Exemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, session, parent):
		Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent)
		self["selected"] = StaticText("ViX:" + about.getImageVersionString())

		AboutText = ""
		model = None

		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			model = "Vu+ Uno"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			model = "Vu+ Ultimo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			model = "Vu+ Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			model = "Vu+ Solo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			model = "Vu+ Duo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			model = "Vu+ Duo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET5x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET6x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET9x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			model = "Odin M9"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800 Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800SE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800UE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			model = "GigaBlue HD Quad"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			model = "Venton Unibox HDx"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			model = "Ixuss One"
			model = getBoxType()

		if model:
			AboutText += _("Model: %s") % model + "\n"

		if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'):
			chipset = open('/proc/stb/info/chipset', 'r').read()
			AboutText += _("Chipset: BCM%s") % chipset.replace('\n','') + "\n"

		AboutText += _("Kernel: %s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Drivers: %s") % about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Version: %s") % about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Build: %s") % about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Last update: %s") % about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature: %s") % tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		self["AboutText"] = StaticText(AboutText)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("Virtuosso Image Xtreme"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By Team ViX"))
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET5x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET6x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odin':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.odin-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin\n"
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType() + "\n"

		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		self["DriversVersion"] = StaticText(_("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString())
		AboutText += _("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		AboutText += _("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		self["BuildVersion"] = StaticText(_("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString())
		AboutText += _("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"
		self["FPVersion"] = StaticText(fp_version)

		self["TranslationHeader"] = StaticText(_("Translation:"))
		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		self["TranslatorName"] = StaticText(translator_name)
		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"

		self["TranslationInfo"] = StaticText(info)
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)
Exemplo n.º 3
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("Virtuosso Image Xtreme"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By Team ViX"))
		model = None
		AboutText = ""
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Uno"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Ultimo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Solo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Duo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Duo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET5x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET6x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET9x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.odin-support.co.uk")
			model = "Odin M9"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800 Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800SE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800UE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD Quad"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "Venton Unibox HDx"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "Ixuss One"			
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = getBoxType()

		if model:
			AboutText += _("Model: %s") % model + "\n"

		if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'):
			chipset = open('/proc/stb/info/chipset', 'r').read()
			AboutText += _("Chipset: BCM%s") % chipset.replace('\n','') + "\n"

		AboutText += _("Kernel: %s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Drivers: %s") % about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		# self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		# AboutText += _("Image: %s") % about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Version: %s") % about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Build: %s") % about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Last update: %s") % about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature: %s") % tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("openAAF"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By AAF Image Team"))
		self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.aaf-digital.info")
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo 2")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo 2\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo 2")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo 2\n"			
		elif getBoxType() == 'et4x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET4x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET4x00 Series\n"	
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET5x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET6x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M9")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin M9\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm7':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M7")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin M7\n"			
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SOLO")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SOLO\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SE")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SE\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800UE")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800UE\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD QUAD")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD Quad\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Venton Unibox HDx")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Venton Unibox HDx\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Ixuss One")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Ixuss One\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'xp1000':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " MK Digital")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " XP1000\n"			
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType() + "\n"

		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		self["DriversVersion"] = StaticText(_("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString())
		AboutText += _("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		AboutText += _("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		self["BuildVersion"] = StaticText(_("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getEnigmaVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Last update:") + " " + about.getEnigmaVersionString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"
		self["FPVersion"] = StaticText(fp_version)

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature:") + " " + tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		self["TranslationHeader"] = StaticText(_("Translation:"))
		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		self["TranslatorName"] = StaticText(translator_name)
		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"

		self["TranslationInfo"] = StaticText(info)
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)