Exemplo n.º 1
  def test_conversionRateChangesAndIsReloaded(self, mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO):
    #In this test we are going to make some calls, then arrange for the rate to expire and a new one to be loaded
    # we will then make some more calls and check we get expected results
    responses = []
    mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.side_effect = responses

    #Set a time in the appObj to initiate testing mode (Will stop any chance of expiry during the test)
    curDateTime = appObj.getCurDateTime()

    converterInstance = CurrencyConverter(appObj, apikey)

    #call the code under test a number of times before the cache expiry
    numberOfCallsToMake = 4
    for c in range(0, numberOfCallsToMake):
      self.assertEqual(converterInstance.convertFromGBPtoUSD(testAmounts['GBP']), testAmounts['USD4'], "Incorrect currency conversion result")

    #go forward 30 mintues - the rate should have changed because the cache will be invalidated
    appObj.setTestingDateTime(curDateTime + converterInstance.rateRefreshInterval + relativedelta(minutes=30))

    #call the code under test a number of times after the cache expiry (new result)
    for c in range(0, numberOfCallsToMake):
      self.assertEqual(converterInstance.convertFromGBPtoUSD(testAmounts['GBP']), testAmounts['USD2'], "Incorrect currency conversion result")

    #Make sure there were two calls to the mock, one before the cache expiry and one after
    self.assertEqual(mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.call_args_list,[call(apikey),call(apikey)],"Wrong calls to API")
Exemplo n.º 2
  def test_singleConversionDifferentRate(self, mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO):
    #Setup mock to return a rate of 4
    mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.side_effect  = [ 
    converterInstance = CurrencyConverter(appObj, apikey)
    self.assertEqual(converterInstance.convertFromGBPtoUSD(testAmounts['GBP']), testAmounts['USD4'], "Incorrect currency conversion result")

    #Make sure there was only one call and it had the correct APIKEY
    self.assertEqual(mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.call_args_list,[call(apikey)],"Wrong calls to API")
Exemplo n.º 3
  def test_conversionRateIsCachedBetweenCalls(self, mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO):
    numberOfCallsToMake = 4
    #setup mock object - setting up a number of responses even though we should only use the first one
    responses = []
    for c in range(0, numberOfCallsToMake):
    mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.side_effect = responses
    #Set a time in the appObj to initiate testing mode (Will stop any chance of expiry during the test)
    curDateTime = appObj.getCurDateTime()
    #call code under test
    converterInstance = CurrencyConverter(appObj, apikey)
    for c in range(0, numberOfCallsToMake):
      self.assertEqual(converterInstance.convertFromGBPtoUSD(testAmounts['GBP']), testAmounts['USD4'], "Incorrect currency conversion result")

    #Make sure there was only one call with the correct APIKEY
    self.assertEqual(mockGetLatestRatesFromFixerIO.call_args_list,[call(apikey)],"Wrong calls to API")