Exemplo n.º 1
def myRequest():
  """Create a request and put it to the db"""

  request = Request()
  request.RequestName = 'myAwesomeRemovalRequest.xml'
  request.JobID = 0
  request.SourceComponent = "myScript"

  remove = Operation()
  remove.Type = "RemoveFile"

  lfn = "/ilc/user/s/sailer/test.txt"
  rmFile = File()
  rmFile.LFN = lfn
  remove.addFile( rmFile )

  request.addOperation( remove )
  isValid = RequestValidator().validate( request )
  if not isValid['OK']:
    raise RuntimeError( "Failover request is not valid: %s" % isValid['Message'] )
    print("It is a GOGOGO")
    requestClient = ReqClient()
    result = requestClient.putRequest( request )
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __setFileReplicationRequest( self, lfn, se, fileMetaDict ):
    """ Sets a registration request.
    self.log.info( 'Setting replication request for %s to %s' % ( lfn, se ) )

    transfer = Operation()
    transfer.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
    transfer.TargetSE = se

    trFile = File()
    trFile.LFN = lfn

    cksm = fileMetaDict.get( "Checksum", None )
    cksmType = fileMetaDict.get( "ChecksumType", None )
    if cksm and cksmType:
      trFile.Checksum = cksm
      trFile.ChecksumType = cksmType
    size = fileMetaDict.get( "Size", 0 )
    if size:
      trFile.Size = size
    guid = fileMetaDict.get( "GUID", "" )
    if guid:
      trFile.GUID = guid

    transfer.addFile( trFile )

    self.request.addOperation( transfer )

    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 3
  def _createLogUploadRequest(self, targetSE, logFileLFN, uploadedSE):
    """ Set a request to upload job log files from the output sandbox
        Changed to be similar to LHCb createLogUploadRequest
        using LHCb LogUpload Request and Removal Request
    self.log.info('Setting log upload request for %s at %s' %(targetSE, logFileLFN))
    request = self._getRequestContainer()

    logUpload = Operation()
    logUpload.Type = "LogUpload"
    logUpload.TargetSE = targetSE

    upFile = File()
    upFile.LFN = logFileLFN
    logUpload.addFile( upFile )

    logRemoval = Operation()
    logRemoval.Type = 'RemoveFile'
    logRemoval.TargetSE = uploadedSE
    logRemoval.addFile( upFile )

    request.addOperation ( logUpload )
    request.addOperation ( logRemoval )

    self.workflow_commons['Request'] = request

    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 4
  def test01ctor( self ):
    """ test constructors and (de)serialisation """
    # # empty ctor
    self.assertEqual( isinstance( Operation(), Operation ), True, "empty ctor failed" )

    # # using fromDict
    operation = Operation( self.fromDict )
    self.assertEqual( isinstance( operation, Operation ), True, "fromDict ctor failed" )
    for key, value in self.fromDict.items():

      self.assertEqual( getattr( operation, key ), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % ( key,
                                                                                            getattr( operation, key ),
                                                                                            value ) )

    # # same with file
    operation = Operation( self.fromDict )
    operation.addFile( self.subFile )

    for key, value in self.fromDict.items():
      self.assertEqual( getattr( operation, key ), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % ( key,
                                                                                            getattr( operation, key ),
                                                                                            value ) )

    toJSON = operation.toJSON()
    self.assertEqual( toJSON["OK"], True, "JSON serialization failed" )
Exemplo n.º 5
  def test02props( self ):
    """ test properties """

    # # valid values
    operation = Operation()
    operation.OperationID = 1
    self.assertEqual( operation.OperationID, 1, "wrong OperationID" )
    operation.OperationID = "1"
    self.assertEqual( operation.OperationID, 1, "wrong OperationID" )

    operation.Arguments = "foobar"
    self.assertEqual( operation.Arguments, "foobar", "wrong Arguments" )

    operation.SourceSE = "CERN-RAW"
    self.assertEqual( operation.SourceSE, "CERN-RAW", "wrong SourceSE" )

    operation.TargetSE = "CERN-RAW"
    self.assertEqual( operation.TargetSE, "CERN-RAW", "wrong TargetSE" )

    operation.Catalog = ""
    self.assertEqual( operation.Catalog, "", "wrong Catalog" )

    operation.Catalog = "BookkeepingDB"
    self.assertEqual( operation.Catalog, "BookkeepingDB", "wrong Catalog" )

    operation.Error = "error"
    self.assertEqual( operation.Error, "error", "wrong Error" )

    # # wrong props
      operation.RequestID = "foo"
    except Exception, error:
      self.assertEqual( type( error ), AttributeError, "wrong exc raised" )
      self.assertEqual( str( error ), "can't set attribute", "wrong exc reason" )
Exemplo n.º 6
  def __deleteSandboxFromExternalBackend( self, SEName, SEPFN ):
    if self.getCSOption( "DelayedExternalDeletion", True ):
      gLogger.info( "Setting deletion request" )

        request = Request()
        request.RequestName = "RemoteSBDeletion:%s|%s:%s" % ( SEName, SEPFN, time.time() )
        physicalRemoval = Operation()
        physicalRemoval.Type = "PhysicalRemoval"
        physicalRemoval.TargetSE = SEName
        fileToRemove = File()
        fileToRemove.PFN = SEPFN
        physicalRemoval.addFile( fileToRemove )
        request.addOperation( physicalRemoval )
        return ReqClient().putRequest( request )
      except Exception as e:
        gLogger.exception( "Exception while setting deletion request" )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot set deletion request: %s" % str( e ) )
      gLogger.info( "Deleting external Sandbox" )
        return StorageElement( SEName ).removeFile( SEPFN )
      except Exception as e:
        gLogger.exception( "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox" )
        return S_ERROR( "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox" )
Exemplo n.º 7
class MoveReplicaSuccess( ReqOpsTestCase ):

    def setUp(self):
      self.op = Operation()
      self.op.Type = "MoveFile"
      self.op.SourceSE = "%s,%s" % ( "sourceSE1", "sourceSE2" )
      self.op.TargetSE = "%s,%s" % ( "targetSE1", "targetSE2" )

      self.File = File()
      self.File.LFN = '/cta/file1'
      self.File.Size = 2L
      self.File.Checksum = '011300a2'
      self.File.ChecksumType = "adler32"
      self.op.addFile( self.File )

      self.req = Request()
      self.req.addOperation( self.op )
      self.mr = MoveReplica( self.op )

      self.mr.dm = MagicMock()
      self.mr.fc = MagicMock()

    # This test needs to be fixed. It currently fails because StorageElement is not mocked
    '''def test__dmTransfer( self ):

      successful = {}
      for sourceSE in self.op.sourceSEList:
        successful[sourceSE] = 'dips://' + sourceSE.lower() + ':9148/DataManagement/StorageElement' + self.File.LFN

      res = {'OK': True, 'Value': {'Successful': {self.File.LFN : successful}, 'Failed': {}}}
      self.mr.dm.getActiveReplicas.return_value = res

      res = {'OK': True, 'Value': {'Successful': {self.File.LFN : {'register': 0.1228799819946289, 'replicate': 9.872732877731323}}, 'Failed': {}}}
      self.mr.dm.replicateAndRegister.return_value = res

      res = self.mr.dmTransfer( self.File )
      self.assertTrue( res['OK'] )

      self.assertEqual( self.mr.operation.__files__[0].Status, 'Waiting' )
      self.assertEqual( self.mr.operation.Status, 'Waiting' )
      self.assertEqual( self.mr.request.Status, 'Waiting' )'''

    def test__dmRemoval( self ):

      res = {'OK': True, 'Value': {'Successful': { self.File.LFN : {'DIRACFileCatalog': True}}, 'Failed': {}}}
      self.mr.dm.removeReplica.return_value = res

      toRemoveDict = {self.File.LFN: self.File}
      targetSEs = self.op.sourceSEList

      res = self.mr.dmRemoval( toRemoveDict, targetSEs )
      self.assertTrue( res['OK'] )

      resvalue = dict( [ ( targetSE, '' ) for targetSE in targetSEs ] )
      self.assertEqual( res['Value'], {self.File.LFN: resvalue} )

      self.assertEqual( self.mr.operation.__files__[0].Status, 'Done' )
      self.assertEqual( self.mr.operation.Status, 'Done' )
      self.assertEqual( self.mr.request.Status, 'Done' )
Exemplo n.º 8
def createRequest(requestID, opType, opStatus, fileStatus, lfnError=" ",
  """Create a request."""
  req = Request({"RequestID": requestID})
  op = Operation({"Type": opType, "Status": opStatus})
  op.addFile(File({"LFN": lfn, "Status": fileStatus, "Error": lfnError}))
  return req
Exemplo n.º 9
  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '' ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if paramDict['InputData']:
        transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

        oRequest = Request()
        transfer = Operation()
        transfer.Type = requestOperation
        transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

        if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
        oRequest.RequestName = _requestName( transID, taskID )
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

      isValid = self.requestValidator.validate( oRequest )
      if not isValid['OK']:
        return isValid

      taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

    return S_OK( taskDict )
Exemplo n.º 10
  def test04StateMachine( self ):
    """ state machine """
    op = Operation()
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Queued", "1. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op.addFile( File( {"Status": "Waiting"} ) )
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Queued", "2. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op.addFile( File( {"Status": "Scheduled" } ) )
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "3. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op.addFile( File( {"Status": "Done" } ) )
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "4. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op.addFile( File( { "Status": "Failed" } ) )
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "5. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op[3].Status = "Scheduled"
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "6. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op[0].Status = "Scheduled"
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "7. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    op[0].Status = "Waiting"
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Scheduled", "8. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    for f in op:
      f.Status = "Done"
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Done", "9. wrong status %s" % op.Status )

    for f in op:
      f.Status = "Failed"
    self.assertEqual( op.Status, "Failed", "9. wrong status %s" % op.Status )
Exemplo n.º 11
def _sendToFailover( rpcStub ):
  """ Create a ForwardDISET operation for failover
  request = Request()
  request.RequestName = "Accounting.DataStore.%s.%s" % ( time.time(), random.random() )
  forwardDISETOp = Operation()
  forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
  forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( rpcStub )
  request.addOperation( forwardDISETOp )

  return ReqClient().putRequest( request )
Exemplo n.º 12
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    commitOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      commitOp = Operation()
      commitOp.Type = 'SetFileStatus'
      commitOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( {'transformation':self.transformation, 'statusDict':self.statusDict, 'force':self.force} )

    return S_OK( commitOp )
Exemplo n.º 13
  def _multiOperationsBody(self, transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    """ deal with a Request that has multiple operations

    :param transJson: list of lists of string and dictionaries, e.g.:

      .. code :: python

        body = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"BAR-SRM" }),
                 ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ),

    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

    :returns: None
    failedTasks = []
    for taskID, task in taskDict.items():
      transID = task['TransformationID']
      if not task.get('InputData'):
        self._logError("Error creating request for task", "%s, No input data" % taskID, transID=transID)
      files = []

      oRequest = Request()
      if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
        files = task['InputData']
      elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
        files = task['InputData'].split(';')

      # create the operations from the json structure
      for operationTuple in transJson:
        op = Operation()
        op.Type = operationTuple[0]
        for parameter, value in operationTuple[1].iteritems():
          setattr(op, parameter, value)

        for lfn in files:
          opFile = File()
          opFile.LFN = lfn


      result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
      if not result['OK']:
    # Remove failed tasks
    for taskID in failedTasks:
Exemplo n.º 14
  def addRemovalRequests(self, lfnList):
    """Create removalRequests for lfns in lfnList and add it to the common request"""
    request = self._getRequestContainer()
    remove = Operation()
    remove.Type = "RemoveFile"

    for lfn in lfnList:
      rmFile = File()
      rmFile.LFN = lfn
      remove.addFile( rmFile )

    request.addOperation( remove )
    self.workflow_commons['Request'] = request
class RequestManagerHandlerTests( unittest.TestCase ):
  .. class:: RequestManagerHandlerTests


  def setUp( self ):
    """ test setup

    :param self: self reference
    self.request = Request()
    self.request.RequestName = "RequestManagerHandlerTests"
    self.request.OwnerDN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=cibak/CN=605919/CN=Krzysztof Ciba"
    self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"
    self.operation = Operation()
    self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
    self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"
    self.file = File()
    self.file.LFN = "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile"
    self.file.Checksum = "123456"
    self.file.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"
    self.request.addOperation( self.operation )
    self.operation.addFile( self.file )
    # # xml representation of a whole request
    self.xmlStr = self.request.toXML( True )["Value"]
    # # request client
    self.requestClient = RequestClient()

  def tearDown( self ):
    """ test case tear down """
    del self.request
    del self.operation
    del self.file
    del self.xmlStr

  def test01PutRequest( self ):
    """ test set request """
    put = self.requestClient.putRequest( self.request )
    self.assertEqual( put["OK"], True, "put failed" )

  def test02GetRequest( self ):
    """ test get request """
    get = self.requestClient.getRequest( self.request.RequestName )
    self.assertEqual( get["OK"], True, "get failed" )

  def test03DeleteRequest( self ):
    """ test delete request """
    delete = self.requestClient.deleteRequest( "test" )
    self.assertEqual( delete["OK"], True, "delete failed" )
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __setFileRemovalRequest( self, lfn, se = '', pfn = '' ):
   """ Sets a removal request for a file including all replicas.
   remove = Operation()
   remove.Type = "RemoveFile"
   if se:
     remove.TargetSE = se
   rmFile = File()
   rmFile.LFN = lfn
   if pfn:
     rmFile.PFN = pfn
   remove.addFile( rmFile )
   self.request.addOperation( remove )
   return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 17
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if "FailedResults" in result:
        for res in result['FailedResults']:
          if 'rpcStub' in res:
            forwardDISETOp = Operation()
            forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
            forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( res['rpcStub'] )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )
Exemplo n.º 18
class ReqClientTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
  .. class:: ReqClientTestCase


  def setUp( self ):
    """ test case set up """

    gLogger.setLevel( 'NOTICE' )

    self.file = File()
    self.file.LFN = "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile"
    self.file.Checksum = "123456"
    self.file.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

    self.file2 = File()
    self.file2.LFN = "/lhcb/user/f/fstagni/testFile"
    self.file2.Checksum = "654321"
    self.file2.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

    self.operation = Operation()
    self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
    self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"
    self.operation.addFile( self.file )
    self.operation.addFile( self.file2 )

    self.request = Request()
    self.request.RequestName = "RequestManagerHandlerTests"
    self.request.OwnerDN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=cibak/CN=605919/CN=Krzysztof Ciba"
    self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"
    self.request.JobID = 123
    self.request.addOperation( self.operation )

    # # JSON representation of a whole request
    self.jsonStr = self.request.toJSON()['Value']
    # # request client
    self.requestClient = ReqClient()

    self.stressRequests = 1000
    self.bulkRequest = 1000

  def tearDown( self ):
    """ clean up """
    del self.request
    del self.operation
    del self.file
    del self.jsonStr
Exemplo n.º 19
class ReqClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
  .. class:: ReqClientTestCase


  def setUp(self):
    """ test case set up """


    self.file = File()
    self.file.LFN = "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile"
    self.file.Checksum = "123456"
    self.file.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

    self.file2 = File()
    self.file2.LFN = "/lhcb/user/f/fstagni/testFile"
    self.file2.Checksum = "654321"
    self.file2.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

    self.operation = Operation()
    self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
    self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()['Value']
    self.request = Request()
    self.request.RequestName = "RequestManagerHandlerTests"
    self.request.OwnerDN = proxyInfo['identity']
    self.request.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo['group']
    self.request.JobID = 123

    # # JSON representation of a whole request
    self.jsonStr = self.request.toJSON()['Value']
    # # request client
    self.requestClient = ReqClient()

    self.stressRequests = 1000
    self.bulkRequest = 1000

  def tearDown(self):
    """ clean up """
    del self.request
    del self.operation
    del self.file
    del self.jsonStr
Exemplo n.º 20
  def test03sql( self ):
    """ sql insert or update """
    operation = Operation()
    operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"

    request = Request()
    request.RequestName = "testRequest"
    request.RequestID = 1

    # # no parent request set
    except Exception, error:
      self.assertEqual( isinstance( error, AttributeError ), True, "wrong exc raised" )
      self.assertEqual( str( error ), "RequestID not set", "wrong exc reason" )
Exemplo n.º 21
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if result.has_key( 'rpcStub' ):
        forwardDISETOp = Operation()
        forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
        forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( result['rpcStub'] )

        return S_ERROR( 'Could not create ForwardDISET operation' )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )
Exemplo n.º 22
def _sendToFailover( rpcStub ):
  """ Create a ForwardDISET operation for failover
    request = Request()
    request.RequestName = "Accounting.DataStore.%s.%s" % ( time.time(), random.random() )
    forwardDISETOp = Operation()
    forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
    forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( rpcStub )
    request.addOperation( forwardDISETOp )

    return ReqClient().putRequest( request )

  # We catch all the exceptions, because it should never crash
  except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
    return S_ERROR( ERMSUKN, "Exception sending accounting failover request: %s" % repr( e ) )
Exemplo n.º 23
  def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    """ deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

    :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
    :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
    :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
    :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

    :returns: None

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(';')
      except AttributeError:
    failedTasks = []
    # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
    for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():

      transID = task['TransformationID']

      oRequest = Request()
      transfer = Operation()
      transfer.Type = requestOperation
      transfer.TargetSE = task['TargetSE']

      # If there are input files
      if task.get('InputData'):
        if isinstance(task['InputData'], list):
          files = task['InputData']
        elif isinstance(task['InputData'], basestring):
          files = task['InputData'].split(';')
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn


      result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID, taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
      if not result['OK']:
    # Remove failed tasks
    for taskID in failedTasks:
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test01TableDesc(self):
     """ table description """
     tableDict = RequestDB.getTableMeta()
     self.assertEqual("Request" in tableDict, True)
     self.assertEqual("Operation" in tableDict, True)
     self.assertEqual("File" in tableDict, True)
     self.assertEqual(tableDict["Request"], Request.tableDesc())
     self.assertEqual(tableDict["Operation"], Operation.tableDesc())
     self.assertEqual(tableDict["File"], File.tableDesc())
Exemplo n.º 25
  def __setRemovalRequest( self, lfn, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    """ Set removal request with the given credentials
    oRequest = Request()
    oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
    oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup
    oRequest.RequestName = os.path.basename( lfn ).strip() + '_removal_request.xml'
    oRequest.SourceComponent = 'JobCleaningAgent'

    removeFile = Operation()
    removeFile.Type = 'RemoveFile'

    removedFile = File()
    removedFile.LFN = lfn

    removeFile.addFile( removedFile )
    oRequest.addOperation( removeFile )

    return ReqClient().putRequest( oRequest )
Exemplo n.º 26
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Generate and return failover requests for the operations in the internal cache
    fowardDISETOp = None

    result = self.sendStoredStatusInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      if 'rpcStub' in result:

        rpcStub = result['rpcStub']

        forwardDISETOp = Operation()
        forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
        forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( rpcStub )

        return S_ERROR( 'Could not create ForwardDISET operation' )

    return S_OK( fowardDISETOp )
Exemplo n.º 27
    def generateForwardDISET(self):
        """ Generate and return failover requests for the operations in the internal cache
        fowardDISETOp = None

        result = self.sendStoredStatusInfo()
        if not result["OK"]:
            if "rpcStub" in result:

                rpcStub = result["rpcStub"]

                forwardDISETOp = Operation()
                forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
                forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode(rpcStub)

                return S_ERROR("Could not create job parameters sub-request")

        return S_OK(fowardDISETOp)
Exemplo n.º 28
  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '' ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if paramDict['InputData']:
        transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

        oRequest = Request()
        transfer = Operation()
        transfer.Type = requestOperation
        transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

        if type( paramDict['InputData'] ) == type( [] ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif type( paramDict['InputData'] ) == type( '' ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
        oRequest.RequestName = str( transID ).zfill( 8 ) + '_' + str( taskID ).zfill( 8 )
        oRequest.OwnerDN = owner
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

      isValid = gRequestValidator.validate( oRequest )
      if not isValid['OK']:
        return isValid

      taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

    return S_OK( taskDict )
Exemplo n.º 29
    def setUp(self):
        """ test case setup """
        self.request = Request({"RequestName": "test1", "JobID": 1})
        self.operation1 = Operation({"Type": "ReplicateAndRegister", "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"})
        self.file = File({"LFN": "/a/b/c", "ChecksumType": "ADLER32", "Checksum": "123456"})
        self.operation2 = Operation()
        self.operation2.Type = "RemoveFile"
        self.operation2.addFile(File({"LFN": "/c/d/e"}))

        # ## set some defaults
        gConfig.setOptionValue("DIRAC/Setup", "Test")
        gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Setups/Test/RequestManagement", "Test")
        gConfig.setOptionValue("/Systems/RequestManagement/Test/Databases/ReqDB/Host", "localhost")
        gConfig.setOptionValue("/Systems/RequestManagement/Test/Databases/ReqDB/DBName", "ReqDB")
        gConfig.setOptionValue("/Systems/RequestManagement/Test/Databases/ReqDB/User", "Dirac")

        self.i = 1000
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test07Authorization(self):
        """ Test whether request sets on behalf of others are rejected"""

        request = Request({"RequestName": "unauthorized"})
        request.OwnerDN = 'NotMe'
        request.OwnerDN = 'AnotherGroup'
        op = Operation({"Type": "RemoveReplica", "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"})
        op += File({"LFN": "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/foo"})
        request += op
        res = self.requestClient.putRequest(request)

        self.assertFalse(res['OK'], res)
Exemplo n.º 31
  def __setReplicaRemovalRequest( self, lfn, se ):
    """ Sets a removal request for a replica.

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param se:
    if type( se ) == str:
      se = ",".join( [ se.strip() for se in se.split( "," ) if se.strip() ] )

    removeReplica = Operation()

    removeReplica.Type = "RemoveReplica"
    removeReplica.TargetSE = se

    replicaToRemove = File()
    replicaToRemove.LFN = lfn

    removeReplica.addFile( replicaToRemove )

    self.request.addOperation( removeReplica )
    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 32
    def generateForwardDISET(self):
        """ Generate and return failover requests for the operations in the internal cache
        forwardDISETOp = None

        result = self.sendStoredStatusInfo()
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Error while sending the job status",
            if 'rpcStub' in result:

                rpcStub = result['rpcStub']

                forwardDISETOp = Operation()
                forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
                forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode(rpcStub)

                return S_ERROR('Could not create ForwardDISET operation')

        return S_OK(forwardDISETOp)
Exemplo n.º 33
  def setBKRegistrationRequest(self, lfn, error='',
                               metaData={'Checksum': 'justSomething',
                                         'ChecksumType': 'ADLER32',
                                         'GUID': 'aGUID'}):
    """ Set a BK registration request for changing the replica flag.
        Uses the global request object (self.request).
    if error:
      self.log.info('BK registration for %s failed with message: "%s" setting failover request' % (lfn, error))
      self.log.info('Setting BK registration request for %s' % (lfn))

    regFile = Operation()
    regFile.Type = 'RegisterFile'
    regFile.Catalog = 'BookkeepingDB'

    bkFile = File()
    bkFile.LFN = lfn
    # this should NOT be needed... but RMS complains!
    bkFile.PFN = lfn
    bkFile.GUID = metaData['GUID']
    bkFile.Checksum = metaData['Checksum']
    bkFile.ChecksumType = metaData['ChecksumType']

    res = self.request.addOperation(regFile)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])
 def __submitRMSOp(self, target_se, lfns_chunk_dict, whichRMSOp='ReplicateAndRegister' ):
     """ target_se : SE name to which to replicate
         lfns_chunk_dict : LFNS dict with 100 lfns as key andeEach lfn has 'Size', 'Checksum'
         whichRMSOp: Choose from RMP operation - ReplicateAndRegister, ReplicateAndRemove, PutAndRegister
     ## Setup request
     request = Request()
     request.RequestName = "DDM_"+ str(target_se) +  datetime.datetime.now().strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
     myOp = Operation()
     myOp.Type = whichRMSOp
     myOp.TargetSE = target_se
     ## Add LFNS to operations
     for lfn in lfns_chunk_dict.keys():
         opFile = File()
         opFile.LFN = lfn
         opFile.Size = lfns_chunk_dict[lfn]['Size']
         if "Checksum" in lfns_chunk_dict[lfn]:
             opFile.Checksum = lfns_chunk_dict[lfn]['Checksum']
             opFile.ChecksumType = 'ADLER32'
             ## Add file to operation
             myOp.addFile( opFile )
     request.addOperation( myOp )
     reqClient = ReqClient()
     putRequest = reqClient.putRequest( request )
     if not putRequest["OK"]:
         gLogger.error( "Unable to put request '%s': %s" % ( request.RequestName, putRequest["Message"] ) )
         return S_ERROR("Problem submitting to RMS.")
Exemplo n.º 35
def archiveRequestAndOp(listOfLFNs):
    """Return a tuple of the request and operation."""
    req = Request()
    req.RequestName = "MyRequest"
    op = Operation()
    switches = {}
    archiveLFN = "/vo/tars/myTar.tar"
    op.Arguments = DEncode.encode({
        switches.get("SourceSE", "SOURCE-SE"),
        switches.get("TarballSE", "TARBALL-SE"),
    op.Type = "ArchiveFiles"
    for index, lfn in enumerate(listOfLFNs):
        oFile = File()
        oFile.LFN = lfn
        oFile.Size = index
        oFile.Checksum = "01130a%0d" % index
        oFile.ChecksumType = "adler32"

    return req, op
Exemplo n.º 36
def archiveRequestAndOp(listOfLFNs):
    """Return a tuple of the request and operation."""
    req = Request()
    req.RequestName = 'MyRequest'
    op = Operation()
    switches = {}
    archiveLFN = '/vo/tars/myTar.tar'
    op.Arguments = DEncode.encode({
        switches.get('SourceSE', 'SOURCE-SE'),
        switches.get('TarballSE', 'TARBALL-SE'),
    op.Type = 'ArchiveFiles'
    for index, lfn in enumerate(listOfLFNs):
        oFile = File()
        oFile.LFN = lfn
        oFile.Size = index
        oFile.Checksum = '01130a%0d' % index
        oFile.ChecksumType = 'adler32'

    return req, op
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __deleteSandboxFromExternalBackend(self, SEName, SEPFN):
        if self.getCSOption("DelayedExternalDeletion", True):
            gLogger.info("Setting deletion request")

                request = Request()
                request.RequestName = "RemoteSBDeletion:%s|%s:%s" % (
                    SEName, SEPFN, time.time())
                physicalRemoval = Operation()
                physicalRemoval.Type = "PhysicalRemoval"
                physicalRemoval.TargetSE = SEName
                fileToRemove = File()
                fileToRemove.PFN = SEPFN
                return ReqClient().putRequest(request)
            except Exception as e:
                gLogger.exception("Exception while setting deletion request")
                return S_ERROR("Cannot set deletion request: %s" % str(e))
            gLogger.info("Deleting external Sandbox")
                return StorageElement(SEName).removeFile(SEPFN)
            except Exception as e:
                    "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox"
                return S_ERROR(
                    "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox"
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(self, fromDict=None):

        :param self: self reference
        :param fromDict: if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
        self.__waiting = None

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

        self._CreationTime = now
        self._SubmitTime = now
        self._LastUpdate = now
        # the time before which the request should not be executed
        # If None, no delay
        self._NotBefore = now
        self._Status = "Done"
        self.JobID = 0
        self.Error = None
        self.DIRACSetup = None
        self.OwnerDN = None
        self.RequestName = None
        self.OwnerGroup = None
        self._SourceComponent = None

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
        if proxyInfo["OK"]:
            proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
            if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
                self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
                self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        self.__operations__ = []

        if isinstance(fromDict, str):
            fromDict = json.loads(fromDict)
        elif not isinstance(fromDict, dict):
            fromDict = {}

        if "Operations" in fromDict:
            for opDict in fromDict.get("Operations", []):
                self += Operation(opDict)

            del fromDict["Operations"]

        for key, value in fromDict.items():
            if value:
                setattr(self, key, value)

Exemplo n.º 39
    def __setRemovalRequest(self, lfn, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """Set removal request with the given credentials"""
        oRequest = Request()
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup
        oRequest.RequestName = os.path.basename(
            lfn).strip() + "_removal_request.xml"
        oRequest.SourceComponent = "JobCleaningAgent"

        removeFile = Operation()
        removeFile.Type = "RemoveFile"

        removedFile = File()
        removedFile.LFN = lfn


        # put the request with the owner certificate to make sure it's still a valid DN
        return ReqClient(useCertificates=True,
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test04StateMachine(self):
        """ state machine """
        op = Operation()
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Queued", "1. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op.addFile(File({"Status": "Waiting"}))
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Queued", "2. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op.addFile(File({"Status": "Scheduled"}))
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "3. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op.addFile(File({"Status": "Done"}))
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "4. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op.addFile(File({"Status": "Failed"}))
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "5. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op[3].Status = "Scheduled"
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "6. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op[0].Status = "Scheduled"
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "7. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        op[0].Status = "Waiting"
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Scheduled",
                         "8. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        for f in op:
            f.Status = "Done"
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Done", "9. wrong status %s" % op.Status)

        for f in op:
            f.Status = "Failed"
        self.assertEqual(op.Status, "Failed", "9. wrong status %s" % op.Status)
Exemplo n.º 41
  def setUp( self ):
    """ test setup

    :param self: self reference
    self.request = Request()
    self.request.RequestName = "RequestManagerHandlerTests"
    self.request.OwnerDN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=cibak/CN=605919/CN=Krzysztof Ciba"
    self.request.OwnerGroup = "dirac_user"
    self.operation = Operation()
    self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
    self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"
    self.file = File()
    self.file.LFN = "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile"
    self.file.Checksum = "123456"
    self.file.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"
    self.request.addOperation( self.operation )
    self.operation.addFile( self.file )
    # # xml representation of a whole request
    self.xmlStr = self.request.toXML( True )["Value"]
    # # request client
    self.requestClient = RequestClient()
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_List():
    """getitem, setitem, delitem and dirty"""
    op = Operation()

    files = []
    for _ in range(5):
        f = File()
        op += f

    for i in range(len(op)):
        assert op[i] == files[i], "__getitem__ failed"

    for i in range(len(op)):
        op[i] = File({"LFN": "/%s" % i})
        assert op[i].LFN == "/%s" % i, "__setitem__ failed"

    del op[0]
    assert len(op) == 4, "__delitem__ failed"

    # opID set
    op.OperationID = 1
    del op[0]
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test05List(self):
        """ getitem, setitem, delitem and dirty """
        op = Operation()

        files = []
        for i in range(5):
            f = File()
            op += f

        for i in range(len(op)):
            self.assertEqual(op[i], files[i], "__getitem__ failed")

        for i in range(len(op)):
            op[i] = File({"LFN": "/%s" % i})
            self.assertEqual(op[i].LFN, "/%s" % i, "__setitem__ failed")

        del op[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(op), 4, "__delitem__ failed")

        # # opID set
        op.OperationID = 1
        del op[0]
Exemplo n.º 44
    def _cleanUp(self, final):
        """ Clean up uploaded data for the LFNs in the list
        lfnList = []
        for _fileName, metadata in final.items():

        self.log.verbose("Cleaning up the request, for LFNs: %s" %
                         ', '.join(lfnList))

        newRequest = Request()

        for op in self.request:
            add = True
            if op.Type in [
                    'PutAndRegister', 'ReplicateAndRegister', 'RegisterFile',
                    'RegisterReplica', 'RemoveReplica'
                for files in op:
                    if files.LFN in lfnList:
                        add = False
            if add:

        self.request = newRequest

            "And adding RemoveFile operation for LFNs: %s, just in case" %
            ', '.join(lfnList))

        removeFiles = Operation()
        removeFiles.Type = 'RemoveFile'
        for lfn in lfnList:
            removedFile = File()
            removedFile.LFN = lfn
Exemplo n.º 45
    def setUp(self):
        """ test set up """

        self.hiArgs = (("RequestManagement/RequestManager", {
            "keepAliveLapse": 10,
            "timeout": 5
        }), "foo", (12345, {
            "Hi": "There!"
        self.req = Request({"RequestName": "testRequest"})
        self.op = Operation({
            "Type": "ForwardDISET",
            "Arguments": DEncode.encode(self.hiArgs)
        self.req += self.op
Exemplo n.º 46
    def setUp(self):
        """ test case set up """


        self.file = File()
        self.file.LFN = "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile"
        self.file.Checksum = "123456"
        self.file.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

        self.file2 = File()
        self.file2.LFN = "/lhcb/user/f/fstagni/testFile"
        self.file2.Checksum = "654321"
        self.file2.ChecksumType = "ADLER32"

        self.operation = Operation()
        self.operation.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister"
        self.operation.TargetSE = "CERN-USER"

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()['Value']
        self.request = Request()
        self.request.RequestName = "RequestManagerHandlerTests"
        self.request.OwnerDN = proxyInfo['identity']
        self.request.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo['group']
        self.request.JobID = 123

        # # JSON representation of a whole request
        self.jsonStr = self.request.toJSON()['Value']
        # # request client
        self.requestClient = ReqClient()

        self.stressRequests = 1000
        self.bulkRequest = 1000
Exemplo n.º 47
  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '' ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if paramDict['InputData']:
        transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

        oRequest = Request()
        transfer = Operation()
        transfer.Type = requestOperation
        transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

        if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
        oRequest.RequestName = _requestName( transID, taskID )
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

      isValid = self.requestValidator.validate( oRequest )
      if not isValid['OK']:
        return isValid

      taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

    return S_OK( taskDict )
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_valid_properties():
    operation = Operation()

    operation.Arguments = "foobar"
    assert operation.Arguments == b"foobar", "wrong Arguments"

    operation.SourceSE = "CERN-RAW"
    assert operation.SourceSE == "CERN-RAW", "wrong SourceSE"

    operation.TargetSE = "CERN-RAW"
    assert operation.TargetSE == "CERN-RAW", "wrong TargetSE"

    operation.Catalog = ""
    assert operation.Catalog == "", "wrong Catalog"

    operation.Catalog = "BookkeepingDB"
    assert operation.Catalog == "BookkeepingDB", "wrong Catalog"

    operation.Error = "error"
    assert operation.Error == "error", "wrong Error"

    toJSON = operation.toJSON()
    assert toJSON["OK"]
Exemplo n.º 49
 def _setFileRemovalRequest(self, lfn, se="", pfn=""):
     """Sets a removal request for a file including all replicas."""
     remove = Operation()
     remove.Type = "RemoveFile"
     if se:
         remove.TargetSE = se
     rmFile = File()
     rmFile.LFN = lfn
     if pfn:
         rmFile.PFN = pfn
     return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 50
    def test01StressBulk(self):
        """ stress test bulk """

        db = RequestDB()

        reqIDs = []
        for i in xrange(self.stressRequests):
            request = Request({"RequestName": "test-%d" % i})
            op = Operation({"Type": "RemoveReplica", "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"})
            op += File({"LFN": "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/foo"})
            request += op
            put = db.putRequest(request)
            self.assertEqual(put["OK"], True)

        loops = self.stressRequests // self.bulkRequest + \
            (1 if (self.stressRequests % self.bulkRequest) else 0)
        totalSuccessful = 0

        startTime = time.time()

        for i in xrange(loops):
            get = db.getBulkRequests(self.bulkRequest, True)
            if "Message" in get:
            self.assertEqual(get["OK"], True, "get failed")

            totalSuccessful += len(get["Value"])

        endTime = time.time()

        print("getRequests duration %s " % (endTime - startTime))

            totalSuccessful, self.stressRequests,
            "Did not retrieve all the requests: %s instead of %s" %
            (totalSuccessful, self.stressRequests))

        for reqID in reqIDs:
            delete = db.deleteRequest(reqID)
                delete["OK"], True,
                delete['Message'] if 'Message' in delete else 'OK')
Exemplo n.º 51
  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    Record.__init__( self )
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Done"
    self.__data__["JobID"] = 0
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = 0

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__dirty = []
    self.__operations__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = Operation )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}

    self.__dirty = fromDict.get( "__dirty", [] )
    if "__dirty" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["__dirty"]

    for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
      self +=Operation( opDict )
    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown Request attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )
Exemplo n.º 52
    def setUp(self):
        """test case set up"""
        self.handlersDict = {"ForwardDISET": "DIRAC/RequestManagementSystem/private/ForwardDISET"}
        self.req = Request()
        self.req.RequestName = "foobarbaz"
        self.req.OwnerGroup = "lhcb_user"
        self.req.OwnerDN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=chaen/CN=705305/CN=Christophe Haen"
        self.op = Operation({"Type": "ForwardDISET", "Arguments": "tts10:helloWorldee"})
        self.task = None
        self.mockRC = MagicMock()

        self.mockObjectOps = MagicMock()
        self.mockObjectOps.getSections.return_value = {"OK": True, "Value": ["DataProcessing", "DataManager"]}
        self.mockObjectOps.getOptionsDict.return_value = {
            "OK": True,
            "Value": {"Group": "lhcb_user", "User": "******"},
        self.mockOps = MagicMock()
        self.mockOps.return_value = self.mockObjectOps
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_db(self):
        """ table description """
        tableDict = RequestDB.getTableMeta()
        self.assertEqual("Request" in tableDict, True)
        self.assertEqual("Operation" in tableDict, True)
        self.assertEqual("File" in tableDict, True)
        self.assertEqual(tableDict["Request"], Request.tableDesc())
        self.assertEqual(tableDict["Operation"], Operation.tableDesc())
        self.assertEqual(tableDict["File"], File.tableDesc())

        # # empty DB at that stage
        ret = RequestDB().getDBSummary()
        self.assertEqual(ret, {
            'OK': True,
            'Value': {
                'Operation': {},
                'Request': {},
                'File': {}
Exemplo n.º 54
def checkRequestAndOp(listOfLFNs):
    req = Request()
    req.RequestName = "MyRequest"
    op = Operation()
    op.Type = "CheckMigration"
    op.TargetSE = "Foo-SE"
    for index, lfn in enumerate(listOfLFNs):
        oFile = File()
        oFile.LFN = lfn
        oFile.Size = index
        oFile.Checksum = "01130a%0d" % index
        oFile.ChecksumType = "adler32"
    return req, op
Exemplo n.º 55
    def _setRegistrationRequest(self, lfn, targetSE, fileDict, catalog):
        """ Sets a registration request

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list se: list of SE (or just string)
    :param list catalog: list (or string) of catalogs to use
    :param dict fileDict: file metadata
        self.log.info('Setting registration request for %s at %s.' %
                      (lfn, targetSE))

        if not type(catalog) == type([]):
            catalog = [catalog]

        for cat in catalog:

            register = Operation()
            register.Type = "RegisterFile"
            register.Catalog = cat
            register.TargetSE = targetSE

            regFile = File()
            regFile.LFN = lfn
            regFile.Checksum = fileDict.get("Checksum", "")
            regFile.ChecksumType = fileDict.get("ChecksumType",
            regFile.Size = fileDict.get("Size", 0)
            regFile.GUID = fileDict.get("GUID", "")

            se = StorageElement(targetSE)
            pfn = se.getPfnForLfn(lfn)
            if not pfn["OK"] or lfn not in pfn["Value"]['Successful']:
                    "unable to get PFN for LFN: %s" %
                            pfn.get('Value', {}).get('Failed', {}).get(lfn)))
                return pfn
            regFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]['Successful'][lfn]


        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 56
    def _singleOperationsBody(self, transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
        """deal with a Request that has just one operation, as it was sofar

        :param transBody: string, can be an empty string
        :param dict taskDict: dictionary of tasks, modified in this function
        :param str ownerDN: certificate DN used for the requests
        :param str onwerGroup: dirac group used for the requests

        :returns: None

        requestOperation = "ReplicateAndRegister"
        if transBody:
                _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split(";")
            except AttributeError:
        failedTasks = []
        # Do not remove sorted, we might pop elements in the loop
        for taskID, task in taskDict.items():

            transID = task["TransformationID"]

            oRequest = Request()
            transfer = Operation()
            transfer.Type = requestOperation
            transfer.TargetSE = task["TargetSE"]

            # If there are input files
            if task.get("InputData"):
                if isinstance(task["InputData"], list):
                    files = task["InputData"]
                elif isinstance(task["InputData"], six.string_types):
                    files = task["InputData"].split(";")
                for lfn in files:
                    trFile = File()
                    trFile.LFN = lfn


            result = self._assignRequestToTask(oRequest, taskDict, transID,
                                               taskID, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
            if not result["OK"]:
        # Remove failed tasks
        for taskID in failedTasks:
Exemplo n.º 57
  def test02Authorization(self):
    """ Test whether request sets on behalf of others are rejected, unless done with Delegation properties
        This test is kind of stupid though, since we do the same thing than the server... not a real test !

    request = Request({"RequestName": "unauthorized"})
    request.OwnerDN = 'NotMe'
    request.OwnerDN = 'AnotherGroup'
    op = Operation({"Type": "RemoveReplica", "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"})
    op += File({"LFN": "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/foo"})
    request += op
    res = self.requestClient.putRequest(request)
    credProperties = getProxyInfo()['Value']['groupProperties']

    # If the proxy with which we test has delegation, it should work
    if FULL_DELEGATION in credProperties or LIMITED_DELEGATION in credProperties:
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    # otherwise no
      self.assertFalse(res['OK'], res)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def __deleteSandboxFromExternalBackend(self, SEName, SEPFN):
        if self.getCSOption("DelayedExternalDeletion", True):
            gLogger.info("Setting deletion request")

                # We need the hostDN used in order to pass these credentials to the
                # SandboxStoreDB..
                hostCertLocation, _ = Locations.getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation(
                hostCert = X509Certificate.X509Certificate()
                hostDN = hostCert.getSubjectDN().get("Value")

                # use the host authentication to fetch the data
                result = self.sandboxDB.getSandboxOwner(
                    SEName, SEPFN, hostDN, "hosts")
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
                _owner, ownerDN, ownerGroup = result["Value"]

                request = Request()
                request.RequestName = "RemoteSBDeletion:%s|%s:%s" % (
                    SEName, SEPFN, time.time())
                request.OwnerDN = ownerDN
                request.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup
                physicalRemoval = Operation()
                physicalRemoval.Type = "PhysicalRemoval"
                physicalRemoval.TargetSE = SEName
                fileToRemove = File()
                fileToRemove.PFN = SEPFN
                return ReqClient().putRequest(request)
            except Exception as e:
                gLogger.exception("Exception while setting deletion request")
                return S_ERROR(f"Cannot set deletion request: {e}")
            gLogger.info("Deleting external Sandbox")
                return StorageElement(SEName).removeFile(SEPFN)
            except Exception:
                    "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox"
                return S_ERROR(
                    "RM raised an exception while trying to delete a remote sandbox"
Exemplo n.º 59
    def test02Scheduled(self):
        """ scheduled request r/w """

        db = RequestDB()

        req = Request({"RequestName": "FTSTest"})
        op = Operation({
            "Type": "ReplicateAndRegister",
            "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"
        op += File({
            "LFN": "/a/b/c",
            "Status": "Scheduled",
            "Checksum": "123456",
            "ChecksumType": "ADLER32"
        req += op

        put = db.putRequest(req)
        self.assertEqual(put["OK"], True,
                         put['Message'] if 'Message' in put else 'OK')
        reqID = put['Value']

        peek = db.peekRequest(reqID)
        self.assertEqual(peek["OK"], True,
                         peek['Message'] if 'Message' in peek else 'OK')

        peek = peek["Value"]
        for op in peek:
            opId = op.OperationID

        getFTS = db.getScheduledRequest(opId)
        self.assertEqual(getFTS["OK"], True, "getScheduled failed")
        self.assertEqual(getFTS["Value"].RequestName, "FTSTest",
                         "wrong request selected")

        delete = db.deleteRequest(reqID)
        self.assertEqual(delete["OK"], True,
                         delete['Message'] if 'Message' in delete else 'OK')
Exemplo n.º 60
    def test04Stress(self):
        """ stress test """

        db = RequestDB()

        for i in range(self.i):
            request = Request({"RequestName": "test-%d" % i})
            op = Operation({"Type": "RemoveReplica", "TargetSE": "CERN-USER"})
            op += File({"LFN": "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/foo"})
            request += op
            put = db.putRequest(request)
            self.assertEqual(put["OK"], True, "put failed")

        for i in range(self.i):
            get = db.getRequest("test-%s" % i, False)
            if "Message" in get:
                print get["Message"]
            self.assertEqual(get["OK"], True, "get failed")

        for i in range(self.i):
            delete = db.deleteRequest("test-%s" % i)
            self.assertEqual(delete["OK"], True, "delete failed")