Exemplo n.º 1
    def uploadProxy(self, proxy=None, restrictLifeTime=0, rfcIfPossible=False):
        """ Upload a proxy to the proxy management service using delegation

        :param X509Chain proxy: proxy as a chain
        :param int restrictLifeTime: proxy live time in a seconds
        :param boolean rfcIfPossible: make rfc proxy if possible

        :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR() -- dict contain proxies
        # Discover proxy location
        if isinstance(proxy, X509Chain):
            chain = proxy
            proxyLocation = ""
            if not proxy:
                proxyLocation = Locations.getProxyLocation()
                if not proxyLocation:
                    return S_ERROR("Can't find a valid proxy")
            elif isinstance(proxy, six.string_types):
                proxyLocation = proxy
                return S_ERROR("Can't find a valid proxy")
            chain = X509Chain()
            result = chain.loadProxyFromFile(proxyLocation)
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR("Can't load %s: %s " %
                               (proxyLocation, result['Message']))

        # Make sure it's valid
        if chain.hasExpired().get('Value'):
            return S_ERROR("Proxy %s has expired" % proxyLocation)
        if chain.getDIRACGroup().get('Value') or chain.isVOMS().get('Value'):
            return S_ERROR(
                "Cannot upload proxy with DIRAC group or VOMS extensions")

        rpcClient = RPCClient("Framework/ProxyManager", timeout=120)
        # Get a delegation request
        # WARN: Since v7r1 requestDelegationUpload method use only first argument!
        # WARN:   Second argument for compatibility with older versions
        result = rpcClient.requestDelegationUpload(
            chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], None)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        reqDict = result['Value']
        # Generate delegated chain
        chainLifeTime = chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'] - 60
        if restrictLifeTime and restrictLifeTime < chainLifeTime:
            chainLifeTime = restrictLifeTime
        retVal = chain.generateChainFromRequestString(reqDict['request'],
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return retVal
        # Upload!
        result = rpcClient.completeDelegationUpload(reqDict['id'],
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return S_OK(result.get('proxies') or result['Value'])
Exemplo n.º 2
  def uploadProxy( self, proxy = False, diracGroup = False, chainToConnect = False, restrictLifeTime = 0, rfcIfPossible = False ):
    Upload a proxy to the proxy management service using delegation
    #Discover proxy location
    if type( proxy ) == g_X509ChainType:
      chain = proxy
      proxyLocation = ""
      if not proxy:
        proxyLocation = Locations.getProxyLocation()
        if not proxyLocation:
          return S_ERROR( "Can't find a valid proxy" )
      elif isinstance( proxy, basestring ):
        proxyLocation = proxy
        return S_ERROR( "Can't find a valid proxy" )
      chain = X509Chain()
      result = chain.loadProxyFromFile( proxyLocation )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s: %s " % ( proxyLocation, result[ 'Message' ] ) )

    if not chainToConnect:
      chainToConnect = chain

    #Make sure it's valid
    if chain.hasExpired()[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Proxy %s has expired" % proxyLocation )

    #rpcClient = RPCClient( "Framework/ProxyManager", proxyChain = chainToConnect )
    rpcClient = RPCClient( "Framework/ProxyManager", timeout = 120 )
    #Get a delegation request
    result = rpcClient.requestDelegationUpload( chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], diracGroup )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    #Check if the delegation has been granted
    if 'Value' not in result or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      if 'proxies' in result:
        return S_OK( result[ 'proxies' ] )
        return S_OK()
    reqDict = result[ 'Value' ]
    #Generate delegated chain
    chainLifeTime = chain.getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] - 60
    if restrictLifeTime and restrictLifeTime < chainLifeTime:
      chainLifeTime = restrictLifeTime
    retVal = chain.generateChainFromRequestString( reqDict[ 'request' ],
                                                   lifetime = chainLifeTime,
                                                   diracGroup = diracGroup, rfc = rfcIfPossible)
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return retVal
    result = rpcClient.completeDelegationUpload( reqDict[ 'id' ], retVal[ 'Value' ] )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    if 'proxies' in result:
      return S_OK( result[ 'proxies' ] )
    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 3
  def uploadProxy( self, proxy = False, diracGroup = False, chainToConnect = False, restrictLifeTime = 0 ):
    Upload a proxy to the proxy management service using delgation
    #Discover proxy location
    if type( proxy ) == g_X509ChainType:
      chain = proxy
      proxyLocation = ""
      if not proxy:
        proxyLocation = Locations.getProxyLocation()
        if not proxyLocation:
          return S_ERROR( "Can't find a valid proxy" )
      elif type( proxy ) in ( types.StringType, types.UnicodeType ):
        proxyLocation = proxy
        return S_ERROR( "Can't find a valid proxy" )
      chain = X509Chain()
      result = chain.loadProxyFromFile( proxyLocation )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s: %s " % ( proxyLocation, result[ 'Message' ] ) )

    if not chainToConnect:
      chainToConnect = chain

    #Make sure it's valid
    if chain.hasExpired()[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Proxy %s has expired" % proxyLocation )

    #rpcClient = RPCClient( "Framework/ProxyManager", proxyChain = chainToConnect )
    rpcClient = RPCClient( "Framework/ProxyManager", timeout = 120 )
    #Get a delegation request
    result = rpcClient.requestDelegationUpload( chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'], diracGroup )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    #Check if the delegation has been granted
    if 'Value' not in result or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      if 'proxies' in result:
        return S_OK( result[ 'proxies' ] )
        return S_OK()
    reqDict = result[ 'Value' ]
    #Generate delegated chain
    chainLifeTime = chain.getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] - 60
    if restrictLifeTime and restrictLifeTime < chainLifeTime:
      chainLifeTime = restrictLifeTime
    retVal = chain.generateChainFromRequestString( reqDict[ 'request' ],
                                                   lifetime = chainLifeTime,
                                                   diracGroup = diracGroup )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return retVal
    result = rpcClient.completeDelegationUpload( reqDict[ 'id' ], retVal[ 'Value' ] )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    if 'proxies' in result:
      return S_OK( result[ 'proxies' ] )
    return S_OK()