Exemplo n.º 1
def getDIRACGOCDictionary():
    Create a dictionary containing DIRAC site names and GOCDB site names
    using a configuration provided by CS.

    :return:  A dictionary of DIRAC site names (key) and GOCDB site names (value).

    log = gLogger.getSubLogger("getDIRACGOCDictionary")
    log.debug("Begin function ...")

    result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree("/Resources/Sites", "Name")
    if not result["OK"]:
        log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" %
        return S_ERROR("Configuration is corrupted")
    siteNamesTree = result["Value"]

    dictionary = dict()
    PATHELEMENTS = 6  # site names have 6 elements in the path, i.e.:
    #    /Resource/Sites/<GRID NAME>/<DIRAC SITE NAME>/Name
    # [0]/[1]     /[2]  /[3]        /[4]              /[5]

    for path, gocdbSiteName in siteNamesTree.items():  # can be an iterator
        elements = path.split("/")
        if len(elements) != PATHELEMENTS:

        diracSiteName = elements[PATHELEMENTS - 2]
        dictionary[diracSiteName] = gocdbSiteName

    log.debug("End function.")
    return S_OK(dictionary)
def getDIRACGOCDictionary():
  Create a dictionary containing DIRAC site names and GOCDB site names
  using a configuration provided by CS.

  :return:  A dictionary of DIRAC site names (key) and GOCDB site names (value).
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'getDIRACGOCDictionary' )
  log.debug( 'Begin function ...' )

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree( '/Resources/Sites', 'Name' )
  if not result['OK']:
    log.error( "getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'] )
    return S_ERROR( 'Configuration is corrupted' )
  siteNamesTree = result['Value']

  dictionary = dict()
  PATHELEMENTS = 6  # site names have 6 elements in the path, i.e.:
                      #    /Resource/Sites/<GRID NAME>/<DIRAC SITE NAME>/Name
                      # [0]/[1]     /[2]  /[3]        /[4]              /[5]

  for path, gocdbSiteName in siteNamesTree.iteritems():
    elements = path.split( '/' )
    if len( elements ) <> PATHELEMENTS:

    diracSiteName = elements[PATHELEMENTS - 2]
    dictionary[diracSiteName] = gocdbSiteName
  log.debug( 'End function.' )
  return S_OK( dictionary )
Exemplo n.º 3
def getDIRACGOCDictionary():
  Create a dictionary containing DIRAC site names and GOCDB site names
  using a configuration provided by CS.

  :return:  A dictionary of DIRAC site names (key) and GOCDB site names (value).

  log = gLogger.getSubLogger('getDIRACGOCDictionary')
  log.debug('Begin function ...')

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree('/Resources/Sites', 'Name')
  if not result['OK']:
    log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
    return S_ERROR('Configuration is corrupted')
  siteNamesTree = result['Value']

  dictionary = dict()
  PATHELEMENTS = 6  # site names have 6 elements in the path, i.e.:
  #    /Resource/Sites/<GRID NAME>/<DIRAC SITE NAME>/Name
  # [0]/[1]     /[2]  /[3]        /[4]              /[5]

  for path, gocdbSiteName in siteNamesTree.iteritems():
    elements = path.split('/')
    if len(elements) != PATHELEMENTS:

    diracSiteName = elements[PATHELEMENTS - 2]
    dictionary[diracSiteName] = gocdbSiteName

  log.debug('End function.')
  return S_OK(dictionary)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getMQParamsFromCS(mqURI):
    """Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.

      mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
                e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queues::MyQueue1
      mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
      S_OK(param_dicts) or S_ERROR
    # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
    csAPI = CSAPI()

        mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split("::")
    except ValueError:
        return S_ERROR("Bad format of mqURI address:%s" % (mqURI))

    result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree("/Resources/MQServices", mqService,
                                          mqType, mqName)
    if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
        return S_ERROR(
            "Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s" %
            (mqService, mqType, mqName))
    mqDestinationPath = None
    for path, value in result["Value"].items():
        if not value and path.endswith(mqName):
            mqDestinationPath = path

    # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
    tmp = mqDestinationPath.split("Queues")[0].split("Topics")
    servicePath = tmp[0]
    serviceDict = {}
    if len(tmp) > 1:
        serviceDict["Topic"] = mqName
        serviceDict["Queue"] = mqName

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(servicePath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(mqDestinationPath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    return S_OK(serviceDict)
Exemplo n.º 5
def getInfoAboutProviders(of=None, providerName=None, option='', section=''):
    """ Get the information about providers

      :param str of: provider of what(Id, Proxy or etc.) need to look,
             None, "all" to get list of instance of what this providers
      :param str providerName: provider name,
             None, "all" to get list of providers names
      :param str option: option name that need to get,
             None, "all" to get all options in a section
      :param str section: section path in root section of provider,
             "all" to get options in all sections

      :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR()
    if not of or of == "all":
        result = gConfig.getSections(gBaseResourcesSection)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return S_OK([i.replace('Providers', '') for i in result['Value']])
    if not providerName or providerName == "all":
        return gConfig.getSections('%s/%sProviders' %
                                   (gBaseResourcesSection, of))
    if not option or option == 'all':
        if not section:
            return gConfig.getOptionsDict(
                "%s/%sProviders/%s" %
                (gBaseResourcesSection, of, providerName))
        elif section == "all":
            resDict = {}
            relPath = "%s/%sProviders/%s/" % (gBaseResourcesSection, of,
            result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree(relPath)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            for key, value in result['Value'].items():  # can be an iterator
                if value:
                    resDict[key.replace(relPath, '')] = value
            return S_OK(resDict)
            return gConfig.getSections(
                '%s/%sProviders/%s/%s/' %
                (gBaseResourcesSection, of, providerName, section))
        return S_OK(
                '%s/%sProviders/%s/%s/%s' %
                (gBaseResourcesSection, of, providerName, section, option)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def getMQParamsFromCS( mqURI ):
  """ Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.
    mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
              e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queue::MyQueue1
    mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
  # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
  csAPI = CSAPI()

  try :
    mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split( "::" )
  except ValueError:
    return S_ERROR( 'Bad format of mqURI address:%s' % ( mqURI ) )

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree( '/Resources/MQServices', mqService, mqType, mqName )
  if not result['OK'] or len( result['Value'] ) == 0:
    return S_ERROR( 'Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s' % ( mqService, mqType, mqName ) )
  mqDestinationPath = None
  for path, value in result['Value'].iteritems():
    if not value and path.endswith( mqName ):
      mqDestinationPath = path

  # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
  tmp = mqDestinationPath.split( 'Queue' )[0].split( 'Topic' )
  servicePath = tmp[0]
  serviceDict = {}
  if len( tmp ) > 1:
    serviceDict['Topic'] = mqName
    serviceDict['Queue'] = mqName

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( servicePath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( mqDestinationPath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )
  return S_OK( serviceDict )
Exemplo n.º 7
    result = nAuth.getProxyWithToken(aToken)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    result = Script.enableCS()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Cannot contact CS to get user list")
    return S_OK(self.__piParams.proxyLoc)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  piParams = Params()

  DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "False")

  pI = ProxyInit(piParams)
  resultDoMagic = pI.doOAuthMagic()
  if not resultDoMagic['OK']:

