists2array(states, 4)
    X = np.array([0] * 4)
    X = X[:, np.newaxis]
    X[0, :] = Y[0, 0]
    X[2, :] = Y[1, 0]
    Y = np.delete(Y, [2, 3], 0)
    Yr = Y
    XX, PP = km_state_est(X, Yr, param)
    FMotion.X = XX
    FMotion.P = PP

    if param.wh_predict == True:
        #for w and h
        Y = lists2array(states, 4)
        X = np.array([0] * 4)
        X = X[:, np.newaxis]
        X[0, :] = Y[2, 0]
        X[2, :] = Y[3, 0]
        Y = np.delete(Y, [0, 1], 0)
        Yr = Y
        XX, PP = km_state_est(X, Yr, param)
        FMotion_wh.X = XX
        FMotion_wh.P = PP

    return FMotion, FMotion_wh
Exemplo n.º 3
def draw_frame(img_url, save_url, img_name, fr_detections, xy_center=False):
    fr_detections = lists2array(fr_detections, 7)
    fr_detections = np.swapaxes(fr_detections, 0, 1)
    if xy_center:
        fr_detections[:, 2] = fr_detections[:, 2] - fr_detections[:, 4] / 2
        fr_detections[:, 3] = fr_detections[:, 3] - fr_detections[:, 5] / 2
    img = cv2.imread(img_url + "/" + img_name)  #read image
    for detection in fr_detections:  #iterate detections in this frame
        ####draw the bbx on image
        x1 = int(detection[2])
        y1 = int(detection[3])
        x2 = int(detection[2] + detection[4])
        y2 = int(detection[3] + detection[5])
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2),
                      (128 + 96 * (-detection[6]), 0, 128 + 96 *
                       (detection[6])), 4)
                    (int(detection[2] + detection[4] / 2 - 30),
                     int(detection[3] + detection[5] / 2 + 25)),
                    1.2, (0, 255, 0),
    cv2.imwrite(save_url + '/' + "tracked" + img_name, img)