Exemplo n.º 1
class Synchronizer:


  def __init__( self, rsDBin = None, rmDBin = None ):

    self.rsDB = rsDBin
    self.rmDB = rmDBin

    if self.rsDB == None and self.rmDB == None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
      self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()
      self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()


#  def sync(self, thingsToSync = None, fake_param = None):
  def sync( self, _a, _b ):
      :attr:`thingsToSync`: list of things to sync

    thingsToSync = ['Utils', 'Sites', 'VOBOX', 'Resources', 'StorageElements', 'RegistryUsers']

    gLogger.info( "!!! Sync DB content with CS content for %s !!!" % ( ' '.join( x for x in thingsToSync ) ) )

    for thing in thingsToSync:
      getattr( self, '_sync' + thing )()

    return S_OK()


  def _syncUtils( self ):
    Sync DB content with what is in :mod:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.Utils`

    statusIn = self.rsDB.getStatusList()
    #delete status not more in Utils
    for stIn in statusIn:
      if stIn not in ValidStatus:
        self.rsDB.removeStatus( stIn )
    #Add new status
    for s in ValidStatus:
      if s not in statusIn:
        self.rsDB.addStatus( s )

    for g in ( 'Site', 'Service', 'Resource' ):
      typeIn = self.rsDB.getTypesList( g )
      if g == 'Site':
        typesList = ValidSiteType
      elif g == 'Service':
        typesList = ValidServiceType
      if g == 'Resource':
        typesList = ValidResourceType
      #delete types not more in Utils
      for tIn in typeIn:
        if tIn not in typesList:
          self.rsDB.removeType( g, tIn )
      #Add new types
      for t in typesList:
        if t not in typeIn:
          self.rsDB.addType( g, t )


  def _syncSites( self ):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS

    # sites in the DB now
    sitesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Site', paramsList = ['SiteName'] )
    sitesIn = [s[0] for s in sitesIn]

    # sites in CS now
    sitesList = getSites()['Value']

      sitesList.remove( 'LCG.Dummy.ch' )
    except ValueError:

    # remove sites from the DB not more in the CS
    for site in sitesIn:
      if site not in sitesList:
        self.rsDB.removeSite( site )

    # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before
    for site in sitesList:
      if site not in sitesIn:
        # DIRAC Tier
        tier = getSiteTier( site )['Value'][0]
        if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
          t = 'T0'
        elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
          t = 'T1'
        elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
          t = 'T3'
          t = 'T2'

        #Grid Name of the site
        gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName( site )
        if not gridSiteName['OK']:
          raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
        gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']

        #Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName( gridSiteName )
        if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites['OK']:
          raise RSSException, DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Message']
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Value']
        if len( DIRACSitesOfGridSites ) == 1:
          gt = t
          gt = self.__getGOCTier( DIRACSitesOfGridSites )

        self.rsDB.addOrModifySite( site, t, gridSiteName, 'Active', 'init',
                                  datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                  datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )

        self.rsDB.addOrModifyGridSite( gridSiteName, gt )

        sitesIn.append( site )


  def _syncVOBOX( self ):
    Sync DB content with VOBoxes

    # services in the DB now
    servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Service', paramsList = ['ServiceName'] )
    servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

    for site in ['LCG.CNAF.it', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr', 'LCG.PIC.es',
                 'LCG.RAL.uk', 'LCG.GRIDKA.de', 'LCG.NIKHEF.nl']:
      service = 'VO-BOX@' + site
      if service not in servicesIn:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, 'VO-BOX', site, 'Active', 'init',
                                     datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                     datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )


  def _syncResources( self ):

    # resources in the DB now
    resourcesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Resource', paramsList = ['ResourceName'] )
    resourcesIn = [r[0] for r in resourcesIn]

    # services in the DB now
    servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Service', paramsList = ['ServiceName'] )
    servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

    # Site-CE mapping in CS now
    siteCE = getSiteCEMapping( 'LCG' )['Value']
    # Site-SE mapping in CS now
    siteSE = getSiteSEMapping( 'LCG' )['Value']

    # CEs in CS now
    CEList = []
    for i in siteCE.values():
      for ce in i:
        if ce is None:
        CEList.append( ce )

    # SEs in CS now
    SEList = []
    for i in siteSE.values():
      for x in i:
        SEList.append( x )

    # SE Nodes in CS now
    SENodeList = []
    for SE in SEList:
      node = getSENodes( SE )['Value'][0]
      if node is None:
      if node not in SENodeList:
        SENodeList.append( node )

    # LFC Nodes in CS now
    LFCNodeList_L = []
    LFCNodeList_C = []
    for site in getLFCSites()['Value']:
      for readable in ( 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' ):
        LFCNode = getLFCNode( site, readable )['Value']
        if LFCNode is None or LFCNode == []:
        LFCNode = LFCNode[0]
        if readable == 'ReadWrite':
          if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_C:
            LFCNodeList_C.append( LFCNode )
        elif readable == 'ReadOnly':
          if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_L:
            LFCNodeList_L.append( LFCNode )

    # FTS Nodes in CS now
    FTSNodeList = []
    sitesWithFTS = getFTSSites()
    for site in sitesWithFTS['Value']:
      fts = getFTSEndpoint( site )['Value']
      if fts is None or fts == []:
      fts = fts[0]
      if fts not in FTSNodeList:
        FTSNodeList.append( fts )

    # VOMS Nodes in CS now
    VOMSNodeList = getVOMSEndpoints()['Value']

    # complete list of resources in CS now
    resourcesList = CEList + SENodeList + LFCNodeList_L + LFCNodeList_C + FTSNodeList + VOMSNodeList

    # list of services in CS now (to be done)
    servicesList = []

    #remove resources no more in the CS
    for res in resourcesIn:
      if res not in resourcesList:
        self.rsDB.removeResource( res )
        self.rsDB.removeStorageElement( resourceName = res )

    # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before

    # CEs
    for site in siteCE.keys():
      if site == 'LCG.Dummy.ch':
      for ce in siteCE[site]:
        if ce is None:
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', ce )
        if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
          raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
        if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
          trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( ce )[0]
          siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
          siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
        except IndexError:
        serviceType = 'Computing'
        service = serviceType + '@' + site

        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )

        if ce not in resourcesIn:
          CEType = getCEType( site, ce )['Value']
          ceType = 'CE'
          if CEType == 'CREAM':
            ceType = 'CREAMCE'
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( ce, ceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                        datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                        datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          resourcesIn.append( ce )

    # SRMs
    for srm in SENodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', srm )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( srm )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )

      if srm not in resourcesIn and srm is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( srm, 'SE', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( srm )

    # LFC_C
    for lfc in LFCNodeList_C:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', lfc )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( lfc )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( lfc, 'LFC_C', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( lfc )

    # LFC_L
    for lfc in LFCNodeList_L:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', lfc )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( lfc )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( lfc, 'LFC_L', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( lfc )

    # FTSs
    for fts in FTSNodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', fts )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( fts )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if fts not in resourcesIn and fts is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( fts, 'FTS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( fts )

    # VOMSs
    for voms in VOMSNodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', voms )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( voms )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      site = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'VOMS'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if voms not in resourcesIn and voms is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( voms, 'VOMS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( voms )

    #remove services no more in the CS
    for ser in servicesIn:
      if ser not in servicesList:
        serType = ser.split( '@' )[0]
        if serType != 'VO-BOX':
          self.rsDB.removeService( ser )
          self.rsDB.removeResource( serviceName = ser )
          site = ser.split( '@' )[1]
          if serType == 'Storage':
            self.rsDB.removeStorageElement( siteName = site )


  def _syncStorageElements( self ):

    # Get StorageElements from the CS
    SEs = getStorageElements()
    if not SEs['OK']:
      raise RSSException, SEs['Message']
    SEs = SEs['Value']

    for access in ( 'Read', 'Write' ):

      storageElementsIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'StorageElement' + access,
                                                       paramsList = [ 'StorageElementName' ] )
        storageElementsIn = [ x[ 0 ] for x in storageElementsIn ]
      except IndexError:

      #remove storageElements no more in the CS
      for se in storageElementsIn:
        if se not in SEs:
          self.rsDB.removeStorageElement( storageElementName = se, resourceName = None, access = access )

      #Add new storage Elements
      for SE in SEs:
        srm = getSENodes( SE )[ 'Value' ][ 0 ]
        if srm == None:
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', srm )
        if not siteInGOCDB[ 'OK' ]:
          raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB[ 'Message' ]
        if siteInGOCDB[ 'Value' ] == []:
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB[ 'Value' ][ 0 ][ 'SITENAME' ]

        if SE not in storageElementsIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyStorageElement( SE, srm, siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                               datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ),
                                              'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ),
                                               access = access )
          storageElementsIn.append( SE )


  def __getGOCTier( self, sitesList ):

    gridTier = 3

    for site in sitesList:

      tier = getSiteTier( site )['Value'][0]

      if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
        tn = 0
      elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
        tn = 1
      elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
        tn = 3
        tn = 2

      if tn < gridTier:
        gridTier = tn

    if gridTier == 0:
      gt = 'T0'
    elif gridTier == 1:
      gt = 'T1'
    elif gridTier == 3:
      gt = 'T3'
      gt = 'T2'

    return gt


  def _syncRegistryUsers(self):
    from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities import CS
    users = CS.getTypedDictRootedAt("Users", root= "/Registry")
    for u in users:
      if type(users[u]['DN']) == list:
        users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'][0]
      if type(users[u]['Email']) == list:
        users[u]['Email'] = users[u]['Email'][0]

      users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'].split('=')[-1]
      self.rmDB.registryAddUser(u, users[u]['DN'].lower(), users[u]['Email'].lower())
Exemplo n.º 2
class Synchronizer:


    def __init__(self, rsDBin=None, rmDBin=None):

        self.rsDB = rsDBin
        self.rmDB = rmDBin

        if self.rsDB == None and self.rmDB == None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceStatusDB import ResourceStatusDB
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.DB.ResourceManagementDB import ResourceManagementDB
            self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()
            self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

        self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()


#  def sync(self, thingsToSync = None, fake_param = None):

    def sync(self, _a, _b):
      :attr:`thingsToSync`: list of things to sync

        thingsToSync = [
            'Utils', 'Sites', 'VOBOX', 'Resources', 'StorageElements',

        gLogger.info("!!! Sync DB content with CS content for %s !!!" %
                     (' '.join(x for x in thingsToSync)))

        for thing in thingsToSync:
            getattr(self, '_sync' + thing)()

        return S_OK()


    def _syncUtils(self):
    Sync DB content with what is in :mod:`DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities.Utils`

        statusIn = self.rsDB.getStatusList()
        #delete status not more in Utils
        for stIn in statusIn:
            if stIn not in ValidStatus:
        #Add new status
        for s in ValidStatus:
            if s not in statusIn:

        for g in ('Site', 'Service', 'Resource'):
            typeIn = self.rsDB.getTypesList(g)
            if g == 'Site':
                typesList = ValidSiteType
            elif g == 'Service':
                typesList = ValidServiceType
            if g == 'Resource':
                typesList = ValidResourceType
            #delete types not more in Utils
            for tIn in typeIn:
                if tIn not in typesList:
                    self.rsDB.removeType(g, tIn)
            #Add new types
            for t in typesList:
                if t not in typeIn:
                    self.rsDB.addType(g, t)


    def _syncSites(self):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS

        # sites in the DB now
        sitesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Site', paramsList=['SiteName'])
        sitesIn = [s[0] for s in sitesIn]

        # sites in CS now
        sitesList = getSites()['Value']

        except ValueError:

        # remove sites from the DB not more in the CS
        for site in sitesIn:
            if site not in sitesList:

        # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before
        for site in sitesList:
            if site not in sitesIn:
                # DIRAC Tier
                tier = getSiteTier(site)['Value'][0]
                if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
                    t = 'T0'
                elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
                    t = 'T1'
                elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
                    t = 'T3'
                    t = 'T2'

                #Grid Name of the site
                gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(site)
                if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
                gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']

                #Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
                if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Message']
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Value']
                if len(DIRACSitesOfGridSites) == 1:
                    gt = t
                    gt = self.__getGOCTier(DIRACSitesOfGridSites)

                    site, t, gridSiteName, 'Active', 'init',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

                self.rsDB.addOrModifyGridSite(gridSiteName, gt)



    def _syncVOBOX(self):
    Sync DB content with VOBoxes

        # services in the DB now
        servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Service',
        servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

        for site in [
                'LCG.CNAF.it', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr', 'LCG.PIC.es', 'LCG.RAL.uk',
                'LCG.GRIDKA.de', 'LCG.NIKHEF.nl'
            service = 'VO-BOX@' + site
            if service not in servicesIn:
                    service, 'VO-BOX', site, 'Active', 'init',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))


    def _syncResources(self):

        # resources in the DB now
        resourcesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Resource',
        resourcesIn = [r[0] for r in resourcesIn]

        # services in the DB now
        servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Service',
        servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

        # Site-CE mapping in CS now
        siteCE = getSiteCEMapping('LCG')['Value']
        # Site-SE mapping in CS now
        siteSE = getSiteSEMapping('LCG')['Value']

        # CEs in CS now
        CEList = []
        for i in siteCE.values():
            for ce in i:
                if ce is None:

        # SEs in CS now
        SEList = []
        for i in siteSE.values():
            for x in i:

        # SE Nodes in CS now
        SENodeList = []
        for SE in SEList:
            node = getSENodes(SE)['Value'][0]
            if node is None:
            if node not in SENodeList:

        # LFC Nodes in CS now
        LFCNodeList_L = []
        LFCNodeList_C = []
        for site in getLFCSites()['Value']:
            for readable in ('ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'):
                LFCNode = getLFCNode(site, readable)['Value']
                if LFCNode is None or LFCNode == []:
                LFCNode = LFCNode[0]
                if readable == 'ReadWrite':
                    if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_C:
                elif readable == 'ReadOnly':
                    if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_L:

        # FTS Nodes in CS now
        FTSNodeList = []
        sitesWithFTS = getFTSSites()
        for site in sitesWithFTS['Value']:
            fts = getFTSEndpoint(site)['Value']
            if fts is None or fts == []:
            fts = fts[0]
            if fts not in FTSNodeList:

        # VOMS Nodes in CS now
        VOMSNodeList = getVOMSEndpoints()['Value']

        # complete list of resources in CS now
        resourcesList = CEList + SENodeList + LFCNodeList_L + LFCNodeList_C + FTSNodeList + VOMSNodeList

        # list of services in CS now (to be done)
        servicesList = []

        #remove resources no more in the CS
        for res in resourcesIn:
            if res not in resourcesList:

        # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before

        # CEs
        for site in siteCE.keys():
            if site == 'LCG.Dummy.ch':
            for ce in siteCE[site]:
                if ce is None:
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', ce)
                if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
                if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                    trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(ce)[0]
                    siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                        'hostname', trueName)
                    siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
                except IndexError:
                serviceType = 'Computing'
                service = serviceType + '@' + site

                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

                if ce not in resourcesIn:
                    CEType = getCEType(site, ce)['Value']
                    ceType = 'CE'
                    if CEType == 'CREAM':
                        ceType = 'CREAMCE'
                        ce, ceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # SRMs
        for srm in SENodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', srm)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(srm)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

            if srm not in resourcesIn and srm is not None:
                    srm, 'SE', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # LFC_C
        for lfc in LFCNodeList_C:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', lfc)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(lfc)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
                    lfc, 'LFC_C', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # LFC_L
        for lfc in LFCNodeList_L:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', lfc)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(lfc)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
                    lfc, 'LFC_L', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # FTSs
        for fts in FTSNodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', fts)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(fts)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if fts not in resourcesIn and fts is not None:
                    fts, 'FTS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # VOMSs
        for voms in VOMSNodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', voms)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(voms)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            site = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'VOMS'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if voms not in resourcesIn and voms is not None:
                    voms, 'VOMS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        #remove services no more in the CS
        for ser in servicesIn:
            if ser not in servicesList:
                serType = ser.split('@')[0]
                if serType != 'VO-BOX':
                    site = ser.split('@')[1]
                    if serType == 'Storage':


    def _syncStorageElements(self):

        # Get StorageElements from the CS
        SEs = getStorageElements()
        if not SEs['OK']:
            raise RSSException, SEs['Message']
        SEs = SEs['Value']

        for access in ('Read', 'Write'):

            storageElementsIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList(
                'StorageElement' + access, paramsList=['StorageElementName'])
                storageElementsIn = [x[0] for x in storageElementsIn]
            except IndexError:

            #remove storageElements no more in the CS
            for se in storageElementsIn:
                if se not in SEs:

            #Add new storage Elements
            for SE in SEs:
                srm = getSENodes(SE)['Value'][0]
                if srm == None:
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', srm)
                if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
                if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']

                if SE not in storageElementsIn:
                        datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59),


    def __getGOCTier(self, sitesList):

        gridTier = 3

        for site in sitesList:

            tier = getSiteTier(site)['Value'][0]

            if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
                tn = 0
            elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
                tn = 1
            elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
                tn = 3
                tn = 2

            if tn < gridTier:
                gridTier = tn

        if gridTier == 0:
            gt = 'T0'
        elif gridTier == 1:
            gt = 'T1'
        elif gridTier == 3:
            gt = 'T3'
            gt = 'T2'

        return gt


    def _syncRegistryUsers(self):
        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities import CS
        users = CS.getTypedDictRootedAt("Users", root="/Registry")
        for u in users:
            if type(users[u]['DN']) == list:
                users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'][0]
            if type(users[u]['Email']) == list:
                users[u]['Email'] = users[u]['Email'][0]

            users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'].split('=')[-1]
            self.rmDB.registryAddUser(u, users[u]['DN'].lower(),