Exemplo n.º 1
def DD(autocorr, nthreads, binfile, X1, Y1, Z1, weights1=None, periodic=True,
       X2=None, Y2=None, Z2=None, weights2=None, verbose=False, boxsize=0.0,
       output_ravg=False, xbin_refine_factor=2, ybin_refine_factor=2,
       zbin_refine_factor=1, max_cells_per_dim=100,
       c_api_timer=False, isa=r'fastest', weight_type=None):
    Calculate the 3-D pair-counts corresponding to the real-space correlation
    function, :math:`\\xi(r)`.
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting pair counts are weighted.  The
    weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    .. note:: This module only returns pair counts and not the actual
       correlation function :math:`\\xi(r)`. See 
       :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_3d_counts_to_cf` for computing 
       for computing :math:`\\xi(r)` from the pair counts returned.


    autocorr: boolean, required
        Boolean flag for auto/cross-correlation. If autocorr is set to 1,
        then the second set of particle positions are not required.

    nthreads: integer
        The number of OpenMP threads to use. Has no effect if OpenMP was not
        enabled during library compilation.

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats
        For string input: filename specifying the ``r`` bins for
        ``DD``. The file should contain white-space separated values
        of (rmin, rmax)  for each ``r`` wanted. The bins need to be
        contiguous and sorted in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

        For array-like input: A sequence of ``r`` values that provides the
        bin-edges. For example,
        ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
        input specifying **14** (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0. This
        array does not need to be sorted.         
    X1/Y1/Z1: array_like, real (float/double)
        The array of X/Y/Z positions for the first set of points.
        Calculations are done in the precision of the supplied arrays.
    weights1: array_like, real (float/double), optional
        A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or (n_positions,).
        `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; results are returned
        in the `weightavg` field.  If only one of weights1 and weights2 is
        specified, the other will be set to uniform weights.

    periodic: boolean
       Boolean flag to indicate periodic boundary conditions.

    X2/Y2/Z2: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of XYZ positions for the second set of points. *Must* be the same
       precision as the X1/Y1/Z1 arrays. Only required when ``autocorr==0``.
    weights2: array-like, real (float/double), optional
        Same as weights1, but for the second set of positions

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    boxsize: double
        The side-length of the cube in the cosmological simulation.
        Present to facilitate exact calculations for periodic wrapping.
        If boxsize is not supplied, then the wrapping is done based on
        the maximum difference within each dimension of the X/Y/Z arrays.

    output_ravg: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to output the average ``r`` for each bin. Code will
       run slower if you set this flag. 

       Note: If you are calculating in single-precision, ``ravg`` will 
       suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. 
       If you need accurate ``ravg`` values, then pass in double precision 
       arrays for the particle positions.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (2,2,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime.

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.
    weight_type: string, optional
        The type of weighting to apply.  One of ["pair_product", None].  Default: None.


    results: Numpy structured array
       A numpy structured array containing [rmin, rmax, ravg, npairs, weightavg]
       for each radial bin specified in the ``binfile``. If ``output_ravg`` is
       not set, then ``ravg`` will be set to 0.0 for all bins; similarly for
       ``weightavg``. ``npairs`` contains the number of pairs in that bin and can
       be used to compute the actual :math:`\\xi(r)` by combining with (DR, RR) counts.

    api_time: float, optional
       Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time
       spent within the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.theory.DD import DD
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../theory/tests/", "bins")
    >>> N = 10000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> nthreads = 4
    >>> autocorr = 1
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> weights = np.ones_like(X)
    >>> results = DD(autocorr, nthreads, binfile, X, Y, Z, weights1=weights, weight_type='pair_product', output_ravg=True)
    >>> for r in results: print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10d} {4:10.6f}".
    ...                         format(r['rmin'], r['rmax'], r['ravg'],
    ...                         r['npairs'], r['weightavg'])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
      0.167536   0.238755   0.000000          0   0.000000
      0.238755   0.340251   0.000000          0   0.000000
      0.340251   0.484892   0.000000          0   0.000000
      0.484892   0.691021   0.000000          0   0.000000
      0.691021   0.984777   0.945372          2   1.000000
      0.984777   1.403410   1.340525         10   1.000000
      1.403410   2.000000   1.732968         36   1.000000
      2.000000   2.850200   2.558878         54   1.000000
      2.850200   4.061840   3.564959        208   1.000000
      4.061840   5.788530   4.999278        674   1.000000
      5.788530   8.249250   7.126673       2154   1.000000
      8.249250  11.756000  10.201834       5996   1.000000
     11.756000  16.753600  14.517830      17746   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.716017      50252   1.000000

        from Corrfunc._countpairs import countpairs as DD_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the 3-D "\
              "real-space pair counter."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights1 is not None:
        weights1 = np.atleast_1d(weights1)
    if weights2 is not None:
        weights2 = np.atleast_1d(weights2)
    if not autocorr:
        if X2 is None or Y2 is None or Z2 is None:
            msg = "Must pass valid arrays for X2/Y2/Z2 for "\
                  "computing cross-correlation"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        # If only one set of points has weights, set the other to uniform weights
        if weights1 is None and weights2 is not None:
            weights1 = np.ones_like(weights2)
        if weights2 is None and weights1 is not None:
            weights2 = np.ones_like(weights1)
    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(is_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2]):
        warn('One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.')
    X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2 = [convert_to_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2]]
    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights1', 'weights2', 'weight_type', 'X2', 'Y2', 'Z2']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    extn_results, api_time = DD_extn(autocorr, nthreads, rbinfile,
                                     X1, Y1, Z1,
                                     isa=integer_isa, **kwargs)
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'ravg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float)])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)
    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 2
def DDrppi_mocks(autocorr,
    Calculate the 2-D pair-counts corresponding to the projected correlation
    function, :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)`. Pairs which are separated by less
    than the ``rp`` bins (specified in ``binfile``) in the
    X-Y plane, and less than ``pimax`` in the Z-dimension are
    counted. The input positions are expected to be on-sky co-ordinates.
    This module is suitable for calculating correlation functions for mock
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting pair counts are weighted.  The
    weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    Returns a numpy structured array containing the pair counts for the
    specified bins.

    .. note:: that this module only returns pair counts and not the actual
       correlation function :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` or :math:`wp(r_p)`. See the
       utilities :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_3d_counts_to_cf` and
       :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_rp_pi_counts_to_wp` for computing 
       :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` and :math:`wp(r_p)` respectively from the 
       pair counts.


    autocorr : boolean, required
        Boolean flag for auto/cross-correlation. If autocorr is set to 1,
        then the second set of particle positions are not required.

    cosmology : integer, required
        Integer choice for setting cosmology. Valid values are 1->LasDamas
        cosmology and 2->Planck cosmology. If you need arbitrary cosmology,
        easiest way is to convert the ``CZ`` values into co-moving distance,
        based on your preferred cosmology. Set ``is_comoving_dist=True``, to
        indicate that the co-moving distance conversion has already been done.

                 1. LasDamas cosmology. :math:`\\Omega_m=0.25`, :math:`\\Omega_\Lambda=0.75`
                 2. Planck   cosmology. :math:`\\Omega_m=0.302`, :math:`\\Omega_\Lambda=0.698`

        To setup a new cosmology, add an entry to the function,
        ``init_cosmology`` in ``ROOT/utils/cosmology_params.c`` and re-install
        the entire package.

    nthreads : integer
        The number of OpenMP threads to use. Has no effect if OpenMP was not
        enabled during library compilation.

    pimax : double
        A double-precision value for the maximum separation along
        the Z-dimension. 

        Distances along the :math:`\\pi` direction are binned with unit
        depth. For instance, if ``pimax=40``, then 40 bins will be created
        along the ``pi`` direction. Only pairs with ``0 <= dz < pimax``
        are counted (no equality).

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats
        For string input: filename specifying the ``rp`` bins for
        ``DDrppi_mocks``. The file should contain white-space separated values
        of (rpmin, rpmax)  for each ``rp`` wanted. The bins need to be
        contiguous and sorted in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

        For array-like input: A sequence of ``rp`` values that provides the
        bin-edges. For example,
        ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
        input specifying **14** (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0. This
        array does not need to be sorted.         

    RA1 : array-like, real (float/double)
        The array of Right Ascensions for the first set of points. RA's
        are expected to be in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases
        where the RA's are in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply
        RA's in [0.0, 360.0].

        Calculations are done in the precision of the supplied arrays.

    DEC1 : array-like, real (float/double)
        Array of Declinations for the first set of points. DEC's are expected
        to be in the [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where
        the DEC's are in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply
        DEC's in [-90.0, 90.0].

        Must be of same precision type as RA1.

    CZ1 : array-like, real (float/double)
        Array of (Speed Of Light * Redshift) values for the first set of
        points. Code will try to detect cases where ``redshifts`` have been
        passed and multiply the entire array with the ``speed of light``.
        If is_comoving_dist is set, then ``CZ1`` is interpreted as the
        co-moving distance, rather than `cz`.
    weights1 : array_like, real (float/double), optional
        A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or (n_positions,).
        `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; results are returned
        in the `weightavg` field.  If only one of weights1 and weights2 is
        specified, the other will be set to uniform weights.

    RA2 : array-like, real (float/double)
        The array of Right Ascensions for the second set of points. RA's
        are expected to be in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases
        where the RA's are in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply
        RA's in [0.0, 360.0].

        Must be of same precision type as RA1/DEC1/CZ1.

    DEC2 : array-like, real (float/double)
        Array of Declinations for the second set of points. DEC's are expected
        to be in the [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where
        the DEC's are in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply
        DEC's in [-90.0, 90.0].

        Must be of same precision type as RA1/DEC1/CZ1.

    CZ2 : array-like, real (float/double)
        Array of (Speed Of Light * Redshift) values for the second set of
        points. Code will try to detect cases where ``redshifts`` have been
        passed and multiply the entire array with the ``speed of light``.

        If is_comoving_dist is set, then ``CZ2`` is interpreted as the
        co-moving distance, rather than `cz`.

        Must be of same precision type as RA1/DEC1/CZ1.
    weights2 : array-like, real (float/double), optional
        Same as weights1, but for the second set of positions

    is_comoving_dist : boolean (default false)
        Boolean flag to indicate that ``cz`` values have already been
        converted into co-moving distances. This flag allows arbitrary
        cosmologies to be used in ``Corrfunc``.

    verbose : boolean (default false)
        Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    output_rpavg : boolean (default false)
        Boolean flag to output the average ``rp`` for each bin. Code will
        run slower if you set this flag.
        If you are calculating in single-precision, ``rpavg`` will suffer
        suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. If 
        you need accurate ``rpavg`` values, then pass in double precision 
        arrays for the particle positions.
    fast_divide : boolean (default false)
        Boolean flag to replace the division in ``AVX`` implementation with an
        approximate reciprocal, followed by two Newton-Raphson steps. Improves
        runtime by ~15-20%. Loss of precision is at the 5-6th decimal place.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor : integer, default is (2,2,1); typically within [1-3]
        Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
        on runtime.

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
        Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
        cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rpmax`` is
        too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer : boolean (default false)
        Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
        to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa : string (default ``fastest``)
        Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
        options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

        Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
        set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
        ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code
        will revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be

        Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
        always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
        benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
        ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.
    weight_type : string, optional
        The type of weighting to apply.  One of ["pair_product", None].  Default: None.


    results : Numpy structured array

        A numpy structured array containing [rpmin, rpmax, rpavg, pimax, npairs, weightavg]
        for each radial bin specified in the ``binfile``. If ``output_ravg`` is
        not set, then ``rpavg`` will be set to 0.0 for all bins; similarly for
        ``weightavg``. ``npairs``
        contains the number of pairs in that bin and can be used to compute the
        actual :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` or :math:`wp(rp)` by combining with
        (DR, RR) counts.

    api_time : float, optional
        Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time
        spent within the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.mocks.DDrppi_mocks import DDrppi_mocks
    >>> import math
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../mocks/tests/", "bins")
    >>> N = 100000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> weights = np.ones_like(X)
    >>> CZ = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)
    >>> inv_cz = 1.0/CZ
    >>> X *= inv_cz
    >>> Y *= inv_cz
    >>> Z *= inv_cz
    >>> DEC = 90.0 - np.arccos(Z)*180.0/math.pi
    >>> RA = (np.arctan2(Y, X)*180.0/math.pi) + 180.0
    >>> autocorr = 1
    >>> cosmology = 1
    >>> nthreads = 2
    >>> pimax = 40.0
    >>> results = DDrppi_mocks(autocorr, cosmology, nthreads,
    ...                        pimax, binfile, RA, DEC, CZ,
    ...                        weights1=weights, weight_type='pair_product',
    ...                        output_rpavg=True, is_comoving_dist=True)
    >>> for r in results[519:]: print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10.1f}"
    ...                               " {4:10d} {5:10.6f}".format(r['rmin'], r['rmax'],
    ...                               r['rpavg'], r['pimax'], r['npairs'], r['weightavg']))
    ...                         # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     11.359969  16.852277  14.285169       40.0     104850   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.181246        1.0     274144   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.190844        2.0     272876   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183321        3.0     272294   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.188486        4.0     272506   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.170832        5.0     272100   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.165379        6.0     271788   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.175246        7.0     270040   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.187417        8.0     269492   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.172066        9.0     269682   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.182460       10.0     268266   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.170594       11.0     268744   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.178608       12.0     266820   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.187184       13.0     266510   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.184937       14.0     265484   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.180184       15.0     265258   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.191504       16.0     262952   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.187746       17.0     262602   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.189778       18.0     260206   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.188882       19.0     259410   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.185684       20.0     256806   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.194036       21.0     255574   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.184115       22.0     255406   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.178255       23.0     252394   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.184644       24.0     252220   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.187020       25.0     251668   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183827       26.0     249648   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183121       27.0     247160   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.180872       28.0     246238   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.185251       29.0     246030   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183488       30.0     242124   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.194538       31.0     242426   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.190702       32.0     239778   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.188985       33.0     239046   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.187092       34.0     237640   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.185515       35.0     236256   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.190278       36.0     233536   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183240       37.0     233274   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.183796       38.0     231628   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.200668       39.0     230378   1.000000
     16.852277  25.000000  21.181153       40.0     229006   1.000000

        from Corrfunc._countpairs_mocks import countpairs_rp_pi_mocks as\
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the on-sky"\
              "pair counter."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum, fix_ra_dec,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str

    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights1 is not None:
        weights1 = np.atleast_1d(weights1)
    if weights2 is not None:
        weights2 = np.atleast_1d(weights2)

    if not autocorr:
        if RA2 is None or DEC2 is None or CZ2 is None:
            msg = "Must pass valid arrays for RA2/DEC2/CZ2 for "\
                  "computing cross-correlation"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If only one set of points has weights, set the other to uniform weights
        if weights1 is None and weights2 is not None:
            weights1 = np.ones_like(weights2)
        if weights2 is None and weights1 is not None:
            weights2 = np.ones_like(weights1)

        RA2 = np.empty(1)
        DEC2 = np.empty(1)
        CZ2 = np.empty(1)

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(
            for arr in [RA1, DEC1, CZ1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, CZ2, weights2]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
    RA1, DEC1, CZ1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, CZ2, weights2 = [
        for arr in [RA1, DEC1, CZ1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, CZ2, weights2]

    fix_ra_dec(RA1, DEC1)
    if autocorr == 0:
        fix_ra_dec(RA2, DEC2)

    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights1', 'weights2', 'weight_type', 'RA2', 'DEC2', 'CZ2']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    extn_results, api_time = DDrppi_extn(autocorr,
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rpavg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'pimax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float)])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 3
def wp(boxsize,
    Function to compute the projected correlation function in a
    periodic cosmological box. Pairs which are separated by less
    than the ``rp`` bins (specified in ``binfile``) in the
    X-Y plane, and less than ``pimax`` in the Z-dimension are
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting correlation function
    is weighted.  The weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    .. note:: Pairs are double-counted. And if ``rpmin`` is set to
       0.0, then all the self-pairs (i'th particle with itself) are
       added to the first bin => minimum number of pairs in the first bin
       is the total number of particles.


    boxsize: double
       A double-precision value for the boxsize of the simulation
       in same units as the particle positions and the ``rp`` bins.

    pimax: double
       A double-precision value for the maximum separation along
       the Z-dimension. 

    .. note:: Only pairs with ``0 <= dz < pimax`` are counted (no equality).

    nthreads: integer
       Number of threads to use.

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats
       For string input: filename specifying the ``rp`` bins for
       ``DDrppi_mocks``. The file should contain white-space separated values
       of (rpmin, rpmax)  for each ``rp`` wanted. The bins do not need to be
       contiguous but must be in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

       For array-like input: A sequence of ``rp`` values that provides the
       bin-edges. For example,
       ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
       input, specifying 15 (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0. This
       array does not need to be sorted.

    X/Y/Z: arraytype, real (float/double)
       Particle positions in the 3 axes. Must be within [0, boxsize]
       and specified in the same units as ``rp_bins`` and boxsize. All
       3 arrays must be of the same floating-point type.

       Calculations will be done in the same precision as these arrays,
       i.e., calculations will be in floating point if XYZ are single
       precision arrays (C float type); or in double-precision if XYZ
       are double precision arrays (C double type).
    weights: array_like, real (float/double), optional
        A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or (n_positions,).
        `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; results are returned
        in the `weightavg` field.

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    output_rpavg: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to output the average ``rp`` for each bin. Code will
       run slower if you set this flag. 

    .. note:: If you are calculating in single-precision, ``rpavg`` will 
        suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. If 
        you need accurate ``rpavg`` values, then pass in double precision 
        arrays for the particle positions.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (2,2,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime.

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rpmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    c_cell_timer : boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent **per cell-pair** within the
       C libraries. A very detailed timer that stores information about the
       number of particles in each cell, the thread id that processed that
       cell-pair and the amount of time in nano-seconds taken to process that
       cell pair. This timer can be used to study the instruction set
       efficiency, and load-balancing of the code.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.
    weight_type: string, optional
         The type of weighting to apply.  One of ["pair_product", None].  Default: None.


    results: Numpy structured array
       A numpy structured array containing [rpmin, rpmax, rpavg, wp, npairs, weightavg]
       for each radial specified in the ``binfile``. If ``output_rpavg`` is not
       set then ``rpavg`` will be set to 0.0 for all bins; similarly for ``weightavg``.
       ``wp`` contains the projected correlation function while ``npairs`` contains the
       number of unique pairs in that bin.  If using weights, ``wp`` will be weighted
       while ``npairs`` will not be.
    api_time: float, optional
       Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time spent
       within the C library and ignores all python overhead.
    cell_time: list, optional
       Only returned if ``c_cell_timer`` is set. Contains
       detailed stats about each cell-pair visited during pair-counting,
       viz., number of particles in each of the cells in the pair, 1-D
       cell-indices for each cell in the pair, time (in nano-seconds) to
       process the pair and the thread-id for the thread that processed that

    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.theory.wp import wp
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../theory/tests/", "bins")
    >>> N = 10000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> pimax = 40.0
    >>> nthreads = 4
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> results = wp(boxsize, pimax, nthreads, binfile, X, Y, Z, weights=np.ones_like(X), weight_type='pair_product')
    >>> for r in results:
    ...     print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10.6f} {4:10d} {5:10.6f}".
    ...           format(r['rmin'], r['rmax'],
    ...           r['rpavg'], r['wp'], r['npairs'], r['weightavg']))
    ...           # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
      0.167536   0.238755   0.000000  66.717143         18   1.000000
      0.238755   0.340251   0.000000 -15.786045         16   1.000000
      0.340251   0.484892   0.000000   2.998470         42   1.000000
      0.484892   0.691021   0.000000 -15.779885         66   1.000000
      0.691021   0.984777   0.000000 -11.966728        142   1.000000
      0.984777   1.403410   0.000000  -9.699906        298   1.000000
      1.403410   2.000000   0.000000 -11.698771        588   1.000000
      2.000000   2.850200   0.000000   3.848375       1466   1.000000
      2.850200   4.061840   0.000000  -0.921452       2808   1.000000
      4.061840   5.788530   0.000000   0.454851       5802   1.000000
      5.788530   8.249250   0.000000   1.428344      11926   1.000000
      8.249250  11.756000   0.000000  -1.067885      23478   1.000000
     11.756000  16.753600   0.000000  -0.553319      47994   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500   0.000000  -0.086433      98042   1.000000

        from Corrfunc._countpairs import countpairs_wp as wp_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the projected "\
              "correlation function."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\

    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights is not None:
        weights = np.atleast_1d(weights)

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(is_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X, Y, Z, weights]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
    X, Y, Z, weights = [
        convert_to_native_endian(arr) for arr in X, Y, Z, weights

    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights', 'weight_type']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    extn_results, api_time, cell_time = wp_extn(
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rpavg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'wp'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float)])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)

    # A better solution for returning multiple values based on
    # input parameter. Lifted straight from numpy.unique -- MS 10/26/2016
    optional_returns = c_api_timer or c_cell_timer
    if not optional_returns:
        ret = results
        ret = (results, )

        if c_api_timer:
            ret += (api_time, )

        if c_cell_timer:
            # Convert to numpy structured array
            np_cell_time = _convert_cell_timer(cell_time)
            ret += (np_cell_time, )

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def xi(boxsize,
    Function to compute the projected correlation function in a
    periodic cosmological box. Pairs which are separated by less
    than the ``r`` bins (specified in ``binfile``) in 3-D real space.
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting correlation function
    is weighted.  The weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    .. note:: Pairs are double-counted. And if ``rmin`` is set to
       0.0, then all the self-pairs (i'th particle with itself) are
       added to the first bin => minimum number of pairs in the first bin
       is the total number of particles.


    boxsize: double
       A double-precision value for the boxsize of the simulation
       in same units as the particle positions and the ``r`` bins.

    nthreads: integer
       Number of threads to use.

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats
        For string input: filename specifying the ``r`` bins for
        ``xi``. The file should contain white-space separated values
        of (rmin, rmax)  for each ``r`` wanted. The bins need to be
        contiguous and sorted in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

        For array-like input: A sequence of ``r`` values that provides the
        bin-edges. For example,
        ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
        input specifying **14** (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0. This
        array does not need to be sorted.         

    X/Y/Z: arraytype, real (float/double)
       Particle positions in the 3 axes. Must be within [0, boxsize]
       and specified in the same units as ``rp_bins`` and boxsize. All
       3 arrays must be of the same floating-point type.

       Calculations will be done in the same precision as these arrays,
       i.e., calculations will be in floating point if XYZ are single
       precision arrays (C float type); or in double-precision if XYZ
       are double precision arrays (C double type).
    weights: array_like, real (float/double), optional
       A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or 
       (n_positions,). `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; 
       results are returned in the `weightavg` field.

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    output_ravg: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to output the average ``r`` for each bin. Code will
       run slower if you set this flag. 

       Note: If you are calculating in single-precision, ``rpavg`` will 
       suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. If 
       you need accurate ``rpavg`` values, then pass in double precision 
       arrays for the particle positions.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (2,2,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime.

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.
    weight_type: string, optional, Default: None.
        The type of weighting to apply.  One of ["pair_product", None].  


    results: Numpy structured array
       A numpy structured array containing [rmin, rmax, ravg, xi, npairs, weightavg] for
       each radial specified in the ``binfile``. If ``output_ravg`` is not
       set then ``ravg`` will be set to 0.0 for all bins; similarly for ``weightavg``.
       ``xi`` contains the correlation function while ``npairs`` contains the number of
       pairs in that bin.  If using weights, ``xi`` will be weighted while ``npairs``
       will not be.

    api_time: float, optional
        Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time spent
        within the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.theory.xi import xi
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../theory/tests/", "bins")
    >>> N = 100000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> nthreads = 4
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> weights = np.ones_like(X)
    >>> results = xi(boxsize, nthreads, binfile, X, Y, Z, weights=weights, weight_type='pair_product', output_ravg=True)
    >>> for r in results: print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10.6f} {4:10d} {5:10.6f}"
    ...                         .format(r['rmin'], r['rmax'],
    ...                         r['ravg'], r['xi'], r['npairs'], r['weightavg']))
    ...                   # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
      0.167536   0.238755   0.226592  -0.205733          4   1.000000
      0.238755   0.340251   0.289277  -0.176729         12   1.000000
      0.340251   0.484892   0.426819  -0.051829         40   1.000000
      0.484892   0.691021   0.596187  -0.131853        106   1.000000
      0.691021   0.984777   0.850100  -0.049207        336   1.000000
      0.984777   1.403410   1.225112   0.028543       1052   1.000000
      1.403410   2.000000   1.737153   0.011403       2994   1.000000
      2.000000   2.850200   2.474588   0.005405       8614   1.000000
      2.850200   4.061840   3.532018  -0.014098      24448   1.000000
      4.061840   5.788530   5.022241  -0.010784      70996   1.000000
      5.788530   8.249250   7.160648  -0.001588     207392   1.000000
      8.249250  11.756000  10.207213  -0.000323     601002   1.000000
     11.756000  16.753600  14.541171   0.000007    1740084   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.728773  -0.001595    5028058   1.000000


        from Corrfunc._countpairs import countpairs_xi as xi_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the projected "\
              "correlation function."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\

    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights is not None:
        weights = np.atleast_1d(weights)

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(is_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X, Y, Z, weights]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
    X, Y, Z, weights = [
        convert_to_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X, Y, Z, weights]

    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights', 'weight_type']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    extn_results, api_time = xi_extn(boxsize,
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'ravg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'xi'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float)])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 5
def DDrppi(autocorr, nthreads, pimax, binfile, X1, Y1, Z1, weights1=None,
           periodic=True, X2=None, Y2=None, Z2=None, weights2=None,
           verbose=False, boxsize=0.0, output_rpavg=False,
           xbin_refine_factor=2, ybin_refine_factor=2,
           zbin_refine_factor=1, max_cells_per_dim=100,
           c_api_timer=False, isa=r'fastest', weight_type=None):
    Calculate the 3-D pair-counts corresponding to the real-space correlation
    function, :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` or :math:`\\wp(r_p)`. Pairs which are
    separated by less than the ``rp`` bins (specified in ``binfile``) in the
    X-Y plane, and less than ``pimax`` in the Z-dimension are
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting pair counts are weighted.  The
    weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    .. note:: that this module only returns pair counts and not the actual
       correlation function :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` or :math:`wp(r_p)`. See the
       utilities :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_3d_counts_to_cf` and
       :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_rp_pi_counts_to_wp` for computing 
       :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` and :math:`wp(r_p)` respectively from the 
       pair counts.


    autocorr: boolean, required
        Boolean flag for auto/cross-correlation. If autocorr is set to 1,
        then the second set of particle positions are not required.

    nthreads: integer
        The number of OpenMP threads to use. Has no effect if OpenMP was not
        enabled during library compilation.

    pimax: double
       A double-precision value for the maximum separation along
       the Z-dimension. 

       Distances along the :math:``\\pi`` direction are binned with unit
       depth. For instance, if ``pimax=40``, then 40 bins will be created
       along the ``pi`` direction.

       Note: Only pairs with ``0 <= dz < pimax`` are counted (no equality).

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats
        For string input: filename specifying the ``rp`` bins for
        ``DDrppi``. The file should contain white-space separated values
        of (rpmin, rpmax)  for each ``rp`` wanted. The bins need to be
        contiguous and sorted in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

        For array-like input: A sequence of ``rp`` values that provides the
        bin-edges. For example,
        ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
        input specifying **14** (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0. This
        array does not need to be sorted.         

    X1/Y1/Z1: array-like, real (float/double)
       The array of X/Y/Z positions for the first set of points.
       Calculations are done in the precision of the supplied arrays.
    weights1: array_like, real (float/double), optional
        A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or (n_positions,).
        `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; results are returned
        in the `weightavg` field.  If only one of weights1 and weights2 is
        specified, the other will be set to uniform weights.

    X2/Y2/Z2: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of XYZ positions for the second set of points. *Must* be the same
       precision as the X1/Y1/Z1 arrays. Only required when ``autocorr==0``.
    weights2: array-like, real (float/double), optional
        Same as weights1, but for the second set of positions

    periodic: boolean
        Boolean flag to indicate periodic boundary conditions.

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    boxsize: double
        The side-length of the cube in the cosmological simulation.
        Present to facilitate exact calculations for periodic wrapping.
        If boxsize is not supplied, then the wrapping is done based on
        the maximum difference within each dimension of the X/Y/Z arrays.

    output_rpavg: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to output the average ``rp`` for each bin. Code will
       run slower if you set this flag. 

       Note: If you are calculating in single-precision, ``rpavg`` will 
       suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. If 
       you need accurate ``rpavg`` values, then pass in double precision 
       arrays for the particle positions.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (2,2,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime.

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rpmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.
    weight_type: string, optional
       The type of weighting to apply.  One of ["pair_product", None].  Default: None.


    results: Numpy structured array
       A numpy structured array containing [rpmin, rpmax, rpavg, pimax, npairs, weightavg]
       for each radial bin specified in the ``binfile``. If ``output_rpavg``
       is not set, then ``rpavg`` will be set to 0.0 for all bins; similarly for
       ``weightavg``. ``npairs`` contains the number of pairs in that bin and can
       be used to compute :math:`\\xi(r_p, \pi)` by combining with (DR, RR) counts.

    api_time: float, optional
       Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time
       spent within the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.theory.DDrppi import DDrppi
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../theory/tests/", "bins")
    >>> N = 10000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> nthreads = 4
    >>> autocorr = 1
    >>> pimax = 40.0
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> weights = np.ones_like(X)
    >>> results = DDrppi(autocorr, nthreads, pimax, binfile,
    ...                  X, Y, Z, weights1=weights, weight_type='pair_product', output_rpavg=True)
    >>> for r in results[519:]: print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10.1f}"
    ...                               " {4:10d} {5:10.6f}".format(r['rmin'], r['rmax'],
    ...                               r['rpavg'], r['pimax'], r['npairs'], r['weightavg']))
    ...                         # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     11.756000  16.753600  14.379250       40.0       1150   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.449131        1.0       2604   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.604834        2.0       2370   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.523989        3.0       2428   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.475181        4.0       2462   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.458005        5.0       2532   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.537162        6.0       2522   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.443087        7.0       2422   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.474580        8.0       2360   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.420360        9.0       2512   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.478355       10.0       2472   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.485268       11.0       2406   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.372985       12.0       2420   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.647998       13.0       2378   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.556208       14.0       2420   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.527992       15.0       2462   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.581017       16.0       2380   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.491819       17.0       2346   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.534440       18.0       2496   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.529129       19.0       2512   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.501946       20.0       2500   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.513349       21.0       2544   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.471915       22.0       2430   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.450651       23.0       2354   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.550753       24.0       2460   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.540262       25.0       2490   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.559572       26.0       2350   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.534245       27.0       2382   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.511302       28.0       2508   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.491632       29.0       2456   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.592493       30.0       2386   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.506234       31.0       2484   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.482109       32.0       2538   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.518463       33.0       2544   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.482515       34.0       2534   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.503124       35.0       2382   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.471307       36.0       2356   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.384231       37.0       2554   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.454012       38.0       2458   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.585543       39.0       2394   1.000000
     16.753600  23.875500  20.504965       40.0       2500   1.000000
        from Corrfunc._countpairs import countpairs_rp_pi as DDrppi_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the 3-D "\
              "real-space pair counter."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights1 is not None:
        weights1 = np.atleast_1d(weights1)
    if weights2 is not None:
        weights2 = np.atleast_1d(weights2)

    if not autocorr:
        if X2 is None or Y2 is None or Z2 is None:
            msg = "Must pass valid arrays for X2/Y2/Z2 for "\
                "computing cross-correlation"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        # If only one set of points has weights, set the other to uniform weights
        if weights1 is None and weights2 is not None:
            weights1 = np.ones_like(weights2)
        if weights2 is None and weights1 is not None:
            weights2 = np.ones_like(weights1)

        X2 = np.empty(1)
        Y2 = np.empty(1)
        Z2 = np.empty(1)
    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(is_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2]):
        warn('One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.')
    X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2 = [convert_to_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2]]
    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights1', 'weights2', 'weight_type', 'X2', 'Y2', 'Z2']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    extn_results, api_time = DDrppi_extn(autocorr, nthreads,
                                         pimax, rbinfile,
                                         X1, Y1, Z1,
                                         isa=integer_isa, **kwargs)
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'rpavg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'pimax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float),])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 6
def vpf(rmax,
    Function to compute the counts-in-cells on 3-D real-space points.

    Returns a numpy structured array containing the probability of a
    sphere of radius up to ``rmax`` containing [0, numpN-1] galaxies.


    rmax: double
       Maximum radius of the sphere to place on the particles

    nbins: integer
       Number of bins in the counts-in-cells. Radius of first shell
       is rmax/nbins

    nspheres: integer (>= 0)
       Number of random spheres to place within the particle distribution.
       For a small number of spheres, the error is larger in the measured

    numpN: integer (>= 1)
       Governs how many unique pN's are to returned. If ``numpN`` is set to 1,
       then only the vpf (p0) is returned. For ``numpN=2``, p0 and p1 are

       More explicitly, the columns in the results look like the following:

         ======   ==========================
         numpN    Columns in output
         ======   ==========================
            1      p0
            2      p0      p1
            3      p0      p1     p2
            4      p0      p1     p2     p3
         ======   ==========================

       and so on...

       Note: ``p0`` is the vpf

    seed: unsigned integer
       Random number seed for the underlying GSL random number generator. Used
       to draw centers of the spheres.

    X/Y/Z: arraytype, real (float/double)
       Particle positions in the 3 axes. Must be within [0, boxsize]
       and specified in the same units as ``rp_bins`` and boxsize. All
       3 arrays must be of the same floating-point type.

       Calculations will be done in the same precision as these arrays,
       i.e., calculations will be in floating point if XYZ are single
       precision arrays (C float type); or in double-precision if XYZ
       are double precision arrays (C double type).

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    periodic: boolean
        Boolean flag to indicate periodic boundary conditions.

    boxsize: double
        The side-length of the cube in the cosmological simulation.
        Present to facilitate exact calculations for periodic wrapping.
        If boxsize is not supplied, then the wrapping is done based on
        the maximum difference within each dimension of the X/Y/Z arrays.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (1,1,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime. 

       Note: Since the counts in spheres calculation is symmetric
       in all 3 dimensions, the defaults are different from the clustering

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.


    results: Numpy structured array

       A numpy structured array containing [rmax, pN[numpN]] with ``nbins``
       elements. Each row contains the maximum radius of the sphere and the
       ``numpN`` elements in the ``pN`` array. Each element of this array
       contains the probability that a sphere of radius ``rmax`` contains
       *exactly* ``N`` galaxies. For example, pN[0] (p0, the void probibility
       function) is the probability that a sphere of radius ``rmax`` contains 0

       if ``c_api_timer`` is set, then the return value is a tuple containing
       (results, api_time). ``api_time`` measures only the time spent within
       the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from Corrfunc.theory.vpf import vpf
    >>> rmax = 10.0
    >>> nbins = 10
    >>> nspheres = 10000
    >>> numpN = 5
    >>> seed = -1
    >>> N = 100000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(0, boxsize, N)
    >>> results = vpf(rmax, nbins, nspheres, numpN, seed, X, Y, Z)
    >>> for r in results:
    ...     print("{0:10.1f} ".format(r[0]), end="")
    ...     # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ...     for pn in r[1]:
    ...         print("{0:10.3f} ".format(pn), end="")
    ...         # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ...     print("") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    1.0      0.995      0.005      0.000      0.000      0.000
    2.0      0.956      0.044      0.001      0.000      0.000
    3.0      0.858      0.130      0.012      0.001      0.000
    4.0      0.695      0.252      0.047      0.005      0.001
    5.0      0.493      0.347      0.127      0.028      0.005
    6.0      0.295      0.362      0.219      0.091      0.026
    7.0      0.141      0.285      0.265      0.179      0.085
    8.0      0.056      0.159      0.228      0.229      0.161
    9.0      0.019      0.066      0.135      0.192      0.192
    10.0      0.003      0.019      0.054      0.106      0.150


        from Corrfunc._countpairs import countspheres_vpf as vpf_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the Counts-in-Cells "\
              " (vpf)"
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        convert_to_native_endian, is_native_endian, sys_pipes
    from math import pi

    if numpN <= 0:
        msg = "Number of counts-in-cells wanted must be at least 1"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if boxsize > 0.0:
        volume = boxsize * boxsize * boxsize
        volume = (max(X) - min(X)) * \
                 (max(Y) - min(Y)) * \
                 (max(Z) - min(Z))

    volume_sphere = 4. / 3. * pi * rmax * rmax * rmax
    if nspheres * volume_sphere > volume:
        msg = "There are not as many independent volumes in the "\
              "requested particle distribution. Num. spheres = {0} "\
              "rmax = {1} => effective volume = {2}.\nVolume of particles ="\
              "{3}. Reduce rmax or Nspheres"\
              .format(nspheres, rmax, nspheres * volume_sphere, volume)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(is_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X, Y, Z]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
    X, Y, Z = [convert_to_native_endian(arr) for arr in [X, Y, Z]]

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    with sys_pipes():
        extn_results = vpf_extn(rmax,
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
        extn_results, api_time = extn_results

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'pN'), (np.float, numpN))])
    nbin = len(extn_results)
    results = np.zeros(nbin, dtype=results_dtype)

    for ii, r in enumerate(extn_results):
        results['rmax'][ii] = r[0]
        if numpN == 1:
            results['pN'] = r[1]
            for j in range(numpN):
                results['pN'][ii][j] = r[1 + j]

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 7
def DDtheta_mocks(autocorr,
    Function to compute the angular correlation function for points on
    the sky (i.e., mock catalogs or observed galaxies).

    Returns a numpy structured array containing the pair counts for the
    specified angular bins.
    If ``weights`` are provided, the resulting pair counts are weighted.  The
    weighting scheme depends on ``weight_type``.

    .. note:: This module only returns pair counts and not the actual
       correlation function :math:`\\omega(\theta)`. See 
       :py:mod:`Corrfunc.utils.convert_3d_counts_to_cf` for computing 
       :math:`\\omega(\theta)` from the pair counts returned.


    autocorr : boolean, required
        Boolean flag for auto/cross-correlation. If autocorr is set to 1,
        then the second set of particle positions are not required.

    nthreads : integer
       Number of threads to use.

    binfile: string or an list/array of floats. Units: degrees.
        For string input: filename specifying the ``theta`` bins for
        ``DDtheta_mocks``. The file should contain white-space separated values
        of (thetamin, thetamax)  for each ``theta`` wanted. The bins need to be
        contiguous and sorted in increasing order (smallest bins come first).

        For array-like input: A sequence of ``theta`` values that provides the
        bin-edges. For example,
        ``np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(10.0), 15)`` is a valid
        input specifying **14** (logarithmic) bins between 0.1 and 10.0
        degrees. This array does not need to be sorted.         

    RA1 : array-like, real (float/double)
        The array of Right Ascensions for the first set of points. RA's
        are expected to be in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases
        where the RA's are in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply
        RA's in [0.0, 360.0].

        Calculations are done in the precision of the supplied arrays.

    DEC1 : array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of Declinations for the first set of points. DEC's are expected
       to be in the [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where
       the DEC's are in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply
       DEC's in [-90.0, 90.0].
       Must be of same precision type as RA1.
    weights1 : array_like, real (float/double), optional
       A scalar, or an array of weights of shape (n_weights, n_positions) or 
       (n_positions,). `weight_type` specifies how these weights are used; 
       results are returned in the `weightavg` field.  If only one of weights1 
       and weights2 is specified, the other will be set to uniform weights.

    RA2 : array-like, real (float/double)
       The array of Right Ascensions for the second set of points. RA's
       are expected to be in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases
       where the RA's are in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply
       RA's in [0.0, 360.0].
       Must be of same precision type as RA1/DEC1.

    DEC2 : array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of Declinations for the second set of points. DEC's are expected
       to be in the [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where
       the DEC's are in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply
       DEC's in [-90.0, 90.0].
       Must be of same precision type as RA1/DEC1.
    weights2 : array-like, real (float/double), optional
       Same as weights1, but for the second set of positions

    link_in_dec : boolean (default True)
       Boolean flag to create lattice in Declination. Code runs faster with
       this option. However, if the angular separations are too small, then
       linking in declination might produce incorrect results. When running
       for the first time, check your results by comparing with the output
       of the code for ``link_in_dec=False`` and ``link_in_ra=False``.

    link_in_ra : boolean (default True)
       Boolean flag to create lattice in Right Ascension. Setting this option
       implies ``link_in_dec=True``. Similar considerations as ``link_in_dec``
       described above.

       If you disable both ``link_in_dec`` and ``link_in_ra``, then
       the code reduces to a brute-force pair counter. No lattices are created
       at all. For very small angular separations, the brute-force method 
       might be the most numerically stable method.

    verbose : boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    output_thetaavg : boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to output the average ``\theta`` for each bin. Code will
       run slower if you set this flag. 

       If you are calculating in single-precision, ``thetaavg`` will 
       suffer from numerical loss of precision and can not be trusted. If you 
       need accurate ``thetaavg`` values, then pass in double precision arrays 
       for ``RA/DEC``.

       Code will run significantly slower if you enable this option.
       Use the keyword ``fast_acos`` if you can tolerate some loss of 

    fast_acos : boolean (default false)
       Flag to use numerical approximation for the ``arccos`` - gives better
       performance at the expense of some precision. Relevant only if

       Developers: Two versions already coded up in ``utils/fast_acos.h``,
       so you can choose the version you want. There are also notes on how
       to implement faster (and less accurate) functions, particularly relevant
       if you know your ``theta`` range is limited. If you implement a new
       version, then you will have to reinstall the entire Corrfunc package.

       Note: Tests will fail if you run the tests with``fast_acos=True``.

    (radec)_refine_factor : integer, default is (2,2); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime. 

       Only two refine factors are to be specified and these
       correspond to ``ra`` and ``dec`` (rather, than the usual three of
       ``(xyz)bin_refine_factor`` for all other correlation functions).

    max_cells_per_dim : integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``thetamax``
       is too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer : boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa : string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.


    results : Numpy structured array
       A numpy structured array containing [thetamin, thetamax, thetaavg,
       npairs, weightavg] for each angular bin specified in the ``binfile``. If
       ``output_thetaavg`` is not set then ``thetavg`` will be set to 0.0 for
       all bins; similarly for
       ``weightavg``. ``npairs`` contains the number of pairs in that bin.

    api_time : float, optional
       Only returned if ``c_api_timer`` is set.  ``api_time`` measures only the time
       spent within the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import time
    >>> from math import pi
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.mocks.DDtheta_mocks import DDtheta_mocks
    >>> binfile = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                 "../mocks/tests/", "angular_bins")
    >>> N = 100000
    >>> nthreads = 4
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> RA = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2.0*pi, N)*180.0/pi
    >>> cos_theta = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, N)
    >>> DEC = 90.0 - np.arccos(cos_theta)*180.0/pi
    >>> weights = np.ones_like(RA)
    >>> autocorr = 1
    >>> for isa in ['AVX', 'SSE42', 'FALLBACK']:
    ...     for link_in_dec in [False, True]:
    ...         for link_in_ra in [False, True]:
    ...             results = DDtheta_mocks(autocorr, nthreads, binfile,
    ...                         RA, DEC, output_thetaavg=True, 
    ...                         weights1=weights, weight_type='pair_product',
    ...                         link_in_dec=link_in_dec, link_in_ra=link_in_ra, 
    ...                         isa=isa, verbose=True)
    >>> for r in results: print("{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10d} {4:10.6f}".
    ...                         format(r['thetamin'], r['thetamax'],
    ...                         r['thetaavg'], r['npairs'], r['weightavg']))
    ...                         # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
      0.010000   0.014125   0.012272         62   1.000000
      0.014125   0.019953   0.016978        172   1.000000
      0.019953   0.028184   0.024380        298   1.000000
      0.028184   0.039811   0.034321        598   1.000000
      0.039811   0.056234   0.048535       1164   1.000000
      0.056234   0.079433   0.068385       2438   1.000000
      0.079433   0.112202   0.096631       4658   1.000000
      0.112202   0.158489   0.136834       9414   1.000000
      0.158489   0.223872   0.192967      19098   1.000000
      0.223872   0.316228   0.272673      37848   1.000000
      0.316228   0.446684   0.385344      75520   1.000000
      0.446684   0.630957   0.543973     150938   1.000000
      0.630957   0.891251   0.768406     301854   1.000000
      0.891251   1.258925   1.085273     599896   1.000000
      1.258925   1.778279   1.533461    1200238   1.000000
      1.778279   2.511886   2.166009    2396338   1.000000
      2.511886   3.548134   3.059159    4775162   1.000000
      3.548134   5.011872   4.321445    9532582   1.000000
      5.011872   7.079458   6.104214   19001930   1.000000
      7.079458  10.000000   8.622400   37842502   1.000000


        from Corrfunc._countpairs_mocks import countpairs_theta_mocks as\
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the angular "\
              "correlation function for mocks."
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum, fix_ra_dec,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\
        is_native_endian, sys_pipes
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str

    # Broadcast scalar weights to arrays
    if weights1 is not None:
        weights1 = np.atleast_1d(weights1)
    if weights2 is not None:
        weights2 = np.atleast_1d(weights2)

    if autocorr == 0:
        if RA2 is None or DEC2 is None:
            msg = "Must pass valid arrays for RA2/DEC2 for "\
                  "computing cross-correlation"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If only one set of points has weights, set the other to uniform weights
        if weights1 is None and weights2 is not None:
            weights1 = np.ones_like(weights2)
        if weights2 is None and weights1 is not None:
            weights2 = np.ones_like(weights1)
        RA2 = np.empty(1)
        DEC2 = np.empty(1)

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(
            for arr in [RA1, DEC1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, weights2]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
    RA1, DEC1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, weights2 = [
        for arr in [RA1, DEC1, weights1, RA2, DEC2, weights2]

    fix_ra_dec(RA1, DEC1)
    if autocorr == 0:
        fix_ra_dec(RA2, DEC2)

    if link_in_ra is True:
        link_in_dec = True

    # Passing None parameters breaks the parsing code, so avoid this
    kwargs = {}
    for k in ['weights1', 'weights2', 'weight_type', 'RA2', 'DEC2']:
        v = locals()[k]
        if v is not None:
            kwargs[k] = v

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    rbinfile, delete_after_use = return_file_with_rbins(binfile)
    with sys_pipes():
        extn_results = DDtheta_mocks_extn(autocorr,
    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
        extn_results, api_time = extn_results

    if delete_after_use:
        import os

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'thetamin'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'thetamax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'thetaavg'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'npairs'), np.uint64),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'weightavg'), np.float)])
    results = np.array(extn_results, dtype=results_dtype)

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time
Exemplo n.º 8
def vpf_mocks(rmax,
    Function to compute the counts-in-cells on points on the sky. Suitable
    for mock catalogs and observed galaxies.

    Returns a numpy structured array containing the probability of a
    sphere of radius up to ``rmax`` containing ``0--numpN-1`` galaxies.


    rmax : double
       Maximum radius of the sphere to place on the particles

    nbins : integer
       Number of bins in the counts-in-cells. Radius of first shell
       is rmax/nbins

    nspheres: integer (>= 0)
       Number of random spheres to place within the particle distribution.
       For a small number of spheres, the error is larger in the measured

    numpN: integer (>= 1)
       Governs how many unique pN's are to returned. If ``numpN`` is set to 1,
       then only the vpf (p0) is returned. For ``numpN=2``, p0 and p1 are

       More explicitly, the columns in the results look like the following:

         ======   ==========================
         numpN    Columns in output
         ======   ==========================
            1      p0
            2      p0      p1
            3      p0      p1     p2
            4      p0      p1     p2     p3
         ======   ==========================

       and so on...

    .. note:: p0 is the vpf

    threshold_ngb: integer
       Minimum number of random points needed in a ``rmax`` sphere such that it
       is considered to be entirely within the mock footprint. The
       command-line version, ``mocks/vpf/vpf_mocks.c``, assumes that the
       minimum number of randoms can be at most a 1-sigma deviation from
       the expected random number density.

    centers_file: string, filename
       A file containing random sphere centers. If the file does not exist,
       then a list of random centers will be written out. In that case, the
       randoms arrays, ``RAND_RA``, ``RAND_DEC`` and ``RAND_CZ`` are used to
       check that the sphere is entirely within the footprint. If the file does
       exist but either ``rmax`` is too small or there are not enough centers
       then the file will be overwritten.

    .. note:: If the centers file has to be written, the code will take
       significantly longer to finish. However, subsequent runs can re-use
       that centers file and will be faster.

    cosmology: integer, required
        Integer choice for setting cosmology. Valid values are 1->LasDamas
        cosmology and 2->Planck cosmology. If you need arbitrary cosmology,
        easiest way is to convert the ``CZ`` values into co-moving distance,
        based on your preferred cosmology. Set ``is_comoving_dist=True``, to
        indicate that the co-moving distance conversion has already been done.

                 1. LasDamas cosmology. :math:`\\Omega_m=0.25`, :math:`\\Omega_\Lambda=0.75`
                 2. Planck   cosmology. :math:`\\Omega_m=0.302`, :math:`\\Omega_\Lambda=0.698`

        To setup a new cosmology, add an entry to the function,
        ``init_cosmology`` in ``ROOT/utils/cosmology_params.c`` and re-install
        the entire package.

    RA: array-like, real (float/double)
       The array of Right Ascensions for the first set of points. RA's
       are expected to be in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases
       where the RA's are in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply
       RA's in [0.0, 360.0].

       Calculations are done in the precision of the supplied arrays.

    DEC: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of Declinations for the first set of points. DEC's are expected
       to be in the [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where
       the DEC's are in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply
       DEC's in [-90.0, 90.0].

       Must be of same precision type as RA.

    CZ: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of (Speed Of Light * Redshift) values for the first set of
       points. Code will try to detect cases where ``redshifts`` have been
       passed and multiply the entire array with the ``speed of light``.

       If ``is_comoving_dist`` is set, then ``CZ`` is interpreted as the
       co-moving distance, rather than (Speed Of Light * Redshift).

    RAND_RA: array-like, real (float/double)
       The array of Right Ascensions for the randoms. RA's are expected to be
       in [0.0, 360.0], but the code will try to fix cases where the RA's are
       in [-180, 180.0]. For peace of mind, always supply RA's in
       [0.0, 360.0].

       Must be of same precision type as RA/DEC/CZ.

    RAND_DEC: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of Declinations for the randoms. DEC's are expected to be in the
       [-90.0, 90.0], but the code will try to fix cases where the DEC's are
       in [0.0, 180.0]. Again, for peace of mind, always supply DEC's in
       [-90.0, 90.0].

       Must be of same precision type as RA/DEC/CZ.

    RAND_CZ: array-like, real (float/double)
       Array of (Speed Of Light * Redshift) values for the randoms. Code
       will try to detect cases where ``redshifts`` have been
       passed and multiply the entire array with the ``speed of light``.

       If ``is_comoving_dist`` is set, then ``CZ2`` is interpreted as the
       co-moving distance, rather than ``(Speed Of Light * Redshift)``.

    .. note:: RAND_RA, RAND_DEC and RAND_CZ are only used when the
          ``centers_file``  needs to be written out. In that case, the
          RAND_RA, RAND_DEC, and RAND_CZ are used as random centers.

    verbose: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to control output of informational messages

    is_comoving_dist: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to indicate that ``cz`` values have already been
       converted into co-moving distances. This flag allows arbitrary
       cosmologies to be used in ``Corrfunc``.

    (xyz)bin_refine_factor: integer, default is (1,1,1); typically within [1-3]
       Controls the refinement on the cell sizes. Can have up to a 20% impact
       on runtime. 

    .. note:: Since the counts in spheres calculation is symmetric
       in all 3 dimensions, the defaults are different from the clustering

    max_cells_per_dim: integer, default is 100, typical values in [50-300]
       Controls the maximum number of cells per dimension. Total number of
       cells can be up to (max_cells_per_dim)^3. Only increase if ``rmax`` is
       too small relative to the boxsize (and increasing helps the runtime).

    c_api_timer: boolean (default false)
       Boolean flag to measure actual time spent in the C libraries. Here
       to allow for benchmarking and scaling studies.

    isa: string (default ``fastest``)
       Controls the runtime dispatch for the instruction set to use. Possible
       options are: [``fastest``, ``avx``, ``sse42``, ``fallback``]

       Setting isa to ``fastest`` will pick the fastest available instruction
       set on the current computer. However, if you set ``isa`` to, say,
       ``avx`` and ``avx`` is not available on the computer, then the code will
       revert to using ``fallback`` (even though ``sse42`` might be available).

       Unless you are benchmarking the different instruction sets, you should
       always leave ``isa`` to the default value. And if you *are*
       benchmarking, then the string supplied here gets translated into an
       ``enum`` for the instruction set defined in ``utils/defs.h``.


    results: Numpy structured array

       A numpy structured array containing [rmax, pN[numpN]] with ``nbins``
       elements. Each row contains the maximum radius of the sphere and the
       ``numpN`` elements in the ``pN`` array. Each element of this array
       contains the probability that a sphere of radius ``rmax`` contains
       *exactly* ``N`` galaxies. For example, pN[0] (p0, the void probibility
       function) is the probability that a sphere of radius ``rmax`` contains 0

       if ``c_api_timer`` is set, then the return value is a tuple containing
       (results, api_time). ``api_time`` measures only the time spent within
       the C library and ignores all python overhead.


    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import math
    >>> from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import Corrfunc
    >>> from Corrfunc.mocks.vpf_mocks import vpf_mocks
    >>> rmax = 10.0
    >>> nbins = 10
    >>> numbins_to_print = nbins
    >>> nspheres = 10000
    >>> numpN = 6
    >>> threshold_ngb = 1  # does not matter since we have the centers
    >>> cosmology = 1  # LasDamas cosmology
    >>> centers_file = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)),
    ...                      "../mocks/tests/data/",
    ...                      "Mr19_centers_xyz_forVPF_rmax_10Mpc.txt")
    >>> N = 1000000
    >>> boxsize = 420.0
    >>> seed = 42
    >>> np.random.seed(seed)
    >>> X = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> Y = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> Z = np.random.uniform(-0.5*boxsize, 0.5*boxsize, N)
    >>> CZ = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)
    >>> inv_cz = 1.0/CZ
    >>> X *= inv_cz
    >>> Y *= inv_cz
    >>> Z *= inv_cz
    >>> DEC = 90.0 - np.arccos(Z)*180.0/math.pi
    >>> RA = (np.arctan2(Y, X)*180.0/math.pi) + 180.0
    >>> results = vpf_mocks(rmax, nbins, nspheres, numpN, threshold_ngb,
    ...                     centers_file, cosmology,
    ...                     RA, DEC, CZ,
    ...                     RA, DEC, CZ,
    ...                     is_comoving_dist=True)
    >>> for r in results:
    ...     print("{0:10.1f} ".format(r[0]), end="")
    ...     # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ...     for pn in r[1]:
    ...         print("{0:10.3f} ".format(pn), end="")
    ...         # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ...     print("") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
       1.0      0.999      0.001      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
       2.0      0.992      0.007      0.001      0.000      0.000      0.000
       3.0      0.982      0.009      0.005      0.002      0.001      0.000
       4.0      0.975      0.006      0.006      0.005      0.003      0.003
       5.0      0.971      0.004      0.003      0.003      0.004      0.003
       6.0      0.967      0.003      0.003      0.001      0.003      0.002
       7.0      0.962      0.004      0.002      0.003      0.002      0.001
       8.0      0.958      0.004      0.002      0.003      0.001      0.002
       9.0      0.953      0.003      0.003      0.002      0.003      0.001
      10.0      0.950      0.003      0.002      0.002      0.001      0.002


        from Corrfunc._countpairs_mocks import countspheres_vpf_mocks\
            as vpf_extn
    except ImportError:
        msg = "Could not import the C extension for the Counts-in-Cells "\
              " (vpf)"
        raise ImportError(msg)

    import numpy as np
    from warnings import warn
    from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
    from Corrfunc.utils import translate_isa_string_to_enum,\
        return_file_with_rbins, convert_to_native_endian,\

    # Warn about non-native endian arrays
    if not all(
            for arr in [RA, DEC, CZ, RAND_RA, RAND_DEC, RAND_CZ]):
            'One or more input array has non-native endianness!  A copy will be made with the correct endianness.'
        for arr in RA, DEC, CZ, RAND_RA, RAND_DEC, RAND_CZ

    integer_isa = translate_isa_string_to_enum(isa)
    extn_results, api_time = vpf_extn(rmax,

    if extn_results is None:
        msg = "RuntimeError occurred"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    results_dtype = np.dtype([(bytes_to_native_str(b'rmax'), np.float),
                              (bytes_to_native_str(b'pN'), (np.float, numpN))])
    nbin = len(extn_results)
    results = np.zeros(nbin, dtype=results_dtype)

    for ii, r in enumerate(extn_results):
        results['rmax'][ii] = r[0]
        if numpN == 1:
            results['pN'] = r[1]
            for j in range(numpN):
                results['pN'][ii][j] = r[1 + j]

    if not c_api_timer:
        return results
        return results, api_time