Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        Implements the Bayesian Linear Regression based on 
        Data set "Data.txt" by using multiple proposal quasi MCMC with 
        Importance Sampling (IS-MP-QMCMC)
        d               - int 
                        dimension of posterior    
        alpha           - float
                        Standard deviation for Observation noise
        x0              - array_like
                        d-dimensional array; starting value
        N               - int 
                        number of proposals per iteration
        StepSize        - float 
                        step size for proposed jump in mean
        CovScaling      - float 
                        scaling of proposal covariance
        PowerOfTwo      - int
                        defines size S of seed by S=2**PowerOfTwo-1
        Stream          - string
                        either 'cud' or 'iid'; defining what seed is used

        # Generate Data #

        Data = DataGen(alpha, d)
        X = Data.GetDesignMatrix()
        Obs = Data.GetObservations()
        NumOfSamples = Data.GetNumOfSamples()

        # Choose stream for Markoc Chain #

        xs = SeedGen(d + 1, PowerOfTwo, Stream)

        # Compute prior and likelihood quantities #

        # Compute covariance of g-prior
        g = 1. / NumOfSamples
        sigmaSq = 1. / alpha
        G_prior = sigmaSq / g * np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T, X))
        InvG_prior = np.linalg.inv(G_prior)

        # Fisher Information as constant metric tensor
        FisherInfo = InvG_prior + alpha * np.dot(X.T, X)
        InvFisherInfo = np.linalg.inv(FisherInfo)

        # Initialisation #

        # List of samples to be collected
        self.xVals = list()

        # Iteration number
        #        NumOfIter = int(int((2**PowerOfTwo-1)/d)*d/(N+1))
        NumOfIter = int(int((2**PowerOfTwo - 1) / (d + 1)) * (d + 1) / (N + 1))

        print('Total number of Iterations = ', NumOfIter)

        # set up acceptance rate array
        self.AcceptVals = list()

        # initialise
        xI = self.xVals[0]
        I = 0

        # Weighted Sum and Covariance Arrays
        self.WeightedSum = np.zeros((NumOfIter, d))

        # Start Simulation #

        for n in range(NumOfIter):

            # Generate proposals #

            # Load stream of points in [0,1]^d
            #            U = xs[n*(N+1):(n+1)*(N+1),:]
            U = xs[n * (N):(n + 1) * (N), :]

            # Compute proposal mean according to Langevin
            GradLog_xI = -np.dot(InvG_prior, xI) + alpha * np.dot(
                X.T, (Obs - np.dot(X, xI)))
            Mean_xI = xI + StepSize**2 / 2. * np.dot(InvFisherInfo, GradLog_xI)

            # Generate auxiliary proposal state according to MALA
            # (facilitates computation of proposing probabilities)
            z = Mean_xI + np.dot(norm.ppf(U[0,:d], loc=np.zeros(d), scale=1.), \

            # Compute mean of auxiliary proposal state according to MALA
            GradLog_z = -np.dot(InvG_prior, z) + alpha * np.dot(
                X.T, (Obs - np.dot(X, z)))
            Mean_z = z + StepSize**2 / 2. * np.dot(InvFisherInfo, GradLog_z)

            # Generate proposals via inverse CDF transformation
            y = Mean_z + np.dot(norm.ppf(U[1:,:d], loc=np.zeros(d), scale=1.), \

            # Add current state xI to proposals
            Proposals = np.insert(y, I, xI, axis=0)

            # Compute probability ratios = weights of IS-estimator #

            # Compute Log-posterior probabilities
            LogPriors = -0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(Proposals, InvG_prior),
                                          0)  # Zellner's g-prior
            fs = np.dot(X, Proposals.T)
            LogLikelihoods = -0.5 * alpha * np.dot(Obs - fs.T,
                                                   (Obs - fs.T).T).diagonal(0)
            LogPosteriors = LogPriors + LogLikelihoods

            # Compute Log of transition probabilities
            GradLog_states = - np.dot(InvG_prior,Proposals.T) \
                             + alpha * np.dot(X.T, (Obs - np.dot(X, Proposals.T).T).T)
            Mean_Proposals = Proposals + StepSize**2 / 2. * np.dot(
                InvFisherInfo, GradLog_states).T
            LogKiz = -0.5*np.dot(np.dot(Mean_Proposals-z, FisherInfo/(CovScaling**2)), \
                                 (Mean_Proposals - z).T).diagonal(0) # from any state to z
            LogKzi = -0.5*np.dot(np.dot(Proposals-Mean_z, FisherInfo/(CovScaling**2)), \
                                 (Proposals - Mean_z).T).diagonal(0) # from z to any state
            LogKs = LogKiz + np.sum(LogKzi) - LogKzi

            # Compute weights
            LogPstates = LogPosteriors + LogKs
            Sorted_LogPstates = np.sort(LogPstates)
            LogPstates = LogPstates - (Sorted_LogPstates[0] + \
                    np.log(1 + np.sum(np.exp(Sorted_LogPstates[1:] - Sorted_LogPstates[0]))))
            Pstates = np.exp(LogPstates)

            # Compute IS-estimate #

            # Compute weighted sum as posterior mean estimate
            WeightedStates = np.tile(Pstates, (d, 1)) * Proposals.T
            self.WeightedSum[n, :] = np.sum(WeightedStates, axis=1).copy()

            # Sample according to IS-weights #

            # Sample N new states
            # Replace Is sampling with QMC sampling step
            PstatesSum = np.cumsum(Pstates)
            Is = np.searchsorted(PstatesSum, U[:, d:].flatten())

            xvals_new = Proposals[Is]

            # Compute approximate acceptance rate
            AcceptValsNew = 1. - Pstates[Is]

            # Update current state
            I = Is[-1]  #rv_discrete(values=(range(N+1),Pstates)).rvs(size=1)
            xI = Proposals[I, :]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, d, alpha, x0, N, StepSize, PowerOfTwo, \
                 InitMean, InitCov, Stream, WeightIn=0):
        Implements the Bayesian Linear Regression based on 
        Data set "Data.txt" by using multiple proposal quasi MCMC with 
        Importance Sampling (IS-MP-QMCMC)
        d               - int 
                        dimension of posterior    
        alpha           - float
                        Standard deviation for Observation noise
        x0              - array_like
                        d-dimensional array; starting value
        N               - int 
                        number of proposals per iteration
        StepSize        - float 
                        step size for proposed jump in mean
        CovScaling      - float 
                        scaling of proposal covariance
        PowerOfTwo      - int
                        defines size S of seed by S=2**PowerOfTwo-1
        Stream          - string
                        either 'cud' or 'iid'; defining what seed is used
        # Generate Data #
        Data            = DataGen(alpha, d)
        X               = Data.GetDesignMatrix()
        Obs             = Data.GetObservations()
        NumOfSamples    = Data.GetNumOfSamples()
        # Choose stream for Markoc Chain #
        xs = SeedGen(d+1, PowerOfTwo, Stream)
        # Compute prior and likelihood quantities #
        # Compute covariance of g-prior
        g = 1./NumOfSamples
        sigmaSq = 1./alpha
        G_prior = sigmaSq / g * np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T,X))
        InvG_prior = np.linalg.inv(G_prior)
        # Initialisation #
        # List of samples to be collected
        self.xVals = list()
        # Iteration number
        NumOfIter = int(int((2**PowerOfTwo-1)/(d+1))*(d+1)/(N))
        print ('Total number of Iterations = ', NumOfIter)
        # set up acceptance rate array
        self.AcceptVals = list()
        # initialise
        xI = self.xVals[0]
        I = 0
        # Number of iterations used for initial approximated posterior mean
        M = int(WeightIn/N)+1        
        # Weighted Sum and Covariance Arrays
        self.WeightedSum = np.zeros((NumOfIter+M,d))
        self.WeightedCov = np.zeros((NumOfIter+M,d,d)) 
        self.WeightedFunSum = np.zeros((NumOfIter+M,d))
        self.WeightedSum[0:M,:] = InitMean
        self.WeightedCov[0:M,:] = InitCov 

        # Approximate Posterior Mean and Covariance as initial estimates
        self.ApprPostMean = InitMean
        self.ApprPostCov = InitCov        

        # Cholesky decomposition of initial Approximate Posterior Covariance
        CholApprPostCov = np.linalg.cholesky(self.ApprPostCov)
        InvApprPostCov = np.linalg.inv(self.ApprPostCov)
        # Start Simulation #
        for n in range(NumOfIter):
            # Generate proposals #
            # Load stream of points in [0,1]^d
            U = xs[n*(N):(n+1)*(N),:]
            # Sample new proposed States according to multivariate t-distribution               
            y = self.ApprPostMean + np.dot(norm.ppf(U[:,:d], loc=np.zeros(d), \
                                                    scale=StepSize), CholApprPostCov)
            # Add current state xI to proposals    
            Proposals = np.insert(y, 0, xI, axis=0)
            # Compute probability ratios = weights of IS-estimator #
            # Compute Log-posterior probabilities
            LogPriors = -0.5*np.dot(np.dot(Proposals, InvG_prior), Proposals.T).diagonal(0) # Zellner's g-prior
            fs = np.dot(X,Proposals.T)
            LogLikelihoods  = -0.5*alpha*np.dot(Obs-fs.T, (Obs-fs.T).T).diagonal(0)
            LogPosteriors   = LogPriors + LogLikelihoods
            # Compute Log of transition probabilities
            LogK_ni = -0.5*np.dot(np.dot(Proposals-self.ApprPostMean, InvApprPostCov/(StepSize**2)), \
                                 (Proposals - self.ApprPostMean).T).diagonal(0)
            LogKs = np.sum(LogK_ni) - LogK_ni # from any state to all others

            # Compute weights
            LogPstates = LogPosteriors + LogKs
            Sorted_LogPstates = np.sort(LogPstates)
            LogPstates = LogPstates - (Sorted_LogPstates[0] + \
                    np.log(1 + np.sum(np.exp(Sorted_LogPstates[1:] - Sorted_LogPstates[0]))))
            Pstates = np.exp(LogPstates)
            # Compute IS-estimate #
            # Compute weighted sum as posterior mean estimate
            WeightedStates = np.tile(Pstates, (d,1)) * Proposals.T
            self.WeightedSum[n+M,:] = np.sum(WeightedStates, axis=1).copy()

            # Update Approximate Posterior Mean
            self.ApprPostMean = np.mean(self.WeightedSum[:n+M+1,:], axis=0) 

            # Compute weighted sum as posterior covariance estimate
            B1 = (Proposals - self.ApprPostMean).reshape(N+1,d,1) 
            B2 = np.transpose(B1,(0,2,1)) 
            A = np.matmul(B1, B2)
            self.WeightedCov[n+M,:,:] = np.sum((np.tile(Pstates, (d,d,1)) * A.T).T, axis=0)

            InvApprPostCov = np.linalg.inv(self.ApprPostCov)

            if n> 2*d/N: # makes sure NumOfSamples > d for covariance estimate
                self.ApprPostCov = np.mean(self.WeightedCov[:n+M+1,:,:], axis=0)
                CholApprPostCov = np.linalg.cholesky(self.ApprPostCov)
                InvApprPostCov = np.linalg.inv(self.ApprPostCov)
            # Sample according to IS-weights #
            # Sample N new states 
            PstatesSum = np.cumsum(Pstates)
            Is = np.searchsorted(PstatesSum, U[:,d:].flatten())
            xvals_new = Proposals[Is]
            # Compute approximate acceptance rate
            AcceptValsNew = 1. - Pstates[Is]
            # Update current state
            I = Is[-1]
            xI = Proposals[I,:]
Exemplo n.º 3
    # Proposal step size
    StepSize = np.sqrt(2)
    # Proposal covariance scaling
    CovScaling = 1
    # Dimension
    d = 1
    # Obervation noise scaling
    alpha = 0.5

    # Generate Data #

    Data = DataGen(alpha, d)
    X = Data.GetDesignMatrix()
    Obs = Data.GetObservations()
    NumOfSamples = Data.GetNumOfSamples()

    # Compute prior, likelihood and posterior quantities #

    # Compute covariance of g-prior
    g = 1. / NumOfSamples
    sigmaSq = 1. / alpha
    G_prior = sigmaSq / g * np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T, X))
    InvG_prior = np.linalg.inv(G_prior)
    Lambda0 = sigmaSq * InvG_prior

    # Fisher Information as constant metric tensor
    FisherInfo = InvG_prior + alpha * np.dot(X.T, X)