Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: utils_t.py Projeto: ktf/DAS
    def test_size_format(self):
        """Test size_format function"""
        pat = 'abc'
        expect = 'N/A'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = None
        expect = 'N/A'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = 1024
        expect = '1.0KB'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = '1024'
        expect = '1.0KB'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_size_format(self):
        """Test size_format function"""
        pat = 'abc'
        expect = 'N/A'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = None
        expect = 'N/A'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = 1024
        expect = '1.0KB'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)

        pat = '1024'
        expect = '1.0KB'
        result = size_format(pat)
        self.assertEqual(expect, result)
Exemplo n.º 3
def adjust_values(func, gen, links, pkey):
    Helper function to adjust values in UI.
    It groups values for identical key, make links for provided mapped function,
    represent "Number of" keys as integers and represents size values in GB format.
    The mapped function is the one from das_mapping_db which convert
    UI key into triplet of das key, das access key and link, see 
    rdict = {}
    uidict = {}
    for uikey, value, uilink, uidesc, uiexamples in [k for k, _g in groupby(gen)]:
        val = quote(value)
        if  uikey in rdict:
            existing_val = rdict[uikey]
            if  not isinstance(existing_val, list):
                existing_val = [existing_val]
            if  val not in existing_val:
                rdict[uikey] = existing_val + [val]
            rdict[uikey] = val
        uidict[uikey] = (uilink, uidesc, uiexamples)
    page = ""
    to_show = []
    green = 'style="color:green"'
    red = 'style="color:red"'
    for key, val in rdict.iteritems():
        uilink, _uidesc, _uiexamples = uidict[key]
        if  uilink and val:
            if  not isinstance(val, list):
                val = [val]
            values = []
            for elem in val:
                for ilink in uilink:
                    dasquery = ilink['query'] % elem
                    val = '<a href="/das/request?input=%s">%s</a>' \
                            % (dasquery, elem)
            to_show.append((key, ', '.join(values)))
        lookup = func(key)
        if  key.lower() == 'reason' or key.lower() == 'qhash':
        if  key.lower() == 'error':
            key = '<span %s>WARNING</span>' % red
            val = json.dumps(val) + ', click on show link to get more info<br/>'
        if  lookup:
            if  key.find('Member') != -1 and val:
                link = '/das/request?input=user%3D'
                if  isinstance(val, list):
                    val = ['<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                    % (link, quote(v), quote(v)) for v in val]
                elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                    val = '<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                        % (link, quote(val), quote(val))
            if  isinstance(val, list):
                value = ', '.join([str(v) for v in val])
                    length = len(set(val))
                except TypeError: # happens when val list contains a dict
                    length = len(val)
                if  length > 1 and \
                    (key.lower().find('number') != -1 or \
                        key.lower().find('size') != -1):
                    if  key not in ['Luminosity number', 'Run number']:
                        value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            elif  key.lower().find('size') != -1 and val:
                value = size_format(val)
            elif  key.find('Number of ') != -1 and val and int(val) != 0:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Run number') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Lumi') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Tag') != -1 and val:
                if  isinstance(val, basestring) and val.lower() == 'unknown':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, val)
                    value = val
            elif  key.find('Creation time') != -1 and val:
                    value = time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S GMT', \
                    value = val
                value = val
            if  isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], str):
                value = ', '.join(value)
            if  key == 'Open' or key == 'Custodial':
                if  value == 'n':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (green, value)
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            if  key.lower().find('presence') != -1 or \
                key.lower().find('completion') != -1:
                if  not value:
                    if  value == '100.00%':
                        value = '<span %s>100%%</span>' % green
                        value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
                key = tooltip_helper(key)
            to_show.append((key, value))
            if  key == 'result' and isinstance(val, dict) and \
                'value' in val: # result of aggregation function
                if  'key' in rdict and rdict['key'].find('.size') != -1:
                    val = size_format(val['value'])
                elif isinstance(val['value'], float):
                    val = '%.2f' % val['value']
                    val = val['value']
            to_show.append((key, val))
    if  to_show:
        page += '<br />'
        tdict = {}
        for key, val in to_show:
            tdict[key] = val
        result_keys = ['function', 'result', 'key']
        if  set(tdict.keys()) & set(result_keys) == set(result_keys):
            page += '%s(%s)=%s' \
                % (tdict['function'], tdict['key'], tdict['result'])
            rlist = ["%s: %s" \
                % (k[0].capitalize()+k[1:], v) for k, v in to_show]
            page += ', '.join(rlist)
            page  = page.replace('<br/>,', '<br/>')
    if  links:
        page += '<br />' + ', '.join(links)
    return page
Exemplo n.º 4
def adjust_values(func, gen, links):
    Helper function to adjust values in UI.
    It groups values for identical key, make links for provided mapped function,
    represent "Number of" keys as integers and represents size values in GB format.
    The mapped function is the one from das_mapping_db which convert
    UI key into triplet of das key, das access key and link, see 
    rdict = {}
    for uikey, value in [k for k, _g in groupby(gen)]:
        val = quote(value)
        if  rdict.has_key(uikey):
            existing_val = rdict[uikey]
            if  not isinstance(existing_val, list):
                existing_val = [existing_val]
            if  val not in existing_val:
                rdict[uikey] = existing_val + [val]
            rdict[uikey] = val
    page = ""
    to_show = []
    error = 0
    green = 'style="color:green"'
    red = 'style="color:red"'
    for key, val in rdict.iteritems():
        lookup = func(key)
        if  key.lower() == 'reason' or key.lower() == 'qhash':
        if  key.lower() == 'error':
            key = '<span %s>WARNING</span>' % red
            error = 1
            if  val and isinstance(val, basestring):
                val += '<br/>'
        if  lookup:
            if  key.find('Member') != -1 and val:
                link = '/das/request?input=user%3D'
                if  isinstance(val, list):
                    val = ['<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                    % (link, quote(v), quote(v)) for v in val]
                elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                    val = '<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                        % (link, quote(val), quote(val))
            if  isinstance(val, list):
                value = ', '.join([str(v) for v in val])
                if  len(set(val)) > 1 and \
                    (key.lower().find('number') != -1 or \
                        key.lower().find('size') != -1):
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            elif  key.lower().find('size') != -1 and val:
                value = size_format(val)
            elif  key.find('Number of ') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Run number') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Lumi') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Creation time') != -1 and val:
                    value = time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S GMT', \
                    value = val
                value = val
            if  isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], str):
                value = ', '.join(value)
            if  key == 'Open':
                if  value == 'n':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (green, value)
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            if  key.find('Status') != -1:
                if  value == 'VALID':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (green, value)
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            if  key.lower().find('presence') != -1 or \
                key.lower().find('completion') != -1:
                if  not value:
                    if  value == '100.00%':
                        value = '<span %s>100%%</span>' % green
                        value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
                key = tooltip_helper(key)
            to_show.append((key, value))
            if  key == 'result' and isinstance(val, dict) and \
                val.has_key('value'): # result of aggregation function
                if  rdict.has_key('key') and \
                    rdict['key'].find('.size') != -1:
                    val = size_format(val['value'])
                elif isinstance(val['value'], float):
                    val = '%.2f' % val['value']
                    val = val['value']
            to_show.append((key, val))
    if  to_show:
        page += '<br />'
        tdict = {}
        for key, val in to_show:
            tdict[key] = val
        if  set(tdict.keys()) == set(['function', 'result', 'key']):
            page += '%s(%s)=%s' \
                % (tdict['function'], tdict['key'], tdict['result'])
            rlist = ["%s: %s" \
                % (k[0].capitalize()+k[1:], v) for k, v in to_show]
            page += ', '.join(rlist)
            page  = page.replace('<br/>,', '<br/>')
    if  links and not error:
        page += '<br />' + ', '.join(links)
    return page
Exemplo n.º 5
def adjust_values(func, gen, links, pkey):
    Helper function to adjust values in UI.
    It groups values for identical key, make links for provided mapped function,
    represent "Number of" keys as integers and represents size values in GB format.
    The mapped function is the one from das_mapping_db which convert
    UI key into triplet of das key, das access key and link, see 
    rdict = {}
    uidict = {}
    for uikey, value, uilink, uidesc, uiexamples in [k for k, _g in groupby(gen)]:
        val = quote(value)
        if  uikey in rdict:
            existing_val = rdict[uikey]
            if  not isinstance(existing_val, list):
                existing_val = [existing_val]
            if  val not in existing_val:
                rdict[uikey] = existing_val + [val]
            rdict[uikey] = val
        uidict[uikey] = (uilink, uidesc, uiexamples)
    page = ""
    to_show = []
    green = 'style="color:green"'
    red = 'style="color:red"'
    for key, val in rdict.items():
        uilink, _uidesc, _uiexamples = uidict[key]
        if  uilink and val:
            if  not isinstance(val, list):
                val = [val]
            values = []
            for elem in val:
                for ilink in uilink:
                    dasquery = ilink['query'] % elem
                    val = '<a href="/das/request?input=%s">%s</a>' \
                            % (dasquery, elem)
            to_show.append((key, ', '.join(values)))
        lookup = func(key)
        if  key.lower() == 'reason' or key.lower() == 'qhash' or key.lower() == 'hints':
        if  key.lower() == 'error':
            key = '<span %s>WARNING</span>' % red
            val = json.dumps(val) + ', click on show link to get more info<br/>'
        if  lookup:
            if  key.find('Member') != -1 and val:
                link = '/das/request?input=user%3D'
                if  isinstance(val, list):
                    val = ['<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                    % (link, quote(v), quote(v)) for v in val]
                elif isinstance(val, basestring):
                    val = '<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' \
                        % (link, quote(val), quote(val))
            if  key.find('Config urls') != -1 and val:
                if  isinstance(val, dict):
                    urls = []
                    for rtype, rurls in val.items():
                        for vdx in range(len(rurls)):
                            urls.append('<a href="%s">%s-config-%d</a>' % (rurls[vdx], rtype, vdx+1))
                    value = ', '.join(urls)
                    value = '<a href="%s">config</a>' % val
                key = tooltip_helper(key)
            elif  isinstance(val, list):
                value = ', '.join([str(v) for v in val])
                    length = len(set(val))
                except TypeError: # happens when val list contains a dict
                    length = len(val)
                if  length > 1 and \
                    (key.lower().find('number') != -1 or \
                        key.lower().find('size') != -1):
                    if  key not in ['Luminosity number', 'Run number']:
                        value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            elif  key.lower().find('size') != -1 and val:
                value = size_format(val)
            elif  key.find('Number of ') != -1 and val and int(val) != 0:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Run number') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Lumi') != -1 and val:
                value = int(val)
            elif  key.find('Site type') != -1 and val:
                if  isinstance(val, basestring) and val.lower() == 'disk':
                    value = val
                    value = '<span %s><b>TAPE</b></span> <b>no user access</b>' % red
            elif  key.find('Tag') != -1 and val:
                if  isinstance(val, basestring) and val.lower() == 'unknown':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, val)
                    value = val
            elif  key.find('Creation time') != -1 and val:
                    value = time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S GMT', \
                    value = val
                value = val
            if  isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], str):
                value = ', '.join(value)
            if  key == 'Open' or key == 'Custodial':
                if  value == 'n':
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (green, value)
                    value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
            if  key.lower().find('presence') != -1 or \
                key.lower().find('completion') != -1:
                if  not value:
                    if  value == '100.00%':
                        value = '<span %s>100%%</span>' % green
                        value = '<span %s>%s</span>' % (red, value)
                key = tooltip_helper(key)
            to_show.append((key, value))
            if  key == 'result' and isinstance(val, dict) and \
                'value' in val: # result of aggregation function
                if  'key' in rdict and rdict['key'].find('.size') != -1:
                    val = size_format(val['value'])
                elif isinstance(val['value'], float):
                    val = '%.2f' % val['value']
                    val = val['value']
            to_show.append((key, val))
    if  to_show:
        to_show = list(set(to_show))
        page += '<br />'
        tdict = {}
        for key, val in to_show:
            tdict[key] = val
        result_keys = ['function', 'result', 'key']
        if  set(tdict.keys()) & set(result_keys) == set(result_keys):
            page += '%s(%s)=%s' \
                % (tdict['function'], tdict['key'], tdict['result'])
        elif sorted(tdict.keys()) == sorted(['Luminosity number', 'Run number']):
            page += 'Run number: %s, Luminosity ranges: %s' \
                    % (tdict['Run number'], convert2ranges(rdict['Luminosity number']))
        elif sorted(tdict.keys()) == sorted(['Events', 'Luminosity number', 'Run number']):
            page += 'Run number: %s, Luminosity ranges: %s' \
                    % (tdict['Run number'], convert2ranges(rdict['Luminosity number']))
            page += lumi_evts(rdict)
        elif sorted(tdict.keys()) == sorted(['Luminosity number']):
            page += 'Luminosity ranges: %s' \
                    % (convert2ranges(rdict['Luminosity number']))
        elif sorted(tdict.keys()) == sorted(['Events', 'Luminosity number']):
            page += 'Luminosity ranges: %s' \
                    % (convert2ranges(rdict['Luminosity number']))
            page += lumi_evts(rdict)
            rlist = ["%s: %s" \
                % (k[0].capitalize()+k[1:], v) for k, v in to_show]
            page += ', '.join(rlist)
            page  = page.replace('<br/>,', '<br/>')
    if  links:
        page += '<br />' + ', '.join(links)
    return page