Exemplo n.º 1
def gradient_boosting_result(_ticker='SP500'):
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')[_ticker].values
    z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0])

    _prc_names = ['CLS', 'A2D', 'A3D', 'A4D', 'A2W', 'A3W', 'A4W', 'A2M', 'A3M', 'A4M']
    _trn_names = ['LVL', 'CH0', 'CH1', 'CH2']
    _fil_names = ['LRB', 'QRB', 'QRG']
    _hoz_names = []
    for j in range(5, 305, 5):
        if j < 10:
            _hoz_names.append('00' + str(j))
        elif j < 100:
            _hoz_names.append('0' + str(j))

    # get volatility forecast
    univ_ib_vl = cr_vol_all_adj.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_pb_120')[_ticker].values[z]

    # get return
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')[_ticker].values[z]
    univ_ib_cl = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl)

    univ_ib_sig_all = None
    for k in _trn_names:
        for i in _prc_names:
            for j in _fil_names:
                for mi, m in enumerate(_hoz_names):
                    fn = univ_ib_eqidx_ext+i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m
                    univ_ib_sig = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(fn)[_ticker].values[z]
                    if univ_ib_sig_all is None:
                        univ_ib_sig_all = DataFrame({i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m: univ_ib_sig})
                        univ_ib_sig_all.col_bind(DataFrame({i+'_'+j+'_'+k+'_'+m: univ_ib_sig}))

    # just for storage - incase something happens
    # univ_ib_gb = DataFrame({'Close': univ_ib_cl, 'Volatility': univ_ib_vl})
    # univ_ib_gb.col_bind(univ_ib_sig_all)
    # cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'GBM', univ_ib_gb)

    reg_lookback = [120, 240, 360, 480]
    new_col_names = list(univ_ib_sig_all.columns)

    for i in new_col_names:
        # i = new_col_names[0]
        test_ = np.empty(0)
        for j in reg_lookback:
            # j = reg_lookback[0]
            uic = univ_ib_cl
            uiv = univ_ib_vl
            uis = filt.lag(univ_ib_sig_all[i].values, 1)
            uic, uis, uiv = reduce_nonnan(uic, uis, uiv)
            b1 = qreg.roll_e_ladreg_1d(uic, uis, j)
            b2 = qreg.roll_e_ladreg_1d(uic/uiv, uis/uiv, j)

            resid1 = uic - filt.lag(b1)*uis
            resid2 = uic - filt.lag(b2)*uis
            resid1, resid2 = reduce_nonnan(resid1, resid2)
            test_ = np.hstack((test_, np.array([np.median(abs(resid1)), np.median(abs(resid2))])))
        print(i+' : '+np_to_str(test_))
Exemplo n.º 2
def response_curve(x1, _ticker='SP500', f=None, md=True, sigd=False):
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_vl = cr_vol_all_adj.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_pb_120')[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_s1 = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + x1)[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')[_ticker].values
    z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0])
    univ_ib_s1 = univ_ib_s1[z]
    univ_ib_cl = univ_ib_cl[z]
    univ_ib_vl = univ_ib_vl[z]

    univ_ib_cl = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl)/filt.lag(univ_ib_vl, 1)
    univ_ib_s1 = filt.lag(univ_ib_s1, 1)/filt.lag(univ_ib_vl, 1)

    univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1 = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1)

    _bins = 20
    _range = np.maximum(np.percentile(univ_ib_s1, 99), -np.percentile(univ_ib_s1, 1))
    _delta = _range/_bins
    if f is not None:
    for i in range(0, 16):
        if i == 0:
            uis1 = univ_ib_s1
            uic1 = univ_ib_cl
            uis1 = filt.lag(univ_ib_s1, i)
            uic1 = filt.sma(univ_ib_cl, i+1)
        uis1, uic1 = reduce_nonnan(uis1, uic1)
        uis1_b = np.linspace(-_range, _range, num=_bins+1)
        uic1_b = np.zeros(_bins+1)*np.nan
        for j in range(0, _bins+1):
            # j = 1
            if j==0:
                tmp__ = np.where(uis1 <= uis1_b[j]+_delta)[0]
            elif j == _bins+1:
                tmp__ = np.where(uis1 > uis1_b[j]-_delta)[0]
                tmp__ = np.where((uis1 <= uis1_b[j]+_delta) & (uis1 > uis1_b[j]-_delta))[0]
            if tmp__.shape[0] > 0:
                if md:
                    if not sigd:
                        uic1_b[j] = np.nanmedian(uic1[tmp__]) #/np.nanstd(uic1[tmp__])
                        uic1_b[j] = np.nanmedian(uic1[tmp__])/np.nanstd(uic1[tmp__])
                    if not sigd:
                        uic1_b[j] = np.nanmean(uic1[tmp__]) #/np.nanstd(uic1[tmp__])
                        uic1_b[j] = np.nanmean(uic1[tmp__])/np.nanstd(uic1[tmp__])
        pyl.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
        pyl.plot(uis1_b, uic1_b)
Exemplo n.º 3
def autocorr(x, m=1):
    x1 = filt.lag(x, m)
    x2 = np.copy(x)
    x1, x2 = reduce_nonnan(x1, x2)
    x1m = (x1 - np.mean(x1))/np.std(x1)
    x2m = (x2 - np.mean(x2))/np.std(x2)
    return np.mean(x1m*x2m)
Exemplo n.º 4
def return_correl(x1, x2, _ticker='SP500'):
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_s1 = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + x1)[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_s2 = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + x2)[_ticker].values
    z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0])
    univ_ib_s1 = univ_ib_s1[z]
    univ_ib_s2 = univ_ib_s2[z]
    univ_ib_s1, univ_ib_s2 = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_s1, univ_ib_s2)
    return spearmanr(univ_ib_s1, univ_ib_s2).correlation
def get_best_fit(k):
    # for k in range(5, 16):
    good1k = (k - 1) / (k + 1)
    good1k_ = k / (k + 2)
    print('Looking for EMA %s equivalent with autocorr = %s' % (str(k), str(good1k)))

    # metric = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
    good2b = np.nan
    for n1 in range(10, 40, 5): # range(20, 160, 20):
        # n1 = 160
        # print('Processing n1 = %s' % str(n1))
        for n2 in range(5, 50, 5):
            # n2 = 100
            for f1 in range(10, 60, 5): #range(10, 300, 10): # range(2, 100, 2):
                # f1 = 200
                for f2 in range(6, 48, 2): # range(2, 36, 2):
                    # f2 = 28
                    for lthresh in range(0, 1, 1): # (0, 12, 1)
                        # lthresh = 1
                        for oshpr in range(7, 30, 1):
                            # oshpr = 28
                            _loss = n1 + n2 + f1 + f2 + oshpr
                            if _loss <= 250: # 150
                                if np.isnan(good2b) | (~np.isnan(good2b) & (good2b > 0.0001)):
                                    # print(n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr)
                                    test1p = filt.smth_price(test3p_, test2p_, n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr)
                                    test1p, test2p, test3p = reduce_nonnan(test1p, test2p_, test3p_)

                                    # test1r =
                                    good1 = autocorr(filt.ret(test1p)[-7000:])

                                    if (good1 >= good1k) & (good1 < good1k_):

                                        # get the overshoot measure
                                        xoc_mx = test1p-np.maximum(test2p, test3p)
                                        xoc_mn = test1p-np.minimum(test2p, test3p)
                                        good2_ = np.abs(200*((xoc_mx>0)*xoc_mx+(xoc_mn<0)*xoc_mn)/(test2p+test3p))
                                        good2 = np.mean(good2_[-7000:])*2/(k+1)+np.median(good2_[-7000:])*(k-1)/(k+1)

                                        good3 = good2
                                        good2 = good2*np.sqrt(_loss)

                                        if np.isnan(good2b):
                                            metric = [k, n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr, good1, good3, _loss, good2]
                                            good2b = good2
                                        elif good2 < good2b:
                                            metric = [k, n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr, good1, good3, _loss, good2]
                                            good2b = good2
    return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def spline_curve(x1, _ticker='SP500', f=None, x1_=None, x2_=None, scat=True):
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_vl = cr_vol_all_adj.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_pb_120')[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_s1 = cr_sig_mr_sg.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + x1)[_ticker].values
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')[_ticker].values
    z = list(np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0])
    univ_ib_s1 = univ_ib_s1[z]
    univ_ib_cl = univ_ib_cl[z]
    univ_ib_vl = univ_ib_vl[z]

    univ_ib_cl = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl) / filt.lag(univ_ib_vl, 1)
    univ_ib_s1 = filt.lag(univ_ib_s1, 1) / filt.lag(univ_ib_vl, 1)

    univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1 = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1)

    print(spearmanr(univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1).correlation)

    test_weight = np.ones(univ_ib_cl.shape[0]) / univ_ib_cl.shape[0]

    if x1_ is None:
        x1 = np.percentile(univ_ib_s1, 25)
        x1 = x1_
    if x2_ is None:
        x2 = np.percentile(univ_ib_s1, 75)
        x2 = x2_
    testa = rpf2.cubic_fit_linreg(univ_ib_cl, univ_ib_s1, x1, x2, test_weight)
    x_ = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=101)
    b0 = testa[0]
    b1 = testa[1]
    b2 = testa[2]
    b3 = testa[3]
    a0 = testa[4]
    c0 = testa[5]
    y_ = (b0+a0*(x_<x1)+c0*(x_>x2))+(b1-3*(a0/x_)*(x_<x1)-3*(c0/x_)*(x_>x2))*x_+\
    y_[np.where(np.isnan(y_))[0]] = b0
    z_ = np.zeros(len(y_))
    pyl.plot(x_, y_)
    pyl.plot(x_, z_)
    if scat:
        pyl.scatter(univ_ib_s1, univ_ib_cl, c='c')
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
        univ_ib_vol5[ticker] = filt.lag(univ_ib_vol5[ticker].values)
        univ_ib_vol6[ticker] = filt.lag(univ_ib_vol6[ticker].values)
        univ_ib_vol7[ticker] = filt.lag(univ_ib_vol7[ticker].values)

        univ_ib_dt_ = univ_ib_cl['Date'].values
        univ_ib_cl_ = univ_ib_cl[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol0_ = univ_ib_vol0[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol1_ = univ_ib_vol1[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol2_ = univ_ib_vol2[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol3_ = univ_ib_vol3[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol4_ = univ_ib_vol4[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol5_ = univ_ib_vol5[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol6_ = univ_ib_vol6[ticker].values
        univ_ib_vol7_ = univ_ib_vol7[ticker].values

        univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol1_, univ_ib_vol2_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_vol4_, univ_ib_vol5_, univ_ib_vol6_, univ_ib_vol7_ = reduce_nonnan(
            univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol1_, univ_ib_vol2_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_vol4_, univ_ib_vol5_, univ_ib_vol6_, univ_ib_vol7_)

        # univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol3_ = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol3_)
        # univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_dt_ = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_dt_)
        # univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_dt_ = reduce_nonnan(univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_dt_)

        univ_ib_vol_ = [univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol1_, univ_ib_vol2_, univ_ib_vol3_, univ_ib_vol4_, univ_ib_vol5_, univ_ib_vol6_, univ_ib_vol7_]
        # univ_ib_vol_ = [univ_ib_vol3_]
        # univ_ib_vol_ = [univ_ib_vol0_, univ_ib_vol3_]
        for reg_lookback in [120]: # [120, 240, 360]
            # reg_lookback = 120
            # print('reg_lookback is %s\n' % str(reg_lookback))

            # f1, f2, f3, f4 = [], [], [], []
            for i in range(0, len(univ_ib_vol_)):
                # i = 1
def autocorr(x, m=1):
    x1 = filt.lag(x, m)
    x2 = np.copy(x)
    x1, x2 = reduce_nonnan(x1, x2)
    return smart_kendall(x1, x2)
            # n2 = 100
            for f1 in range(10, 300, 10): #range(10, 300, 10): # range(2, 100, 2):
                # f1 = 200
                for f2 in range(6, 36, 2): # range(2, 36, 2):
                    # f2 = 28
                    for lthresh in range(0, 2, 1): #[1]:
                        # lthresh = 1
                        for oshpr in range(13, 16, 3):
                            # oshpr = 28
                            if (np.isnan(good2b) | (~np.isnan(good2b) & (good2b > 0.0001))) & (n1+n2+f1+f2 < 180):
                                # print(n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr)
                                test1p = spec_smth(univ_ib_op[_ticker].values, univ_ib_cl[_ticker].values, n1, n2, f1, f2, lthresh, oshpr)
                                test2p = univ_ib_cl[_ticker].values
                                test3p = univ_ib_op[_ticker].values
                                testkp = np.copy(testk)
                                test1p, test2p, test3p, testkp = reduce_nonnan(test1p, test2p, test3p, testkp)

                                test1r = filt.ret(test1p)
                                testkr = filt.ret(testkp)
                                test1r, testkr = reduce_nonnan(test1r, testkr)

                                # good1 = autocorr(test1r)-autocorr(test2r)
                                good1 = autocorr(test1r[-7000:])
                                good1k = autocorr(testkr[-7000:])

                                # get the overshoot measure
                                xoc_mx = test1p-np.maximum(test2p, test3p)
                                xoc_mn = test1p-np.minimum(test2p, test3p)
                                good2_ = np.abs(200*((xoc_mx>0)*xoc_mx+(xoc_mn<0)*xoc_mn)/(test2p+test3p))
                                # good2 = np.mean(good2_[-7000:])
                                good2 = np.median(good2_[-7000:])
Exemplo n.º 10
_hypsecant_lrb = 0
_laplace_lrb = 0
_cauchy_lrb = 0
_logistic_lrb = 0
_hypsecant_qrb = 0
_laplace_qrb = 0
_cauchy_qrb = 0
_logistic_qrb = 0
_hypsecant_qrg = 0
_laplace_qrg = 0
_cauchy_qrg = 0
_logistic_qrg = 0

for i in tick_cols:
    print("Processing %s " % i)
    tmp_ = best_fit_distribution(reduce_nonnan(filt.chg(tmp[i].values, 3))[0])
    if "_LRB" in i:
        if tmp_[0] == "hypsecant":
            _hypsecant_lrb += 1
        if tmp_[0] == "laplace":
            _laplace_lrb += 1
        if tmp_[0] == "cauchy":
            _cauchy_lrb += 1
        if tmp_[0] == "logistic":
            _logistic_lrb += 1
        print("LRB", _hypsecant_lrb, _laplace_lrb, _cauchy_lrb, _logistic_lrb)
    if "_QRB" in i:
        if tmp_[0] == "hypsecant":
            _hypsecant_qrb += 1
        if tmp_[0] == "laplace":
            _laplace_qrb += 1