Exemplo n.º 1
def isSameSiteSE( se1, se2 ):
  """ Check if the 2 SEs are at the same site
  dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()
  site1 = dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE( se1 ).get( 'Value' )
  site2 = dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE( se2 ).get( 'Value' )
  return site1 and site2 and site1 == site2
Exemplo n.º 2
def isSameSiteSE(se1, se2):
    """ Check if the 2 SEs are at the same site
    dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()
    site1 = dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE(se1).get('Value')
    site2 = dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE(se2).get('Value')
    return site1 and site2 and site1 == site2
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, fromDict=None):

        :param self: self reference
        :param fromDict: if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
        self.__waiting = None

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

        self._CreationTime = now
        self._SubmitTime = now
        self._LastUpdate = now
        # the time before which the request should not be executed
        # If None, no delay
        self._NotBefore = now
        self._Status = "Done"
        self.JobID = 0
        self.Error = None
        self.DIRACSetup = None
        self.OwnerDN = None
        self.RequestName = None
        self.OwnerGroup = None
        self._SourceComponent = None

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
        if proxyInfo["OK"]:
            proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
            if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
                self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
                self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        self.__operations__ = []

        if isinstance(fromDict, six.string_types):
            fromDict = json.loads(fromDict)
        elif not isinstance(fromDict, dict):
            fromDict = {}

        if "Operations" in fromDict:
            for opDict in fromDict.get("Operations", []):
                self += Operation(opDict)

            del fromDict["Operations"]

        for key, value in fromDict.items():
            # The JSON module forces the use of UTF-8, which is not properly
            # taken into account in DIRAC.
            # One would need to replace all the '== str' with 'in six.string_types'
            # This is converting `unicode` to `str` and doesn't make sense in Python 3
            if six.PY2 and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                value = value.encode()

            if value:
                setattr(self, key, value)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, fromDict=None):

        :param self: self reference
        :param fromDict: if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
        self.__waiting = None

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

        self._CreationTime = now
        self._SubmitTime = now
        self._LastUpdate = now
        # the time before which the request should not be executed
        # If None, no delay
        self._NotBefore = now
        self._Status = "Done"
        self.JobID = 0
        self.Error = None
        self.DIRACSetup = None
        self.OwnerDN = None
        self.RequestName = None
        self.OwnerGroup = None
        self._SourceComponent = None

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
        if proxyInfo["OK"]:
            proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
            if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
                self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
                self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        self.__operations__ = []

        if isinstance(fromDict, str):
            fromDict = json.loads(fromDict)
        elif not isinstance(fromDict, dict):
            fromDict = {}

        if "Operations" in fromDict:
            for opDict in fromDict.get("Operations", []):
                self += Operation(opDict)

            del fromDict["Operations"]

        for key, value in fromDict.items():
            if value:
                setattr(self, key, value)

Exemplo n.º 5
def __getSEsFromOptions(dmScript):
  seList = dmScript.getOption('SEs', [])
  sites = dmScript.getOption('Sites', [])
  if sites:
    siteSEs = []
    dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()
    for site in sites:
      siteSEs += dmsHelper.getSEsForSite(site).get('Value', [])
    if seList and siteSEs:
      seList = list(set(seList) & set(siteSEs))
      seList += siteSEs
  return seList
Exemplo n.º 6
def getSESiteMapping( gridName = '', withSiteLocalSEMapping = False ):
  """ Returns a dictionary of all SEs and their associated site(s), e.g.
      Although normally one site exists for a given SE, it is possible over all
      Grid types to have multiple entries.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
      Assumes CS structure of: /Resources/Sites/<GRIDNAME>/<SITENAME>
  dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()
  storageElements = dmsHelper.getStorageElements()
  return S_OK( dict( ( se,
                      getSitesForSE( se, gridName = gridName,
                                    withSiteLocalSEMapping = withSiteLocalSEMapping ).get( 'Value', [] ) ) \
                    for se in storageElements ) )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfoDict):
        """initialize handler"""

        log = LOG.getSubLogger("initializeHandler")

        for seName in DMSHelpers().getStorageElements():
            se = StorageElement(seName)
            # TODO: once we finally merge _allProtocolParameters with the
            # standard paramaters in the StorageBase, this will be much neater

            for storagePlugin in se.storages:
                storageParam = storagePlugin._allProtocolParameters  # pylint: disable=protected-access

                if (storageParam.get("Protocol") == "s3"
                        and "Aws_access_key_id" in storageParam
                        and "Aws_secret_access_key" in storageParam):

                    cls._S3Storages[seName] = storagePlugin
                    log.debug("Add %s to the list of usable S3 storages" %

        log.info("S3Gateway initialized storages",
                 "%s" % list(cls._S3Storages))

        cls._fc = FileCatalog()

        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def doMaster(self):
        Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all Sites.
        - It gets all StorageElements

        As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
        It queries a portion of them.

        sites = getSites()
        if not sites["OK"]:
            return sites
        sites = sites["Value"]

        elementNames = sites + DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()

        #    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
        #    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        #      return sourceQuery
        #    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
        #    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
        self.log.info("Processing %s" % ", ".join(elementNames))

        for metric in ["Quality", "FailedTransfers"]:
            for direction in ["Source", "Destination"]:
                # 2 hours of window
                result = self.doNew((2, elementNames, direction, metric))
                if not result["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Exemplo n.º 9
def getSEsForSite( siteName, withSiteLocalSEMapping = False ):
  """ Given a DIRAC site name this method returns a list of corresponding SEs.
  result = DMSHelpers().getSEsForSite( siteName, connectionLevel = 'DOWNLOAD' if withSiteLocalSEMapping else 'LOCAL' )
  if not result['OK']:
    return S_OK( [] )
  return result
Exemplo n.º 10
  def __readConf(self):
    """ read configurations """

    # Getting all the possible servers
    res = getFTS3ServerDict()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    srvDict = res['Value']
    serverPolicyType = opHelper().getValue('DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS3/ServerPolicy', 'Random')
    self._serverPolicy = FTS3Utilities.FTS3ServerPolicy(srvDict, serverPolicy=serverPolicyType)

    # List of third party protocols for transfers
    self.thirdPartyProtocols = DMSHelpers().getThirdPartyProtocols()

    self.maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption("MaxThreads", 10)

    # Number of Operation we treat in one loop
    self.operationBulkSize = self.am_getOption("OperationBulkSize", 20)
    # Number of Jobs we treat in one loop
    self.jobBulkSize = self.am_getOption("JobBulkSize", 20)
    self.maxFilesPerJob = self.am_getOption("MaxFilesPerJob", 100)
    self.maxAttemptsPerFile = self.am_getOption("MaxAttemptsPerFile", 256)
    self.kickDelay = self.am_getOption("KickAssignedHours", 1)
    self.maxKick = self.am_getOption("KickLimitPerCycle", 100)
    self.deleteDelay = self.am_getOption("DeleteGraceDays", 180)
    self.maxDelete = self.am_getOption("DeleteLimitPerCycle", 100)

    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def export_getTree(self, elementType, elementName):
    Given an element type and name,
    finds its parent site and returns all descendants of that site.


        site = self.getSite(elementType, elementName)
        if not site:
            return S_ERROR('No site')

        siteStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not siteStatus['OK']:
            return siteStatus

        tree = {site: {'statusTypes': dict(siteStatus['Value'])}}

        ces = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(site)
        cesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not cesStatus['OK']:
            return cesStatus

        res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        ses = res['Value'][1].get(site, [])

        sesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement(
            meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
        if not sesStatus['OK']:
            return sesStatus

        def feedTree(elementsList):

            elements = {}
            for elementTuple in elementsList['Value']:
                name, statusType, status = elementTuple

                if name not in elements:
                    elements[name] = {}
                elements[name][statusType] = status

            return elements

        tree[site]['ces'] = feedTree(cesStatus)
        tree[site]['ses'] = feedTree(sesStatus)

        return S_OK(tree)
Exemplo n.º 12
  def _cleanCommand(self, toDelete=None):
    """ Clean the spaceTokenOccupancy table from old endpoints

        :param tuple toDelete: endpoint to remove (endpoint, storage_element_name),
                               e.g. ('httpg://srm-lhcb.cern.ch:8443/srm/managerv2', CERN-RAW)
    if not toDelete:
      toDelete = []

      res = self.rmClient.selectSpaceTokenOccupancyCache()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      storedSEsSet = set([(sse[0], sse[1]) for sse in res['Value']])

      currentSEsSet = set()
      currentSEs = DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()
      for cse in currentSEs:
        res = CSHelpers.getStorageElementEndpoint(cse)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.warn("Could not get endpoint", res['Message'])
        endpoint = res['Value'][0]

        currentSEsSet.add((endpoint, cse))
      toDelete = list(storedSEsSet - currentSEsSet)

      toDelete = [toDelete]

    for ep in toDelete:
      res = self.rmClient.deleteSpaceTokenOccupancyCache(ep[0], ep[1])
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.warn("Could not delete entry from SpaceTokenOccupancyCache", res['Message'])

    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 13
def getStorageElementsHosts(seNames=None):
    """Get StorageElement host names

    :param list seNames: possible list of storage element names (if not provided, will use all)
    :param list plugins: if provided, restrict to a certain list of plugins

    :return: S_OK() with list of hosts or S_ERROR

    seHosts = []

    if seNames is None:
        seNames = DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()

    for seName in seNames:

            seHost = getSEHosts(seName)
            if not seHost["OK"]:
                gLogger.warn("Could not get SE Host", "SE: %s" % seName)
            if seHost["Value"]:
        except Exception as excp:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            gLogger.error("Failed to get SE %s information (SE skipped) " %
            gLogger.exception("Operation finished  with exception: ",
    return S_OK(list(set(seHosts)))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def printSEInfo(voName):

        fields = ("SE", "Status", "Protocols", "Aliases")
        records = []

        for se in DMSHelpers(voName).getStorageElements(
        ):  # this will get the full list of SEs, not only the vo's ones.
            seObject = StorageElement(se)
            if not (seObject.vo and voName in seObject.vo.strip().split(",")
                    or not seObject.voName):

            result = seObject.status()
            status = []
            for statusType in ["Write", "Read"]:
                if result[statusType]:

            if status:
                status = "/".join(status)
                status = "InActive"

            records.append((se, status, ",".join([
                for seProtocol in seObject.protocolOptions

            printTable(fields, records, printOut=False, columnSeparator="  "))
        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, vo=None):
        """The plugin is instanciated once per ``FTS3Operation``, so it is a
        good place to do global initialization

        :param str vo: Virtual Organization
        self.vo = vo
        self.thirdPartyProtocols = DMSHelpers(vo=vo).getThirdPartyProtocols()
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self,

    Setting defaults
        # clients
        if transClient is None:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient
        if dataManager is None:
            self.dm = DataManager()
            self.dm = dataManager
        if fc is None:
            self.fc = FileCatalog()
            self.fc = fc

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        self.plugin = plugin
        self.transID = transID
        self.params = {}
        self.groupSize = 0
        self.maxFiles = 0
        self.cachedLFNSize = {}
        self.transString = ''
        self.debug = debug
        if transInThread is None:
            self.transInThread = {}
            self.transInThread = transInThread

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.plugin + self.transInThread.get(
            self.transID, ' [NoThread] [%s] ' % self.transID))
        # FIXME: This doesn't work (yet) but should soon, will allow scripts to get the context
Exemplo n.º 17
  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param fromDict : if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    self._CreationTime = now
    self._SubmitTime = now
    self._LastUpdate = now
    # the time before which the request should not be executed
    # If None, no delay
    self._NotBefore = now
    self._Status = "Done"
    self.JobID = 0
    self.Error = None
    self.DIRACSetup = None
    self.OwnerDN = None
    self.RequestName = None
    self.OwnerGroup = None
    self.SourceComponent = None

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__operations__ = []

    fromDict = fromDict if isinstance( fromDict, dict )\
               else json.loads( fromDict ) if isinstance( fromDict, StringTypes )\
                else {}

    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
        self +=Operation( opDict )

      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      # The JSON module forces the use of UTF-8, which is not properly
      # taken into account in DIRAC.
      # One would need to replace all the '== str' with 'in StringTypes'
      if type( value ) in StringTypes:
        value = value.encode()

      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )

Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self,

    Setting defaults
        # clients
        if transClient is None:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient
        if dataManager is None:
            self.dm = DataManager()
            self.dm = dataManager
        if fc is None:
            self.fc = FileCatalog()
            self.fc = fc

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        self.plugin = plugin
        self.transID = transID
        self.params = {}
        self.groupSize = 0
        self.maxFiles = 0
        self.cachedLFNSize = {}
        self.transString = ''
        self.debug = debug
        self.seConfig = {}
        if transInThread is None:
            self.transInThread = {}
            self.transInThread = transInThread

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("%s/PluginUtilities" % plugin)
Exemplo n.º 19
def getSitesForSE( storageElement, gridName = '', withSiteLocalSEMapping = False ):
  """ Given a DIRAC SE name this method returns a list of corresponding sites.
      Optionally restrict to Grid specified by name.

  result = DMSHelpers().getSitesForSE( storageElement, connectionLevel = 'DOWNLOAD' if withSiteLocalSEMapping else 'LOCAL' )
  if not result['OK'] or not gridName:
    return result

  return S_OK( [site for site in result['Value'] if siteGridName( site ) == gridName] )
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _storeCommand(self, results):
        Stores the results in the cache (SpaceTokenOccupancyCache),
        and adds records to the StorageOccupancy accounting.

        :param dict results: something like {'ElementName': 'CERN-HIST-EOS',
                                             'Endpoint': 'httpg://srm-eoslhcb-bis.cern.ch:8443/srm/v2/server',
                                             'Free': 3264963586.10073,
                                             'Total': 8000000000.0}
        :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR dict

        # Stores in cache
        res = self.rmClient.addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache(
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Error calling addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache",
            return res

        # Now proceed with the accounting
        siteRes = DMSHelpers().getLocalSiteForSE(results["ElementName"])
        if not siteRes["OK"]:
            return siteRes

        accountingDict = {
            "StorageElement": results["ElementName"],
            "Endpoint": results["Endpoint"],
            "Site": siteRes["Value"] if siteRes["Value"] else "unassigned",

        results["Used"] = results["Total"] - results["Free"]

        for sType in ["Total", "Free", "Used"]:
            spaceTokenAccounting = StorageOccupancy()
            spaceTokenAccounting.setValueByKey("SpaceType", sType)
                "Space", int(convertSizeUnits(results[sType], "MB", "B")))

            res = gDataStoreClient.addRegister(spaceTokenAccounting)
            if not res["OK"]:
                self.log.warn("Could not commit register", res["Message"])

        return gDataStoreClient.commit()
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _storeCommand(self, results):
    Stores the results in the cache (SpaceTokenOccupancyCache),
    and adds records to the StorageOccupancy accounting.

    :param dict results: something like {'ElementName': 'CERN-HIST-EOS',
                                         'Endpoint': 'httpg://srm-eoslhcb-bis.cern.ch:8443/srm/v2/server',
                                         'Free': 3264963586.10073,
                                         'Total': 8000000000.0,
                                         'SpaceReservation': 'LHCb-Disk'}
    :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR dict

        # Stores in cache
        res = self.rmClient.addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache(
        if not res['OK']:
            self.log.error("Error calling addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache",
            return res

        # Now proceed with the accounting
        siteRes = DMSHelpers().getLocalSiteForSE(results['ElementName'])
        if not siteRes['OK']:
            return siteRes

        accountingDict = {
            'StorageElement': results['ElementName'],
            'Endpoint': results['Endpoint'],
            'Site': siteRes['Value'] if siteRes['Value'] else 'unassigned'

        results['Used'] = results['Total'] - results['Free']

        for sType in ['Total', 'Free', 'Used']:
            spaceTokenAccounting = StorageOccupancy()
            spaceTokenAccounting.setValueByKey('SpaceType', sType)
                'Space', int(convertSizeUnits(results[sType], 'MB', 'B')))

            res = gDataStoreClient.addRegister(spaceTokenAccounting)
            if not res['OK']:
                self.log.warn("Could not commit register", res['Message'])

        return gDataStoreClient.commit()
Exemplo n.º 22
  def export_getTree(self, elementType, elementName):
    Given an element type and name,
    finds its parent site and returns all descendants of that site.

    site = self.getSite(elementType, elementName)
    if not site:
      return S_ERROR('No site')

    siteStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Site', 'Status', name=site,
                                              meta={'columns': ['StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not siteStatus['OK']:
      return siteStatus

    tree = {site: {'statusTypes': dict(siteStatus['Value'])}}

    result = getSiteCEMapping()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    ces = result['Value'][site]
    cesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Resource', 'Status', name=ces,
                                             meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not cesStatus['OK']:
      return cesStatus

    res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not get site to SE mapping', res['Message'])
      return S_OK()
    ses = res['Value'][1].get(site, [])
    sesStatus = rsClient.selectStatusElement('Resource', 'Status', name=list(ses),
                                             meta={'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']})
    if not sesStatus['OK']:
      return sesStatus

    def feedTree(elementsList):

      elements = {}
      for elementTuple in elementsList['Value']:
        name, statusType, status = elementTuple

        if name not in elements:
          elements[name] = {}
        elements[name][statusType] = status

      return elements

    tree[site]['ces'] = feedTree(cesStatus)
    tree[site]['ses'] = feedTree(sesStatus)

    return S_OK(tree)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
     """Standard constructor"""
     self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
     self.inputData = argumentsDict["InputData"]
     self.configuration = argumentsDict["Configuration"]
     # Warning: this contains not only the SEs but also the file metadata
     self.fileCatalogResult = argumentsDict["FileCatalog"]
     # By default put each input data file into a separate directory
     self.inputDataDirectory = argumentsDict.get("InputDataDirectory", "PerFile")
     self.jobID = None
     self.counter = 1
     self.availableSEs = DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()
Exemplo n.º 24
 def setSites(self, arg):
     """ Setter """
     from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import DMSHelpers
         siteShortNames = DMSHelpers().getShortSiteNames(withStorage=False,
                                                         tier=(0, 1))
     except AttributeError:
         siteShortNames = {
             'CERN': 'LCG.CERN.cern',
             'CNAF': 'LCG.CNAF.it',
             'GRIDKA': 'LCG.GRIDKA.de',
             'NIKHEF': 'LCG.NIKHEF.nl',
             'SARA': 'LCG.SARA.nl',
             'PIC': 'LCG.PIC.es',
             'RAL': 'LCG.RAL.uk',
             'IN2P3': 'LCG.IN2P3.fr',
             'RRCKI': 'LCG.RRCKI.ru'
     sites = arg.split(',')
     self.options['Sites'] = [
         siteShortNames.get(site.upper(), site) for site in sites
     return DIRAC.S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self):
   self.prompt = "$[/]$"
   self.bk = LHCB_BKKDBClient()
   self.diracAPI = DiracLHCb()
   self.currentPath = '/'
   self.saveParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Save LFNS", prog='save')
   self.saveParser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='file name')
   self.saveParser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="txt or py")
   self.saveParser.add_argument("-n", "--num", help="number of files to be saved")
   self.saveParser.add_argument("-c", "--with-fileCatalog", help="save POOL XML catalog in a given site")
   self.sites = {}
   self.sites = DMSHelpers().getShortSiteNames(withStorage=False, tier=(0, 1))
Exemplo n.º 26
def getSiteSEMapping( gridName = '', withSiteLocalSEMapping = False ):
  """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
  result = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  if withSiteLocalSEMapping:
    mapping = result['Value'][2]
    mapping = result['Value'][1]
  if gridName:
    mapping = dict( ( site, mapping[site] ) for site in mapping if siteGridName( site ) == gridName )
  return S_OK( mapping )
Exemplo n.º 27
  def doMaster(self):
    This method calls the doNew method for each storage element
    that exists in the CS.

    for name in DMSHelpers().getStorageElements():
      # keeping TB as default
      diskSpace = self.doNew((name, 'MB'))
      if not diskSpace['OK']:
        gLogger.warn("Unable to calculate free/total disk space", "name: %s" % name)

    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 28
def getSiteElements(siteName):
    Gets all the computing and storage elements for a given site

    res = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
    if not res["OK"]:
        return res
    resources = res["Value"][1].get(siteName, [])

    res = getQueues(siteName)
    if not res["OK"]:
        return res
    resources = list(resources) + list(res["Value"].get(siteName, []))

    return S_OK(resources)
Exemplo n.º 29
  def __init__(self, requestObject=None, log=None, defaultChecksumType='ADLER32'):
    """ Constructor function, can specify request object to instantiate
        FailoverTransfer or a new request object is created.
    self.log = log
    if not self.log:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FailoverTransfer")

    self.request = requestObject
    if not self.request:
      self.request = Request()
      self.request.RequestName = 'noname_request'
      self.request.SourceComponent = 'FailoverTransfer'

    self.defaultChecksumType = defaultChecksumType
    self.registrationProtocols = DMSHelpers().getRegistrationProtocols()
Exemplo n.º 30
    def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
        Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
        None, all sites are taken into account.

        :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR

        if siteNames is None:
            res = getSites()
            if not res["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Error getting sites", res["Message"])
                return res
            siteNames = res["Value"]

        if isinstance(siteNames, six.string_types):
            siteNames = [siteNames]

        sitesRes = {}
        for siteName in siteNames:

            result = getSiteCEMapping()
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Error getting sites/CEs mapping",
                return result
            res = {}
            res["ces"] = result["Value"][siteName]
            # Convert StorageElements to host names
            result = DMSHelpers().getSiteSEMapping()
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Error getting sites/SEs mapping",
                sitesRes[siteName] = res
            ses = result["Value"][1].get(siteName, [])
            result = getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Error getting storage element hosts",
                return result
            # Remove duplicates
            res["ses"] = list(set(result["Value"]))

            sitesRes[siteName] = res

        return S_OK(sitesRes)
Exemplo n.º 31
def getStorageElementEndpoints(storageElements=None):
  """ get the endpoints of the Storage ELements

  if storageElements is None:
    storageElements = DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()

  storageElementEndpoints = []

  for se in storageElements:

    seEndpoint = getStorageElementEndpoint(se)
    if not seEndpoint['OK']:

  return S_OK(list(set(storageElementEndpoints)))
Exemplo n.º 32
    def _storeCommand(self, results):
        """ _storeCommand

    Adding records to accounting, on top of what does the derived method.

    :param dict results: something like {'ElementName': 'CERN-HIST-EOS',
                                         'Endpoint': 'httpg://srm-eoslhcb-bis.cern.ch:8443/srm/v2/server',
                                         'Free': 3264963586.10073,
                                         'Total': 8000000000.0,
                                         'SpaceReservation': 'LHCb-Disk'}
    :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR dict

        res = super(FreeDiskSpaceCommand, self)._storeCommand(results)

        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        siteRes = DMSHelpers().getLocalSiteForSE(results['ElementName'])
        if not siteRes['OK']:
            return siteRes
        if not siteRes['Value']:
            return S_OK()

        spaceReservation = results.get('SpaceReservation')

        accountingDict = {
            'SpaceToken': spaceReservation,
            'Endpoint': results['Endpoint'],
            'Site': siteRes['Value']

        results['Used'] = results['Total'] - results['Free']

        for sType in ['Total', 'Free', 'Used']:
            spaceTokenAccounting = SpaceToken()
            spaceTokenAccounting.setValueByKey('SpaceType', sType)
                'Space', int(convertSizeUnits(results[sType], 'MB', 'B')))


        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 33
  def __init__( self, plugin = 'Standard', transClient = None, dataManager = None, fc = None,
                debug = False, transInThread = None, transID = None ):

    Setting defaults
    # clients
    if transClient is None:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient
    if dataManager is None:
      self.dm = DataManager()
      self.dm = dataManager
    if fc is None:
      self.fc = FileCatalog()
      self.fc = fc

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    self.plugin = plugin
    self.transID = transID
    self.params = {}
    self.groupSize = 0
    self.maxFiles = 0
    self.cachedLFNSize = {}
    self.transString = ''
    self.debug = debug
    self.seConfig = {}
    if transInThread is None:
      self.transInThread = {}
      self.transInThread = transInThread

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "%s/PluginUtilities" % plugin )
Exemplo n.º 34
class StorageElementItem(object):
  .. class:: StorageElement

  common interface to the grid storage element

    self.name is the resolved name of the StorageElement i.e CERN-tape
    self.options is dictionary containing the general options defined in the CS e.g. self.options['Backend] = 'Castor2'
    self.storages is a list of the stub objects created by StorageFactory for the protocols found in the CS.
    self.localPlugins is a list of the local protocols that were created by StorageFactory
    self.remotePlugins is a list of the remote protocols that were created by StorageFactory
    self.protocolOptions is a list of dictionaries containing the options found in the CS. (should be removed)

  dynamic method::

    retransferOnlineFile( lfn )
    exists( lfn )
    isFile( lfn )
    getFile( lfn, localPath = False )
    putFile( lfnLocal, sourceSize = 0 ) : {lfn:local}
    replicateFile( lfn, sourceSize = 0 )
    getFileMetadata( lfn )
    getFileSize( lfn )
    removeFile( lfn )
    prestageFile( lfn, lifetime = 86400 )
    prestageFileStatus( lfn )
    pinFile( lfn, lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 )
    releaseFile( lfn )
    isDirectory( lfn )
    getDirectoryMetadata( lfn )
    getDirectorySize( lfn )
    listDirectory( lfn )
    removeDirectory( lfn, recursive = False )
    createDirectory( lfn )
    putDirectory( lfn )
    getDirectory( lfn, localPath = False )


  __deprecatedArguments = ["singleFile", "singleDirectory"]  # Arguments that are now useless

  # Some methods have a different name in the StorageElement and the plugins...
  # We could avoid this static list in the __getattr__ by checking the storage plugin and so on
  # but fine... let's not be too smart, otherwise it becomes unreadable :-)
  __equivalentMethodNames = {"exists": "exists",
                             "isFile": "isFile",
                             "getFile": "getFile",
                             "putFile": "putFile",
                             "replicateFile": "putFile",
                             "getFileMetadata": "getFileMetadata",
                             "getFileSize": "getFileSize",
                             "removeFile": "removeFile",
                             "prestageFile": "prestageFile",
                             "prestageFileStatus": "prestageFileStatus",
                             "pinFile": "pinFile",
                             "releaseFile": "releaseFile",
                             "isDirectory": "isDirectory",
                             "getDirectoryMetadata": "getDirectoryMetadata",
                             "getDirectorySize": "getDirectorySize",
                             "listDirectory": "listDirectory",
                             "removeDirectory": "removeDirectory",
                             "createDirectory": "createDirectory",
                             "putDirectory": "putDirectory",
                             "getDirectory": "getDirectory"}

  # We can set default argument in the __executeFunction which impacts all plugins
  __defaultsArguments = {"putFile": {"sourceSize": 0},
                         "getFile": {"localPath": False},
                         "prestageFile": {"lifetime": 86400},
                         "pinFile": {"lifetime": 60 * 60 * 24},
                         "removeDirectory": {"recursive": False},
                         "getDirectory": {"localPath": False}}

  def __init__(self, name, plugins=None, vo=None, hideExceptions=False):
    """ c'tor

    :param str name: SE name
    :param list plugins: requested storage plugins
    :param vo: vo


    self.methodName = None

    if vo:
      self.vo = vo
      result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
      if not result['OK']:
      self.vo = result['Value']
    self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

    # These things will soon have to go as well. 'AccessProtocol.1' is all but flexible.
    proxiedProtocols = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/StorageElements/ProxyProtocols', "").split(',')
    self.useProxy = (
            "/Resources/StorageElements/%s/AccessProtocol.1/Protocol" %
            name, "UnknownProtocol") in proxiedProtocols)

    if not self.useProxy:
      self.useProxy = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)
    if not self.useProxy:
      self.useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue('/Services/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)

    self.valid = True
    if plugins is None:
      res = StorageFactory(
      res = StorageFactory(

    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
      self.name = name
      self.errorReason = res['Message']
      factoryDict = res['Value']
      self.name = factoryDict['StorageName']
      self.options = factoryDict['StorageOptions']
      self.localPlugins = factoryDict['LocalPlugins']
      self.remotePlugins = factoryDict['RemotePlugins']
      self.storages = factoryDict['StorageObjects']
      self.protocolOptions = factoryDict['ProtocolOptions']
      self.turlProtocols = factoryDict['TurlProtocols']

      for storage in self.storages:


    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("SE[%s]" % self.name)

    if self.valid:

      self.useCatalogURL = gConfig.getValue(
          '/Resources/StorageElements/%s/UseCatalogURL' %
          self.name, False)
      self.log.debug("useCatalogURL: %s" % self.useCatalogURL)

      self.__dmsHelper = DMSHelpers(vo=vo)

      # Allow SE to overwrite general operation config
      accessProto = self.options.get('AccessProtocols')
      self.localAccessProtocolList = accessProto if accessProto else self.__dmsHelper.getAccessProtocols()
      self.log.debug("localAccessProtocolList %s" % self.localAccessProtocolList)

      writeProto = self.options.get('WriteProtocols')
      self.localWriteProtocolList = writeProto if writeProto else self.__dmsHelper.getWriteProtocols()
      self.log.debug("localWriteProtocolList %s" % self.localWriteProtocolList)

    #                         'getTransportURL',
    self.readMethods = ['getFile',

    self.writeMethods = ['retransferOnlineFile',

    self.removeMethods = ['removeFile',

    self.checkMethods = ['exists',

    self.okMethods = ['getLocalProtocols',

    self.__fileCatalog = None

  def dump(self):
    """ Dump to the logger a summary of the StorageElement items. """
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('dump', True)
    log.verbose("Preparing dump for StorageElement %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      log.debug("Failed to create StorageElement plugins.", self.errorReason)
    i = 1
    outStr = "\n\n============ Options ============\n"
    for key in sorted(self.options):
      outStr = "%s%s: %s\n" % (outStr, key.ljust(15), self.options[key])

    for storage in self.storages:
      outStr = "%s============Protocol %s ============\n" % (outStr, i)
      storageParameters = storage.getParameters()
      for key in sorted(storageParameters):
        outStr = "%s%s: %s\n" % (outStr, key.ljust(15), storageParameters[key])
      i = i + 1

  # These are the basic get functions for storage configuration

  def getStorageElementName(self):
    """ SE name getter for backward compatibility """
    return S_OK(self.storageElementName())

  def storageElementName(self):
    """ SE name getter """
        "The Storage Element name is %s." % self.name)
    return self.name

  def getChecksumType(self):
    """ Checksum type getter for backward compatibility """
    return S_OK(self.checksumType())

  def checksumType(self):
    """ get specific /Resources/StorageElements/<SEName>/ChecksumType option if defined, otherwise
        global /Resources/StorageElements/ChecksumType
    self.log.getSubLogger('checksumType').verbose("get checksum type for %s." % self.name)
    return self.options["ChecksumType"].upper() if "ChecksumType" in self.options else gConfig.getValue(
        "/Resources/StorageElements/ChecksumType", "ADLER32").upper()

  def getStatus(self):
    Return Status of the SE only if the SE is valid
    It returns an S_OK/S_ERROR structure
    valid = self.isValid()
    if not valid['OK']:
      return valid
    return S_OK(self.status())

  def isSameSE(self, otherSE):
    """ Compares two SE together and tries to guess if the two SEs are pointing at the same
        location from the namespace point of view.
        This is primarily aimed at avoiding to overwrite a file with itself, in particular
        where the difference is only the SRM spacetoken.

        Two SEs are considered to be the same if they have a couple (Host, Path) in common
        among their various protocols

        :param otherSE: the storage element to which we compare
        :returns: boolean. True if the two SEs are the same.

    # If the two objects are the same, it is obviously the same SE
    if self == otherSE:
      return True

    # Otherwise, we build the list of (Host, Path) couples

    selfEndpoints = set()
    otherSEEndpoints = set()

    for storage in self.storages:
      storageParam = storage.getParameters()
      selfEndpoints.add((storageParam['Host'], storageParam['Path']))

    for storage in otherSE.storages:
      storageParam = storage.getParameters()
      otherSEEndpoints.add((storageParam['Host'], storageParam['Path']))

    # The two SEs are the same if they have at least one couple in common
    return bool(selfEndpoints & otherSEEndpoints)

  def getOccupancy(self, unit='MB', **kwargs):
    """ Retrieves the space information about the storage.
        It returns the Total and Free space.

        It loops over the different Storage Plugins to query it.

        :params occupancyLFN: (named param) LFN where to find the space reporting json file on the storage
                              The json file should contain the Free and Total space in MB.
                              If not specified, the default path will be </vo/occupancy.json>

        :returns: S_OK with dict (keys: Total, Free)
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('getOccupancy', True)

    # Mandatory parameters
    mandatoryParams = set(['Total', 'Free'])

    if 'occupancyLFN' not in kwargs:
      occupancyLFN = self.options.get('OccupancyLFN')
      if not occupancyLFN:
        occupancyLFN = os.path.join('/', self.vo, DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_FILE)

      kwargs['occupancyLFN'] = occupancyLFN

    filteredPlugins = self.__filterPlugins('getOccupancy')
    if not filteredPlugins:
      return S_ERROR(errno.EPROTONOSUPPORT, "No storage plugins to query the occupancy")
    # Try all of the storages one by one
    for storage in filteredPlugins:

      # The result of the plugin is always in MB
      res = storage.getOccupancy(**kwargs)
      if res['OK']:
        occupancyDict = res['Value']

        # Make sure all the mandatory parameters are present
        if set(occupancyDict) & mandatoryParams != mandatoryParams:
          log.verbose("Missing mandatory parameters", mandatoryParams - set(occupancyDict))

        if unit != 'MB':
          for space in ['Total', 'Free']:
            convertedSpace = convertSizeUnits(occupancyDict[space], 'MB', unit)
            # If we have a conversion error, we go to the next plugin
            if convertedSpace == -sys.maxsize:
                  "Error converting %s space from MB to %s: %s" %
                  (space, unit, occupancyDict[space]))
            occupancyDict[space] = convertedSpace
        return res

    return S_ERROR("Could not retrieve the occupancy from any plugin")

  def status(self):
     Return Status of the SE, a dictionary with:

      * Read: True (is allowed), False (it is not allowed)
      * Write: True (is allowed), False (it is not allowed)
      * Remove: True (is allowed), False (it is not allowed)
      * Check: True (is allowed), False (it is not allowed).

        .. note:: Check is always allowed IF Read is allowed
                  (regardless of what set in the Check option of the configuration)

      * DiskSE: True if TXDY with Y > 0 (defaults to True)
      * TapeSE: True if TXDY with X > 0 (defaults to False)
      * TotalCapacityTB: float (-1 if not defined)
      * DiskCacheTB: float (-1 if not defined)
    It returns directly the dictionary

    self.log.getSubLogger('getStatus').verbose("determining status of %s." % self.name)

    retDict = {}
    if not self.valid:
      retDict['Read'] = False
      retDict['Write'] = False
      retDict['Remove'] = False
      retDict['Check'] = False
      retDict['DiskSE'] = False
      retDict['TapeSE'] = False
      retDict['TotalCapacityTB'] = -1
      retDict['DiskCacheTB'] = -1
      return retDict

    # If nothing is defined in the CS Access is allowed
    # If something is defined, then it must be set to Active
    retDict['Read'] = not (
        'ReadAccess' in self.options and self.options['ReadAccess'] not in (
            'Active', 'Degraded'))
    retDict['Write'] = not (
        'WriteAccess' in self.options and self.options['WriteAccess'] not in (
            'Active', 'Degraded'))
    retDict['Remove'] = not (
        'RemoveAccess' in self.options and self.options['RemoveAccess'] not in (
            'Active', 'Degraded'))
    if retDict['Read']:
      retDict['Check'] = True
      retDict['Check'] = not (
          'CheckAccess' in self.options and self.options['CheckAccess'] not in (
              'Active', 'Degraded'))
    diskSE = True
    tapeSE = False
    if 'SEType' in self.options:
      # Type should follow the convention TXDY
      seType = self.options['SEType']
      diskSE = re.search('D[1-9]', seType) is not None
      tapeSE = re.search('T[1-9]', seType) is not None
    retDict['DiskSE'] = diskSE
    retDict['TapeSE'] = tapeSE
      retDict['TotalCapacityTB'] = float(self.options['TotalCapacityTB'])
    except Exception:
      retDict['TotalCapacityTB'] = -1
      retDict['DiskCacheTB'] = float(self.options['DiskCacheTB'])
    except Exception:
      retDict['DiskCacheTB'] = -1

    return retDict

  def isValid(self, operation=None):
    """ check CS/RSS statuses for :operation:

    :param str operation: operation name
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('isValid', True)
    log.verbose("Determining if the StorageElement %s is valid for VO %s" % (self.name, self.vo))

    if not self.valid:
      log.debug("Failed to create StorageElement plugins.", self.errorReason)
      return S_ERROR("SE.isValid: Failed to create StorageElement plugins: %s" % self.errorReason)

    # Check if the Storage Element is eligible for the user's VO
    if 'VO' in self.options and self.vo not in self.options['VO']:
      log.debug("StorageElement is not allowed for VO", self.vo)
      return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "StorageElement.isValid: StorageElement is not allowed for VO")
        "Determining if the StorageElement %s is valid for operation '%s'" %
        (self.name, operation))
    if (not operation) or (operation in self.okMethods):
      return S_OK()

    # Determine whether the StorageElement is valid for checking, reading, writing
    status = self.status()
    checking = status['Check']
    reading = status['Read']
    writing = status['Write']
    removing = status['Remove']

    # Determine whether the requested operation can be fulfilled
    if (not operation) and (not reading) and (not writing) and (not checking):
      log.debug("Read, write and check access not permitted.")
      return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "SE.isValid: Read, write and check access not permitted.")

    # The supplied operation can be 'Read','Write' or any of the possible StorageElement methods.
    if (operation in self.readMethods) or (operation.lower() in ('read', 'readaccess')):
      operation = 'ReadAccess'
    elif operation in self.writeMethods or (operation.lower() in ('write', 'writeaccess')):
      operation = 'WriteAccess'
    elif operation in self.removeMethods or (operation.lower() in ('remove', 'removeaccess')):
      operation = 'RemoveAccess'
    elif operation in self.checkMethods or (operation.lower() in ('check', 'checkaccess')):
      operation = 'CheckAccess'
      log.debug("The supplied operation is not known.", operation)
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOMETH, "SE.isValid: The supplied operation is not known.")
    log.debug("check the operation: %s " % operation)

    # Check if the operation is valid
    if operation == 'CheckAccess':
      if not reading:
        if not checking:
          log.debug("Check access not currently permitted.")
          return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "SE.isValid: Check access not currently permitted.")
    if operation == 'ReadAccess':
      if not reading:
        log.debug("Read access not currently permitted.")
        return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "SE.isValid: Read access not currently permitted.")
    if operation == 'WriteAccess':
      if not writing:
        log.debug("Write access not currently permitted.")
        return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "SE.isValid: Write access not currently permitted.")
    if operation == 'RemoveAccess':
      if not removing:
        log.debug("Remove access not currently permitted.")
        return S_ERROR(errno.EACCES, "SE.isValid: Remove access not currently permitted.")
    return S_OK()

  def getPlugins(self):
    """ Get the list of all the plugins defined for this Storage Element
    self.log.getSubLogger('getPlugins').verbose("Obtaining all plugins of %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    allPlugins = self.localPlugins + self.remotePlugins
    return S_OK(allPlugins)

  def getRemotePlugins(self):
    """ Get the list of all the remote access protocols defined for this Storage Element
        "Obtaining remote protocols for %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    return S_OK(self.remotePlugins)

  def getLocalPlugins(self):
    """ Get the list of all the local access protocols defined for this Storage Element
        "Obtaining local protocols for %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    return S_OK(self.localPlugins)

  def getStorageParameters(self, plugin=None, protocol=None):
    """ Get plugin specific options

      :param plugin : plugin we are interested in
      :param protocol: protocol we are interested in

      Either plugin or protocol can be defined, not both, but at least one of them

    # both set
    if plugin and protocol:
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, "plugin and protocol cannot be set together.")
    # both None
    elif not (plugin or protocol):
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, "plugin and protocol cannot be None together.")

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('getStorageParameters')

    reqStr = "plugin %s" % plugin if plugin else "protocol %s" % protocol

    log.verbose("Obtaining storage parameters for %s for %s." % (self.name,

    for storage in self.storages:
      storageParameters = storage.getParameters()
      if plugin and storageParameters['PluginName'] == plugin:
        return S_OK(storageParameters)
      elif protocol and storageParameters['Protocol'] == protocol:
        return S_OK(storageParameters)

    errStr = "Requested plugin or protocol not available."
    log.debug(errStr, "%s for %s" % (reqStr, self.name))
    return S_ERROR(errno.ENOPROTOOPT, errStr)

  def __getAllProtocols(self, protoType):
    """ Returns the list of all protocols for Input or Output

        :param proto = InputProtocols or OutputProtocols

    return set(reduce(lambda x, y: x +
                      y, [plugin.protocolParameters[protoType] for plugin in self.storages]))

  def _getAllInputProtocols(self):
    """ Returns all the protocols supported by the SE for Input
    return self.__getAllProtocols('InputProtocols')

  def _getAllOutputProtocols(self):
    """ Returns all the protocols supported by the SE for Output
    return self.__getAllProtocols('OutputProtocols')

  def generateTransferURLsBetweenSEs(self, lfns, sourceSE, protocols=None):
    """ This negociate the URLs to be used for third party copy.
        This is mostly useful for FTS. If protocols is given,
        it restricts the list of plugins to use

        :param lfns: list/dict of lfns to generate the URLs
        :param sourceSE: storageElement instance of the sourceSE
        :param protocols: ordered protocol restriction list

        :return:dictionnary Successful/Failed with pair (src, dest) urls
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('generateTransferURLsBetweenSEs')

    result = checkArgumentFormat(lfns)
    if result['OK']:
      lfns = result['Value']
      errStr = "Supplied urls must be string, list of strings or a dictionary."
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, errStr)

    # First, find common protocols to use
    res = self.negociateProtocolWithOtherSE(sourceSE, protocols=protocols)

    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    commonProtocols = res['Value']

    # Taking each protocol at the time, we try to generate src and dest URLs
    for proto in commonProtocols:
      srcPlugin = None
      destPlugin = None

      log.debug("Trying to find plugins for protocol %s" % proto)

      # Finding the source storage plugin
      for storagePlugin in sourceSE.storages:
        log.debug("Testing %s as source plugin" % storagePlugin.pluginName)
        storageParameters = storagePlugin.getParameters()
        nativeProtocol = storageParameters['Protocol']
        # If the native protocol of the plugin is allowed for read
        if nativeProtocol in sourceSE.localAccessProtocolList:
          # If the plugin can generate the protocol we are interested in
          if proto in storageParameters['OutputProtocols']:
            log.debug("Selecting it")
            srcPlugin = storagePlugin
      # If we did not find a source plugin, continue
      if srcPlugin is None:
        log.debug("Could not find a source plugin for protocol %s" % proto)

      # Finding the destination storage plugin
      for storagePlugin in self.storages:
        log.debug("Testing %s as destination plugin" % storagePlugin.pluginName)

        storageParameters = storagePlugin.getParameters()
        nativeProtocol = storageParameters['Protocol']
        # If the native protocol of the plugin is allowed for write
        if nativeProtocol in self.localWriteProtocolList:
          # If the plugin can accept the protocol we are interested in
          if proto in storageParameters['InputProtocols']:
            log.debug("Selecting it")
            destPlugin = storagePlugin

      # If we found both a source and destination plugin, we are happy,
      # otherwise we continue with the next protocol
      if destPlugin is None:
        log.debug("Could not find a destination plugin for protocol %s" % proto)
        srcPlugin = None

      failed = {}
      successful = {}
      # Generate the URLs
      for lfn in lfns:

        # Source URL first
        res = srcPlugin.constructURLFromLFN(lfn, withWSUrl=True)
        if not res['OK']:
          errMsg = "Error generating source url: %s" % res['Message']
          gLogger.debug("Error generating source url", errMsg)
          failed[lfn] = errMsg
        srcURL = res['Value']

        # Destination URL
        res = destPlugin.constructURLFromLFN(lfn, withWSUrl=True)
        if not res['OK']:
          errMsg = "Error generating destination url: %s" % res['Message']
          gLogger.debug("Error generating destination url", errMsg)
          failed[lfn] = errMsg
        destURL = res['Value']

        successful[lfn] = (srcURL, destURL)

      return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

    return S_ERROR(errno.ENOPROTOOPT, "Could not find a protocol ")

  def negociateProtocolWithOtherSE(self, sourceSE, protocols=None):
    """ Negotiate what protocol could be used for a third party transfer
        between the sourceSE and ourselves. If protocols is given,
        the chosen protocol has to be among those

        :param sourceSE : storageElement instance of the sourceSE
        :param protocols: ordered protocol restriction list

        :return: a list protocols that fits the needs, or None


    # No common protocols if this is a proxy storage
    if self.useProxy:
      return S_OK([])

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('negociateProtocolWithOtherSE', child=True)

        "Negociating protocols between %s and %s (protocols %s)" %
        (sourceSE.name, self.name, protocols))

    # Take all the protocols the destination can accept as input
    destProtocols = self._getAllInputProtocols()

    log.debug("Destination input protocols %s" % destProtocols)

    # Take all the protocols the source can provide
    sourceProtocols = sourceSE._getAllOutputProtocols()

    log.debug("Source output protocols %s" % sourceProtocols)

    commonProtocols = destProtocols & sourceProtocols

    # If a restriction list is defined
    # take the intersection, and sort the commonProtocols
    # based on the protocolList order
    if protocols:
      protocolList = list(protocols)
      commonProtocols = sorted(
          commonProtocols & set(protocolList),
          key=lambda x: self.__getIndexInList(

    log.debug("Common protocols %s" % commonProtocols)

    return S_OK(list(commonProtocols))

  # These are the basic get functions for lfn manipulation

  def __getURLPath(self, url):
    """  Get the part of the URL path below the basic storage path.
         This path must coincide with the LFN of the file in order to be compliant with the DIRAC conventions.
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getURLPath')
    log.verbose("Getting path from url in %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    res = pfnparse(url)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    fullURLPath = '%s/%s' % (res['Value']['Path'], res['Value']['FileName'])

    # Check all available storages and check whether the url is for that protocol
    urlPath = ''
    for storage in self.storages:
      res = storage.isNativeURL(url)
      if res['OK']:
        if res['Value']:
          parameters = storage.getParameters()
          saPath = parameters['Path']
          if not saPath:
            # If the sa path doesn't exist then the url path is the entire string
            urlPath = fullURLPath
            if re.search(saPath, fullURLPath):
              # Remove the sa path from the fullURLPath
              urlPath = fullURLPath.replace(saPath, '')
      if urlPath:
        return S_OK(urlPath)
    # This should never happen. DANGER!!
    errStr = "Failed to get the url path for any of the protocols!!"
    return S_ERROR(errStr)

  def getLFNFromURL(self, urls):
    """ Get the LFN from the PFNS .

        :param lfn : input lfn or lfns (list/dict)

    result = checkArgumentFormat(urls)
    if result['OK']:
      urlDict = result['Value']
      errStr = "Supplied urls must be string, list of strings or a dictionary."
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, errStr)

    retDict = {"Successful": {}, "Failed": {}}
    for url in urlDict:
      res = self.__getURLPath(url)
      if res["OK"]:
        retDict["Successful"][url] = res["Value"]
        retDict["Failed"][url] = res["Message"]
    return S_OK(retDict)

  # This is the generic wrapper for file operations

  def getURL(self, lfn, protocol=False, replicaDict=None):
    """ execute 'getTransportURL' operation.

      :param str lfn: string, list or dictionary of lfns
      :param protocol: if no protocol is specified, we will request self.turlProtocols
      :param replicaDict: optional results from the File Catalog replica query


    self.log.getSubLogger('getURL').verbose("Getting accessUrl %s for lfn in %s." %
                                            ("(%s)" % protocol if protocol else "", self.name))

    if not protocol:
      # This turlProtocols seems totally useless.
      # Get ride of it when gfal2 is totally ready
      # and replace it with the localAccessProtocol list
      protocols = self.turlProtocols
    elif isinstance(protocol, list):
      protocols = protocol
    elif isinstance(protocol, basestring):
      protocols = [protocol]

    self.methodName = "getTransportURL"
    result = self.__executeMethod(lfn, protocols=protocols)
    return result

  def __isLocalSE(self):
    """ Test if the Storage Element is local in the current context
    self.log.getSubLogger('LocalSE').verbose("Determining whether %s is a local SE." % self.name)

    import DIRAC
    localSEs = getSEsForSite(DIRAC.siteName())['Value']
    if self.name in localSEs:
      return S_OK(True)
      return S_OK(False)

  def __getFileCatalog(self):

    if not self.__fileCatalog:
      self.__fileCatalog = FileCatalog(vo=self.vo)
    return self.__fileCatalog

  def __generateURLDict(self, lfns, storage, replicaDict=None):
    """ Generates a dictionary (url : lfn ), where the url are constructed
        from the lfn using the constructURLFromLFN method of the storage plugins.

        :param: lfns : dictionary {lfn:whatever}

        :returns dictionary {constructed url : lfn}
    log = self.log.getSubLogger("__generateURLDict")
    log.verbose("generating url dict for %s lfn in %s." % (len(lfns), self.name))

    if not replicaDict:
      replicaDict = {}

    urlDict = {}  # url : lfn
    failed = {}  # lfn : string with errors
    for lfn in lfns:
      if self.useCatalogURL:
        # Is this self.name alias proof?
        url = replicaDict.get(lfn, {}).get(self.name, '')
        if url:
          urlDict[url] = lfn
          fc = self.__getFileCatalog()
          result = fc.getReplicas()
          if not result['OK']:
            failed[lfn] = result['Message']
          url = result['Value']['Successful'].get(lfn, {}).get(self.name, '')

        if not url:
          failed[lfn] = 'Failed to get catalog replica'
          # Update the URL according to the current SE description
          result = returnSingleResult(storage.updateURL(url))
          if not result['OK']:
            failed[lfn] = result['Message']
            urlDict[result['Value']] = lfn
        result = storage.constructURLFromLFN(lfn, withWSUrl=True)
        if not result['OK']:
          errStr = result['Message']
          log.debug(errStr, 'for %s' % (lfn))
          failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[lfn], errStr) if lfn in failed else errStr
          urlDict[result['Value']] = lfn

    res = S_OK({'Successful': urlDict, 'Failed': failed})
#     res['Failed'] = failed
    return res

  def __getIndexInList(x, l):
    """ Return the index of the element x in the list l
        or sys.maxint if it does not exist

        :param x: element to look for
        :param l: list to look int

        :return: the index or sys.maxint
      return l.index(x)
    except ValueError:
      return sys.maxsize

  def __filterPlugins(self, methodName, protocols=None, inputProtocol=None):
    """ Determine the list of plugins that
        can be used for a particular action

          method(str): method to execute
          protocols(list): specific protocols might be requested
          inputProtocol(str): in case the method is putFile, this specifies
                              the protocol given as source

         list: list of storage plugins

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__filterPlugins', child=True)

        "Filtering plugins for %s (protocol = %s ; inputProtocol = %s)" %
        (methodName, protocols, inputProtocol))

    if isinstance(protocols, basestring):
      protocols = [protocols]

    pluginsToUse = []

    potentialProtocols = []
    allowedProtocols = []

    if methodName in self.readMethods + self.checkMethods:
      allowedProtocols = self.localAccessProtocolList
    elif methodName in self.removeMethods + self.writeMethods:
      allowedProtocols = self.localWriteProtocolList
      # OK methods
      # If a protocol or protocol list is specified, we only use the plugins that
      # can generate such protocol
      # otherwise we return them all
      if protocols:
        setProtocol = set(protocols)
        for plugin in self.storages:
          if set(plugin.protocolParameters.get("OutputProtocols", [])) & setProtocol:
            log.debug("Plugin %s can generate compatible protocol" % plugin.pluginName)
        pluginsToUse = self.storages

      # The closest list for "OK" methods is the AccessProtocol preference, so we sort based on that
          key=lambda x: self.__getIndexInList(
      log.debug("Plugins to be used for %s: %s" %
                (methodName, [p.pluginName for p in pluginsToUse]))
      return pluginsToUse

    log.debug("Allowed protocol: %s" % allowedProtocols)

    # if a list of protocol is specified, take it into account
    if protocols:
      potentialProtocols = list(set(allowedProtocols) & set(protocols))
      potentialProtocols = allowedProtocols

    log.debug('Potential protocols %s' % potentialProtocols)

    localSE = self.__isLocalSE()['Value']

    for plugin in self.storages:
      # Determine whether to use this storage object
      pluginParameters = plugin.getParameters()
      pluginName = pluginParameters.get('PluginName')

      if not pluginParameters:
        log.debug("Failed to get storage parameters.", "%s %s" % (self.name, pluginName))

      if not (pluginName in self.remotePlugins) and not localSE and not pluginName == "Proxy":
        # If the SE is not local then we can't use local protocols
        log.debug("Local protocol not appropriate for remote use: %s." % pluginName)

      if pluginParameters['Protocol'] not in potentialProtocols:
        log.debug("Plugin %s not allowed for %s." % (pluginName, methodName))

      # If we are attempting a putFile and we know the inputProtocol
      if methodName == 'putFile' and inputProtocol:
        if inputProtocol not in pluginParameters['InputProtocols']:
              "Plugin %s not appropriate for %s protocol as input." %
              (pluginName, inputProtocol))


    # sort the plugins according to the lists in the CS
        key=lambda x: self.__getIndexInList(

    log.debug("Plugins to be used for %s: %s" % (methodName, [p.pluginName for p in pluginsToUse]))

    return pluginsToUse

  def __executeMethod(self, lfn, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Forward the call to each storage in turn until one works.
        The method to be executed is stored in self.methodName

        :param lfn : string, list or dictionary
        :param *args : variable amount of non-keyword arguments. SHOULD BE EMPTY
        :param **kwargs : keyword arguments

        :returns S_OK( { 'Failed': {lfn : reason} , 'Successful': {lfn : value} } )
                The Failed dict contains the lfn only if the operation failed on all the storages
                The Successful dict contains the value returned by the successful storages.

        A special kwargs is 'inputProtocol', which can be specified for putFile. It describes
        the protocol used as source protocol, since there is in principle only one.

    removedArgs = {}
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__executeMethod')
    log.verbose("preparing the execution of %s" % (self.methodName))

    # args should normaly be empty to avoid problem...
    if args:
      log.verbose("args should be empty!%s" % args)
      # because there is normally only one kw argument, I can move it from args to kwargs
      methDefaultArgs = StorageElementItem.__defaultsArguments.get(self.methodName, {}).keys()
      if methDefaultArgs:
        kwargs[methDefaultArgs[0]] = args[0]
        args = args[1:]
          "put it in kwargs, but dirty and might be dangerous!args %s kwargs %s" %
          (args, kwargs))

    # We check the deprecated arguments
    for depArg in StorageElementItem.__deprecatedArguments:
      if depArg in kwargs:
        log.verbose("%s is not an allowed argument anymore. Please change your code!" % depArg)
        removedArgs[depArg] = kwargs[depArg]
        del kwargs[depArg]

    # Set default argument if any
    methDefaultArgs = StorageElementItem.__defaultsArguments.get(self.methodName, {})
    for argName in methDefaultArgs:
      if argName not in kwargs:
        log.debug("default argument %s for %s not present.\
         Setting value %s." % (argName, self.methodName, methDefaultArgs[argName]))
        kwargs[argName] = methDefaultArgs[argName]

    res = checkArgumentFormat(lfn)
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "Supplied lfns must be string, list of strings or a dictionary."
      return res
    lfnDict = res['Value']

        "Attempting to perform '%s' operation with %s lfns." %
        (self.methodName, len(lfnDict)))

    res = self.isValid(operation=self.methodName)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
      if not self.valid:
        return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    # In case executing putFile, we can assume that all the source urls
    # are from the same protocol. This optional parameter, if defined
    # can be used to ignore some storage plugins and thus save time
    # and avoid fake failures showing in the accounting
    inputProtocol = kwargs.pop('inputProtocol', None)

    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    filteredPlugins = self.__filterPlugins(self.methodName, kwargs.get('protocols'), inputProtocol)
    if not filteredPlugins:
      return S_ERROR(errno.EPROTONOSUPPORT, "No storage plugins matching the requirements\
                                           (operation %s protocols %s inputProtocol %s)" %
                     (self.methodName, kwargs.get('protocols'), inputProtocol))
    # Try all of the storages one by one
    for storage in filteredPlugins:
      # Determine whether to use this storage object
      storageParameters = storage.getParameters()
      pluginName = storageParameters['PluginName']

      if not lfnDict:
        log.debug("No lfns to be attempted for %s protocol." % pluginName)

      log.verbose("Generating %s protocol URLs for %s." % (len(lfnDict), pluginName))
      replicaDict = kwargs.pop('replicaDict', {})
      if storage.pluginName != "Proxy":
        res = self.__generateURLDict(lfnDict, storage, replicaDict=replicaDict)
        urlDict = res['Value']['Successful']  # url : lfn
        urlDict = dict([(lfn, lfn) for lfn in lfnDict])
      if not urlDict:
        log.verbose("__executeMethod No urls generated for protocol %s." % pluginName)
            "Attempting to perform '%s' for %s physical files" %
            (self.methodName, len(urlDict)))
        fcn = None
        if hasattr(storage, self.methodName) and callable(getattr(storage, self.methodName)):
          fcn = getattr(storage, self.methodName)
        if not fcn:
          return S_ERROR(
              "SE.__executeMethod: unable to invoke %s, it isn't a member function of storage")
        urlsToUse = {}  # url : the value of the lfn dictionary for the lfn of this url
        for url in urlDict:
          urlsToUse[url] = lfnDict[urlDict[url]]

        startDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        startTime = time.time()
        res = fcn(urlsToUse, *args, **kwargs)
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime

        self.addAccountingOperation(urlsToUse, startDate, elapsedTime, storageParameters, res)

        if not res['OK']:
          errStr = "Completely failed to perform %s." % self.methodName
          log.debug(errStr, 'with plugin %s: %s' % (pluginName, res['Message']))
          for lfn in urlDict.values():
            if lfn not in failed:
              failed[lfn] = ''
            failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[lfn], res['Message']) if failed[lfn] else res['Message']

          for url, lfn in urlDict.items():
            if url not in res['Value']['Successful']:
              if lfn not in failed:
                failed[lfn] = ''
              if url in res['Value']['Failed']:
                failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[lfn], res['Value']['Failed'][url]
                                         ) if failed[lfn] else res['Value']['Failed'][url]
                errStr = 'No error returned from plug-in'
                failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[lfn], errStr) if failed[lfn] else errStr
              successful[lfn] = res['Value']['Successful'][url]
              if lfn in failed:


    return S_OK({'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful})

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    """ Forwards the equivalent Storage calls to __executeMethod"""
    # We take either the equivalent name, or the name itself
    self.methodName = StorageElementItem.__equivalentMethodNames.get(name, None)

    if self.methodName:
      return self.__executeMethod

    raise AttributeError("StorageElement does not have a method '%s'" % name)

  def addAccountingOperation(self, lfns, startDate, elapsedTime, storageParameters, callRes):
        Generates a DataOperation accounting if needs to be, and adds it to the DataStore client cache

        :param lfns : list of lfns on which we attempted the operation
        :param startDate : datetime, start of the operation
        :param elapsedTime : time (seconds) the operation took
        :param storageParameters : the parameters of the plugins used to perform the operation
        :param callRes : the return of the method call, S_OK or S_ERROR

        The operation is generated with the OperationType "se.methodName"
        The TransferSize and TransferTotal for directory methods actually take into
        account the files inside the directory, and not the amount of directory given
        as parameter


    if self.methodName not in (self.readMethods + self.writeMethods + self.removeMethods):

    baseAccountingDict = {}
    baseAccountingDict['OperationType'] = 'se.%s' % self.methodName
    baseAccountingDict['User'] = getProxyInfo().get('Value', {}).get('username', 'unknown')
    baseAccountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = 0.0
    baseAccountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = 0
    baseAccountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = 0

    # if it is a get method, then source and destination of the transfer should be inverted
    if self.methodName == 'getFile':
      baseAccountingDict['Destination'] = siteName()
      baseAccountingDict['Source'] = self.name
      baseAccountingDict['Destination'] = self.name
      baseAccountingDict['Source'] = siteName()

    baseAccountingDict['TransferTotal'] = 0
    baseAccountingDict['TransferOK'] = 0
    baseAccountingDict['TransferSize'] = 0
    baseAccountingDict['TransferTime'] = 0.0
    baseAccountingDict['FinalStatus'] = 'Successful'

    oDataOperation = DataOperation()
    oDataOperation.setEndTime(startDate + datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsedTime))
    oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferTime', elapsedTime)
    oDataOperation.setValueByKey('Protocol', storageParameters.get('Protocol', 'unknown'))

    if not callRes['OK']:
      # Everything failed
      oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferTotal', len(lfns))
      oDataOperation.setValueByKey('FinalStatus', 'Failed')

      succ = callRes.get('Value', {}).get('Successful', {})
      failed = callRes.get('Value', {}).get('Failed', {})

      totalSize = 0
      # We don't take len(lfns) in order to make two
      # separate entries in case of few failures
      totalSucc = len(succ)

      if self.methodName in ('putFile', 'getFile'):
        # putFile and getFile return for each entry
        # in the successful dir the size of the corresponding file
        totalSize = sum(succ.values())

      elif self.methodName in ('putDirectory', 'getDirectory'):
        # putDirectory and getDirectory return for each dir name
        # a dictionnary with the keys 'Files' and 'Size'
        totalSize = sum(val.get('Size', 0) for val in succ.values() if isinstance(val, dict))
        totalSucc = sum(val.get('Files', 0) for val in succ.values() if isinstance(val, dict))
        oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferOK', len(succ))

      oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferSize', totalSize)
      oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferTotal', totalSucc)
      oDataOperation.setValueByKey('TransferOK', totalSucc)

      if callRes['Value']['Failed']:
        oDataOperationFailed = copy.deepcopy(oDataOperation)
        oDataOperationFailed.setValueByKey('TransferTotal', len(failed))
        oDataOperationFailed.setValueByKey('TransferOK', 0)
        oDataOperationFailed.setValueByKey('TransferSize', 0)
        oDataOperationFailed.setValueByKey('FinalStatus', 'Failed')

        accRes = gDataStoreClient.addRegister(oDataOperationFailed)
        if not accRes['OK']:
          self.log.error("Could not send failed accounting report", accRes['Message'])

    accRes = gDataStoreClient.addRegister(oDataOperation)
    if not accRes['OK']:
      self.log.error("Could not send accounting report", accRes['Message'])
Exemplo n.º 35
  def __init__(self, name, plugins=None, vo=None, hideExceptions=False):
    """ c'tor

    :param str name: SE name
    :param list plugins: requested storage plugins
    :param vo: vo


    self.methodName = None

    if vo:
      self.vo = vo
      result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
      if not result['OK']:
      self.vo = result['Value']
    self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

    # These things will soon have to go as well. 'AccessProtocol.1' is all but flexible.
    proxiedProtocols = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/StorageElements/ProxyProtocols', "").split(',')
    self.useProxy = (
            "/Resources/StorageElements/%s/AccessProtocol.1/Protocol" %
            name, "UnknownProtocol") in proxiedProtocols)

    if not self.useProxy:
      self.useProxy = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)
    if not self.useProxy:
      self.useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue('/Services/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)

    self.valid = True
    if plugins is None:
      res = StorageFactory(
      res = StorageFactory(

    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
      self.name = name
      self.errorReason = res['Message']
      factoryDict = res['Value']
      self.name = factoryDict['StorageName']
      self.options = factoryDict['StorageOptions']
      self.localPlugins = factoryDict['LocalPlugins']
      self.remotePlugins = factoryDict['RemotePlugins']
      self.storages = factoryDict['StorageObjects']
      self.protocolOptions = factoryDict['ProtocolOptions']
      self.turlProtocols = factoryDict['TurlProtocols']

      for storage in self.storages:


    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("SE[%s]" % self.name)

    if self.valid:

      self.useCatalogURL = gConfig.getValue(
          '/Resources/StorageElements/%s/UseCatalogURL' %
          self.name, False)
      self.log.debug("useCatalogURL: %s" % self.useCatalogURL)

      self.__dmsHelper = DMSHelpers(vo=vo)

      # Allow SE to overwrite general operation config
      accessProto = self.options.get('AccessProtocols')
      self.localAccessProtocolList = accessProto if accessProto else self.__dmsHelper.getAccessProtocols()
      self.log.debug("localAccessProtocolList %s" % self.localAccessProtocolList)

      writeProto = self.options.get('WriteProtocols')
      self.localWriteProtocolList = writeProto if writeProto else self.__dmsHelper.getWriteProtocols()
      self.log.debug("localWriteProtocolList %s" % self.localWriteProtocolList)

    #                         'getTransportURL',
    self.readMethods = ['getFile',

    self.writeMethods = ['retransferOnlineFile',

    self.removeMethods = ['removeFile',

    self.checkMethods = ['exists',

    self.okMethods = ['getLocalProtocols',

    self.__fileCatalog = None
Exemplo n.º 36
class PluginUtilities(object):
  Utility class used by plugins

  def __init__(self, plugin='Standard', transClient=None, dataManager=None, fc=None,
               debug=False, transInThread=None, transID=None):

    Setting defaults
    # clients
    if transClient is None:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient
    if dataManager is None:
      self.dm = DataManager()
      self.dm = dataManager
    if fc is None:
      self.fc = FileCatalog()
      self.fc = fc

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    self.plugin = plugin
    self.transID = transID
    self.params = {}
    self.groupSize = 0
    self.maxFiles = 0
    self.cachedLFNSize = {}
    self.transString = ''
    self.debug = debug
    if transInThread is None:
      self.transInThread = {}
      self.transInThread = transInThread

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(plugin)

  def logVerbose(self, message, param=''):
    """ logger helper """
    if self.debug:
      self.log.info('(V)' + self.transString + message, param)
      self.log.verbose(self.transString + message, param)

  def logDebug(self, message, param=''):
    """ logger helper """
    self.log.debug(self.transString + message, param)

  def logInfo(self, message, param=''):
    """ logger helper """
    self.log.info(self.transString + message, param)

  def logWarn(self, message, param=''):
    """ logger helper """
    self.log.warn(self.transString + message, param)

  def logError(self, message, param=''):
    """ logger helper """
    self.log.error(self.transString + message, param)

  def logException(self, message, param='', lException=False):
    """ logger helper """
    self.log.exception(self.transString + message, param, lException)

  def setParameters(self, params):
    """ Set the transformation parameters and extract transID """
    self.params = params
    self.transID = params['TransformationID']
    self.transString = self.transInThread.get(self.transID, ' [NoThread] [%d] ' % self.transID)

  # @timeThis
  def groupByReplicas(self, files, status):
    Generates tasks based on the location of the input data

   :param dict fileReplicas:
              {'/this/is/at.1': ['SE1'],
               '/this/is/at.12': ['SE1', 'SE2'],
               '/this/is/at.2': ['SE2'],
               '/this/is/at_123': ['SE1', 'SE2', 'SE3'],
               '/this/is/at_23': ['SE2', 'SE3'],
               '/this/is/at_4': ['SE4']}

    tasks = []
    nTasks = 0

    if not files:
      return S_OK(tasks)

    files = dict(files)

    # Parameters
    if not self.groupSize:
      self.groupSize = self.getPluginParam('GroupSize', 10)
    flush = (status == 'Flush')
        "groupByReplicas: %d files, groupSize %d, flush %s" %
        (len(files), self.groupSize, flush))

    # Consider files by groups of SEs, a file is only in one group
    # Then consider files site by site, but a file can now be at more than one site
    for groupSE in (True, False):
      if not files:
      seFiles = getFileGroups(files, groupSE=groupSE)
      self.logDebug("fileGroups set: ", seFiles)

      for replicaSE in sortSEs(seFiles):
        lfns = seFiles[replicaSE]
        if lfns:
          tasksLfns = breakListIntoChunks(lfns, self.groupSize)
          lfnsInTasks = []
          for taskLfns in tasksLfns:
            if flush or (len(taskLfns) >= self.groupSize):
              tasks.append((replicaSE, taskLfns))
              lfnsInTasks += taskLfns
          # In case the file was at more than one site, remove it from the other sites' list
          # Remove files from global list
          for lfn in lfnsInTasks:
          if not groupSE:
            # Remove files from other SEs
            for se in [se for se in seFiles if se != replicaSE]:
              seFiles[se] = [lfn for lfn in seFiles[se] if lfn not in lfnsInTasks]
          "groupByReplicas: %d tasks created (groupSE %s)" %
          (len(tasks) - nTasks, str(groupSE)), "%d files not included in tasks" %
      nTasks = len(tasks)

    return S_OK(tasks)

  def createTasksBySize(self, lfns, replicaSE, fileSizes=None, flush=False):
    Split files in groups according to the size and create tasks for a given SE
    tasks = []
    if fileSizes is None:
      fileSizes = self._getFileSize(lfns).get('Value')
    if fileSizes is None:
      self.logWarn('Error getting file sizes, no tasks created')
      return tasks
    taskLfns = []
    taskSize = 0
    if not self.groupSize:
      # input size in GB converted to bytes
      self.groupSize = float(self.getPluginParam('GroupSize', 1.)) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    if not self.maxFiles:
      # FIXME: prepare for chaging the name of the ambiguoug  CS option
      self.maxFiles = self.getPluginParam('MaxFilesPerTask', self.getPluginParam('MaxFiles', 100))
    lfns = sorted(lfns, key=fileSizes.get)
    for lfn in lfns:
      size = fileSizes.get(lfn, 0)
      if size:
        if size > self.groupSize:
          tasks.append((replicaSE, [lfn]))
          taskSize += size
          if (taskSize > self.groupSize) or (len(taskLfns) >= self.maxFiles):
            tasks.append((replicaSE, taskLfns))
            taskLfns = []
            taskSize = 0
    if flush and taskLfns:
      tasks.append((replicaSE, taskLfns))
    if not tasks and not flush and taskLfns:
          'Not enough data to create a task, and flush not set (%d bytes for groupSize %d)' %
          (taskSize, self.groupSize))
    return tasks

  # @timeThis
  def groupBySize(self, files, status):
    Generate a task for a given amount of data
    tasks = []
    nTasks = 0

    if not len(files):
      return S_OK(tasks)

    files = dict(files)
    # Parameters
    if not self.groupSize:
      # input size in GB converted to bytes
      self.groupSize = float(self.getPluginParam('GroupSize', 1)) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    flush = (status == 'Flush')
        "groupBySize: %d files, groupSize: %d, flush: %s" %
        (len(files), self.groupSize, flush))

    # Get the file sizes
    res = self._getFileSize(files.keys())
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    fileSizes = res['Value']

    for groupSE in (True, False):
      if not files:
      seFiles = getFileGroups(files, groupSE=groupSE)

      for replicaSE in sorted(seFiles) if groupSE else sortSEs(seFiles):
        lfns = seFiles[replicaSE]
        newTasks = self.createTasksBySize(lfns, replicaSE, fileSizes=fileSizes, flush=flush)
        lfnsInTasks = []
        for task in newTasks:
          lfnsInTasks += task[1]
        tasks += newTasks

        # Remove the selected files from the size cache
        if not groupSE:
          # Remove files from other SEs
          for se in [se for se in seFiles if se != replicaSE]:
            seFiles[se] = [lfn for lfn in seFiles[se] if lfn not in lfnsInTasks]
        # Remove files from global list
        for lfn in lfnsInTasks:

          "groupBySize: %d tasks created with groupSE %s" %
          (len(tasks) - nTasks, str(groupSE)))
      self.logVerbose("groupBySize: %d files have not been included in tasks" % len(files))
      nTasks = len(tasks)

    self.logVerbose("Grouped %d files by size" % len(files))
    return S_OK(tasks)

  def getExistingCounters(self, normalise=False, requestedSites=[]):
    res = self.transClient.getCounters('TransformationFiles', ['UsedSE'],
                                       {'TransformationID': self.params['TransformationID']})
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    usageDict = {}
    for usedDict, count in res['Value']:
      usedSE = usedDict['UsedSE']
      if usedSE != 'Unknown':
        usageDict[usedSE] = count
    if requestedSites:
      siteDict = {}
      for se, count in usageDict.items():
        res = getSitesForSE(se)
        if not res['OK']:
          return res
        for site in res['Value']:
          if site in requestedSites:
            siteDict[site] = count
      usageDict = siteDict.copy()
    if normalise:
      usageDict = self._normaliseShares(usageDict)
    return S_OK(usageDict)

  # @timeThis
  def _getFileSize(self, lfns):
    """ Get file size from a cache, if not from the catalog
    #FIXME: have to fill the cachedLFNSize!
    lfns = list(lfns)
    cachedLFNSize = dict(self.cachedLFNSize)

    fileSizes = {}
    for lfn in [lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn in cachedLFNSize]:
      fileSizes[lfn] = cachedLFNSize[lfn]
        "Found cache hit for File size for %d files out of %d" %
        (len(fileSizes), len(lfns)))
    lfns = [lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in cachedLFNSize]
    if lfns:
      fileSizes = self._getFileSizeFromCatalog(lfns, fileSizes)
      if not fileSizes['OK']:
        return fileSizes
      fileSizes = fileSizes['Value']
    return S_OK(fileSizes)

  # @timeThis
  def _getFileSizeFromCatalog(self, lfns, fileSizes):
    Get file size from the catalog
    lfns = list(lfns)
    fileSizes = dict(fileSizes)

    res = self.fc.getFileSize(lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Failed to get sizes for all files: %s" % res['Message'])
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      errorReason = sorted(set(res['Value']['Failed'].values()))
      self.logWarn("Failed to get sizes for %d files:" % len(res['Value']['Failed']), errorReason)
    self.logVerbose("Got size of %d files from catalog" % len(lfns))
    return S_OK(fileSizes)

  def clearCachedFileSize(self, lfns):
    """ Utility function
    for lfn in [lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn in self.cachedLFNSize]:

  def getPluginParam(self, name, default=None):
    """ Get plugin parameters using specific settings or settings defined in the CS
        Caution: the type returned is that of the default value
    # get the value of a parameter looking 1st in the CS
    if default is not None:
      valueType = type(default)
      valueType = None
    # First look at a generic value...
    optionPath = "TransformationPlugins/%s" % (name)
    value = Operations().getValue(optionPath, None)
    self.logVerbose("Default plugin param %s: '%s'" % (optionPath, value))
    # Then look at a plugin-specific value
    optionPath = "TransformationPlugins/%s/%s" % (self.plugin, name)
    value = Operations().getValue(optionPath, value)
    self.logVerbose("Specific plugin param %s: '%s'" % (optionPath, value))
    if value is not None:
      default = value
    # Finally look at a transformation-specific parameter
    value = self.params.get(name, default)
        "Transformation plugin param %s: '%s'. Convert to %s" %
        (name, value, str(valueType)))
    if valueType and not isinstance(value, valueType):
      if valueType is list:
          value = ast.literal_eval(value) if value and value != 'None' else []
        # literal_eval('SE-DST') -> ValueError
        # literal_eval('SE_MC-DST') -> SyntaxError
        # Don't ask...
        except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
          value = [val for val in value.replace(' ', '').split(',') if val]

      elif valueType is int:
        value = int(value)
      elif valueType is float:
        value = float(value)
      elif valueType is bool:
        if value in ('False', 'No', 'None', None, 0):
          value = False
          value = bool(value)
      elif valueType is not str:
            "Unknown parameter type (%s) for %s, passed as string" %
            (str(valueType), name))
    self.logVerbose("Final plugin param %s: '%s'" % (name, value))
    return value

  def _normaliseShares(originalShares):
    """ Normalize shares to 1 """
    total = sum(float(share) for share in originalShares.values())
    return dict([(site, 100. * float(share) / total if total else 0.)
                 for site, share in originalShares.items()])

  def uniqueSEs(self, ses):
    """ return a list of SEs that are not physically the same """
    newSEs = []
    for se in ses:
      if not self.isSameSEInList(se, newSEs):
    return newSEs

  def isSameSE(self, se1, se2):
    """ Check if 2 SEs are indeed the same.

        :param se1: name of the first StorageElement
        :param se2: name of the second StorageElement

        :returns: True/False if they are considered the same.
                  See :py:mod:`~DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement.StorageElementItem.isSameSE`
    if se1 == se2:
      return True

    return StorageElement(se1).isSameSE(StorageElement(se2))

  def isSameSEInList(self, se1, seList):
    """ Check if an SE is the same as any in a list """
    if se1 in seList:
      return True
    for se in seList:
      if self.isSameSE(se1, se):
        return True
    return False

  def closerSEs(self, existingSEs, targetSEs, local=False):
    """ Order the targetSEs such that the first ones are closer to existingSEs. Keep all elements in targetSEs
    setTarget = set(targetSEs)
    sameSEs = set([se1 for se1 in setTarget for se2 in existingSEs if self.isSameSE(se1, se2)])
    targetSEs = setTarget - set(sameSEs)
    if targetSEs:
      # Some SEs are left, look for sites
      existingSites = [self.dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE(se).get('Value')
                       for se in existingSEs]
      existingSites = set([site for site in existingSites if site])
      closeSEs = set([se for se in targetSEs
                      if self.dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE(se).get('Value') in existingSites])
      # print existingSEs, existingSites, targetSEs, closeSEs
      otherSEs = targetSEs - closeSEs
      targetSEs = list(closeSEs)
      if not local and otherSEs:
        otherSEs = list(otherSEs)
        targetSEs += otherSEs
      targetSEs = []
    return (targetSEs + list(sameSEs)) if not local else targetSEs
Exemplo n.º 37
class Request( object ):
  :param int RequestID: requestID
  :param str Name: request' name
  :param str OwnerDN: request's owner DN
  :param str OwnerGroup: request owner group
  :param str Setup: DIRAC setup
  :param str SourceComponent: whatever
  :param int JobID: jobID
  :param datetime.datetime CreationTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime SubmissionTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime LastUpdate: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime NotBefore: UTC datetime
  :param str Status: request's status
  :param TypedList.TypedList operations: list of operations

  It is managed by SQLAlchemy, so the RequestID should never be set by hand (except when constructed from
  JSON of course...)

  ALL_STATES = ( "Waiting", "Failed", "Done", "Scheduled", "Assigned", "Canceled" )

  FINAL_STATES = ( "Done", "Failed", "Canceled" )

  _datetimeFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param fromDict : if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    self._CreationTime = now
    self._SubmitTime = now
    self._LastUpdate = now
    # the time before which the request should not be executed
    # If None, no delay
    self._NotBefore = now
    self._Status = "Done"
    self.JobID = 0
    self.Error = None
    self.DIRACSetup = None
    self.OwnerDN = None
    self.RequestName = None
    self.OwnerGroup = None
    self.SourceComponent = None

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__operations__ = []

    fromDict = fromDict if isinstance( fromDict, dict )\
               else json.loads( fromDict ) if isinstance( fromDict, StringTypes )\
                else {}

    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
        self +=Operation( opDict )

      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      # The JSON module forces the use of UTF-8, which is not properly
      # taken into account in DIRAC.
      # One would need to replace all the '== str' with 'in StringTypes'
      if type( value ) in StringTypes:
        value = value.encode()

      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )


  def _notify( self ):
    """ simple state machine for sub request statuses """
    # # update operations statuses
    self.__waiting = None

    # Update the Order in Operation, and set the parent
    for i in range( len( self.__operations__ ) ):
      self.__operations__[i].Order = i
      self.__operations__[i]._parent = self

    rStatus = "Waiting"
    opStatusList = [ ( op.Status, op ) for op in self ]

    while opStatusList:
      # # Scan all status in order!
      opStatus, op = opStatusList.pop( 0 )

      # # Failed -> Failed
      if opStatus == "Failed" and self.__waiting is None:
        rStatus = "Failed"

      # Scheduled -> Scheduled
      if opStatus == "Scheduled":
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          rStatus = "Scheduled"
      # # First operation Queued becomes Waiting if no Waiting/Scheduled before
      elif opStatus == "Queued":
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          op._setWaiting( self )
          rStatus = "Waiting"
      # # First operation Waiting is next to execute, others are queued
      elif opStatus == "Waiting":
        rStatus = "Waiting"
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          op._setQueued( self )
      # # All operations Done -> Done
      elif opStatus == "Done" and self.__waiting == None:
        rStatus = "Done"
        self.Error = ''
    self.Status = rStatus

  def getWaiting( self ):
    """ get waiting operation if any """
    # # update states
    return S_OK( self.__waiting )

  # # Operation arithmetics
  def __contains__( self, operation ):
    """ in operator

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation.Operation subRequest: a subRequest
    return bool( operation in self.__operations__ )

  def __iadd__( self, operation ):
    """ += operator for subRequest

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation.Operation operation: sub-request to add
    if operation not in self:
      self.__operations__.append( operation )
      operation._parent = self
    return self

  def insertBefore( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just before :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation.Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation.Operation existingOperation: previous Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ), newOperation )
    return S_OK()

  def insertAfter( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just after :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation.Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation.Operation existingOperation: next Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ) + 1, newOperation )
    return S_OK()

  def addOperation( self, operation ):
    """ add :operation: to list of Operations

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation.Operation operation: Operation to be inserted
    if operation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "This operation is already in!!!" )
    self +=operation
    return S_OK()

  def isEmpty( self ):
    """ Evaluate if the request is empty
    return len( self.__operations__ ) == 0

  def __iter__( self ):
    """ iterator for sub-request """
    return self.__operations__.__iter__()

  def __getitem__( self, i ):
    """ [] op for sub requests """
    return self.__operations__.__getitem__( i )

  def __setitem__( self, i, value ):
    """ self[i] = val """

    self.__operations__.__setitem__( i, value )

  def __delitem__( self, i ):
    """ del self[i]"""

    self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )

  def indexOf( self, subReq ):
    """ return index of subReq (execution order) """
    return self.__operations__.index( subReq ) if subReq in self else -1

  def __nonzero__( self ):
    """ for comparisons
    return True

  def __len__( self ):
    """ nb of subRequests """
    return len( self.__operations__ )

  def __str__( self ):
    """ str operator """
    return self.toJSON()['Value']

  def subStatusList( self ):
    """ list of statuses for all operations """
    return [ subReq.Status for subReq in self ]

  def CreationTime( self ):
    """ creation time getter """
    return self._CreationTime

  def CreationTime( self, value = None ):
    """ creation time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( [datetime.datetime] + list( StringTypes ) ) :
      raise TypeError( "CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) in StringTypes:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], self._datetimeFormat )
    self._CreationTime = value

  def SubmitTime( self ):
    """ request's submission time getter """
    return self._SubmitTime

  def SubmitTime( self, value = None ):
    """ submission time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( [datetime.datetime] + list( StringTypes ) ):
      raise TypeError( "SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) in StringTypes:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], self._datetimeFormat )
    self._SubmitTime = value

  def NotBefore( self ):
    """ Getter for NotBefore time"""
    return self._NotBefore

  def NotBefore( self, value = None ):
    """ Setter for the NotBefore time """
    if type( value ) not in ( [NoneType] + [datetime.datetime] + list( StringTypes ) ):
      raise TypeError( "NotBefore should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) in StringTypes:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], self._datetimeFormat )
    self._NotBefore = value

  def delayNextExecution( self, deltaTime ):
    """This helper sets the NotBefore attribute in deltaTime minutes
       in the future
       :param deltaTime : time in minutes before next execution
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes = deltaTime )
    self._NotBefore = now + extraDelay

    return S_OK()

  def LastUpdate( self ):
    """ last update getter """
    return self._LastUpdate

  def LastUpdate( self, value = None ):
    """ last update setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( [datetime.datetime] + list( StringTypes ) ):
      raise TypeError( "LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) in StringTypes:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], self._datetimeFormat )
    self._LastUpdate = value

  def Status( self ):
    """ status getter """
    return self._Status

  def Status( self, value ):
    """ status setter """
    if value not in Request.ALL_STATES:
      raise ValueError( "Unknown status: %s" % str( value ) )

    # If the status moved to Failed or Done, update the lastUpdate time
    if value in ( 'Done', 'Failed' ):
      if value != self._Status:
        self.LastUpdate = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    if value == 'Done':
      self.Error = ''
    self._Status = value

  def Order( self ):
    """ ro execution order getter """
    opStatuses = [ op.Status for op in self.__operations__ ]
    return opStatuses.index( "Waiting" ) if "Waiting" in opStatuses else len( opStatuses )

  def toJSON( self ):
    """ Returns the JSON formated string that describes the request """

    jsonStr = json.dumps( self, cls = RMSEncoder )
    return S_OK( jsonStr )

  def _getJSONData( self ):
    """ Returns the data that have to be serialized by JSON """

    attrNames = ['RequestID', "RequestName", "OwnerDN", "OwnerGroup",
                 "Status", "Error", "DIRACSetup", "SourceComponent",
                 "JobID", "CreationTime", "SubmitTime", "LastUpdate", "NotBefore"]
    jsonData = {}

    for attrName in attrNames :

      # RequestID might not be set since it is managed by SQLAlchemy
      if not hasattr( self, attrName ):

      value = getattr( self, attrName )

      if isinstance( value, datetime.datetime ):
        # We convert date time to a string
        jsonData[attrName] = value.strftime( self._datetimeFormat )
        jsonData[attrName] = value

    jsonData['Operations'] = self.__operations__

    return jsonData

  def getDigest( self ):
    """ return digest for request """
    digest = ['Name:' + self.RequestName]
    for op in self:
      opDigest = [ str( item ) for item in ( op.Type, op.Type, op.Status, op.Order ) ]
      if op.TargetSE:
        opDigest.append( op.TargetSE )
      if op.Catalog:
        opDigest.append( op.Catalog )
      if len( op ):
        opFile = op[0]
        extraFilesStr = "...+<%d files>" % ( len( op ) - 1 ) if (len(op) > 1 ) else ''
        opDigest.append( opFile.LFN + extraFilesStr )
      digest.append( ":".join( opDigest ) )
    return S_OK( "\n".join( digest ) )

  def optimize( self ):
    """ Merges together the operations that can be merged. They need to have the following arguments equal:
        * Type
        * Arguments
        * SourceSE
        * TargetSE
        * Catalog
        It also makes sure that the maximum number of Files in an Operation is never overcome.

        CAUTION: this method is meant to be called before inserting into the DB.
                So if the RequestID is not 0, we don't touch

        :return: S_ERROR if the Request should not be optimized (because already in the DB)
                S_OK(True) if a optimization was carried out
                S_OK(False) if no optimization were carried out

    # If the RequestID is not the default one (0), it probably means
    # the Request is already in the DB, so we don't touch anything
    if hasattr( self, 'RequestID' ) and getattr( self, 'RequestID' ):
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot optimize because Request seems to be already in the DB (RequestID %s)" % getattr( self, 'RequestID' ) )
    # Set to True if the request could be optimized
    optimized = False
    # Recognise Failover request series
    repAndRegList = []
    removeRepList = []
    i = 0
    while i < len( self.__operations__ ):
      insertNow = True
      if i < len( self.__operations__ ) - 1:
        op1 = self.__operations__[i]
        op2 = self.__operations__[i + 1]
        if getattr( op1, 'Type' ) == 'ReplicateAndRegister' and \
           getattr( op2, 'Type' ) == 'RemoveReplica':
          fileSetA = set( list( f.LFN for f in op1 ) )
          fileSetB = set( list( f.LFN for f in op2 ) )
          if fileSetA == fileSetB:
            # Source is useless if failover
            if self.dmsHelper.isSEFailover( op1.SourceSE ):
              op1.SourceSE = ''
            repAndRegList.append( ( op1.TargetSE, op1 ) )
            removeRepList.append( ( op2.TargetSE, op2 ) )
            del self.__operations__[i]
            del self.__operations__[i]
            # If we are at the end of the request, we must insert the new operations
            insertNow = ( i == len( self.__operations__ ) )
      # print i, self.__operations__[i].Type if i < len( self.__operations__ ) else None, len( repAndRegList ), insertNow
      if insertNow:
        if repAndRegList:
          # We must insert the new operations there
          # i.e. insert before operation i (if it exists)
          # Replication first, removeReplica next
          optimized = True
          insertBefore = self.__operations__[i] if i < len( self.__operations__ ) else None
          # print 'Insert new operations before', insertBefore
          for op in \
            [op for _targetSE, op in sorted( repAndRegList )] + \
            [op for _targetSE, op in sorted( removeRepList )]:
            _res = self.insertBefore( op, insertBefore ) if insertBefore else self.addOperation( op )
            # Skip the newly inserted operation
            i += 1
          repAndRegList = []
          removeRepList = []
          # Skip current operation
          i += 1
        # Just to show that in that case we don't increment i

    # List of attributes that must be equal for operations to be merged
    attrList = ["Type", "Arguments", "SourceSE", "TargetSE", "Catalog" ]

    i = 0
    while i < len( self.__operations__ ):
      while i < len( self.__operations__ ) - 1:
        # Some attributes need to be the same
        attrMismatch = False
        for attr in attrList:
          if getattr( self.__operations__[i], attr ) != getattr( self.__operations__[i + 1], attr ):
            attrMismatch = True

        if attrMismatch:

        # We do not do the merge if there are common files in the operations
        fileSetA = set( list( f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i] ) )
        fileSetB = set( list( f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i + 1] ) )
        if fileSetA & fileSetB:

        # There is a maximum number of files one can add into an operation
          while len( self.__operations__[i + 1] ):
            fileToMove = self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
            self.__operations__[i] += fileToMove

            # If the object is mapped to SQLAlchemy object with a relationship
            # having the delete-orphan option, the fileToMove will have
            # already disappeared from the original operation. Silly...
            # If not, we have to remove it manually

            if len( self.__operations__[i + 1] )\
               and ( self.__operations__[i + 1][0] == fileToMove ):
              del self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
            optimized = True
          del self.__operations__[i + 1]
        except RuntimeError:
          i += 1
      i += 1

    return S_OK( optimized )
Exemplo n.º 38
def getFilesToStage( lfnList, jobState = None, checkOnlyTapeSEs = None, jobLog = None ):
  """ Utility that returns out of a list of LFNs those files that are offline,
      and those for which at least one copy is online
  if not lfnList:
    return S_OK( {'onlineLFNs':[], 'offlineLFNs': {}, 'failedLFNs':[], 'absentLFNs':{}} )

  dm = DataManager()
  if isinstance( lfnList, basestring ):
    lfnList = [lfnList]

  lfnListReplicas = dm.getReplicasForJobs( lfnList, getUrl = False )
  if not lfnListReplicas['OK']:
    return lfnListReplicas

  offlineLFNsDict = {}
  onlineLFNs = {}
  offlineLFNs = {}
  absentLFNs = {}
  failedLFNs = set()
  if lfnListReplicas['Value']['Failed']:
    # Check if files are not existing
    for lfn, reason in lfnListReplicas['Value']['Failed'].iteritems():
      # FIXME: awful check until FC returns a proper error
      if cmpError( reason, errno.ENOENT ) or 'No such file' in reason:
        # The file doesn't exist, job must be Failed
        # FIXME: it is not possible to return here an S_ERROR(), return the message only
        absentLFNs[lfn] = S_ERROR( errno.ENOENT, 'File not in FC' )['Message']
    if absentLFNs:
      return S_OK({'onlineLFNs': list(onlineLFNs),
                   'offlineLFNs': offlineLFNsDict,
                   'failedLFNs': list(failedLFNs),
                   'absentLFNs': absentLFNs})
    return S_ERROR( "Failures in getting replicas" )

  lfnListReplicas = lfnListReplicas['Value']['Successful']
  # If a file is reported here at a tape SE, it is not at a disk SE as we use disk in priority
  # We shall check all file anyway in order to make sure they exist
  seToLFNs = dict()
  for lfn, ses in lfnListReplicas.iteritems():
    for se in ses:
      seToLFNs.setdefault( se, list() ).append( lfn )

  if seToLFNs:
    if jobState:
      # Get user name and group from the job state
      userName = jobState.getAttribute( 'Owner' )
      if not userName[ 'OK' ]:
        return userName
      userName = userName['Value']

      userGroup = jobState.getAttribute( 'OwnerGroup' )
      if not userGroup[ 'OK' ]:
        return userGroup
      userGroup = userGroup['Value']
      userName = None
      userGroup = None
    # Check whether files are Online or Offline, or missing at SE
    result = _checkFilesToStage( seToLFNs, onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs, absentLFNs,  # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
                                 checkOnlyTapeSEs = checkOnlyTapeSEs, jobLog = jobLog,
                                 proxyUserName = userName,
                                 proxyUserGroup = userGroup,
                                 executionLock = True )

    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    failedLFNs = set( lfnList ) - set( onlineLFNs ) - set( offlineLFNs ) - set( absentLFNs )

    # Get the online SEs
    dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()
    onlineSEs = set( se for ses in onlineLFNs.values() for se in ses )
    onlineSites = set( dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE( se ).get( 'Value' ) for se in onlineSEs ) - {None}
    for lfn in offlineLFNs:
      ses = offlineLFNs[lfn]
      if len( ses ) == 1:
        # No choice, let's go
        offlineLFNsDict.setdefault( ses[0], list() ).append( lfn )
      # Try and get an SE at a site already with online files
      found = False
      if onlineSites:
        # If there is at least one online site, select one
        for se in ses:
          site = dmsHelper.getLocalSiteForSE( se )
          if site['OK']:
            if site['Value'] in onlineSites:
              offlineLFNsDict.setdefault( se, list() ).append( lfn )
              found = True
      # No online site found in common, select randomly
      if not found:
        offlineLFNsDict.setdefault( random.choice( ses ), list() ).append( lfn )

  return S_OK({'onlineLFNs': list(onlineLFNs),
               'offlineLFNs': offlineLFNsDict,
               'failedLFNs': list(failedLFNs),
               'absentLFNs': absentLFNs,
               'onlineSites': onlineSites})