Exemplo n.º 1
# loop through the location:url from the bookkeeping.json file
for location, urlLink in jsonData.items():

    wPost = Posting()  # create posting
    wDict = Dictionary()  # create dictionary

    fileName = "/WEBPAGES_RAW/" + location  # generate a new location
    data = File(
        fileName).readText()  # looking to the file and return html text

    parser = DataParser(data)  # create a parser class
    parser.processData()  #process the given data

    visibleText = parser.getProcessTexts(
    )  # get all the visibletext in the document

    wordList = Tokenize(visibleText).extractToken()  #extra all the text
        wordList)  #add the word, word's frequency, word's position to Posting
    parser.updatePostingTagScore(wPost)  # update the tag score of the Posting

    # Dictionary class will extract information from the Posting as well as update term id for Posting

    totalWordCount = wPost.counter  # the total Number of word found in document
    numOfUniqueTerm = wPost.uniqueTerm  # total number of unique term found in document

    wDict.updateDictionaryDB()  # update the dictionary Table
    docID = Location(
        location, urlLink, numOfUniqueTerm, parser.getTitleTagContent(),