Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_scorePairs(self):

        scorer = HandScorer()

        # each row is [[cards in hand],turn, score]
        cases = [
            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 0],  # A, 2, 3, 4, 5 - No pairs
            [[0, 13, 26, 39], 1, 12],  # A, A, A, A, 2 - 4 of a kind
            [[1, 0, 13, 26], 39,
             12],  # 2, A, A, A, A - 4 of a kind, checks that sorting works
                [0, 2, 2 + 13, 2 + 13 * 2], 2 + 13 * 3, 12
            ],  # A, 3, 3, 3, 3 # 4 of a kind, check when last card matches previous
            [[1, 2, 3, 3], 4, 2],  # 2,3,4,4,5 -1 pair
            [[1, 1, 2, 10], 10, 4],  # 2,2,3,J,J - 2 pairs of 2
            [[9, 10, 11, 12], 0,
             0],  # 10,J,Q,K,A - no pairs - checks that  it uses face values
            [[15, 15 + 13, 15 + 13 * 2, 22], 22 + 13,
             8],  # 3,3,3,10,10 - 3 of a kind and a pair
            [[0, 2, 2 + 13, 3], None, 2],  # 3,3 - pair for 2
            [[2, 2 + 13, 2 + 13 * 2, 3], None,
             6],  # 3,3,3,4 - 3 of a kind for 6

        for case in cases:
            cardsInHand, turn, scoreCorrect = case
            score = scorer.scorePairs(cardsInHand, turn)
                score, scoreCorrect,
                "predicted {} Correct: {} for hand {} with turn {}".format(
                    score, scoreCorrect, cardsInHand, turn))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_scorer(self):
        Test scoring of all the functions together
        scorer = HandScorer()

        # Each row is [[cardsInHand], turn, score]
        cases = [
            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 12],  # 15-2 5flush, 5straight
                [8, 10, 11 + 13 * 3, 12], 36, 8
            ],  # pair of Q, 2x straight JQK, heels but it doesn't get counted here
            [[8, 9, 10, 11], 12,
             11],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #1, player 1 hand
            [[4, 5, 6, 7], 12,
             13],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #1, player 2 hand
            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 12,
             13],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #1, player 1 crib
            [[2, 9, 18, 3], 23,
             0],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #2, player 1 hand
            [[1, 10, 5, 4], 23,
             10],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #2, player 2 hand
            [[12, 24, 9, 0], 23,
             4],  # test_Game.test_playHand, Hand #2, player 2 crib
                [26, 51, 49, 20], 47, 1
            ],  # A clubs, K spades,J spades, 8 diamonds turn 9 spades - 1 for knees

        for case in cases:

            cardsInHand, turn, scoreCorrect = case

            score = scorer(cardsInHand, turn)
            self.assertEqual(score, scoreCorrect)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_potentialScoreMap(self):


        scorer = HandScorer()
        # hand of A, 2, 4, 6 ( drop idx 2,4)
        # Best turn would be a 3 for a score of 10:
        #    15-2 (2,3,4,6), straight (A,2,3,4) for 6, flush (A,2,4,6) for 10
        hand = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  # A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
        result = scorer.potentialScoreMap(hand)
            result[2, 4, 2]))  # card is in hand, so should be NaN
        self.assertEqual(result[2, 4, 2 + 13 * 1],
                         10)  # all other versions should be 10
        self.assertEqual(result[2, 4, 2 + 13 * 2], 10)
        self.assertEqual(result[2, 4, 2 + 13 * 3], 10)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_scoreStraight(self):

        scorer = HandScorer()

        # each row is [[cards in hand],turn, score]
        cases = [
            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 5],  # A, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 5 card straight
            [[0, 13, 1, 2], 5, 6],  # A, A, 2,3, 6 - 2x 3 card straights for 6
            [[9, 27, 29, 23], 24, 3],  # 10, 2, 4, J, Q - run of 3
            [[9, 10, 11, 12], None, 4],  # 10, J, Q, K - run of 4
            [[0, 2, 4, 6], None, 0]  # no points

        for case in cases:
            cardsInHand, turn, scoreCorrect = case
            score = scorer.scoreStraight(cardsInHand, turn)
            self.assertEqual(score, scoreCorrect)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_scoreKnobs(self):

        scorer = HandScorer()

        # each row is [[cardsInHand],turnCard,score]
        cases = [
            [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6, 0],
            [[0, 1, 2, 3, 10], 1, 1],  # has jack, suite matches
            [[0, 1, 2, 3, 10 + 13 * 3], 4, 0],  # has jack, suit does not match
            [[0, 10 + 13 * 2, 2, 3, 1], 3 + 13 * 2, 1],  # has jack does match
            [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 10, 0],  # is his heels, no points 
            [[0, 3, 3, 5], None, 0],  # not possible to calculate without turn

        for case in cases:
            hand, turn, scoreCorrect = case
            score = scorer.scoreKnobs(hand, turn)
            self.assertEqual(score, scoreCorrect)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_score15s(self):
        Test the calculation of the score for cards totaling 15
        scorer = HandScorer()
        # each row is [[cardsInHand],turnCard,score]
        cases = [
            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 2],  # A, 2, 3, 4, 5 = 15x2
            [[0, 4, 9, 10], 11, 6],  # A, 5,10, J, Q = 15x6
            [[5, 8, 5 + 13, 8 + 2 * 13], 0, 8],  # 6, 9, 6, 9, A = 15x8  
            [[5, 7 + 3 * 13, 3 + 13, 3 + 2 * 13], 0, 4],  # 6,8,4,4,A = 15x4 
            [[4, 9, 10, 11], None, 6],  #5,10 + 5,J + 5,Q + 5,K 

        for case in cases:
            cardsInHand, turn, scoreCorrect = case
            score = scorer.score15s(cardsInHand, turn)
            self.assertEqual(score, scoreCorrect)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_scoreFlush(self):
        Test cases for flush
        scorer = HandScorer()
        # [[cards in hand], turn card, score]
        cases = [[[0, 1, 2, 3], 4, 5], [[0, 1, 2, 3], 51, 4],
                 [[0, 1, 2, 51], 4, 0], [[0, 1, 2, 3], None, 4],
                 [[0, 1, 2, 50], None, 0]]

        for case in cases:
            cardsInHand, turn, scoreCorrect = case
            score = scorer.scoreFlush(cardsInHand, turn)
                msg="predicted {} correct {} with hand {} and turn {}".format(
                    score, scoreCorrect, cardsInHand, turn))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_scorePossible4CardHand(self):
        A player is dealt 6 cards, this mechanism finds the scores of every combination of
            cards put to the crib. 

        scorer = HandScorer()
        # [[cards in hand], score]
        cases = [
            [[6, 39, 47, 24, 13, 14],
             2],  # 7 H,  A S,  9 S,  Q D,  A D,  2 D  - pair of A for 2

        for case in cases:
            cardsDealt, maxScoreCorrect = case
            result = scorer.scorePossible4CardHand(cardsDealt)
            scoreMap = result['scoreMap']
            maxScore = scoreMap.max()

                msg="predicted max {} correct max {} with hand {}".format(
                    maxScore, maxScoreCorrect, cardsDealt))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_Cache(self):
        Verify that items are cached in the correct location
        scorer = HandScorer()
        score = scorer([0, 1, 2, 3], 4)  # verify order independent
        self.assertEqual(score, 12)
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_15s[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                         2)  # uses count value as idx
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_pairs[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                         0)  # uses face value as idx
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_straight[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                         5)  # uses face value as idx

        score = scorer([0, 1, 2, 3], None)  # verify order independent
        self.assertEqual(score, 8)
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_15s_4card[1, 2, 3, 4],
                         0)  # uses count value as idx
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_pairs_4card[1, 2, 3, 4],
                         0)  # uses face value as idx
        self.assertEqual(scorer.scores_straight_4card[1, 2, 3, 4],
                         4)  # uses face value as idx
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self,
        player<1,2>Type is the type of player, options are:
            * 'random'
            * 'HighestAverageHandPlayer'
        scorer: Instance of a Scorer class. Can pass in one so the cache is primed
        if player1Type.lower() == "random":
            self.player1 = RandomPlayer(name=player1Name)
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'bestminimalscore':
            self.player1 = BestMinimalScorePlayer(name=player1Name)
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'best4cardhand':
            self.player1 = Best4CardHandPlayer(name=player1Name)
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'besthandandcrib':
            self.player1 = BestHandAndCribPlayer(name=player1Name)
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'scorepegging':
            self.player1 = ScorePeggingPlayer(name=player1Name)
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'besthandandcribandscorepegging':
            self.player1 = BestHandAndCribAndScorePeggingPlayer(
        elif player1Type.lower() == 'bestminimalhandandscorepegging':
            self.player1 = BestMinimalHandAndScorePeggingPlayer(
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid player type {} for player1".format(player1Type))

        if player2Type.lower() == "random":
            self.player2 = RandomPlayer(name=player2Name)
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'bestminimalscore':
            self.player2 = BestMinimalScorePlayer(name=player2Name)
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'best4cardhand':
            self.player2 = Best4CardHandPlayer(name=player2Name)
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'besthandandcrib':
            self.player2 = BestHandAndCribPlayer(name=player2Name)
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'scorepegging':
            self.player2 = ScorePeggingPlayer(name=player2Name)
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'besthandandcribandscorepegging':
            self.player2 = BestHandAndCribAndScorePeggingPlayer(
        elif player2Type.lower() == 'bestminimalhandandscorepegging':
            self.player2 = BestMinimalHandAndScorePeggingPlayer(
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid player type {} for player2".format(player2Type))

        if type(scorer) is HandScorer:
            self.handScorer = scorer
        elif type(scorer) is str:
            # check the testing case, prevents from allocating/deallocating 100's of MB of RAM
            #   when running tests
            # As of 20200608, using this takes test time from 2.5s to 1.7s
            if scorer.lower() == "do-not-create":
                self.handScorer = None
                self.handScorer = HandScorer()
            self.handScorer = HandScorer()

        self.verbose = verbose

        self.deck = Deck.Deck()

        self.player1Score = 0
        self.player2Score = 0

        # Flag to control who deals. True means player 1, False means player 2
        # Is inverted at the start of self.playHand()
        self.player1Dealer = False

        # Flag for signaling the end of the game.
        # This is set by calling self._checkGameOver()
        self.gameOver = False
Exemplo n.º 11
from Cribbage import Game,HandScorer
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    scorer = HandScorer()
    gamesToPlay = 100
    printEvery = int(gamesToPlay//10)

    startTime = time.time()
    player1Wins = 0
    for ii in range(gamesToPlay):
        handTime = time.time()
        game = Game("random","BestMinimalHandAndScorePegging",scorer=scorer,verbose=False)
        if game.player1Score > game.player2Score:
            player1Wins += 1
        handTime = time.time() - handTime
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
        handTimeAvg = elapsedTime/(ii+1)
        remaining = (gamesToPlay - ii) / handTimeAvg
        p1WinRate = float(player1Wins)/(ii+1)*100
        if not ii%printEvery:
            print("Game {} Player1 win rate: {:.1f} Elapsed: {:.1f} Remaining: {:.1f} Average per hand: {:.3f}".format(ii, p1WinRate, elapsedTime, remaining, handTimeAvg))
    print("Player 1 won {}/{} games, {:.1f}%".format(player1Wins,gamesToPlay,float(player1Wins)/gamesToPlay*100.))