Exemplo n.º 1
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

# Event Data Svc
from Configurables import K4DataSvc
dsvc = K4DataSvc("EventDataSvc", input="you_input.root")
from Configurables import PodioInput  ## set the input collection data
podioinput = PodioInput("PodioReader",
                        collections=["MCParticle", "ECALBarrel"])
from Configurables import GearSvc
gearSvc = GearSvc("GearSvc")
gearSvc.GearXMLFile = "../Pandora/FullDetGear.xml"
from Configurables import PandoraPFAlg

pandoralg = PandoraPFAlg("PandoraPFAlg")
## KEEP same with lcioinput name for the ReadXXX ###########
pandoralg.ReadMCParticle = "MCParticle"
pandoralg.ReadECALBarrel = "ECALBarrel"
pandoralg.ReadECALEndcap = "ECALEndcap"
pandoralg.ReadECALOther = "ECALOther"
pandoralg.ReadHCALBarrel = "HCALBarrel"
pandoralg.ReadHCALEndcap = "HCALEndcap"
pandoralg.ReadHCALOther = "HCALOther"
pandoralg.ReadMUON = "MUON"
pandoralg.ReadLCAL = "LCAL"
pandoralg.ReadLHCAL = "LHCAL"
Exemplo n.º 2
from Configurables import GearSvc
gearSvc = GearSvc("GearSvc")
gearSvc.GearXMLFile = "Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/FullDetGear.xml"
from Configurables import NTupleSvc
ntsvc = NTupleSvc("NTupleSvc")
ntsvc.Output = ["MyTuples DATAFILE='LCIO_Pan_ana.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'"]
from Configurables import PandoraPFAlg

pandoralg = PandoraPFAlg("PandoraPFAlg")
pandoralg.debug = False
pandoralg.use_dd4hep_geo = False
pandoralg.use_dd4hep_decoder = False
pandoralg.use_preshower = False
pandoralg.WriteAna = True
pandoralg.collections = [
    "MCParticle:MCParticle", "CalorimeterHit:ECALBarrel",
Exemplo n.º 3
    "HCALBarrel": "CalorimeterHit",
    "HCALEndcap": "CalorimeterHit",
    "HCALOther": "CalorimeterHit",
    "MUON": "CalorimeterHit",
    "LCAL": "CalorimeterHit",
    "LHCAL": "CalorimeterHit",
    "BCAL": "CalorimeterHit",
    #"MarlinTrkTracks" : "Track"
    #"TPCCollection" : "SimTrackerHit",
    #"VXDCollection" : "SimTrackerHit"
from Configurables import GearSvc

gearSvc = GearSvc("GearSvc")
gearSvc.GearXMLFile = "/junofs/users/wxfang/CEPC/CEPCOFF/doSim/fullDet/GearOutput.xml"
from Configurables import PandoraPFAlg

pandoralg = PandoraPFAlg("PandoraPFAlg")
## KEEP same with lcioinput name for the ReadXXX ###########
pandoralg.ReadMCParticle = "MCParticle"
pandoralg.ReadECALBarrel = "ECALBarrel"
pandoralg.ReadECALEndcap = "ECALEndcap"
pandoralg.ReadECALOther = "ECALOther"
pandoralg.ReadHCALBarrel = "HCALBarrel"
pandoralg.ReadHCALEndcap = "HCALEndcap"
pandoralg.ReadHCALOther = "HCALOther"
pandoralg.ReadMUON = "MUON"
pandoralg.ReadLCAL = "LCAL"
pandoralg.ReadLHCAL = "LHCAL"