Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
        ("LFN:      LFN",
         "File:     File name containing a list of affected LFNs"))
    Script.registerArgument(" SE:       Name of Storage Element")
    Script.registerArgument(" Status:   New Status for the replica")

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    import os

    # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument
    inputFileName, storageElement, status = Script.getPositionalArgs(

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r")
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = sorted(string.splitlines())
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    fc = FileCatalog()

    res = fc.getReplicas(lfns, allStatus=True)
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get catalog replicas.", res["Message"])
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn, error in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    for lfn, replicas in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
        if storageElement not in replicas.keys():
            gLogger.error("LFN not registered at provided storage element.",
                          "%s %s" % (lfn, storageElement))
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                "SE": storageElement,
                "PFN": replicas[storageElement],
                "Status": status
    if not lfnDict:
        gLogger.error("No files found at the supplied storage element.")

    res = fc.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to set catalog replica status.", res["Message"])
    for lfn, error in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to set replica status for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    gLogger.notice("Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." %
                   (len(res["Value"]["Successful"].keys()), storageElement))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    import os

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
    if not len(args) == 3:

    inputFileName = args[0]
    storageElement = args[1]
    status = args[2]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = sorted(string.splitlines())
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    fc = FileCatalog()

    res = fc.getReplicas(lfns, allStatus=True)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get catalog replicas.", res['Message'])
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
        if storageElement not in replicas.keys():
            gLogger.error("LFN not registered at provided storage element.",
                          "%s %s" % (lfn, storageElement))
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                'SE': storageElement,
                'PFN': replicas[storageElement],
                'Status': status
    if not lfnDict:
        gLogger.error("No files found at the supplied storage element.")

    res = fc.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to set catalog replica status.", res['Message'])
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to set replica status for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    gLogger.notice("Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." %
                   (len(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()), storageElement))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument(("LocalFile: Path to local file containing LFNs",
                             "LFN:       Logical File Name"))
    Script.registerArgument(" SE:        Storage Element")
    Script.registerArgument(" status:    status")

    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog

    catalog = FileCatalog()
    import os

    # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument
    inputFileName, se, newStatus = Script.getPositionalArgs(group=True)

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r")
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = string.splitlines()
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = catalog.getReplicas(lfns, True)
    if not res["OK"]:
    replicas = res["Value"]["Successful"]

    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn in lfns:
        lfnDict[lfn] = {}
        lfnDict[lfn]["SE"] = se
        lfnDict[lfn]["Status"] = newStatus
        lfnDict[lfn]["PFN"] = replicas[lfn][se]

    res = catalog.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
    if not res["OK"]:
        print("ERROR:", res["Message"])
    if res["Value"]["Failed"]:
        print("Failed to update %d replica status" %
    if res["Value"]["Successful"]:
        print("Successfully updated %d replica status" %
def main():

  from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
  catalog = FileCatalog()
  import os
  args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
  if not len(args) == 3:
    inputFileName = args[0]
    se = args[1]
    newStatus = args[2]

  if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
    inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
    string = inputFile.read()
    lfns = string.splitlines()
    lfns = [inputFileName]

  res = catalog.getReplicas(lfns, True)
  if not res['OK']:
  replicas = res['Value']['Successful']

  lfnDict = {}
  for lfn in lfns:
    lfnDict[lfn] = {}
    lfnDict[lfn]['SE'] = se
    lfnDict[lfn]['Status'] = newStatus
    lfnDict[lfn]['PFN'] = replicas[lfn][se]

  res = catalog.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
  if not res['OK']:
    print("ERROR:", res['Message'])
  if res['Value']['Failed']:
    print("Failed to update %d replica status" % len(res['Value']['Failed']))
  if res['Value']['Successful']:
    print("Successfully updated %d replica status" % len(res['Value']['Successful']))
Exemplo n.º 5
class DataIntegrityClient(Client):
  The following methods are supported in the service but are not mentioned explicitly here:

             Obtains a problematic file from the IntegrityDB based on the LastUpdate time

            Obtains all the problematics of a particular prognosis from the integrityDB

            Obtains a count of the number of problematics for each prognosis found

            Obtains the distinct prognosis found in the integrityDB

            Obtains the problematics for a given production

            Increments the retry count for the supplied file ID

            Changes the prognosis of the supplied file to the new prognosis

            Updates the status of a problematic in the integrityDB

            This removes the specified file ID from the integrity DB

            Inserts file with supplied metadata into the integrity DB

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        Client.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

    # This section contains the specific methods for LFC->SE checks

    def catalogDirectoryToSE(self, lfnDir):
        """ This obtains the replica and metadata information from the catalog for the supplied directory and checks against the storage elements.
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        gLogger.info("Performing the LFC->SE check")
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        if type(lfnDir) in types.StringTypes:
            lfnDir = [lfnDir]
        res = self.__getCatalogDirectoryContents(lfnDir)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        replicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
        catalogMetadata = res['Value']['Metadata']
        res = self.__checkPhysicalFiles(replicas, catalogMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        resDict = {
            'CatalogMetadata': catalogMetadata,
            'CatalogReplicas': replicas
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def catalogFileToSE(self, lfns):
        """ This obtains the replica and metadata information from the catalog and checks against the storage elements.
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        gLogger.info("Performing the LFC->SE check")
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        if type(lfns) in types.StringTypes:
            lfns = [lfns]
        res = self.__getCatalogMetadata(lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        catalogMetadata = res['Value']
        res = self.__getCatalogReplicas(catalogMetadata.keys())
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        replicas = res['Value']
        res = self.__checkPhysicalFiles(replicas, catalogMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        resDict = {
            'CatalogMetadata': catalogMetadata,
            'CatalogReplicas': replicas
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def checkPhysicalFiles(self, replicas, catalogMetadata, ses=[]):
        """ This obtains takes the supplied replica and metadata information obtained from the catalog and checks against the storage elements.
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        gLogger.info("Performing the LFC->SE check")
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        return self.__checkPhysicalFiles(replicas, catalogMetadata, ses=ses)

    def __checkPhysicalFiles(self, replicas, catalogMetadata, ses=[]):
        """ This obtains the physical file metadata and checks the metadata against the catalog entries
        seLfns = {}
        for lfn, replicaDict in replicas.items():
            for se, _url in replicaDict.items():
                if (ses) and (se not in ses):
                seLfns.setdefault(se, []).append(lfn)
        gLogger.info('%s %s' %
                     ('Storage Element'.ljust(20), 'Replicas'.rjust(20)))

        for se in sortList(seLfns):
            files = len(seLfns[se])
            gLogger.info('%s %s' % (se.ljust(20), str(files).rjust(20)))

            lfns = seLfns[se]
            sizeMismatch = []
            res = self.__checkPhysicalFileMetadata(lfns, se)
            if not res['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Failed to get physical file metadata.',
                return res
            for lfn, metadata in res['Value'].items():
                if lfn in catalogMetadata:
                    if (metadata['Size'] != catalogMetadata[lfn]['Size']) and (
                            metadata['Size'] != 0):
                        sizeMismatch.append((lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', se,
            if sizeMismatch:
                self.__reportProblematicReplicas(sizeMismatch, se,
        return S_OK()

    def __checkPhysicalFileMetadata(self, lfns, se):
        """ Check obtain the physical file metadata and check the files are available
        gLogger.info('Checking the integrity of %s physical files at %s' %
                     (len(lfns), se))

        res = StorageElement(se).getFileMetadata(lfns)

        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed to get metadata for lfns.', res['Message'])
            return res
        lfnMetadataDict = res['Value']['Successful']
        # If the replicas are completely missing
        missingReplicas = []
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            if re.search('File does not exist', reason):
                    (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', se, 'PFNMissing'))
        if missingReplicas:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(missingReplicas, se, 'PFNMissing')
        lostReplicas = []
        unavailableReplicas = []
        zeroSizeReplicas = []
        # If the files are not accessible
        for lfn, lfnMetadata in lfnMetadataDict.items():
            if lfnMetadata['Lost']:
                lostReplicas.append((lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', se, 'PFNLost'))
            if lfnMetadata['Unavailable']:
                    (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', se, 'PFNUnavailable'))
            if lfnMetadata['Size'] == 0:
                    (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', se, 'PFNZeroSize'))
        if lostReplicas:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(lostReplicas, se, 'PFNLost')
        if unavailableReplicas:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(unavailableReplicas, se,
        if zeroSizeReplicas:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(zeroSizeReplicas, se,
            'Checking the integrity of physical files at %s complete' % se)
        return S_OK(lfnMetadataDict)

    # This section contains the specific methods for SE->LFC checks

    def storageDirectoryToCatalog(self, lfnDir, storageElement):
        """ This obtains the file found on the storage element in the supplied directories and determines whether they exist in the catalog and checks their metadata elements
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        gLogger.info("Performing the SE->LFC check at %s" % storageElement)
        gLogger.info("-" * 40)
        if type(lfnDir) in types.StringTypes:
            lfnDir = [lfnDir]
        res = self.__getStorageDirectoryContents(lfnDir, storageElement)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        storageFileMetadata = res['Value']
        if storageFileMetadata:
            return self.__checkCatalogForSEFiles(storageFileMetadata,
        return S_OK({'CatalogMetadata': {}, 'StorageMetadata': {}})

    def __checkCatalogForSEFiles(self, storageMetadata, storageElement):
        gLogger.info('Checking %s storage files exist in the catalog' %

        res = self.fc.getReplicas(storageMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for LFN", res['Message'])
            return res
        failedLfns = res['Value']['Failed']
        successfulLfns = res['Value']['Successful']
        notRegisteredLfns = []

        for lfn in storageMetadata:
            if lfn in failedLfns:
                if 'No such file or directory' in failedLfns[lfn]:
                        (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElement,
            elif storageElement not in successfulLfns[lfn]:
                    (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElement, 'LFNNotRegistered'))

        if notRegisteredLfns:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(notRegisteredLfns, storageElement,
        if failedLfns:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to obtain replicas')

        # For the LFNs found to be registered obtain the file metadata from the catalog and verify against the storage metadata
        res = self.__getCatalogMetadata(storageMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        catalogMetadata = res['Value']
        sizeMismatch = []
        for lfn, lfnCatalogMetadata in catalogMetadata.items():
            lfnStorageMetadata = storageMetadata[lfn]
            if (lfnStorageMetadata['Size'] != lfnCatalogMetadata['Size']) and (
                    lfnStorageMetadata['Size'] != 0):
                sizeMismatch.append((lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElement,
        if sizeMismatch:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(sizeMismatch, storageElement,
        gLogger.info('Checking storage files exist in the catalog complete')
        resDict = {
            'CatalogMetadata': catalogMetadata,
            'StorageMetadata': storageMetadata
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def getStorageDirectoryContents(self, lfnDir, storageElement):
        """ This obtains takes the supplied lfn directories and recursively obtains the files in the supplied storage element
        return self.__getStorageDirectoryContents(lfnDir, storageElement)

    def __getStorageDirectoryContents(self, lfnDir, storageElement):
        """ Obtians the contents of the supplied directory on the storage
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the contents for %s directories at %s' %
                     (len(lfnDir), storageElement))

        se = StorageElement(storageElement)

        res = se.exists(lfnDir)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to obtain existance of directories",
            return res
        for directory, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            gLogger.error('Failed to determine existance of directory',
                          '%s %s' % (directory, error))
        if res['Value']['Failed']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to determine existance of directory')
        directoryExists = res['Value']['Successful']
        activeDirs = []
        for directory in sorted(directoryExists):
            exists = directoryExists[directory]
            if exists:
        allFiles = {}
        while len(activeDirs) > 0:
            currentDir = activeDirs[0]
            res = se.listDirectory(currentDir)
            if not res['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Failed to get directory contents',
                return res
            elif currentDir in res['Value']['Failed']:
                    'Failed to get directory contents',
                    '%s %s' % (currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir]))
                return S_ERROR(res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir])
                dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir]
                        'Value', {}).get('Successful', []))
                fileURLMetadata = dirContents['Files']
                fileMetadata = {}
                res = se.getLFNFromURL(fileURLMetadata)
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('Failed to get directory content LFNs',
                    return res

                for url, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    gLogger.error("Failed to get LFN for URL",
                                  "%s %s" % (url, error))
                if res['Value']['Failed']:
                    return S_ERROR("Failed to get LFNs for PFNs")
                urlLfns = res['Value']['Successful']
                for urlLfn, lfn in urlLfns.items():
                    fileMetadata[lfn] = fileURLMetadata[urlLfn]

        zeroSizeFiles = []

        for lfn in sorted(allFiles):
            if os.path.basename(lfn) == 'dirac_directory':
                metadata = allFiles[lfn]
                if metadata['Size'] == 0:
                        (lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElement, 'PFNZeroSize'))
        if zeroSizeFiles:
            self.__reportProblematicReplicas(zeroSizeFiles, storageElement,

        gLogger.info('Obtained at total of %s files for directories at %s' %
                     (len(allFiles), storageElement))
        return S_OK(allFiles)

    def __getStoragePathExists(self, lfnPaths, storageElement):
        gLogger.info('Determining the existance of %d files at %s' %
                     (len(lfnPaths), storageElement))

        se = StorageElement(storageElement)

        res = se.exists(lfnPaths)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to obtain existance of paths",
            return res
        for lfnPath, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            gLogger.error('Failed to determine existance of path',
                          '%s %s' % (lfnPath, error))
        if res['Value']['Failed']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to determine existance of paths')
        pathExists = res['Value']['Successful']
        resDict = {}
        for lfn, exists in pathExists.items():
            if exists:
                resDict[lfn] = True
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # This section contains the specific methods for obtaining replica and metadata information from the catalog

    def __getCatalogDirectoryContents(self, lfnDir):
        """ Obtain the contents of the supplied directory
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the catalog contents for %s directories' %

        activeDirs = lfnDir
        allFiles = {}
        while len(activeDirs) > 0:
            currentDir = activeDirs[0]
            res = self.fc.listDirectory(currentDir)
            if not res['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Failed to get directory contents',
                return res
            elif res['Value']['Failed'].has_key(currentDir):
                    'Failed to get directory contents',
                    '%s %s' % (currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir]))
                dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir]

        zeroReplicaFiles = []
        zeroSizeFiles = []
        allReplicaDict = {}
        allMetadataDict = {}
        for lfn, lfnDict in allFiles.items():
            lfnReplicas = {}
            for se, replicaDict in lfnDict['Replicas'].items():
                lfnReplicas[se] = replicaDict['PFN']
            if not lfnReplicas:
            allReplicaDict[lfn] = lfnReplicas
            allMetadataDict[lfn] = lfnDict['MetaData']
            if lfnDict['MetaData']['Size'] == 0:
        if zeroReplicaFiles:
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroReplicaFiles, 'LFNZeroReplicas')
        if zeroSizeFiles:
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroSizeFiles, 'LFNZeroSize')
            'Obtained at total of %s files for the supplied directories' %
        resDict = {'Metadata': allMetadataDict, 'Replicas': allReplicaDict}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def __getCatalogReplicas(self, lfns):
        """ Obtain the file replicas from the catalog while checking that there are replicas
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the replicas for %s files' % len(lfns))

        zeroReplicaFiles = []
        res = self.fc.getReplicas(lfns, allStatus=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed to get catalog replicas', res['Message'])
            return res
        allReplicas = res['Value']['Successful']
        for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            if re.search('File has zero replicas', error):
        if zeroReplicaFiles:
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroReplicaFiles, 'LFNZeroReplicas')
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the replicas for files complete')
        return S_OK(allReplicas)

    def __getCatalogMetadata(self, lfns):
        """ Obtain the file metadata from the catalog while checking they exist
        if not lfns:
            return S_OK({})
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the catalog metadata for %s files' % len(lfns))

        missingCatalogFiles = []
        zeroSizeFiles = []
        res = self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed to get catalog metadata', res['Message'])
            return res
        allMetadata = res['Value']['Successful']
        for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            if re.search('No such file or directory', error):
        if missingCatalogFiles:
        for lfn, metadata in allMetadata.items():
            if metadata['Size'] == 0:
        if zeroSizeFiles:
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroSizeFiles, 'LFNZeroSize')
        gLogger.info('Obtaining the catalog metadata complete')
        return S_OK(allMetadata)

    # This section contains the methods for inserting problematic files into the integrity DB

    def __reportProblematicFiles(self, lfns, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic """
        gLogger.info('The following %s files were found with %s' %
                     (len(lfns), reason))
        for lfn in sortList(lfns):
        res = self.setFileProblematic(lfns,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with files',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with files')

    def setFileProblematic(self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if type(lfn) == types.ListType:
            lfns = lfn
        elif type(lfn) == types.StringType:
            lfns = [lfn]
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files."
            % len(lfns))
        fileMetadata = {}
        for lfn in lfns:
            fileMetadata[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': '',
                'SE': ''
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, fileMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB"
        return res

    def __reportProblematicReplicas(self, replicaTuple, se, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
        gLogger.info('The following %s files had %s at %s' %
                     (len(replicaTuple), reason, se))
        for lfn, _pfn, se, reason in sortList(replicaTuple):
            if lfn:
        res = self.setReplicaProblematic(replicaTuple,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with replicas',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas')

    def setReplicaProblematic(self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if type(replicaTuple) == types.TupleType:
            replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
        elif type(replicaTuple) == types.ListType:
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas."
            % len(replicaTuple))
        replicaDict = {}
        for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
            replicaDict[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': pfn,
                'SE': se
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB"
            return res
        for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
            replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

        res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus(replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
            gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        successful = res['Value']['Successful']
        resDict = {'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

    def __updateCompletedFiles(self, prognosis, fileID):
        gLogger.info("%s file (%d) is resolved" % (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.setProblematicStatus(fileID, 'Resolved')

    def __returnProblematicError(self, fileID, res):
        gLogger.error('DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'])
        return res

#   def __getRegisteredPFNLFN( self, pfn, storageElement ):
#     res = StorageElement( storageElement ).getURL( pfn )
#     if not res['OK']:
#       gLogger.error( "Failed to get registered PFN for physical files", res['Message'] )
#       return res
#     for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
#       gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain registered PFN for physical file', '%s %s' % ( pfn, error ) )
#       return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain registered PFNs from physical file' )
#     registeredPFN = res['Value']['Successful'][pfn]
#     res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getLFNForPFN( registeredPFN ) )
#     if ( not res['OK'] ) and re.search( 'No such file or directory', res['Message'] ):
#       return S_OK( False )
#     return S_OK( res['Value'] )

    def __updateReplicaToChecked(self, problematicDict):
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
        prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
        problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

        res = returnSingleResult(
            self.fc.setReplicaStatus({lfn: problematicDict}))

        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        gLogger.info("%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" %
                     (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles(prognosis, fileID)

    def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        catalogSize = res['Value']
        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageSize = res['Value']
        bkKCatalog = FileCatalog(['BookkeepingDB'])
        res = returnSingleResult(bkKCatalog.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
        if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes."
                % fileID)
            return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
        if (catalogSize == bookkeepingSize):
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also"
                % fileID)
            res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            if len(res['Value']) <= 1:
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas."
                    % fileID)
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica"
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..."
                    % fileID)
                res = self.dm.removeReplica(se, lfn)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
                return self.__updateCompletedFiles('CatalogPFNSizeMismatch',
        if (catalogSize != bookkeepingSize) and (bookkeepingSize
                                                 == storageSize):
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size"
                % fileID)
            res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
            "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count"
            % fileID)
        return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)

    def resolvePFNNotRegistered(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        seName = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        se = StorageElement(seName)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if not res['Value']:
            # The file does not exist in the catalog
            res = returnSingleResult(se.removeFile(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
            gLogger.info("PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." %
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        elif not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageMetadata = res['Value']
        if storageMetadata['Lost']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNLost')
        if storageMetadata['Unavailable']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count"
                % fileID)
            return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)

        # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
        site = seName.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]
        if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
            if lfn.endswith('.raw'):
                seName = '%s-RAW' % site
                seName = '%s-RDST' % site
        elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

        problematicDict['SE'] = seName
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getURL(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)

        problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.addReplica({lfn: problematicDict}))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)

    def resolveLFNCatalogMissing(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the LFNCatalogMissing prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']:
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNCatalogMissing', fileID)
        # Remove the file from all catalogs
        # RF_NOTE : here I can do it because it's a single file, but otherwise I would need to sort the path
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeFile(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNCatalogMissing', fileID)

    def resolvePFNMissing(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNMissing prognosis
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if not res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("PFNMissing file (%d) no longer exists in catalog" %
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)

        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer missing" %
            return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
        gLogger.info("PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist" % fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn, allStatus=True))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        replicas = res['Value']
        seSite = se.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]
        found = False
        print replicas
        for replicaSE in replicas.keys():
            if re.search(seSite, replicaSE):
                found = True
                problematicDict['SE'] = replicaSE
                se = replicaSE
        if not found:
                "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer registered at SE. Resolved."
                % fileID)
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)
            "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist. Removing from catalog..."
            % fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeReplica({lfn: problematicDict}))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if len(replicas) == 1:
                "PFNMissing replica (%d) had a single replica. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'LFNZeroReplicas')
        res = self.dm.replicateAndRegister(problematicDict['LFN'], se)
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)

    def resolvePFNUnavailable(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNUnavailable prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
            # The file is no longer Unavailable but has now dissapeared completely
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')
        if (not res['OK']) or res['Value']['Unavailable']:
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to still be Unavailable" %
            return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)
        if res['Value']['Lost']:
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is now found to be Lost. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNLost')
        gLogger.info("PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is no longer Unavailable" %
        # Need to make the replica okay in the Catalog
        return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)

    def resolvePFNZeroSize(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the PFNZeroSize prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        seName = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        se = StorageElement(seName)

        res = returnSingleResult(se.getFileSize(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')
        storageSize = res['Value']
        if storageSize == 0:
            res = returnSingleResult(se.removeFile(lfn))

            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) removed. Updating prognosis" %
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if seName not in res['Value']:
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) not registered in catalog. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNNotRegistered')
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfn))

        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        catalogSize = res['Value']['Size']
        if catalogSize != storageSize:
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) size found to differ from registered metadata. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNZeroSize', fileID)


    def resolveLFNZeroReplicas(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the LFNZeroReplicas prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn, allStatus=True))
        if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found to have replicas" %
                "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) does not have replicas. Checking storage..."
                % fileID)
            pfnsFound = False
            for storageElementName in sorted(
                        'Resources/StorageElementGroups/Tier1_MC_M-DST', [])):
                res = self.__getStoragePathExists([lfn], storageElementName)
                if lfn in res['Value']:
                        "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found storage file at %s" %
                        (fileID, storageElementName))
                        [(lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElementName,
                          'PFNNotRegistered')], storageElementName,
                    pfnsFound = True
            if not pfnsFound:
                    "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) did not have storage files. Removing..."
                    % fileID)
                res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeFile(lfn))
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('DataIntegrityClient: failed to remove file',
                    # Increment the number of retries for this file
                    return res
                gLogger.info("LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) removed from catalog" %
        # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNZeroReplicas', fileID)
Exemplo n.º 6
class DataIntegrityClient(Client):
    """Client exposing the DataIntegrity Service."""
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(DataIntegrityClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

    def setFileProblematic(self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if isinstance(lfn, list):
            lfns = lfn
        elif isinstance(lfn, six.string_types):
            lfns = [lfn]
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files."
            % len(lfns))
        fileMetadata = {}
        for lfn in lfns:
            fileMetadata[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': '',
                'SE': ''
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, fileMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB"
        return res

    def reportProblematicReplicas(self, replicaTuple, se, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
        gLogger.info('The following %s files had %s at %s' %
                     (len(replicaTuple), reason, se))
        for lfn, _pfn, se, reason in sorted(replicaTuple):
            if lfn:
        res = self.setReplicaProblematic(replicaTuple,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with replicas',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas')

    def setReplicaProblematic(self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if isinstance(replicaTuple, tuple):
            replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
        elif isinstance(replicaTuple, list):
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas."
            % len(replicaTuple))
        replicaDict = {}
        for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
            replicaDict[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': pfn,
                'SE': se
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB"
            return res
        for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
            replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

        res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus(replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
            gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        successful = res['Value']['Successful']
        resDict = {'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

    def __updateCompletedFiles(self, prognosis, fileID):
        gLogger.info("%s file (%d) is resolved" % (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.setProblematicStatus(fileID, 'Resolved')

    def __returnProblematicError(self, fileID, res):
        gLogger.error('DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'])
        return res

    def __updateReplicaToChecked(self, problematicDict):
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
        prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
        problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

        res = returnSingleResult(
            self.fc.setReplicaStatus({lfn: problematicDict}))

        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        gLogger.info("%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" %
                     (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles(prognosis, fileID)

    def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        catalogSize = res['Value']
        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageSize = res['Value']
        bkKCatalog = FileCatalog(['BookkeepingDB'])
        res = returnSingleResult(bkKCatalog.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
        if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes."
                % fileID)
            return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
        if catalogSize == bookkeepingSize:
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also"
                % fileID)
            res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            if len(res['Value']) <= 1:
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas."
                    % fileID)
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica"
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..."
                    % fileID)
                res = self.dm.removeReplica(se, lfn)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
                return self.__updateCompletedFiles('CatalogPFNSizeMismatch',
        if (catalogSize != bookkeepingSize) and (bookkeepingSize
                                                 == storageSize):
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size"
                % fileID)
            res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
            "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count"
            % fileID)
        return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)


    def _reportProblematicFiles(self, lfns, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic
        gLogger.info('The following %s files were found with %s' %
                     (len(lfns), reason))
        for lfn in sorted(lfns):
        res = self.setFileProblematic(lfns,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with files',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with files')
Exemplo n.º 7
if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get catalog replicas.", res['Message'])
lfnDict = {}
for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
    gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for file.", "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
    if not storageElement in replicas.keys():
        gLogger.error("LFN not registered at provided storage element.",
                      "%s %s" % (lfn, storageElement))
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'SE': storageElement,
            'PFN': replicas[storageElement],
            'Status': status
if not lfnDict:
    gLogger.error("No files found at the supplied storage element.")

res = fc.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to set catalog replica status.", res['Message'])
for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
    gLogger.error("Failed to set replica status for file.",
                  "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
gLogger.notice("Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." %
               (len(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()), storageElement))
Exemplo n.º 8
class DataIntegrityClient(Client):
  The following methods are supported in the service but are not mentioned explicitly here:

             Obtains a problematic file from the IntegrityDB based on the LastUpdate time

            Obtains all the problematics of a particular prognosis from the integrityDB

            Obtains a count of the number of problematics for each prognosis found

            Obtains the distinct prognosis found in the integrityDB

            Obtains the problematics for a given production

            Increments the retry count for the supplied file ID

            Changes the prognosis of the supplied file to the new prognosis

            Updates the status of a problematic in the integrityDB

            This removes the specified file ID from the integrity DB

            Inserts file with supplied metadata into the integrity DB

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(DataIntegrityClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

    def setFileProblematic(self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if isinstance(lfn, list):
            lfns = lfn
        elif isinstance(lfn, basestring):
            lfns = [lfn]
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files."
            % len(lfns))
        fileMetadata = {}
        for lfn in lfns:
            fileMetadata[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': '',
                'SE': ''
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, fileMetadata)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB"
        return res

    def reportProblematicReplicas(self, replicaTuple, se, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
        gLogger.info('The following %s files had %s at %s' %
                     (len(replicaTuple), reason, se))
        for lfn, _pfn, se, reason in sorted(replicaTuple):
            if lfn:
        res = self.setReplicaProblematic(replicaTuple,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with replicas',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas')

    def setReplicaProblematic(self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent=''):
        """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
        if isinstance(replicaTuple, tuple):
            replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
        elif isinstance(replicaTuple, list):
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
            "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas."
            % len(replicaTuple))
        replicaDict = {}
        for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
            replicaDict[lfn] = {
                'Prognosis': reason,
                'LFN': lfn,
                'PFN': pfn,
                'SE': se
        res = self.insertProblematic(sourceComponent, replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
                "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB"
            return res
        for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
            replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

        res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus(replicaDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
            gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        successful = res['Value']['Successful']
        resDict = {'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

    def __updateCompletedFiles(self, prognosis, fileID):
        gLogger.info("%s file (%d) is resolved" % (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.setProblematicStatus(fileID, 'Resolved')

    def __returnProblematicError(self, fileID, res):
        gLogger.error('DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'])
        return res

    def __updateReplicaToChecked(self, problematicDict):
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
        prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
        problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

        res = returnSingleResult(
            self.fc.setReplicaStatus({lfn: problematicDict}))

        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        gLogger.info("%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" %
                     (prognosis, fileID))
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles(prognosis, fileID)

    def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        catalogSize = res['Value']
        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageSize = res['Value']
        bkKCatalog = FileCatalog(['BookkeepingDB'])
        res = returnSingleResult(bkKCatalog.getFileSize(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
        if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes."
                % fileID)
            return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
        if catalogSize == bookkeepingSize:
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also"
                % fileID)
            res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            if len(res['Value']) <= 1:
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas."
                    % fileID)
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica"
                    "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..."
                    % fileID)
                res = self.dm.removeReplica(se, lfn)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
                return self.__updateCompletedFiles('CatalogPFNSizeMismatch',
        if (catalogSize != bookkeepingSize) and (bookkeepingSize
                                                 == storageSize):
                "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size"
                % fileID)
            res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
            "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count"
            % fileID)
        return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)

    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolvePFNNotRegistered(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        seName = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        se = StorageElement(seName)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if not res['Value']:
            # The file does not exist in the catalog
            res = returnSingleResult(se.removeFile(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
            gLogger.info("PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." %
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        elif not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageMetadata = res['Value']
        if storageMetadata['Lost']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNLost')
        if storageMetadata['Unavailable']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count"
                % fileID)
            return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)

        # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
        site = seName.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]
        if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
            if lfn.endswith('.raw'):
                seName = '%s-RAW' % site
                seName = '%s-RDST' % site
        elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

        problematicDict['SE'] = seName
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getURL(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)

        problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.addReplica({lfn: problematicDict}))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)

    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolveLFNCatalogMissing(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the LFNCatalogMissing prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']:
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNCatalogMissing', fileID)
        # Remove the file from all catalogs
        # RF_NOTE : here I can do it because it's a single file, but otherwise I would need to sort the path
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeFile(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNCatalogMissing', fileID)

    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolvePFNMissing(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNMissing prognosis
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if not res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("PFNMissing file (%d) no longer exists in catalog" %
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)

        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer missing" %
            return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)
        gLogger.info("PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist" % fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn, allStatus=True))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        replicas = res['Value']
        seSite = se.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]
        found = False
        print replicas
        for replicaSE in replicas.keys():
            if re.search(seSite, replicaSE):
                found = True
                problematicDict['SE'] = replicaSE
                se = replicaSE
        if not found:
                "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer registered at SE. Resolved."
                % fileID)
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)
            "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist. Removing from catalog..."
            % fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeReplica({lfn: problematicDict}))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if len(replicas) == 1:
                "PFNMissing replica (%d) had a single replica. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'LFNZeroReplicas')
        res = self.dm.replicateAndRegister(problematicDict['LFN'], se)
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNMissing', fileID)

    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolvePFNUnavailable(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNUnavailable prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        se = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(StorageElement(se).getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
            # The file is no longer Unavailable but has now dissapeared completely
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')
        if (not res['OK']) or res['Value']['Unavailable']:
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to still be Unavailable" %
            return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)
        if res['Value']['Lost']:
                "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is now found to be Lost. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNLost')
        gLogger.info("PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is no longer Unavailable" %
        # Need to make the replica okay in the Catalog
        return self.__updateReplicaToChecked(problematicDict)

    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolvePFNZeroSize(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the PFNZeroSize prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        seName = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        se = StorageElement(seName)

        res = returnSingleResult(se.getFileSize(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and (re.search('File does not exist',
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')
        storageSize = res['Value']
        if storageSize == 0:
            res = returnSingleResult(se.removeFile(lfn))

            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) removed. Updating prognosis" %
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNMissing')

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if seName not in res['Value']:
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) not registered in catalog. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNNotRegistered')
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfn))

        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        catalogSize = res['Value']['Size']
        if catalogSize != storageSize:
                "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) size found to differ from registered metadata. Updating prognosis"
                % problematicDict['FileID'])
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNZeroSize', fileID)


    #FIXME: Unused?
    def resolveLFNZeroReplicas(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the LFNZeroReplicas prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getReplicas(lfn, allStatus=True))
        if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found to have replicas" %
                "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) does not have replicas. Checking storage..."
                % fileID)
            pfnsFound = False
            for storageElementName in sorted(
                        'Resources/StorageElementGroups/Tier1_MC_M-DST', [])):
                res = self.__getStoragePathExists([lfn], storageElementName)
                if lfn in res['Value']:
                        "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found storage file at %s" %
                        (fileID, storageElementName))
                        [(lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElementName,
                          'PFNNotRegistered')], storageElementName,
                    pfnsFound = True
            if not pfnsFound:
                    "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) did not have storage files. Removing..."
                    % fileID)
                res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.removeFile(lfn))
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('DataIntegrityClient: failed to remove file',
                    # Increment the number of retries for this file
                    return res
                gLogger.info("LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) removed from catalog" %
        # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('LFNZeroReplicas', fileID)

    def _reportProblematicFiles(self, lfns, reason):
        """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic
        gLogger.info('The following %s files were found with %s' %
                     (len(lfns), reason))
        for lfn in sorted(lfns):
        res = self.setFileProblematic(lfns,
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.info('Failed to update integrity DB with files',
            gLogger.info('Successfully updated integrity DB with files')
Exemplo n.º 9
class DataIntegrityClient( Client ):

  The following methods are supported in the service but are not mentioned explicitly here:

             Obtains a problematic file from the IntegrityDB based on the LastUpdate time

            Obtains all the problematics of a particular prognosis from the integrityDB

            Obtains a count of the number of problematics for each prognosis found

            Obtains the distinct prognosis found in the integrityDB

            Obtains the problematics for a given production

            Increments the retry count for the supplied file ID

            Changes the prognosis of the supplied file to the new prognosis

            Updates the status of a problematic in the integrityDB

            This removes the specified file ID from the integrity DB

            Inserts file with supplied metadata into the integrity DB

  def __init__( self, **kwargs ):

    Client.__init__( self, **kwargs )
    self.setServer( 'DataManagement/DataIntegrity' )
    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

  # This section contains the specific methods for LFC->SE checks

  def catalogDirectoryToSE( self, lfnDir ):
    """ This obtains the replica and metadata information from the catalog for the supplied directory and checks against the storage elements.
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    gLogger.info( "Performing the LFC->SE check" )
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    if type( lfnDir ) in types.StringTypes:
      lfnDir = [lfnDir]
    res = self.__getCatalogDirectoryContents( lfnDir )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    replicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
    catalogMetadata = res['Value']['Metadata']
    res = self.__checkPhysicalFiles( replicas, catalogMetadata )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = {'CatalogMetadata':catalogMetadata, 'CatalogReplicas':replicas}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def catalogFileToSE( self, lfns ):
    """ This obtains the replica and metadata information from the catalog and checks against the storage elements.
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    gLogger.info( "Performing the LFC->SE check" )
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    if type( lfns ) in types.StringTypes:
      lfns = [lfns]
    res = self.__getCatalogMetadata( lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    catalogMetadata = res['Value']
    res = self.__getCatalogReplicas( catalogMetadata.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    replicas = res['Value']
    res = self.__checkPhysicalFiles( replicas, catalogMetadata )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = {'CatalogMetadata':catalogMetadata, 'CatalogReplicas':replicas}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def checkPhysicalFiles( self, replicas, catalogMetadata, ses = [] ):
    """ This obtains takes the supplied replica and metadata information obtained from the catalog and checks against the storage elements.
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    gLogger.info( "Performing the LFC->SE check" )
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    return self.__checkPhysicalFiles( replicas, catalogMetadata, ses = ses )

  def __checkPhysicalFiles( self, replicas, catalogMetadata, ses = [] ):
    """ This obtains the physical file metadata and checks the metadata against the catalog entries
    sePfns = {}
    pfnLfns = {}
    for lfn, replicaDict in replicas.items():
      for se, pfn in replicaDict.items():
        if ( ses ) and ( se not in ses ):
        if not sePfns.has_key( se ):
          sePfns[se] = []
        sePfns[se].append( pfn )
        pfnLfns[pfn] = lfn
    gLogger.info( '%s %s' % ( 'Storage Element'.ljust( 20 ), 'Replicas'.rjust( 20 ) ) )
    for site in sortList( sePfns.keys() ):
      files = len( sePfns[site] )
      gLogger.info( '%s %s' % ( site.ljust( 20 ), str( files ).rjust( 20 ) ) )

    for se in sortList( sePfns.keys() ):
      pfns = sePfns[se]
      pfnDict = {}
      for pfn in pfns:
        pfnDict[pfn] = pfnLfns[pfn]
      sizeMismatch = []
      res = self.__checkPhysicalFileMetadata( pfnDict, se )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( 'Failed to get physical file metadata.', res['Message'] )
        return res
      for pfn, metadata in res['Value'].items():
        if catalogMetadata.has_key( pfnLfns[pfn] ):
          if ( metadata['Size'] != catalogMetadata[pfnLfns[pfn]]['Size'] ) and ( metadata['Size'] != 0 ):
            sizeMismatch.append( ( pfnLfns[pfn], pfn, se, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' ) )
      if sizeMismatch:
        self.__reportProblematicReplicas( sizeMismatch, se, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return S_OK()

  def __checkPhysicalFileMetadata( self, pfnLfns, se ):
    """ Check obtain the physical file metadata and check the files are available
    gLogger.info( 'Checking the integrity of %s physical files at %s' % ( len( pfnLfns ), se ) )

    res = StorageElement( se ).getFileMetadata( pfnLfns.keys() )

    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to get metadata for pfns.', res['Message'] )
      return res
    pfnMetadataDict = res['Value']['Successful']
    # If the replicas are completely missing
    missingReplicas = []
    for pfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      if re.search( 'File does not exist', reason ):
        missingReplicas.append( ( pfnLfns[pfn], pfn, se, 'PFNMissing' ) )
    if missingReplicas:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( missingReplicas, se, 'PFNMissing' )
    lostReplicas = []
    unavailableReplicas = []
    zeroSizeReplicas = []
    # If the files are not accessible
    for pfn, pfnMetadata in pfnMetadataDict.items():
      if pfnMetadata['Lost']:
        lostReplicas.append( ( pfnLfns[pfn], pfn, se, 'PFNLost' ) )
      if pfnMetadata['Unavailable']:
        unavailableReplicas.append( ( pfnLfns[pfn], pfn, se, 'PFNUnavailable' ) )
      if pfnMetadata['Size'] == 0:
        zeroSizeReplicas.append( ( pfnLfns[pfn], pfn, se, 'PFNZeroSize' ) )
    if lostReplicas:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( lostReplicas, se, 'PFNLost' )
    if unavailableReplicas:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( unavailableReplicas, se, 'PFNUnavailable' )
    if zeroSizeReplicas:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( zeroSizeReplicas, se, 'PFNZeroSize' )
    gLogger.info( 'Checking the integrity of physical files at %s complete' % se )
    return S_OK( pfnMetadataDict )

  # This section contains the specific methods for SE->LFC checks

  def storageDirectoryToCatalog( self, lfnDir, storageElement ):
    """ This obtains the file found on the storage element in the supplied directories and determines whether they exist in the catalog and checks their metadata elements
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    gLogger.info( "Performing the SE->LFC check at %s" % storageElement )
    gLogger.info( "-" * 40 )
    if type( lfnDir ) in types.StringTypes:
      lfnDir = [lfnDir]
    res = self.__getStorageDirectoryContents( lfnDir, storageElement )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    storageFileMetadata = res['Value']
    if storageFileMetadata:
      return self.__checkCatalogForSEFiles( storageFileMetadata, storageElement )
    return S_OK( {'CatalogMetadata':{}, 'StorageMetadata':{}} )

  def __checkCatalogForSEFiles( self, storageMetadata, storageElement ):
    gLogger.info( 'Checking %s storage files exist in the catalog' % len( storageMetadata ) )

    # RF_NOTE : this comment is completely wrong
    # First get all the PFNs as they should be registered in the catalog
    res = StorageElement( storageElement ).getPfnForProtocol( storageMetadata.keys(), withPort = False )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get registered PFNs for physical files", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain registered PFN for physical file', '%s %s' % ( pfn, error ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain registered PFNs from physical file' )
    for original, registered in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      storageMetadata[registered] = storageMetadata.pop( original )
    # Determine whether these PFNs are registered and if so obtain the LFN
    res = self.fc.getLFNForPFN( storageMetadata.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get registered LFNs for PFNs", res['Message'] )
      return res
    failedPfns = res['Value']['Failed']
    notRegisteredPfns = []
    for pfn, error in failedPfns.items():
      if re.search( 'No such file or directory', error ):
        notRegisteredPfns.append( ( storageMetadata[pfn]['LFN'], pfn, storageElement, 'PFNNotRegistered' ) )
        failedPfns.pop( pfn )
    if notRegisteredPfns:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( notRegisteredPfns, storageElement, 'PFNNotRegistered' )
    if failedPfns:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain LFNs for PFNs' )
    pfnLfns = res['Value']['Successful']
    for pfn in storageMetadata.keys():
      pfnMetadata = storageMetadata.pop( pfn )
      if pfn in pfnLfns.keys():
        lfn = pfnLfns[pfn]
        storageMetadata[lfn] = pfnMetadata
        storageMetadata[lfn]['PFN'] = pfn
    # For the LFNs found to be registered obtain the file metadata from the catalog and verify against the storage metadata
    res = self.__getCatalogMetadata( storageMetadata.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    catalogMetadata = res['Value']
    sizeMismatch = []
    for lfn, lfnCatalogMetadata in catalogMetadata.items():
      lfnStorageMetadata = storageMetadata[lfn]
      if ( lfnStorageMetadata['Size'] != lfnCatalogMetadata['Size'] ) and ( lfnStorageMetadata['Size'] != 0 ):
        sizeMismatch.append( ( lfn, storageMetadata[lfn]['PFN'], storageElement, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' ) )
    if sizeMismatch:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( sizeMismatch, storageElement, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    gLogger.info( 'Checking storage files exist in the catalog complete' )
    resDict = {'CatalogMetadata':catalogMetadata, 'StorageMetadata':storageMetadata}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def getStorageDirectoryContents( self, lfnDir, storageElement ):
    """ This obtains takes the supplied lfn directories and recursively obtains the files in the supplied storage element
    return self.__getStorageDirectoryContents( lfnDir, storageElement )

  def __getStorageDirectoryContents( self, lfnDir, storageElement ):
    """ Obtians the contents of the supplied directory on the storage
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the contents for %s directories at %s' % ( len( lfnDir ), storageElement ) )

    se = StorageElement( storageElement )
    res = se.getPfnForLfn( lfnDir )

    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get PFNs for directories", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for directory, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain directory PFN from LFNs', '%s %s' % ( directory, error ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain directory PFN from LFNs' )
    storageDirectories = res['Value']['Successful'].values()
    res = se.exists( storageDirectories )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to obtain existance of directories", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for directory, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to determine existance of directory', '%s %s' % ( directory, error ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to determine existance of directory' )
    directoryExists = res['Value']['Successful']
    activeDirs = []
    for directory in sortList( directoryExists.keys() ):
      exists = directoryExists[directory]
      if exists:
        activeDirs.append( directory )
    allFiles = {}
    while len( activeDirs ) > 0:
      currentDir = activeDirs[0]
      res = se.listDirectory( currentDir )
      activeDirs.remove( currentDir )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( 'Failed to get directory contents', res['Message'] )
        return res
      elif res['Value']['Failed'].has_key( currentDir ):
        gLogger.error( 'Failed to get directory contents', '%s %s' % ( currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir] ) )
        return S_ERROR( res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir] )
        dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir]
        activeDirs.extend( dirContents['SubDirs'] )
        fileMetadata = dirContents['Files']

        # RF_NOTE This ugly trick is needed because se.getPfnPath does not follow the Successful/Failed convention
#         res = { "Successful" : {}, "Failed" : {} }
#         for pfn in fileMetadata:
#           inRes = se.getPfnPath( pfn )
#           if inRes["OK"]:
#             res["Successful"][pfn] = inRes["Value"]
#           else:
#             res["Failed"][pfn] = inRes["Message"]
        res = se.getLfnForPfn( fileMetadata.keys() )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( 'Failed to get directory content LFNs', res['Message'] )
          return res

        for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          gLogger.error( "Failed to get LFN for PFN", "%s %s" % ( pfn, error ) )
        if res['Value']['Failed']:
          return S_ERROR( "Failed to get LFNs for PFNs" )
        pfnLfns = res['Value']['Successful']
        for pfn, lfn in pfnLfns.items():
          fileMetadata[pfn]['LFN'] = lfn
        allFiles.update( fileMetadata )
    zeroSizeFiles = []
    lostFiles = []
    unavailableFiles = []
    for pfn in sortList( allFiles.keys() ):
      if os.path.basename( pfn ) == 'dirac_directory':
        allFiles.pop( pfn )
        metadata = allFiles[pfn]
        if metadata['Size'] == 0:
          zeroSizeFiles.append( ( metadata['LFN'], pfn, storageElement, 'PFNZeroSize' ) )
        # if metadata['Lost']:
        #  lostFiles.append((metadata['LFN'],pfn,storageElement,'PFNLost'))
        # if metadata['Unavailable']:
        #  unavailableFiles.append((metadata['LFN'],pfn,storageElement,'PFNUnavailable'))
    if zeroSizeFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( zeroSizeFiles, storageElement, 'PFNZeroSize' )
    if lostFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( lostFiles, storageElement, 'PFNLost' )
    if unavailableFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicReplicas( unavailableFiles, storageElement, 'PFNUnavailable' )
    gLogger.info( 'Obtained at total of %s files for directories at %s' % ( len( allFiles ), storageElement ) )
    return S_OK( allFiles )

  def __getStoragePathExists( self, lfnPaths, storageElement ):
    gLogger.info( 'Determining the existance of %d files at %s' % ( len( lfnPaths ), storageElement ) )

    se = StorageElement( storageElement )
    res = se.getPfnForLfn( lfnPaths )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get PFNs for LFNs", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for lfnPath, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain PFN from LFN', '%s %s' % ( lfnPath, error ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain PFNs from LFNs' )
    lfnPfns = res['Value']['Successful']
    pfnLfns = {}
    for lfn, pfn in lfnPfns.items():
      pfnLfns[pfn] = lfn

    res = se.exists( pfnLfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to obtain existance of paths", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for lfnPath, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to determine existance of path', '%s %s' % ( lfnPath, error ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to determine existance of paths' )
    pathExists = res['Value']['Successful']
    resDict = {}
    for pfn, exists in pathExists.items():
      if exists:
        resDict[pfnLfns[pfn]] = pfn
    return S_OK( resDict )

  # This section contains the specific methods for obtaining replica and metadata information from the catalog

  def __getCatalogDirectoryContents( self, lfnDir ):
    """ Obtain the contents of the supplied directory
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the catalog contents for %s directories' % len( lfnDir ) )

    activeDirs = lfnDir
    allFiles = {}
    while len( activeDirs ) > 0:
      currentDir = activeDirs[0]
      res = self.fc.listDirectory( currentDir )
      activeDirs.remove( currentDir )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( 'Failed to get directory contents', res['Message'] )
        return res
      elif res['Value']['Failed'].has_key( currentDir ):
        gLogger.error( 'Failed to get directory contents', '%s %s' % ( currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir] ) )
        dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir]
        activeDirs.extend( dirContents['SubDirs'] )
        allFiles.update( dirContents['Files'] )

    zeroReplicaFiles = []
    zeroSizeFiles = []
    allReplicaDict = {}
    allMetadataDict = {}
    for lfn, lfnDict in allFiles.items():
      lfnReplicas = {}
      for se, replicaDict in lfnDict['Replicas'].items():
        lfnReplicas[se] = replicaDict['PFN']
      if not lfnReplicas:
        zeroReplicaFiles.append( lfn )
      allReplicaDict[lfn] = lfnReplicas
      allMetadataDict[lfn] = lfnDict['MetaData']
      if lfnDict['MetaData']['Size'] == 0:
        zeroSizeFiles.append( lfn )
    if zeroReplicaFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( zeroReplicaFiles, 'LFNZeroReplicas' )
    if zeroSizeFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( zeroSizeFiles, 'LFNZeroSize' )
    gLogger.info( 'Obtained at total of %s files for the supplied directories' % len( allMetadataDict ) )
    resDict = {'Metadata':allMetadataDict, 'Replicas':allReplicaDict}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def __getCatalogReplicas( self, lfns ):
    """ Obtain the file replicas from the catalog while checking that there are replicas
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the replicas for %s files' % len( lfns ) )

    zeroReplicaFiles = []
    res = self.fc.getReplicas( lfns, allStatus = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to get catalog replicas', res['Message'] )
      return res
    allReplicas = res['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      if re.search( 'File has zero replicas', error ):
        zeroReplicaFiles.append( lfn )
    if zeroReplicaFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( zeroReplicaFiles, 'LFNZeroReplicas' )
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the replicas for files complete' )
    return S_OK( allReplicas )

  def __getCatalogMetadata( self, lfns ):
    """ Obtain the file metadata from the catalog while checking they exist
    if not lfns:
      return S_OK( {} )
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the catalog metadata for %s files' % len( lfns ) )

    missingCatalogFiles = []
    zeroSizeFiles = []
    res = self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to get catalog metadata', res['Message'] )
      return res
    allMetadata = res['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      if re.search( 'No such file or directory', error ):
        missingCatalogFiles.append( lfn )
    if missingCatalogFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( missingCatalogFiles, 'LFNCatalogMissing' )
    for lfn, metadata in allMetadata.items():
      if metadata['Size'] == 0:
        zeroSizeFiles.append( lfn )
    if zeroSizeFiles:
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( zeroSizeFiles, 'LFNZeroSize' )
    gLogger.info( 'Obtaining the catalog metadata complete' )
    return S_OK( allMetadata )

  # This section contains the methods for inserting problematic files into the integrity DB

  def __reportProblematicFiles( self, lfns, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic """
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files were found with %s' % ( len( lfns ), reason ) )
    for lfn in sortList( lfns ):
      gLogger.info( lfn )
    res = self.setFileProblematic( lfns, reason, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with files', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with files' )

  def setFileProblematic( self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if type( lfn ) == types.ListType:
      lfns = lfn
    elif type( lfn ) == types.StringType:
      lfns = [lfn]
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files." % len( lfns ) )
    fileMetadata = {}
    for lfn in lfns:
      fileMetadata[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':'', 'SE':''}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, fileMetadata )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB" )
    return res

  def __reportProblematicReplicas( self, replicaTuple, se, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files had %s at %s' % ( len( replicaTuple ), reason, se ) )
    for lfn, pfn, se, reason in sortList( replicaTuple ):
      if lfn:
        gLogger.info( lfn )
        gLogger.info( pfn )
    res = self.setReplicaProblematic( replicaTuple, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with replicas', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas' )

  def setReplicaProblematic( self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if type( replicaTuple ) == types.TupleType:
      replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
    elif type( replicaTuple ) == types.ListType:
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas." % len( replicaTuple ) )
    replicaDict = {}
    for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
      replicaDict[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':pfn, 'SE':se}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB" )
      return res
    for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
      replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

    res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus( replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    successful = res['Value']['Successful']
    resDict = {'Successful':successful, 'Failed':failed}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

  def __updateCompletedFiles( self, prognosis, fileID ):
    gLogger.info( "%s file (%d) is resolved" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.setProblematicStatus( fileID, 'Resolved' )

  def __returnProblematicError( self, fileID, res ):
    self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
    gLogger.error( res['Message'] )
    return res

  def __getRegisteredPFNLFN( self, pfn, storageElement ):

    res = StorageElement( storageElement ).getPfnForProtocol( pfn, withPort = False )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to get registered PFN for physical files", res['Message'] )
      return res
    for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain registered PFN for physical file', '%s %s' % ( pfn, error ) )
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain registered PFNs from physical file' )
    registeredPFN = res['Value']['Successful'][pfn]
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getLFNForPFN( registeredPFN ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and re.search( 'No such file or directory', res['Message'] ):
      return S_OK( False )
    return S_OK( res['Value'] )

  def __updateReplicaToChecked( self, problematicDict ):
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
    prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
    problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.setReplicaStatus( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )

    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    gLogger.info( "%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( prognosis, fileID )

  def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( StorageElement( se ).getFileSize( pfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    bkKCatalog = FileCatalog( ['BookkeepingDB'] )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( bkKCatalog.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
    if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes." % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    if ( catalogSize == bookkeepingSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also" % fileID )
      res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      if len( res['Value'] ) <= 1:
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas." % fileID )
        return S_ERROR( "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica" )
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = self.dm.removeReplica( se, lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch', fileID )
    if ( catalogSize != bookkeepingSize ) and ( bookkeepingSize == storageSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size" % fileID )
      res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'BKCatalogSizeMismatch' )
    gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count" % fileID )
    return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )

  def resolvePFNNotRegistered( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    seName = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    se = StorageElement( seName )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if not res['Value']:
      # The file does not exist in the catalog
      res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( se.removeFile( pfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( se.getFileMetadata( pfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    elif not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageMetadata = res['Value']
    if storageMetadata['Lost']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNLost' )
    if storageMetadata['Unavailable']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count" % fileID )
      return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )

    # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
    site = seName.split( '_' )[0].split( '-' )[0]
    if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
      if lfn.endswith( '.raw' ):
        seName = '%s-RAW' % site
        seName = '%s-RDST' % site
    elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

    problematicDict['SE'] = seName
    res = se.getPfnForProtocol( pfn, withPort = False )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to obtain registered PFN for physical file', '%s %s' % ( pfn, error ) )
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain registered PFNs from physical file' )
    problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']['Successful'][pfn]

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.addReplica( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )

  def resolveLFNCatalogMissing( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the LFNCatalogMissing prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']:
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNCatalogMissing', fileID )
    # Remove the file from all catalogs
    # RF_NOTE : here I can do it because it's a single file, but otherwise I would need to sort the path
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.removeFile( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNCatalogMissing', fileID )

  def resolvePFNMissing( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNMissing prognosis
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing file (%d) no longer exists in catalog" % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( StorageElement( se ).exists( pfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer missing" % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist" % fileID )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn, allStatus = True ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    replicas = res['Value']
    seSite = se.split( '_' )[0].split( '-' )[0]
    found = False
    print replicas
    for replicaSE in replicas.keys():
      if re.search( seSite, replicaSE ):
        found = True
        problematicDict['SE'] = replicaSE
        se = replicaSE
    if not found:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer registered at SE. Resolved." % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )
    gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist. Removing from catalog..." % fileID )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.removeReplica( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if len( replicas ) == 1:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) had a single replica. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'LFNZeroReplicas' )
    res = self.dm.replicateAndRegister( problematicDict['LFN'], se )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )

  def resolvePFNUnavailable( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNUnavailable prognosis
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( StorageElement( se ).getFileMetadata( pfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      # The file is no longer Unavailable but has now dissapeared completely
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) or res['Value']['Unavailable']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to still be Unavailable" % fileID )
      return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
    if res['Value']['Lost']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is now found to be Lost. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNLost' )
    gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is no longer Unavailable" % fileID )
    # Need to make the replica okay in the Catalog
    return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )

  def resolvePFNZeroSize( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the PFNZeroSize prognosis
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    seName = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    se = StorageElement( seName )

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( se.getFileSize( pfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    if storageSize == 0:
      res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( se.removeFile( pfn ) )

      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) removed. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )
    res = self.__getRegisteredPFNLFN( pfn, seName )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    lfn = res['Value']
    if not lfn:
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) not registered in catalog. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNNotRegistered' )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )

    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']['Size']
    if catalogSize != storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) size found to differ from registered metadata. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNZeroSize', fileID )


  def resolveLFNZeroReplicas( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the LFNZeroReplicas prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn, allStatus = True ) )
    if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found to have replicas" % fileID )
      gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) does not have replicas. Checking storage..." % fileID )
      pfnsFound = False
      for storageElementName in sortList( gConfig.getValue( 'Resources/StorageElementGroups/Tier1_MC_M-DST', [] ) ):
        res = self.__getStoragePathExists( [lfn], storageElementName )
        if res['Value'].has_key( lfn ):
          gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found storage file at %s" % ( fileID, storageElementName ) )
          pfn = res['Value'][lfn]
          self.__reportProblematicReplicas( [( lfn, pfn, storageElementName, 'PFNNotRegistered' )], storageElementName, 'PFNNotRegistered' )
          pfnsFound = True
      if not pfnsFound:
        gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) did not have storage files. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.removeFile( lfn ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( res['Message'] )
          # Increment the number of retries for this file
          self.server.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
          return res
        gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) removed from catalog" % fileID )
    # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNZeroReplicas', fileID )
Exemplo n.º 10
  lfns = [inputFileName]

fc = FileCatalog()

replicaDict = {}
res = fc.getReplicas( lfns, allStatus = True )
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Failed to get catalog replicas.", res['Message'] )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )
lfnDict = {}
for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
  gLogger.error( "Failed to get replicas for file.", "%s:%s" % ( lfn, error ) )
for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
  if not storageElement in replicas.keys():
    gLogger.error( "LFN not registered at provided storage element." , "%s %s" % ( lfn, storageElement ) )
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'SE':storageElement, 'PFN':replicas[storageElement], 'Status':status}
if not lfnDict:
  gLogger.error( "No files found at the supplied storage element." )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )

res = fc.setReplicaStatus( lfnDict )
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Failed to set catalog replica status.", res['Message'] )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )
for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
  gLogger.error( "Failed to set replica status for file.", "%s:%s" % ( lfn, error ) )
gLogger.notice( "Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." % ( len( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ), storageElement ) )
DIRAC.exit( 0 )
Exemplo n.º 11
class DataIntegrityClient( Client ):

  The following methods are supported in the service but are not mentioned explicitly here:

             Obtains a problematic file from the IntegrityDB based on the LastUpdate time

            Obtains all the problematics of a particular prognosis from the integrityDB

            Obtains a count of the number of problematics for each prognosis found

            Obtains the distinct prognosis found in the integrityDB

            Obtains the problematics for a given production

            Increments the retry count for the supplied file ID

            Changes the prognosis of the supplied file to the new prognosis

            Updates the status of a problematic in the integrityDB

            This removes the specified file ID from the integrity DB

            Inserts file with supplied metadata into the integrity DB


  def __init__( self, **kwargs ):

    super( DataIntegrityClient, self ).__init__( **kwargs )
    self.setServer( 'DataManagement/DataIntegrity' )
    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

  def setFileProblematic( self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if isinstance( lfn, list ):
      lfns = lfn
    elif isinstance( lfn, basestring ):
      lfns = [lfn]
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files." % len( lfns ) )
    fileMetadata = {}
    for lfn in lfns:
      fileMetadata[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':'', 'SE':''}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, fileMetadata )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB" )
    return res

  def reportProblematicReplicas( self, replicaTuple, se, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files had %s at %s' % ( len( replicaTuple ), reason, se ) )
    for lfn, _pfn, se, reason in sorted( replicaTuple ):
      if lfn:
        gLogger.info( lfn )
    res = self.setReplicaProblematic( replicaTuple, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with replicas', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas' )

  def setReplicaProblematic( self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if isinstance( replicaTuple, tuple ):
      replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
    elif isinstance( replicaTuple, list ):
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas." % len( replicaTuple ) )
    replicaDict = {}
    for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
      replicaDict[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':pfn, 'SE':se}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB" )
      return res
    for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
      replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

    res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus( replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    successful = res['Value']['Successful']
    resDict = {'Successful':successful, 'Failed':failed}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

  def __updateCompletedFiles( self, prognosis, fileID ):
    gLogger.info( "%s file (%d) is resolved" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.setProblematicStatus( fileID, 'Resolved' )

  def __returnProblematicError( self, fileID, res ):
    self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
    gLogger.error( 'DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'] )
    return res

  def __updateReplicaToChecked( self, problematicDict ):
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
    prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
    problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.setReplicaStatus( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )

    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    gLogger.info( "%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( prognosis, fileID )

  def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']
    res = returnSingleResult( StorageElement( se ).getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    bkKCatalog = FileCatalog( ['BookkeepingDB'] )
    res = returnSingleResult( bkKCatalog.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
    if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes." % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    if catalogSize == bookkeepingSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also" % fileID )
      res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      if len( res['Value'] ) <= 1:
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas." % fileID )
        return S_ERROR( "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica" )
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = self.dm.removeReplica( se, lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch', fileID )
    if ( catalogSize != bookkeepingSize ) and ( bookkeepingSize == storageSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size" % fileID )
      res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'BKCatalogSizeMismatch' )
    gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count" % fileID )
    return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )


  def _reportProblematicFiles( self, lfns, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files were found with %s' % ( len( lfns ), reason ) )
    for lfn in sorted( lfns ):
      gLogger.info( lfn )
    res = self.setFileProblematic( lfns, reason, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with files', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with files' )
Exemplo n.º 12
if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
    inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
    string = inputFile.read()
    lfns = string.splitlines()
    lfns = [inputFileName]

res = catalog.getReplicas(lfns, True)
if not res['OK']:
replicas = res['Value']['Successful']

lfnDict = {}
for lfn in lfns:
    lfnDict[lfn] = {}
    lfnDict[lfn]['SE'] = se
    lfnDict[lfn]['Status'] = newStatus
    lfnDict[lfn]['PFN'] = replicas[lfn][se]

res = catalog.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
if not res['OK']:
    print("ERROR:", res['Message'])
if res['Value']['Failed']:
    print("Failed to update %d replica status" % len(res['Value']['Failed']))
if res['Value']['Successful']:
    print("Successfully updated %d replica status" %
Exemplo n.º 13
class DataIntegrityClient( Client ):

  The following methods are supported in the service but are not mentioned explicitly here:

             Obtains a problematic file from the IntegrityDB based on the LastUpdate time

            Obtains all the problematics of a particular prognosis from the integrityDB

            Obtains a count of the number of problematics for each prognosis found

            Obtains the distinct prognosis found in the integrityDB

            Obtains the problematics for a given production

            Increments the retry count for the supplied file ID

            Changes the prognosis of the supplied file to the new prognosis

            Updates the status of a problematic in the integrityDB

            This removes the specified file ID from the integrity DB

            Inserts file with supplied metadata into the integrity DB


  def __init__( self, **kwargs ):

    super(DataIntegrityClient, self).__init__( **kwargs )
    self.setServer( 'DataManagement/DataIntegrity' )
    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

  def setFileProblematic( self, lfn, reason, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the file in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        reason - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if isinstance( lfn, list ):
      lfns = lfn
    elif isinstance( lfn, basestring ):
      lfns = [lfn]
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Supplied file info must be list or a single LFN."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic: Attempting to update %s files." % len( lfns ) )
    fileMetadata = {}
    for lfn in lfns:
      fileMetadata[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':'', 'SE':''}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, fileMetadata )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematics to integrity DB" )
    return res

  def reportProblematicReplicas( self, replicaTuple, se, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setReplicaProblematic """
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files had %s at %s' % ( len( replicaTuple ), reason, se ) )
    for lfn, _pfn, se, reason in sorted( replicaTuple ):
      if lfn:
        gLogger.info( lfn )
    res = self.setReplicaProblematic( replicaTuple, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with replicas', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with replicas' )

  def setReplicaProblematic( self, replicaTuple, sourceComponent = '' ):
    """ This method updates the status of the replica in the FileCatalog and the IntegrityDB
        The supplied replicaDict should be of the form {lfn :{'PFN':pfn,'SE':se,'Prognosis':prognosis}

        lfn - the lfn of the file
        pfn - the pfn if available (otherwise '')
        se - the storage element of the problematic replica (otherwise '')
        prognosis - this is given to the integrity DB and should reflect the problem observed with the file

        sourceComponent is the component issuing the request.
    if isinstance( replicaTuple, tuple ):
      replicaTuple = [replicaTuple]
    elif isinstance( replicaTuple, list ):
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Supplied replica info must be a tuple or list of tuples."
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    gLogger.info( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Attempting to update %s replicas." % len( replicaTuple ) )
    replicaDict = {}
    for lfn, pfn, se, reason in replicaTuple:
      replicaDict[lfn] = {'Prognosis':reason, 'LFN':lfn, 'PFN':pfn, 'SE':se}
    res = self.insertProblematic( sourceComponent, replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Failed to insert problematic to integrity DB" )
      return res
    for lfn in replicaDict.keys():
      replicaDict[lfn]['Status'] = 'Problematic'

    res = self.fc.setReplicaStatus( replicaDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "DataIntegrityClient.setReplicaProblematic: Completely failed to update replicas."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    successful = res['Value']['Successful']
    resDict = {'Successful':successful, 'Failed':failed}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  # This section contains the resolution methods for various prognoses

  def __updateCompletedFiles( self, prognosis, fileID ):
    gLogger.info( "%s file (%d) is resolved" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.setProblematicStatus( fileID, 'Resolved' )

  def __returnProblematicError( self, fileID, res ):
    self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
    gLogger.error( 'DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'] )
    return res

  def __updateReplicaToChecked( self, problematicDict ):
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']
    prognosis = problematicDict['Prognosis']
    problematicDict['Status'] = 'Checked'

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.setReplicaStatus( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )

    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    gLogger.info( "%s replica (%d) is updated to Checked status" % ( prognosis, fileID ) )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( prognosis, fileID )

  def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']
    res = returnSingleResult( StorageElement( se ).getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    bkKCatalog = FileCatalog( ['BookkeepingDB'] )
    res = returnSingleResult( bkKCatalog.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
    if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes." % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    if catalogSize == bookkeepingSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also" % fileID )
      res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      if len( res['Value'] ) <= 1:
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas." % fileID )
        return S_ERROR( "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica" )
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = self.dm.removeReplica( se, lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch', fileID )
    if ( catalogSize != bookkeepingSize ) and ( bookkeepingSize == storageSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size" % fileID )
      res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'BKCatalogSizeMismatch' )
    gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count" % fileID )
    return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )

  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolvePFNNotRegistered( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    seName = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    se = StorageElement( seName )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if not res['Value']:
      # The file does not exist in the catalog
      res = returnSingleResult( se.removeFile( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    res = returnSingleResult( se.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    elif not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageMetadata = res['Value']
    if storageMetadata['Lost']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNLost' )
    if storageMetadata['Unavailable']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count" % fileID )
      return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )

    # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
    site = seName.split( '_' )[0].split( '-' )[0]
    if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
      if lfn.endswith( '.raw' ):
        seName = '%s-RAW' % site
        seName = '%s-RDST' % site
    elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

    problematicDict['SE'] = seName
    res = returnSingleResult( se.getURL( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )

    problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.addReplica( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )

  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolveLFNCatalogMissing( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the LFNCatalogMissing prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']:
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNCatalogMissing', fileID )
    # Remove the file from all catalogs
    # RF_NOTE : here I can do it because it's a single file, but otherwise I would need to sort the path
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.removeFile( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNCatalogMissing', fileID )

  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolvePFNMissing( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNMissing prognosis
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing file (%d) no longer exists in catalog" % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )

    res = returnSingleResult( StorageElement( se ).exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer missing" % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist" % fileID )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn, allStatus = True ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    replicas = res['Value']
    seSite = se.split( '_' )[0].split( '-' )[0]
    found = False
    print replicas
    for replicaSE in replicas.keys():
      if re.search( seSite, replicaSE ):
        found = True
        problematicDict['SE'] = replicaSE
        se = replicaSE
    if not found:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) is no longer registered at SE. Resolved." % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )
    gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) does not exist. Removing from catalog..." % fileID )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.removeReplica( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if len( replicas ) == 1:
      gLogger.info( "PFNMissing replica (%d) had a single replica. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'LFNZeroReplicas' )
    res = self.dm.replicateAndRegister( problematicDict['LFN'], se )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNMissing', fileID )

  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolvePFNUnavailable( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNUnavailable prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( StorageElement( se ).getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      # The file is no longer Unavailable but has now dissapeared completely
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) or res['Value']['Unavailable']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) found to still be Unavailable" % fileID )
      return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
    if res['Value']['Lost']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is now found to be Lost. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNLost' )
    gLogger.info( "PFNUnavailable replica (%d) is no longer Unavailable" % fileID )
    # Need to make the replica okay in the Catalog
    return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )

  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolvePFNZeroSize( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the PFNZeroSize prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    seName = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    se = StorageElement( seName )

    res = returnSingleResult( se.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( re.search( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ):
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) found to be missing. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    if storageSize == 0:
      res = returnSingleResult( se.removeFile( lfn ) )

      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) removed. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNMissing' )

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if seName not in res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) not registered in catalog. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNNotRegistered' )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )

    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']['Size']
    if catalogSize != storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "PFNZeroSize replica (%d) size found to differ from registered metadata. Updating prognosis" % problematicDict['FileID'] )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNZeroSize', fileID )


  #FIXME: Unused?
  def resolveLFNZeroReplicas( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolves the LFNZeroReplicas prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn, allStatus = True ) )
    if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found to have replicas" % fileID )
      gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) does not have replicas. Checking storage..." % fileID )
      pfnsFound = False
      for storageElementName in sorted( gConfig.getValue( 'Resources/StorageElementGroups/Tier1_MC_M-DST', [] ) ):
        res = self.__getStoragePathExists( [lfn], storageElementName )
        if lfn in res['Value']:
          gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) found storage file at %s" % ( fileID, storageElementName ) )
          self.reportProblematicReplicas( [( lfn, 'deprecatedUrl', storageElementName, 'PFNNotRegistered' )], storageElementName, 'PFNNotRegistered' )
          pfnsFound = True
      if not pfnsFound:
        gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) did not have storage files. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.removeFile( lfn ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.error( 'DataIntegrityClient: failed to remove file', res['Message'] )
          # Increment the number of retries for this file
          self.server.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
          return res
        gLogger.info( "LFNZeroReplicas file (%d) removed from catalog" % fileID )
    # If we get here the problem is solved so we can update the integrityDB
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'LFNZeroReplicas', fileID )

  def _reportProblematicFiles( self, lfns, reason ):
    """ Simple wrapper function around setFileProblematic
    gLogger.info( 'The following %s files were found with %s' % ( len( lfns ), reason ) )
    for lfn in sorted( lfns ):
      gLogger.info( lfn )
    res = self.setFileProblematic( lfns, reason, sourceComponent = 'DataIntegrityClient' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( 'Failed to update integrity DB with files', res['Message'] )
      gLogger.info( 'Successfully updated integrity DB with files' )
  newStatus = args[2]

if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
  inputFile = open(inputFileName,'r')
  string = inputFile.read()
  lfns = string.splitlines()
  lfns = [inputFileName]

res = catalog.getReplicas( lfns, True )
if not res['OK']:
  print res['Message']
  DIRACExit( -1 )
replicas = res['Value']['Successful']

lfnDict = {}
for lfn in lfns:
  lfnDict[lfn] = {}
  lfnDict[lfn]['SE'] = se
  lfnDict[lfn]['Status'] = newStatus
  lfnDict[lfn]['PFN'] = replicas[lfn][se]

res = catalog.setReplicaStatus( lfnDict )
if not res['OK']:
  print "ERROR:",res['Message']
if res['Value']['Failed']:
  print "Failed to update %d replica status" % len(res['Value']['Failed'])
if res['Value']['Successful']:
  print "Successfully updated %d replica status" % len(res['Value']['Successful'])