# Send the user a message via the xmlrpc dc private messaging system
            # Get the recipient usernames from the incoming args
            #recipient_usernames = dc_username

            # set subject and body 
            message_file = open(success_message_filename)
            subject = message_file.readline()
            body = message_file.read()

            # Send the xmlrpc message

                # If user input from the config does not have a trailing slash, add one for them
                if(config.xmlrpc_host[-1] != '/'):
                    config.xmlrpc_host = config.xmlrpc_host + '/'

                dc = Server(config.xmlrpc_host + 'xmlrpc/')
                send_result = dc.send_message('Crypto_Engine', config.crypto_engine_password, keypair['notification_recipient'], subject, body)

                if send_result[0] == '0':
                    error = 1
                    status = "Hey dumbfuck, I couldn't send the message because CE user can't login. Make sure the password is set in the cong/site_config.ini file."
                    log.write(status + '\n')

                    status = 'OK: Distributed City Private Message regarding Keygeneration Completion sent to user: '******'notification_recipient']
                    log.write(status + '\n')