Exemplo n.º 1
def isCycle(graph):
	"""	This function takes a networkx graph object as input and returns True if the graph is a cycle
		Note: A graph is a cycle iff degree of every node is two and the graph is connected.
	if graph:
		degree_hist = nx.degree_histogram(graph) 			# get frequency of degree of all nodes
		if degree_hist[2] == len(graph.nodes()) and nx.is_connected(graph):	# if all nodes have degree = 2 => cycle
			Debuglogger.debug("Is a cycle")
			return True
	Debuglogger.debug("Is not a cycle")
	return False	
Exemplo n.º 2
def getCycleBasis(graph):
	"""	Input: networkx simple graph
		Returns list of graph objects that form cycle basis of the input graph
	Debuglogger.info("In getCycleBasis")
	cycle_basis_list = [] 								# list of list of edges of each cycle basis 
	for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(graph):
		Debuglogger.debug("cycle basis ->"+str(cycle))
		cycle_graph = nx.Graph()
	return cycle_basis_list
Exemplo n.º 3
def getAllRings(graph, isMultigraph):
	""" Parameters: graph -> networkx graph or multigraph object,
		isMultigraph -> True if graph is multigraph else false
		Returns list of list of edges forming cycles in the graph.
	if isMultigraph:
		multigraph, graph = graph, nx.Graph(graph)				
	all_cycle_edge_list = []
	Debuglogger.info("Getting cycle basis")
	cycle_basis_list = getCycleBasis(graph)								# get cycle basis of given graph
	Userlogger.info('\nGetting all the rings from physical topology')
	for i in range(1,len(cycle_basis_list)+1):							# form combinations of cycle basis
		Debuglogger.debug("Getting combinations of basis cycle picking "+str(i)+" items")
		for combination in combinations(cycle_basis_list,i):
			if combination:
				Debuglogger.debug("combination exists")
				edge_set = {}
				for basis in combination:								# find symmetric difference of
					edge_set = set(basis).symmetric_difference(edge_set)# members of each combination	
				ring = nx.Graph()
				if isCycle(ring):										#if the member is a connected cycle
					Debuglogger.debug("Is a connected cycle")
					all_cycle_edge_list.append(list(edge_set))			# add to list of all cycles
					Debuglogger.info("Ring "+str(len(all_cycle_edge_list))+" "+str(all_cycle_edge_list[-1]))
					Userlogger.info("Ring "+str(len(all_cycle_edge_list))+" "+str(all_cycle_edge_list[-1]))
	if isMultigraph:
		return getRingsMultigraph(multigraph, all_cycle_edge_list)
	return all_cycle_edge_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def formatCycleEdgeList(graph, isMultigraph, all_cycle_edge_list_tuple, SwitchList):
	"""	Input -> graph object, bool whether multigraph or not, list of list of edges forming a cycle, dictionary port-port mappin gfor each node
		Returns list of list of edges forming cycle with attribute information
	Debuglogger.info("In formatCycleEdgeList - isMultigraph: "+str(isMultigraph))
	all_cycle_edge_list_str = []
	for ring in all_cycle_edge_list_tuple:
		cycle_str = []
		for edge in ring:
			node1 = edge[0]
			node2 = edge[1]
			if not isMultigraph:
				edge_dict = graph[node1][node2]
				edge_dict = graph[node1][node2][edge[-1]]	
			if edge_dict['wt'] in SwitchList[node1]:
				edge = (node1, node2, edge_dict['wt'], edge_dict['link_type'])
			else: edge = (node2, node1, edge_dict['wt'], edge_dict['link_type'])
			edge = " ".join(edge)
	return all_cycle_edge_list_str
Exemplo n.º 5
def getRingsMultigraph(multigraph, all_cycle_edge_list):
	""" Input -> multigraph object, list of cycles or rings got from simple graph
		Returns list of list of edges of a ring. Edge is represented as (node1.node2,edge_id)	
	Debuglogger.info("In getRingsMultigraph")
	all_cycle_edge_list_multi = []
	for ring in all_cycle_edge_list:
		cycle = []
		multi_edge_list = []
		edge_index = []
		for edge in ring:
			node1 = edge[0]
			node2 = edge[1]
			if len(multigraph[node1][node2])>1:
				Debuglogger.info("this ia a multi edge")
				single_multi_edge = []
				for edge_id in multigraph[node1][node2].keys():
					single_multi_edge.append((node1, node2, edge_id))
				edge_new = single_multi_edge[0]
				edge_new = edge + (0,)
		if multi_edge_list:
			for combination in product(*multi_edge_list):
				for i in range(len(combination)):
					idx = edge_index[i]
					temp = cycle[:idx]+[combination[i]]
					if i<len(cycle):
					cycle = temp
					#print cycle
				if temp not in all_cycle_edge_list_multi:
					Userlogger.info("Ring "+str(len(all_cycle_edge_list_multi))+" "+str(temp))
					Debuglogger.info("Ring "+str(len(all_cycle_edge_list_multi))+" "+str(temp))									
	return all_cycle_edge_list_multi