Exemplo n.º 1
    def TimeCostFunction(path: Bezier, timePolyCoeffs, minSpd, maxSpd, maxGs,
        # Cost function of 4 terms: total curvature, curvature variance, length, and speed variance
        dt = 0.01
        t = np.arange(0, tspan[1] - tspan[0],
                      dt)  # time step for evaulating cost
        tau = np.polyval(timePolyCoeffs, t)
        tauPrime = np.polyval(np.polyder(timePolyCoeffs), t)

        _, v = path.evalJet(tau)
        speeds = np.linalg.norm(v, 2, 0) * tauPrime  # Speed in real units

        cost = 0

        k = path.evalCurv(tau)  # Curvature
        ac = np.power(speeds, 2) * k  # Centripetal Acceleration

        Wvel = 100
        Wk = 5

        if (Wvel > 0):
            cost += Wvel * np.sum(np.power(speeds - 0.5 *
                                           (minSpd + maxSpd), 2))

        if (Wk > 0):
            cost += Wk * np.sum(np.power(ac, 2))

        return cost
Exemplo n.º 2
    def BezierCostFunction(path: Bezier, optParams: FlightOptParams):
        # Cost function of 4 terms: total curvature, curvature variance, length, and speed variance
        t = np.arange(0, 1 + optParams.dt,
                      optParams.dt)  # time step for evaulating cost

        cost = 0

        _, v = path.evalJet(t)
        speeds = np.linalg.norm(v, 2, 0)
        k = path.evalCurv(t)

        if (optParams.Wlen > 0):
            pathLength = optParams.dt * np.nansum(speeds)
            cost += optParams.Wlen * pathLength

        if (optParams.Wcurv > 0):
            totalCurv = np.nansum(np.power(k, 2))
            cost += optParams.Wcurv * totalCurv

        if (optParams.Wkdev > 0):
            curvDev = np.nanvar(k, ddof=1)
            cost += optParams.Wkdev * curvDev

        if (optParams.Wspdev > 0):
            spddev = np.nanvar(speeds, ddof=1)
            cost += optParams.Wspdev * spddev

        if (optParams.Wagree > 0):
            startVec = path.Q[:, 1] - path.Q[:, 0]
            endVec = path.Q[:, 3] - path.Q[:, 2]

            startAngle = np.arctan2(startVec[1], startVec[0])
            endAngle = np.arctan2(endVec[1], endVec[0])
            angles = np.linspace(startAngle, endAngle, np.shape(t)[0])
            vecs = np.vstack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)))
            ramp = np.linspace(1, 0, int(len(t) / 10))
            weight = np.concatenate(
                (ramp, np.zeros(
                    (np.shape(t)[0] - 2 * np.shape(ramp)[0])), np.flip(ramp)))

            agree = np.sum(angles * weight * v / (speeds + optParams.rho))
            cost += optParams.Wkdev * agree

        return cost
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self,
              tspan=[0, 1],
     self.startPose = startPose
     self.endPose = endPose
     self.bezier = Bezier(bezierOrder)
     self.tspan = tspan
     self.duration = tspan[1] - tspan[0]
     self.optParams = optParams
     self.timePolyCoeffs = np.array(
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 1 / (tspan[1] - tspan[0]),
          0])  # By default, polynomial does not change s input
     self.spec = spec
Exemplo n.º 4
 def error(self, variables):
     my_params = variables.at(self.keys()[0])
     params = np.empty((self.dimension * (self._order - 3) + 2, ))
     if (self.optParams.init != None and self.optParams.final == None):
         params[0] = self.duration * (self.optParams.init / self._order)
         params[1:] = my_params
     elif (self.optParams.init != None and self.optParams.final != None):
         params[0] = self.duration * (self.optParams.init / self._order)
         params[1] = self.duration * (self.optParams.final / self._order)
         params[2:] = my_params
         params = my_params
     b = Bezier.constructBezierPath(self._start, self._end, self._order,
     return np.array([Flight.BezierCostFunction(b, self.optParams)])
Exemplo n.º 5
import numpy as np
import Curves.Bezier as Bezier
from Lie import SE3
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

b = Bezier(3)

start = np.array([[0], [0]])
end = np.array([[5], [5]])
p1 = np.array([[1], [3]])
p2 = np.array([[4], [5]])

points2 = np.array([[0, 1, 9, 5], [0, 1, -1, 5], [0, 3, 2, 5]])

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
x = b.eval(t)
v = b.evalJet(t)
a = b.evalJet2(t)
k = b.evalCurv(t)

start = SE3()

roll = np.pi / 3
pitch = np.pi / 4
yaw = np.pi / 6
R = np.matmul(np.matmul(SE3.RotZ(yaw), SE3.RotY(pitch)), SE3.RotX(roll))

x = np.array([[3], [6], [2]])
end = SE3(R=R, x=x)
Exemplo n.º 6
B = np.zeros((4, 2))
B[2, 0] = 1
B[3, 1] = 1

Q = np.eye(4)

linctrl = linear(np.zeros((4, 1)), np.zeros((2, 1)))
linctrl.setByCARE(A, B, Q)

leom = linear.systemDynamics(A, B)

#pathgen = linepath.linepath()
pathgen = Flight2D()
pathgen.bezier = Bezier(3)
pathgen.setDynConstraints(0, 10, 4)

ts = structure()
ts.Th = 0.5
ts.Td = 0.2
ts.vec2state = lambda x: x

cfS = structure(dt=0.05,
                controller=timepoints(pathgen, linctrl, ts))

tspan = [0, 20]

curveType = 'circ'
if (curveType == 'circ'):
Exemplo n.º 7
from Curves import Flight
import numpy as np
import Curves
import Curves.Bezier as Bezier
import Lie.group.SE2.Homog as SE2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

b = Bezier(3)

start = np.array([[0], [0]])
end = np.array([[5], [5]])
p1 = np.array([[1], [3]])
p2 = np.array([[4], [5]])

points2 = np.array([[4, 1, 9, 5], [3, 1, 8, 5]])

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
x, v, a = b.evalJet2(t)
k = b.evalCurv(t)

optS = Flight.FlightOptParams(Wkdev=1)
print(Flight.Flight.BezierCostFunction(b, optS))

start = SE2()

theta = np.pi / 3
R = SE2.rotationMatrix(theta)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def optimizeBezierPath(self):
        if (self.bezier.order == 3 and self.optParams.init != None
                and self.optParams.final != None):
            self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
                    self.optParams.final / self.bezier.order
            graph = minisam.FactorGraph()
            #loss = minisam.CauchyLoss.Cauchy(0.) # TODO: Options Struct
            loss = None
                BezierCurveFactor(minisam.key('p', 0),

            init_values = minisam.Variables()

            opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
            #opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
            opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
            values = minisam.Variables()

            linePts = self.startPose.getTranslation() + \
                np.arange(0,1+1/(self.bezier.order),1/(self.bezier.order))*(self.endPose.getTranslation()- self.startPose.getTranslation())

            if (self.optParams.init != None and self.optParams.final == None):
                # TODO: Initial Conditions
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1)), 1))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((1+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                d = np.array([self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order])
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d, values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))))

            elif (self.optParams.init != None
                  and self.optParams.final != None):
                print("Both Constrained")
                initialGuess = linePts[:, 2:-2].reshape((1, -1))
                d = self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
                    self.optParams.final / self.bezier.order
                unit = np.zeros((self.dimension))
                unit[0] = 1
                pos2 = self.startPose * (d[0] * unit)
                pos3 = self.endPose * (-d[1] * unit)
                v = (pos3 - pos2) / (self.bezier.order - 2)
                initialGuess = pos2 + np.multiply(
                    np.arange(1, self.bezier.order - 3 + 1), v)
                initialGuess = initialGuess.reshape((1, -1))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.squeeze(initialGuess))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d, values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))))
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1))))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))
Exemplo n.º 9
class Flight(CurveBase):
    def __init__(self,
                 tspan=[0, 1],
        self.startPose = startPose
        self.endPose = endPose
        self.bezier = Bezier(bezierOrder)
        self.tspan = tspan
        self.duration = tspan[1] - tspan[0]
        self.optParams = optParams
        self.timePolyCoeffs = np.array(
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1 / (tspan[1] - tspan[0]),
             0])  # By default, polynomial does not change s input
        self.spec = spec

        #self.dimension = len(startPose.getTranslation())

    def constructBezierPath(self, param):
        # Changes based on dimension
        #constructBezierPath uses parameterization to define bezier curve
        pts = np.empty((self.dimension, self.bezier.order + 1))
        unit = np.zeros(self.dimension, )
        unit[0] = 1

        if (self.bezier.order == 3):  # 3rd Order curve with 2 free points
            pos2 = self.startPose * (param[0] * unit)
            pos3 = self.endPose * (-param[1] * unit)
            pts = np.hstack((self.startPose.getTranslation(), pos2, pos3,

        elif (self.bezier.order > 3):
            d1 = self.startPose * (param[0] * unit)
            posmid = np.reshape(param[2:],
                                (self.dimension, self.bezier.order - 3))
            d2 = self.endPose * (-param[1] * unit)
            pts = np.hstack((self.startPose.getTranslation(), d1, posmid, d2,


    def optimizeBezierPath(self):
        if (self.bezier.order == 3 and self.optParams.init != None
                and self.optParams.final != None):
            self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
                    self.optParams.final / self.bezier.order
            graph = minisam.FactorGraph()
            #loss = minisam.CauchyLoss.Cauchy(0.) # TODO: Options Struct
            loss = None
                BezierCurveFactor(minisam.key('p', 0),

            init_values = minisam.Variables()

            opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
            #opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
            opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
            values = minisam.Variables()

            linePts = self.startPose.getTranslation() + \
                np.arange(0,1+1/(self.bezier.order),1/(self.bezier.order))*(self.endPose.getTranslation()- self.startPose.getTranslation())

            if (self.optParams.init != None and self.optParams.final == None):
                # TODO: Initial Conditions
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1)), 1))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((1+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                d = np.array([self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order])
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d, values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))))

            elif (self.optParams.init != None
                  and self.optParams.final != None):
                print("Both Constrained")
                initialGuess = linePts[:, 2:-2].reshape((1, -1))
                d = self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
                    self.optParams.final / self.bezier.order
                unit = np.zeros((self.dimension))
                unit[0] = 1
                pos2 = self.startPose * (d[0] * unit)
                pos3 = self.endPose * (-d[1] * unit)
                v = (pos3 - pos2) / (self.bezier.order - 2)
                initialGuess = pos2 + np.multiply(
                    np.arange(1, self.bezier.order - 3 + 1), v)
                initialGuess = initialGuess.reshape((1, -1))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.squeeze(initialGuess))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d, values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))))
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1))))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)))

    def gen5thTimePoly(cVec, td):
        if (td != 0):
            b = np.array([
                0, 1 - cVec[0] * td**2 - cVec[1] * td**3, 1 / td,
                1 / td - 2 * cVec[0] * td - 3 * cVec[1] * td**2
            b = np.reshape(b, (4, 1))
            A = np.array([
                [1, 0, 0, 0],
                [1, td, td**4, td**5],
                [0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 4 * td**3, 5 * td**4],
            beta = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(A), b)

            beta = beta.T
            beta = np.squeeze(beta)
            coeffs = np.flip(np.hstack((beta[0:2], cVec, beta[2:4])))
            return coeffs
            #self.timePolyCoeffs = fliplr(obj.timePolyCoeffs);
            return np.zeros((6, ))

    def setDynConstraints(self, minSpd, maxSpd, maxGs):
        self.minSpd = minSpd
        self.maxSpd = maxSpd
        self.maxGs = maxGs

    def optimizeTimePoly(self):
        graph = minisam.FactorGraph()
        #loss = minisam.CauchyLoss.Cauchy(0.) # TODO: Options Struct
        loss = None
            TimePolyFactor(minisam.key('p', 0),

        init_values = minisam.Variables()

        opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
        #opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
        opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
        values = minisam.Variables()
        init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2, )))

        opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
        self.timePolyCoeffs = Flight.gen5thTimePoly(
            values.at(minisam.key('p', 0)), self.duration)

    # In this function we use the time polynomial to "Stretch" s which is progress from 0-1
    def evalTimePoly(self, t):
        s = np.polyval(self.timePolyCoeffs, t)
        dsdt = np.polyval(np.polyder(self.timePolyCoeffs), t)
        d2sdt2 = np.polyval(np.polyder(self.timePolyCoeffs, 2), t)
        return s, dsdt, d2sdt2

    # t is real time here. The time polynomial gives progress (s) to input into bezier eval
    def evalPos(self, t):
        (s, dsdt, _) = self.evalTimePoly(t - self.tspan[0])
        return self.bezier.eval(s)

    # same as evalPos but for velocity
    def evalVel(self, t):
        (s, dsdt, _) = self.evalTimePoly(t - self.tspan[0])
        _, vs = self.bezier.evalJet(s)
        v = vs * dsdt
        return v

    # same as evalPos but for velocity
    def evalAcc(self, t):
        (s, dsdt, d2sdt2) = self.evalTimePoly(t - self.tspan[0])
        xs, vs, accs = self.bezier.evalJet2(s)
        a = accs * (dsdt**2) + vs * d2sdt2
        return a

    def x(self, t):
        return self.spec.vec2state(
            np.vstack((self.evalPos(t), self.evalVel(t), self.evalAcc(t))))

    def plotControlPoints(self, axes=None):

    def plotCurve(self, axes=None):

    def BezierCostFunction(path: Bezier, optParams: FlightOptParams):
        # Cost function of 4 terms: total curvature, curvature variance, length, and speed variance
        t = np.arange(0, 1 + optParams.dt,
                      optParams.dt)  # time step for evaulating cost

        cost = 0

        _, v = path.evalJet(t)
        speeds = np.linalg.norm(v, 2, 0)
        k = path.evalCurv(t)

        if (optParams.Wlen > 0):
            pathLength = optParams.dt * np.nansum(speeds)
            cost += optParams.Wlen * pathLength

        if (optParams.Wcurv > 0):
            totalCurv = np.nansum(np.power(k, 2))
            cost += optParams.Wcurv * totalCurv

        if (optParams.Wkdev > 0):
            curvDev = np.nanvar(k, ddof=1)
            cost += optParams.Wkdev * curvDev

        if (optParams.Wspdev > 0):
            spddev = np.nanvar(speeds, ddof=1)
            cost += optParams.Wspdev * spddev

        if (optParams.Wagree > 0):
            startVec = path.Q[:, 1] - path.Q[:, 0]
            endVec = path.Q[:, 3] - path.Q[:, 2]

            startAngle = np.arctan2(startVec[1], startVec[0])
            endAngle = np.arctan2(endVec[1], endVec[0])
            angles = np.linspace(startAngle, endAngle, np.shape(t)[0])
            vecs = np.vstack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)))
            ramp = np.linspace(1, 0, int(len(t) / 10))
            weight = np.concatenate(
                (ramp, np.zeros(
                    (np.shape(t)[0] - 2 * np.shape(ramp)[0])), np.flip(ramp)))

            agree = np.sum(angles * weight * v / (speeds + optParams.rho))
            cost += optParams.Wkdev * agree

        return cost

    def TimeCostFunction(path: Bezier, timePolyCoeffs, minSpd, maxSpd, maxGs,
        # Cost function of 4 terms: total curvature, curvature variance, length, and speed variance
        dt = 0.01
        t = np.arange(0, tspan[1] - tspan[0],
                      dt)  # time step for evaulating cost
        tau = np.polyval(timePolyCoeffs, t)
        tauPrime = np.polyval(np.polyder(timePolyCoeffs), t)

        _, v = path.evalJet(tau)
        speeds = np.linalg.norm(v, 2, 0) * tauPrime  # Speed in real units

        cost = 0

        k = path.evalCurv(tau)  # Curvature
        ac = np.power(speeds, 2) * k  # Centripetal Acceleration

        Wvel = 100
        Wk = 5

        if (Wvel > 0):
            cost += Wvel * np.sum(np.power(speeds - 0.5 *
                                           (minSpd + maxSpd), 2))

        if (Wk > 0):
            cost += Wk * np.sum(np.power(ac, 2))

        return cost