Exemplo n.º 1
def gradient_boosting_result(_ticker='SP500'):
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')[_ticker].values
    z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0])

    _prc_names = ['CLS', 'A2D', 'A3D', 'A4D', 'A2W', 'A3W', 'A4W', 'A2M', 'A3M', 'A4M']
    _trn_names = ['LVL', 'CH0', 'CH1', 'CH2']
    _fil_names = ['LRB', 'QRB', 'QRG']
    _hoz_names = []
    for j in range(5, 305, 5):
        if j < 10:
            _hoz_names.append('00' + str(j))
        elif j < 100:
            _hoz_names.append('0' + str(j))

    # get volatility forecast
    univ_ib_vl = cr_vol_all_adj.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_pb_120')[_ticker].values[z]

    # get return
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')[_ticker].values[z]
    univ_ib_cl = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl)

    univ_ib_sig_all = None
    for k in _trn_names:
        for i in _prc_names:
            for j in _fil_names:
                for mi, m in enumerate(_hoz_names):
                    fn = univ_ib_eqidx_ext+i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m
                    univ_ib_sig = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(fn)[_ticker].values[z]
                    if univ_ib_sig_all is None:
                        univ_ib_sig_all = DataFrame({i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m: univ_ib_sig})
                        univ_ib_sig_all.col_bind(DataFrame({i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m: univ_ib_sig}))

    # just for storage - incase something happens
    # univ_ib_gb = DataFrame({'Close': univ_ib_cl, 'Volatility': univ_ib_vl})
    # univ_ib_gb.col_bind(univ_ib_sig_all)
    # cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'GBM', univ_ib_gb)

    reg_lookback = [120, 240, 360, 480]
    new_col_names = list(univ_ib_sig_all.columns)

    for i in new_col_names:
        # i = new_col_names[0]
        test_ = np.empty(0)
        for j in reg_lookback:
            # j = reg_lookback[0]
            uic = univ_ib_cl
            uiv = univ_ib_vl
            uis = filt.lag(univ_ib_sig_all[i].values, 1)
            uic, uis, uiv = reduce_nonnan(uic, uis, uiv)
            b1 = qreg.roll_e_ladreg_1d(uic, uis, j)
            b2 = qreg.roll_e_ladreg_1d(uic/uiv, uis/uiv, j)

            resid1 = uic - filt.lag(b1)*uis
            resid2 = uic - filt.lag(b2)*uis
            resid1, resid2 = reduce_nonnan(resid1, resid2)
            test_ = np.hstack((test_, np.array([np.median(abs(resid1)), np.median(abs(resid2))])))
        print(i+' : '+np_to_str(test_))
Exemplo n.º 2
def _conv_more_hist_to_df():
    x = cr_sfx_morehs_csv.listdir()
    for i in x:
        idata = DataFrame.from_csv(opj(cr_sfx_morehs_csv.name, i)+'.csv')
        cr_sfx_morehs_df.store(i, idata)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def _get_curr_to_usd_data(x, close_only=True):
    if x in _curr_to_usd_ticks.keys():
        t1 = cr_sfx_hs.retrieve(_curr_to_usd_ticks[x])
    elif x in _curr_to_usd_ticks_inv.keys():
        t1 = cr_sfx_hs.retrieve(_curr_to_usd_ticks_inv[x])
        for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
            t1[i] = 1/t1[i]
        raise NotImplementedError('Currency file information not added to curr_to_usd_ticks')
    if close_only:
        t1 = t1[['Date', 'Close']]
    # for certain currencies extend the history
    if x in ['EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'CHF', 'HKD', 'AUD', 'NZD', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'ZAR', 'CAD']:
        t1h = cr_sfx_morehs_df.retrieve('USD'+x)
        if close_only:
            t1h = t1h[['Date', 'Close']]
            t1m = DataFrame.merge(t1, t1h, on='Date')
            t1m['Date'] = t1m['Date'].astype('int64')
            t1m['Close'] = np.nan
            tidx = np.where(~np.isnan(t1m['Close_x'].values))[0]
            t1m[tidx, 'Close'] = t1m[tidx, 'Close_x']
            tidx = np.where(np.isnan(t1m['Close_x'].values))[0]
            t1m[tidx, 'Close'] = t1m[tidx, 'Close_y']
            t1 = t1m[['Date', 'Close']]
            t1m = DataFrame.merge(t1, t1h, on='Date')
            t1m['Date'] = t1m['Date'].astype('int64')
            for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                t1m[i] = np.nan
            tidx = np.where(~np.isnan(t1m['Close_x'].values))[0]
            for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                t1m[tidx, i] = t1m[tidx, i+'_x']
            tidx = np.where(np.isnan(t1m['Close_x'].values))[0]
            for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                t1m[tidx, i] = t1m[tidx, i+'_y']
            t1 = t1m[['Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']]
    # fix_errors 20160712 for SEK
    if x == 'SEK':
        _bad_pos = np.where(t1['Date'].values == 20160712)[0]
        if close_only:
            t1[_bad_pos, 'Close'] = t1[_bad_pos, 'Close']/10
            for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                t1[_bad_pos, i] = t1[_bad_pos, i]/10
    return t1
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_vol_combo():
    _eqidx = get_all_equity_index_names()
    for k in range(0, len(vol_names)):
        # k = 0
        for j in vol_lookbacks:
            # j = vol_lookbacks[0]
            for i in _eqidx:
                # i = 'SP500'
                _data_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'Stats', 'Volatility')[['Date', vol_names[k]+str(j)]]
                _data_.set_columns(['Date', i])
                if i == _eqidx[0]:
                    _data = _data_
                    _data = DataFrame.merge(_data, _data_, on='Date')
                _data['Date'] = _data['Date'].values.astype('int64')
            tcl = _data.tick_cols()
            for i in tcl:
                _data[i] = filt.fill(_data[i].values)
            cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + vol_names[k]+str(j), _data)
    return None
                   'D07S14_005_QRG', 'D03S20_349_LRB', 'D10S08_236_QRG', 'D02S08_009_QRG', 'D02S26_027_QRB',
                   'D06S29_005_QRG', 'D04S26_005_QRG', 'D08S17_021_QRG', 'D07S23_015_QRG', 'D09S29_129_QRG',
                   'D08S26_236_LRB', 'D10S11_005_QRG', 'D09S29_521_QRG']

for i in _eq_idx:
    # lag the volatility
    # i = _eq_idx[0]
    testv = filt.lag(mkt_retrieve(i, 'Stats', 'Volatility')['vol_gk240'].values)

    # lag the signal
    test2 = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Signals')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_lvl]
    test2.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_LVL' for k in _sig_set_95_lvl])

    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes1')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch1]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH1' for k in _sig_set_95_ch1])
    test2 = DataFrame.merge(test2, test2_, on='Date')

    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes3')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch3]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH3' for k in _sig_set_95_ch3])
    test2 = DataFrame.merge(test2, test2_, on='Date')

    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes5')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch5]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH5' for k in _sig_set_95_ch5])
    test2 = DataFrame.merge(test2, test2_, on='Date')

    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes7')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch7]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH7' for k in _sig_set_95_ch7])
    test2 = DataFrame.merge(test2, test2_, on='Date')

    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes9')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch9]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH9' for k in _sig_set_95_ch9])
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_measures2():
    pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 30)
    pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100)
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')
    _prc_names = ['CLS', 'A2D', 'A3D', 'A4D', 'A2W', 'A3W', 'A4W', 'A2M', 'A3M', 'A4M']
    _trn_names = ['LVL', 'CH0', 'CH1', 'CH2']
    _fil_names = ['LRB', 'QRB', 'QRG']
    _hoz_names = []
    for j in range(5, 305, 5):
        if j < 10:
        elif j < 100:

    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')
    tick_cols = univ_ib_cl.tick_cols()
    for n in tick_cols:
        z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd[n].values.astype('int') == 1)[0])
        univ_ib_cl_ = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl[n].values[z])
        univ_ib_cl[n] = np.nan
        univ_ib_cl[z, n] = univ_ib_cl_
        univ_ib_cl[n] = filt.fill1(univ_ib_cl[n].values, 0)

    # tick_cols_ = tick_cols[0:1]
    tick_cols = ['SP500', 'SP400Mid', 'Nikkei225', 'R2000', 'FTSE100', 'DAX',
                 'SMI', 'CAC40', 'AEX', 'MIBFTSE', 'IBEX35', 'OMXS30']
    siz_ = [5330, 7115, 6757, 7349, 5324, 6785, 6794, 6199, 7232, 7936, 7180, 7295]
    # siz = [2784, 999, 1357, 765, 2790, 1329, 1320, 1915, 882, 178, 934, 819]

    tick_cols = tick_cols[1:]
    siz_ = siz_[1:]

    for k in _trn_names:
        dummy_cols = []
        for i in _prc_names:
            for j in _fil_names:
        x_ = np.random.random(len(_hoz_names))*np.nan
        y_ = np.random.random(len(_hoz_names))*np.nan
        dummy_df = DataFrame({dummy_cols[0]: x_, dummy_cols[1]: y_})
        for i in range(2, 30):
            dummy_df[dummy_cols[i]] = x_

        _col = 0
        for i in _prc_names:
            # j = _fil_names[0]
            for j in _fil_names:
                # k = _trn_names[0]
                for mi, m in enumerate(_hoz_names):
                    # m = _hoz_names[0]
                    fn = univ_ib_eqidx_ext+i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m
                    univ_ib_sig = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(fn)
                    ret_, sig_ = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
                    for ni, n in enumerate(tick_cols):
                        # ni = 0
                        # n = tick_cols[ni]
                        z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd[n].values.astype('int') == 1)[0])
                        z = [z_ for z_ in z if z_ > siz_[ni]]   # 5 is just a buffer
                        sig__ = univ_ib_sig[n].values[z]
                        ret__ = univ_ib_cl[n].values[z]
                        sig__ = filt.lag(sig__, 2)
                        ret_ = np.hstack((ret_, ret__[2:]))
                        sig_ = np.hstack((sig_, sig__[2:]))
                    gidx = np.where(~np.isnan(ret_) & ~np.isnan(sig_))[0]
                    dummy_df[mi, dummy_cols[_col]] = 100*spearmanr(ret_[gidx], sig_[gidx]).correlation
                _col += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_equity_index_combo_returns():
    # split up o/h/l/c, trd val into separate files
    # also store the multiplier
    tick_sym_all, tick_name_all = [], []
    for i in EquityIndexFuturesSet:
    for i in tick_name_all:
        # i = tick_name_all[0]
        _data = mkt_retrieve(i, 'Stats', 'Returns')
        # _data = cr_ret.retrieve(i)      # change this
        if i == tick_name_all[0]:
            comb_data_op = _data[['Date', 'Open']]
            comb_data_hi = _data[['Date', 'High']]
            comb_data_lo = _data[['Date', 'Low']]
            comb_data_cl = _data[['Date', 'Close']]
            comb_data_tv = _data[['Date', 'AggVolume', 'Close']]
            comb_data_tv['TradedValue'] = comb_data_tv['AggVolume']*comb_data_tv['Close']
            comb_data_tv = comb_data_tv[['Date', 'TradedValue']]
            comb_data_ex = _data[['Date']]
            comb_data_ex['ExchOpen'] = 1
            comb_data_op.rename({'Open': i})
            comb_data_hi.rename({'High': i})
            comb_data_lo.rename({'Low': i})
            comb_data_cl.rename({'Close': i})
            comb_data_tv.rename({'TradedValue': i})
            comb_data_ex.rename({'ExchOpen': i})
            comb_data_op_new = _data[['Date', 'Open']]
            comb_data_hi_new = _data[['Date', 'High']]
            comb_data_lo_new = _data[['Date', 'Low']]
            comb_data_cl_new = _data[['Date', 'Close']]
            comb_data_tv_new = _data[['Date', 'AggVolume', 'Close']]
            comb_data_tv_new['TradedValue'] = comb_data_tv_new['AggVolume']*comb_data_tv_new['Close']
            comb_data_tv_new = comb_data_tv_new[['Date', 'TradedValue']]
            comb_data_ex_new = _data[['Date']]
            comb_data_ex_new['ExchOpen'] = 1
            comb_data_op_new.rename({'Open': i})
            comb_data_hi_new.rename({'High': i})
            comb_data_lo_new.rename({'Low': i})
            comb_data_cl_new.rename({'Close': i})
            comb_data_tv_new.rename({'TradedValue': i})
            comb_data_ex_new.rename({'ExchOpen': i})
            # merge them
            comb_data_op = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_op, comb_data_op_new, on='Date')
            comb_data_hi = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_hi, comb_data_hi_new, on='Date')
            comb_data_lo = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_lo, comb_data_lo_new, on='Date')
            comb_data_cl = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_cl, comb_data_cl_new, on='Date')
            comb_data_tv = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_tv, comb_data_tv_new, on='Date')
            comb_data_ex = DataFrame.merge(comb_data_ex, comb_data_ex_new, on='Date')
    tick_cols = comb_data_cl.tick_cols()
    for i in tick_cols:
        comb_data_cl[i] = cuff.fill(comb_data_cl[i].values)
        comb_data_op[i] = cuff.fill2(comb_data_op[i].values, comb_data_cl[i].values)
        comb_data_hi[i] = cuff.fill2(comb_data_hi[i].values, comb_data_cl[i].values)
        comb_data_lo[i] = cuff.fill2(comb_data_lo[i].values, comb_data_lo[i].values)
        comb_data_tv[i] = cuff.fill1(comb_data_tv[i].values, 0)
        comb_data_ex[i] = cuff.fill1(comb_data_ex[i].values, 0)
    # save the data
    comb_data_op['Date'] = comb_data_op['Date'].astype('int64')
    comb_data_hi['Date'] = comb_data_hi['Date'].astype('int64')
    comb_data_lo['Date'] = comb_data_lo['Date'].astype('int64')
    comb_data_cl['Date'] = comb_data_cl['Date'].astype('int64')
    comb_data_tv['Date'] = comb_data_tv['Date'].astype('int64')
    comb_data_ex['Date'] = comb_data_ex['Date'].astype('int64')

    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_Open', comb_data_op)
    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_High', comb_data_hi)
    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_Low', comb_data_lo)
    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_Close', comb_data_cl)
    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_TrdVal', comb_data_tv)
    cr_cret.store('EquityIndex_IBUniv_ExchOpen', comb_data_ex)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_history(self, cur_adj=True, trans_deriv=True):
     if (self.stdate == 0) or (self.stdate != 0 and self.cstickold != ''):
         x1 = get_cont_series_roll_basic(self.cstick, self.ndays, matur=self.fmatur)
         x1 = get_cont_series_roll_basic(self.cstick, self.ndays, matur=self.fmatur, hist_st_date=self.stdate)
     if self.cstickold != '':
         if self.stdate == 0:
             x2 = get_cont_series_roll_basic(self.cstickold, self.ndays, matur=self.fmatur)
             x2 = get_cont_series_roll_basic(self.cstickold, self.ndays, matur=self.fmatur, hist_st_date=self.stdate)
         # merge x1 and x2 based on traded volume
         x1['TradedValue'] = x1['Close'] * x1['Volume']
         x2['TradedValue'] = x2['Close'] * x2['Volume'] * self.multold
         # find the first maturity when the x1 contract is larger than the x2 contract
         x1t = x1[['Date', 'TradedValue', 'ContractAtClose']]
         x2t = x2[['Date', 'TradedValue', 'ContractAtClose']]
         xt = DataFrame.merge(x2t, x1t, on='Date')
         switch_idx = [i for i, j in enumerate(zip(xt['TradedValue_x', list], xt['TradedValue_y', list]))
                       if j[0] < j[1]][0]
         # switch_idx = switch_idx[0]
         xt = xt[switch_idx:, :]
         # now find the first rollover date of x1
         xtf = [i for i, j in enumerate(xt['ContractAtClose_y', list]) if j > 0][0]
         xtd_switch = xt[xtf, 'Date']  # switch over at the end of this date
         x1 = x1[x1['Date'] >= xtd_switch, :]
         x2 = x2[x2['Date'] <= xtd_switch, :]
         # transform
         xr = x1[0, 'Close']/x2[x2.shape[0]-1, 'Close']
         for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
             x2[i] = x2[i]*xr
         for i in ['Volume', 'OpenInterest', 'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest']:
             x2[i] = x2[i]/xr
         # relabel the rollover date
         xrc = int(x1[0, 'ContractAtClose'])
         xro = [int(i) for i in x2['ContractAtClose', list] if i!=0]
         if xrc in xro:
             # remove xrc from xro
             xroi = [i for i, j in enumerate(x2['ContractAtClose', list]) if j==xrc][0]
             x2[xroi, 'ContractAtClose'] = int(0)
         # now merge x2 with x1 from the second row of 1
         x2.row_bind(x1[1:, :])
         del x1['TradedValue']
         x1 = x2.copy()
     # convert to USD if not converted
     if cur_adj and self.curr != 'USD':
         xc = _get_curr_to_usd_data(self.curr)
         xc.set_columns(['Date', 'Curr'])
         x2 = DataFrame.merge(x1, xc, on='Date')
         x2 = x2[~np.isnan(x2['Contract'].values), :]
         for i in ['Contract', 'Date', 'Front', 'LastTrdDate', 'ContractAtClose']:
             x2[i] = x2[i].astype('int64')
         # invert the currency
         x2['Curr'] = 1/x2['Curr']
         # replace currency by previous value
         x2['Curr'] = x2['Curr'].fillna(method='ffill')
         if trans_deriv:     # may be some bug here (?)
             # assumes daily cash settlement
             cl_val = x2['Close'].values
             fx_val = x2['Curr'].values
             n = cl_val.shape[0]
             fx_mult = np.empty(n)*np.nan
             fx_mult[n-1] = 1
             fx_mult[0:(n-1)] = fx_val[1:n]/fx_val[0:(n-1)]
             # fx_mult[0:(n-1)] = 1/(fx_val[0:(n-1)]+(1-fx_val[0:(n-1)])*cl_val[0:(n-1)]/cl_val[1:n])  --- bug
             fx_mult[0:(n - 1)] = 1 / (fx_mult[0:(n - 1)] + (1 - fx_mult[0:(n - 1)]) * cl_val[0:(n - 1)] / cl_val[1:n])
             fx_mult = np.cumprod(fx_mult[::-1])[::-1]
             # get new values
             for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                 x2[i+'_'] = x2[i].values*fx_mult
             for i in ['Volume', 'OpenInterest', 'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest']:
                 x2[i+'_'] = ((x2['Close'].values*x2[i].values)*fx_val)/x2['Close_'].values
             x2 = x2[['Contract', 'Date', 'Open_', 'High_', 'Low_', 'Close_', 'Volume_',
                      'OpenInterest_', 'AggVolume_', 'AggOpenInterest_', 'Front', 'LastTrdDate', 'ContractAtClose']]
             x2.set_columns(['Contract', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'OpenInterest',
                             'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest', 'Front', 'LastTrdDate', 'ContractAtClose'])
         else: # trans_spot
             # cl_val = x2['Close'].values
             fx_val = x2['Curr'].values
             for i in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
                 x2[i + '_'] = x2[i].values * fx_val
             for i in ['Volume', 'OpenInterest', 'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest']:
                 x2[i + '_'] = ((x2['Close'].values * x2[i].values) * fx_val) / x2['Close_'].values
             x2 = x2[['Contract', 'Date', 'Open_', 'High_', 'Low_', 'Close_', 'Volume_',
                      'OpenInterest_', 'AggVolume_', 'AggOpenInterest_', 'Front', 'LastTrdDate', 'ContractAtClose']]
             x2.set_columns(['Contract', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'OpenInterest',
                             'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest', 'Front', 'LastTrdDate', 'ContractAtClose'])
         x1 = x2.copy()
     if 'TradedValue' in x1.columns:
         del x1['TradedValue']
     return x1
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_cont_series_roll_basic(tick, n_days, n_months = 0, matur=1, eom=None, hist_st_date=None):
    # eom = uses n_days after doing a n_months month end, else it is n_months + n_days
    x = cr_ft_hs.retrieve(tick)
    # drop data when the AggregateVolume was less than 50 contracts
    if hist_st_date is not None:
        x = x[x['Date']>=hist_st_date, :]
    x['Contract'] = x['Contract'].astype('int64')
    x['Date'] = x['Date'].astype('int64')
    x1 = cr_ft_ldt.retrieve(tick)
    # for each date, retain only the two nearest contracts
    x.sort(['Date', 'Contract'])
    y = x.apply(['Contract'], _rank, group_col=['Date'])
    x['TempCol'] = y.values
    # print(matur)
    x = x[x['TempCol']<=(matur+1), :]
    # merge with te last trading day
    x2 = DataFrame.merge(x, x1, on='Contract')
    x2 = x2[~np.isnan(x2['Close'].values), :]
    x2 = x2[[i for i, j in enumerate(x2['TempCol', list]) if ~np.isnan(j)], :]
    x2['Contract'] = x2['Contract'].astype('int64')
    x2['Date'] = x2['Date'].astype('int64')
    x2['LastTrdDate'] = x2['LastTrdDate'].values.astype('int64')
    # get the roll dates
    y = str_to_pd_dt([str(int(i)) for i in x2['LastTrdDate', list]])
    if n_months == 0:
        y = pd_dt_to_str([j-dt.timedelta(days=n_days) for j in y])
        if eom is None:
            y = pd_dt_to_str([j-dt.timedelta(days=n_days)-dt2.relativedelta(months=n_months) for j in y])
            y = pd_dt_to_str([last_day_of_month(j-dt2.relativedelta(months=n_months))-dt.timedelta(days=n_days)
                              for j in y])
    y = [int(k) for k in y]
    # fix actual roll date to be a date that is among the list of dates
    # or, use calendar to get roll dates in the future
    yun = list(sorted(set(y)))
    yact = list(sorted(set(x2['Date', list])))
    yact_max = max(yact)
    yun_alt = []
    for i in yun:
        if (i <= yact_max) and (i not in yact):
            yun_alt.append(max([j for j in yact if j<i]))
            if i>yact_max:
                idt = dt.datetime(i // 10000, (i % 10000) // 100, i % 100)
                if idt.isoweekday() in range(1,6):
                    if idt.isoweekday() == 6:
                        idt = idt - dt.timedelta(days=1)
                    else: # idt.isoweekday() == 7:
                        idt = idt - dt.timedelta(days=2)
    # DataFrame(data={'yun': yun, 'yun_alt': yun_alt})
    for i, j in enumerate(yun):
        if j != yun_alt[i]:
            # print(j, yun_alt[i])
            y = [(k if k!= j else yun_alt[i]) for k in y]

    x2['RollDate'] = y
    # carry out the rollover
    x2.sort(['Date', 'Contract'])
    # for each date, retain only the earlier rollover date
    y2 =  x2.apply(['RollDate'], min, group_col=['Date'])
    x2['RollDate2'] = y2.values
    if matur > 1:
        x2 = x2[x2['TempCol'] >= matur, :]
    # make a list of all roll dates
    y3 = list(sorted(set(x2['RollDate2', list])))
    # check if there are atleast two rows on each roll dates
    # otherwise reduce the data set
    y3n = []
    for i in range(0, len(y3)):
        xt = x2[x2['Date'] == y3[i], :]
    if y3n[0] == 2:
        y3nt = 0
        y3nt = [i for i, j in enumerate(y3n) if j==2]
        y3nt = y3nt[0]-1
    y3u = y3[y3nt:len(y3)]
    y3uc = x2['RollDate2', list]
    y3uc = [i for i, j in enumerate(y3uc) if j in y3u]
    x2 = x2[y3uc, :]
    # now on the roll dates, retain two contracts
    # and between the roll dates, retain one contract
    cont_f = []
    cont_s = []
    for i in y3u:
        # i = y3u[76]
        x2t = x2[x2['Date'] == i, :]
        if x2t.shape[0] == 0:
        elif (x2t.shape[0] == 1) and (i != y3u[len(y3u)-1]):   # newly added condition
            x2 = x2[x2['Date'] >= i, :]
            cont_s.append(x2t['Contract', list][0])
        elif (x2t.shape[0] == 1) and (i == y3u[len(y3u)-1]):    # newly added statement (to handle dead futures)
            cont_f.append(x2t['Contract', list][0])
            x2ti = x2t['Contract', list]
    cont_def = DataFrame(data={'ARollover': y3u, 'First': cont_f, 'Second': cont_s})
    # drop if both 'First' and 'Second' are zero
    while (cont_def[0, 'First'] == 0) and (cont_def[0, 'Second'] == 0):
        cont_def = cont_def[1:,:]
    if cont_def[0, 'Second'] != cont_def[1, 'First']:
        cont_def[0, 'Second'] = cont_def[1, 'First']  # this happens if a new contract started midway at the beg
    if cont_def[cont_def.shape[0]-1,'First'] == 0:
        cont_def = cont_def[0:(cont_def.shape[0]-2), :]  # this happens if today is not a rollover date
    if cont_def[0, 'First'] == 0:
        cont_def = cont_def[1:(cont_def.shape[0]-1), :]
    # now built out the concatenated time-series
    # on the rollover date, sell the first, and buy the second
    x3 = x2[(x2['Contract'] == cont_def[0,'First']).values & (x2['Date'] <= cont_def[0, 'ARollover']), :]
    x3['Contract2'] = 0
    x3['Contract2'] = x3['Contract2'].astype('int64')
    for i in range(0, cont_def.shape[0]-1):
        # i = cont_def.shape[0]-2
        x3t = x2[(x2['Contract'] == cont_def[i, 'Second']).values & (x2['Date'] >= cont_def[i, 'ARollover']).values
                 & (x2['Date'] <= cont_def[i+1, 'ARollover']).values, :]
        # merge x3 and x3t
        x3r = x3t.head(1)['Close', list][0]/x3.tail(1)['Close', list][0]
        for j in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
            x3[j] = x3[j]*x3r
        for j in ['Volume', 'OpenInterest', 'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest']:
            x3[j] = x3[j]/x3r
        x3t['Contract2'] = 0
        x3t['Contract2'] = x3t['Contract2'].astype('int64')
        x3[x3.shape[0]-1, 'Contract2'] = x3t[0, 'Contract']
        # drop first row of x3t
        x3t = x3t[1:, :]
        # append the two
    # add the last contract
    if cont_def[cont_def.shape[0]-1, 'Second'] != 0:  # live contract
        nc = cont_def.shape[0]-1
        x3t = x2[(x2['Contract'] == cont_def[nc, 'Second']).values & (x2['Date'] >= cont_def[nc, 'ARollover']).values, :]
        x3r = x3t.head(1)['Close', list][0] / x3.tail(1)['Close', list][0]
        for j in ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']:
            x3[j] = x3[j] * x3r
        for j in ['Volume', 'OpenInterest', 'AggVolume', 'AggOpenInterest']:
            x3[j] = x3[j] / x3r
        x3t['Contract2'] = 0
        x3t['Contract2'] = x3t['Contract2'].astype('int64')
        x3[x3.shape[0] - 1, 'Contract2'] = x3t[0, 'Contract']
        # drop first row of x3t
        x3t = x3t[1:, :]
        # append the two
    x3['Contract2'] = x3['Contract2'].astype('int64')
    # x3[[i for i, j in enumerate(zip(x3['RollDate', list], x3['RollDate2', list])) if j[0]!=j[1]], :]
    del x3['RollDate']
    del x3['RollDate2']
    names = [(i if i != 'TempCol' else 'Front') for i in list(x3.columns)]
    names = [(i if i != 'Contract2' else 'ContractAtClose') for i in list(x3.columns)]
    return x3